You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

248 lines
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General instructions
Suricata can be upgraded by simply installing the new version to the same
locations as the already installed version. When installing from source,
this means passing the same ``--prefix``, ``--sysconfdir``,
``--localstatedir`` and ``--datadir`` options to ``configure``.
$ suricata --build-info|grep -A 3 '\-\-prefix'
--prefix /usr
--sysconfdir /etc
--localstatedir /var
--datarootdir /usr/share
Configuration Updates
New versions of Suricata will occasionally include updated config files:
``classification.config`` and ``reference.config``. Since the Suricata
installation will not overwrite these if they exist, they must be manually
updated. If there are no local modifications they can simply be overwritten
by the ones Suricata supplies.
Major updates include new features, new default settings and often also remove
features. This upgrade guide covers the changes that might have an impact of
migrating from an older version and keeping the config. We encourage you to
also check all the new features that have been added but are not covered by
this guide. Those features are either not enabled by default or require
dedicated new configuration.
Upgrading 7.0 to 8.0
.. note:: ``stats.whitelist`` has been renamed to ``stats.score`` in ``eve.json``
Major changes
- SIP parser has been updated to inspect traffic carried by TCP as well.
SIP keywords can still match on their respective fields in addition
to these improvements.
Transactions are logged with the same schema regardless of which
transport protocol is carrying the payload.
Also, SIP protocol is detected using pattern matching and not only
probing parser.
- ``SIP_PORTS`` variable has been introduced in suricata.yaml
- Application layer's ``sip`` counter has been split into ``sip_tcp`` and ``sip_udp``
for the ``stats`` event.
- Stats counters that are 0 can now be hidden from EVE logs. Default behavior
still logs those (see :ref:`EVE Output - Stats <eve-json-output-stats>` for configuration setting).
- SDP parser and logger have been introduced.
Due to SDP being encapsulated within other protocols, such as SIP, they cannot be directly enabled or disabled.
Instead, both the SDP parser and logger depend on being invoked by another parser (or logger).
- ARP decoder and logger have been introduced.
Since ARP can be quite verbose and produce many events, the logger is disabled by default.
- It is possible to see an increase of alerts, for the same rule-sets, if you
use many stream/payload rules, due to Suricata triggering TCP stream
reassembly earlier.
- New transform ``from_base64`` that base64 decodes a buffer and passes the
decoded buffer. It's recommended that ``from_base64`` be used instead of ``base64_decode``
- Datasets of type String now include the length of the strings to determine if the memcap value is reached.
This may lead to memcaps being hit for older setups that didn't take that into account.
For more details, check
- DNS logging has been modified to be more consistent across requests,
responses and alerts. See :doc:`DNS Logging Changes for 8.0
- PF_RING support has been moved to a plugin. See :doc:`PF_RING plugin
Upgrading 6.0 to 7.0
Major changes
- Upgrade of PCRE1 to PCRE2. See :ref:`pcre-update-v1-to-v2` for more details.
- IPS users: by default various new "exception policies" are set to DROP
traffic. Please see :ref:`Exception Policies <exception policies>` for details
on the settings and their scope. For trouble shooting, please check `My traffic gets
blocked after upgrading to Suricata 7
- New protocols enabled by default: bittorrent-dht, quic, http2.
- The telnet protocol is also enabled by default, but only for the ``app-layer``.
- Spaces are accepted in HTTP1 URIs instead of in the protocol version. That is:
`GET /a b HTTP/1.1` gets now URI as `/a b` and protocol as `HTTP/1.1` when
it used to be URI as `/a` and protocol as `b HTTP/1.1`
Security changes
- suricata.yaml now prevents process creation by Suricata by default with `security.limit-noproc`.
The suricata.yaml configuration file needs to be updated to enable this feature.
For more info, see :ref:`suricata-yaml-config-hardening`.
- Absolute filenames and filenames containing parent directory
traversal are no longer allowed by default for datasets when the
filename is specified as part of a rule. See :ref:`Datasets Security
<datasets_security>` and :ref:`Datasets File Locations
<datasets_file_locations>` for more information.
- Lua rules are now disabled by default (change also introduced in 6.0.13), see :ref:`lua-detection`.
- The libprelude output plugin has been removed.
- EVE DNS v1 logging support has been removed. If still using EVE DNS v1 logging, see the manual section on DNS logging configuration for the current configuration options: :ref:`DNS EVE Configuration <output-eve-dns>`
Logging changes
- IKEv2 Eve logging changed, the event_type has become ``ike`` which covers both protocol versions. The fields ``errors`` and ``notify`` have moved to
``ike.ikev2.errors`` and ``ike.ikev2.notify``.
- FTP DATA metadata for alerts are now logged in ``ftp_data`` instead of root.
- Alert ``xff`` field is now logged as ``alert.xff`` for alerts instead of at the root.
