.. _filemd5-listing:
Filemd5 and white or black listing with MD5 hashes
This guide will show you how to set up a white/black MD5 listing using latest Suricata on Ubuntu LTS 12.04 64 bit
and a file containing 87 million MD5s - white list.
In this set up we had/did the following :
1. A Suricata installation with :doc:`md5` enabled.
2. We start Suricata with about 4.5K rules and the MD5 white list file containing 87 million MD5 entries.
3. We have a 9.5Gb of traffic.
4. We have the following set up:
CPU: One Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 0 @ 2.70GHz (16 cores counting Hyperthreading)
Memory: 32Gb
capture NIC: Intel 82599EB 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+
You need to get the white list file containing MD5s from here - http://www.nsrl.nist.gov/Downloads.htm
This is an official database containing SHA-1 and MD5s for files that are " traceable ".
For example after you download and unzip (I used the Combo DVD link) you would get a file like so:
The file contains 87 million entries/lines, each line having
of a traceable file.
You can use the Linux "cut" utility to make this file into only a MD5 file - have only the MD5 check sums (second row) - which is what we need.
Here is what you can do:
Download the ComboDVD - http://www.nsrl.nist.gov/RDS/rds_2.47/RDS_247.iso
unzip/tar, then
cat NSRFile.txt | more
would be able to see the beginning of the file and get an idea of what does it contain.(shown above)
**NOTE – this is a 10GB file, make sure you have the space!**
the MD5 column ... should start with "MD5"
sudo cut -d'"' -f4 NSRFile.txt >> MD5.txt
and you have only MD5s ...but still with "MD5" on top
sed -i '1d' MD5.txt
wait for a while
check the file
wc -l MD5.txt
wait for about 2-3 min
should be about 87Mil something md5s , one per line
You can also import the file into a MySQL database, if you would like:
mysql> create user 'filejson'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD123';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql>create database filejsondb;
mysql> grant all privileges on filejsondb.* to 'filejson'@'localhost' with grant option;
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> use filejsondb;
CREATE TABLE MD5(md5_whitelist VARCHAR(32));
The trick here for the import is that **the table name and the file name MUST be the same** - aka MySQL table "MD5" and the file is called MD5.txt!
sudo mysqlimport -u root -p --local filejsondb MD5.txt
Where "filejsondb" is the name of the database.
So , here is how we did it ....
pevman@suricata:~$ ls -lh /etc/suricata/et-config/MD5_NSRFile.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.7G Aug 29 00:35 /etc/suricata/et-config/MD5_NSRFile.txt
pevman@suricata:~$ wc -l /etc/suricata/et-config/MD5_NSRFile.txt
87345542 /etc/suricata/et-config/MD5_NSRFile.txt
pevman@suricata:~$ sudo tcpstat -i eth3
Time:1346241952 n=6664547 avg=898.01 stddev=757.68 bps=9575769952.00
Time:1346241957 n=6670750 avg=897.22 stddev=754.07 bps=9576254160.00
Time:1346241962 n=6626520 avg=903.62 stddev=747.26 bps=9580577822.40
Time:1346241967 n=6685956 avg=895.15 stddev=749.34 bps=9575883715.20
Time:1346241972 n=6712481 avg=891.53 stddev=747.34 bps=9575027134.40
Time:1346241977 n=6696189 avg=893.82 stddev=746.62 bps=9576294273.60
Time:1346241982 n=6681826 avg=895.75 stddev=749.67 bps=9576376033.60
pevman@suricata:~$ suricata --build-info
[2746] 29/8/2012 -- 15:07:25 - (suricata.c:539) <Info> (SCPrintBuildInfo) -- This is Suricata version 1.4dev (rev 75af345)
[2746] 29/8/2012 -- 15:07:25 - (suricata.c:626) <Info> (SCPrintBuildInfo) -- 64-bits, Little-endian architecture
[2746] 29/8/2012 -- 15:07:25 - (suricata.c:628) <Info> (SCPrintBuildInfo) -- GCC version 4.6.3, C version 199901
