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Napatech Suricata Installation Guide
* Introduction
* Package Installation
* Basic Configuration
* Advanced Multithreaded Configuration
Napatech packet capture accelerator cards can greatly improve the performance of your Suricata deployment using these
hardware based features:
* On board burst buffering (up to 12GB)
* Zero-copy kernel bypass DMA
* Non-blocking PCIe performance
* Port merging
* Load distribution to up 128 host buffers
* Precise timestamping
* Accurate time synchronization
The Napatech Software Suite (driver package) comes in two varieties, NAC and OEM.
The NAC package distributes deb and rpm packages to ease the installation.
The OEM package uses a proprietary shell script to handle the installation process.
In either case, gcc, make and the kernel header files are required to compile the kernel module and
install the software.
Package Installation
*Note that make, gcc, and the kernel headers are required for installation*
*Root privileges are also required*
Napatech NAC Package
Red Hat Based Distros::
$ yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r) gcc make ncurses-libs
$ yum install nac-pcap-<release>.x86_64.rpm
Some distributions will require you to use the --nogpgcheck option with yum for the NAC Software Suite package file::
$ yum --nogpgcheck install nac-pcap-<release>.x86_64.rpm
Debian Based Distros::
$ apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname .r) gcc make libncurses5
$ dpkg .i nac-pcap_<release>_amd64.deb
To complete installation for all distros stop ntservice::
$ /opt/napatech3/bin/ -m
Remove these existing setup files::
$ cd /opt/napatech3/config
$ rm ntservice.ini setup.ini
Restart ntservice (a new ntservice.ini configuration file will be generated automatically)::
$ /opt/napatech3/bin/ -m
Napatech OEM Package
*Note that you will be prompted to install the Napatech libpcap library. Answer "yes" if you would like to
use the Napatech card to capture packets in WIreshark, tcpdump, or another pcap based application.
Libpcap is not needed for Suricata as native Napatech API support is included*
Red Hat Based Distros::
$ yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r) gcc make
$ ./
Debian Based Distros::
$ apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname .r) gcc make
$ ./
To complete installation for all distros ntservice::
$ /opt/napatech3/bin/ -m
Suricata Installation
After downloading and extracting the Suricata tarball, you need to run configure to enable Napatech support and
prepare for compilation::
$ ./configure --enable-napatech --with-napatech-includes=/opt/napatech3/include --with-napatech-libraries=/opt/napatech3/lib
$ make
$ make install-full
Now edit the suricata.yaml file to configure the maximum number of streams to use. If you plan on using the load distribution
(RSS - like) feature in the Napatech accelerator, then the list should contain the same number of streams as host buffers defined in
# The Host Buffer Allowance for all streams
# (-1 = OFF, 1 - 100 = percentage of the host buffer that can be held back)
hba: -1
# use_all_streams set to "yes" will query the Napatech service for all configured
# streams and listen on all of them. When set to "no" the streams config array
# will be used.
use-all-streams: yes
# The streams to listen on
streams: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
Basic Configuration
For the basic installation we will setup the Napatech capture accelerator to merge all physical
ports into single stream that Suricata can read from. for this configuration, Suricata will
handle the packet distribution to multiple threads.
Here are the lines that need changing in /opt/napatech3/bin/ntservice.ini for best single buffer performance::
TimeSyncReferencePriority = OSTime # Timestamp clock synchronized to the OS
HostBuffersRx = [1,16,0] # [number of host buffers, Size(MB), NUMA node]
Stop and restart ntservice after making changes to ntservice::
$ /opt/napatech3/bin/ -m
$ /opt/napatech3/bin/ -m
Now we need to execute a few NTPL (Napatech Programming Language) commands to complete the setup. Create
a file will the following commands::
Delete=All # Delete any existing filters
Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==0 # Set stream ID 0 to NUMA 0
Assign[priority=0; streamid=0]= all # Assign all phisical ports to stream ID 0
Next execute those command using the ntpl tool::
$ /opt/napatech3/bin/ntpl -f <my_ntpl_file>
Now you are ready to start suricata::
$ suricata -c /usr/local/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml --napatech --runmode workers
Advanced Multithreaded Configuration
Now let's do a more advanced configuration where we will use the load distribution (RSS - like) capability in the
accelerator. We will create 8 streams and setup the accelerator to distribute the load based on a 5 tuple hash.
Increasing buffer size will minimize packet loss only if your CPU cores are fully saturated. Setting the minimum
buffer size (16MB) will gave the best performance (minimize L3 cache hits) if your CPU cores are keeping up.
*Note that it is extremely important that the NUMA node the host buffers are define in is the same physical CPU
socket that the Napatech accelerator is plugged into*
First let's modify the ntservice.ini file to increase the number and size of the host buffers::
HostBuffersRx = [8,256,0] # [number of host buffers, Size (MB), NUMA node]
Stop and restart ntservice after making changes to ntservice::
$ /opt/napatech3/bin/ -m
$ /opt/napatech3/bin/ -m
Now let's assign the streams to host buffers and configure the load distribution. The load distribution will be
setup to support both tunneled and non-tunneled traffic. Create a file that contains the ntpl commands below::
Delete=All # Delete any existing filters
Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==0
Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==1
Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==2
Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==3
Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==4
Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==5
Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==6
Setup[numaNode=0] = streamid==7
Assign[priority=0; streamid=(0..7)]= all
Next execute those command using the ntpl tool::
$ /opt/napatech3/bin/ntpl -f <my_ntpl_file>
Now you are ready to start Suricata::
$ suricata -c /usr/local/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml --napatech --runmode workers
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