- Protocol values and their names are built into Suricata instead of using the system's ``/etc/protocols`` file. Some names and casing may have changed
in the values ``proto`` in ``eve.json`` log entries and other logs containing protocol names and values.
See for more information.
- Logging of additional HTTP headers configured through the EVE
``http.custom`` option will now be logged in the ``request_headers``
and/or ``response_headers`` respectively instead of merged into the
existing ``http`` object. In Suricata 6.0, a configuration like::
custom: [Server]
would result in a log entry like::
"http": {
"hostname": "",
"http_method": "GET",
"protocol": "HTTP/1/1",
"server": "nginx",
This merging of custom headers in the ``http`` object could result
in custom headers overwriting standard fields in the ``http``
object, or a response header overwriting request header.
To prevent the possibility of fields being overwritten, **all**
custom headers are now logged into the ``request_headers`` and
``response_headers`` arrays to avoid any chance of collision. This
also facilitates the logging of headers that may appear multiple
times, with each occurrence being logged in future releases (see
note below).
While these arrays are not new in Suricata 7.0, they had previously
been used exclusively for the ``dump-all-headers`` option.
As of Suricata 7.0, the above configuration example will now be
logged like::
"http": {
"hostname": "",
"http_method": "GET",
"protocol": "HTTP/1/1",
"response_headers": [
{ "name": "Server", "value": "nginx" }
Effectively making the ``custom`` option a subset of the
``dump-all-headers`` option.
If you've been using the ``custom`` option, this may represent a
breaking change. However, if you haven't used it, there will be no
change in the output.
.. note::
Currently, if the same HTTP header is seen multiple times, the
values are concatenated into a comma-separated value.
For more information, refer to:
- Multiple "include" fields in the configuration file will now issue a
warning and in Suricata 8.0 will not be supported. See
:ref:`includes` for documentation on including multiple files.
- For AF-Packet, the `cluster_rollover` setting is no longer supported. Configuration settings using ``cluster_rollover``
will cause a warning message and act as though `cluster_flow`` was specified. Please update your configuration settings.
Other changes
- Experimental keyword `http2.header` is removed. `http.header`, `http.request_header`, and `http.response_header` are to be used.
- NSS is no longer required. File hashing and JA3 can now be used without the NSS compile time dependency.
- If installing Suricata without the bundled Suricata-Update, the ``default-rule-path`` has been changed from ``/etc/suricata/rules`` to ``/var/lib/suricata/rules`` to be consistent with Suricata when installed with Suricata-Update.
- FTP has been updated with a maximum command request and response line length of 4096 bytes. To change the default see :ref:`suricata-yaml-configure-ftp`.
- SWF decompression in http has been disabled by default. To change the default see :ref:`suricata-yaml-configure-libhtp`. Users with configurations from previous releases may want to modify their config to match the new default.
See for more information.
- The new option `livedev` is enabled by default with `use-for-tracking` being set to `true`. This should be disabled if multiple live devices are used to capture traffic from the same network.
Upgrading 5.0 to 6.0
- SIP now enabled by default
- RDP now enabled by default
- ERSPAN Type I enabled by default.
Major changes
- New protocols enabled by default: mqtt, rfb
- SSH Client fingerprinting for SSH clients
- Conditional logging
- Initial HTTP/2 support
- DCERPC logging
- Improved EVE logging performance
- File-store v1 has been removed. If using file extraction, the file-store configuration
will need to be updated to version 2. See :ref:`filestore-update-v1-to-v2`.
- Individual Eve (JSON) loggers have been removed. For example,
``stats-json``, ``dns-json``, etc. Use multiple Eve logger instances
if this behavior is still required. See :ref:`multiple-eve-instances`.
- Unified2 has been removed. See :ref:`unified2-removed`.
- In YAML files w/o a `flow-timeouts.tcp.closed` setting, the default went from 0 to 10 seconds.
This may lead to higher than expected TCP memory use:
Upgrading 4.1 to 5.0
Major changes
- New protocols enabled by default: snmp (new config only)
- New protocols disabled by default: rdp, sip
- New defaults for protocols: nfs, smb, tftp, krb5 ntp are all enabled
by default (new config only)
- VXLAN decoder enabled by default. To disable, set
``decoder.vxlan.enabled`` to ``false``.
- HTTP LZMA support enabled by default. To disable, set ``lzma-enabled``
to ``false`` in each of the ``libhtp`` configurations in use.
- classification.config updated. ET 5.0 ruleset will use this.
- decoder event counters use 'decoder.event' as prefix now. This can
be controlled using the ``stats.decoder-events-prefix`` setting.
- ``dns-log``, the text dns log. Use EVE.dns instead.
- ``file-log``, the non-EVE JSON file log. Use EVE.files instead.
- ``drop-log``, the non-EVE JSON drop log.