[2746] 29/8/2012 -- 15:07:25 - (suricata.c:634) <Info> (SCPrintBuildInfo) -- __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_1
[2746] 29/8/2012 -- 15:07:25 - (suricata.c:637) <Info> (SCPrintBuildInfo) -- __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_2
[2746] 29/8/2012 -- 15:07:25 - (suricata.c:640) <Info> (SCPrintBuildInfo) -- __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4
[2746] 29/8/2012 -- 15:07:25 - (suricata.c:643) <Info> (SCPrintBuildInfo) -- __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_8
[2746] 29/8/2012 -- 15:07:25 - (suricata.c:646) <Info> (SCPrintBuildInfo) -- __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_16
[2746] 29/8/2012 -- 15:07:25 - (suricata.c:650) <Info> (SCPrintBuildInfo) -- compiled with -fstack-protector
[2746] 29/8/2012 -- 15:07:25 - (suricata.c:656) <Info> (SCPrintBuildInfo) -- compiled with _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
During Suricata start up :
[3071] 29/8/2012 -- 15:23:45 - (detect.c:670) <Info> (SigLoadSignatures) -- Loading rule file: /var/data/peter/md5test.rules
[3071] 29/8/2012 -- 15:23:45 - (detect-filemd5.c:105) <Error> (Md5ReadString) -- [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_INVALID_MD5(214)] - md5 string not 32 bytes
[3071] 29/8/2012 -- 15:24:25 - (detect-filemd5.c:277) <Info> (DetectFileMd5Parse) -- MD5 hash size 1399625840 bytes, negated match
[3071] 29/8/2012 -- 15:24:25 - (detect.c:701) <Info> (SigLoadSignatures) -- 5 rule files processed. 4641 rules succesfully loaded, 0 rules failed
You will get the
[ERRCODE: SC_ERR_INVALID_MD5(214)] - md5 string not 32 bytes
if a line of the file is not containing a proper MD5 hash.
For example above we get the err message (which is more of a warning) because in the file , the first line was containing:
However , nonetheless Suricata will continue loading the rest of the MD5 hashes from the file. REMEMBER - you would need put only the MD5 hashes in the file.
Then we just created the following test rules:
root@suricata:/etc/suricata/peter-yaml# cat /var/data/peter/md5test.rules
alert http any any -> any any (msg:"FILE MD5 Check PDF against a white list"; filemagic:"pdf"; filemd5:!MD5_NSRFile.txt; sid:9966699; rev:1;)
alert http any any -> any any (msg:"FILE MD5 Check EXE against a white list"; filemagic:"exe"; filemd5:!MD5_NSRFile.txt; sid:9977799; rev:2;)
Make sure the **MD5_NSRFile.txt** file (containing the MD5 hashes) is in your "rules directory" (where you load the rules from).
Basically the two rules above are telling Suricata to do the following:
1. If you see a PDF document that has a MD5 hash NOT in the MD5_NSRFile.txt - generate an alert
2. If you see an EXE file that has a MD5 hash NOT in the MD5_NSRFile.txt - generate an alert
all that on the fly, while inspecting traffic.
Then all that is left is to start Suricata:
sudo /usr/local/bin/suricata -c /etc/suricata/peter-yaml/suricata-af-packet-mmap.yaml -s /var/data/peter/md5test.rules --af-packet=eth3
and we get the alerts:
08/29/2012-15:38:43.165038 [**] [1:9977799:2] FILE MD5 Check EXE against a white list [**] [Classification: (null)] [Priority: 3] {TCP} y.y.y.y:80 -> x.x.x.x:23836
08/29/2012-15:39:32.551950 [**] [1:9977799:2] FILE MD5 Check EXE against a white list [**] [Classification: (null)] [Priority: 3] {TCP} y.y.y.y:2091 -> x.x.x.x:80
That's it.
You can reverse and use the above rules with a "blacklisting" of MD5 hashes, for example:
alert http any any -> any any (msg:"FILE MD5 Check PDF against a black list"; filemagic:"pdf"; filemd5:BlackMD5s.txt; sid:9966699; rev:1;)
You can also use the filestore keyword to store the file on disk and do further analysis on the particular file - or blend it in with other :doc:`../rules/file-keywords`.
Peter Manev