/* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Victor Julien * \author Pablo Rincon Crespo * * Signatures that only inspect IP addresses are processed here * We use radix trees for src dst ipv4 and ipv6 adresses * This radix trees hold information for subnets and hosts in a * hierarchical distribution */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "debug.h" #include "detect.h" #include "decode.h" #include "flow.h" #include "detect-parse.h" #include "detect-engine.h" #include "detect-engine-siggroup.h" #include "detect-engine-address.h" #include "detect-engine-proto.h" #include "detect-engine-port.h" #include "detect-engine-mpm.h" #include "detect-engine-threshold.h" #include "detect-engine-iponly.h" #include "detect-threshold.h" #include "util-classification-config.h" #include "util-rule-vars.h" #include "flow-util.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "util-unittest.h" #include "util-unittest-helper.h" #include "util-print.h" #include "util-profiling.h" #ifdef OS_WIN32 #include #else #include #endif /* OS_WIN32 */ /** * \brief This function creates a new IPOnlyCIDRItem * * \retval IPOnlyCIDRItem address of the new instance */ static IPOnlyCIDRItem *IPOnlyCIDRItemNew() { SCEnter(); IPOnlyCIDRItem *item = NULL; item = SCMalloc(sizeof(IPOnlyCIDRItem)); if (unlikely(item == NULL)) SCReturnPtr(NULL, "NULL"); memset(item, 0, sizeof(IPOnlyCIDRItem)); SCReturnPtr(item, "IPOnlyCIDRItem"); } static uint8_t IPOnlyCIDRItemCompare(IPOnlyCIDRItem *head, IPOnlyCIDRItem *item) { uint8_t i = 0; for (; i < head->netmask / 32 || i < 1; i++) { if (item->ip[i] < head->ip[i]) //if (*(uint8_t *)(item->ip + i) < *(uint8_t *)(head->ip + i)) return 1; } return 0; } /** * \internal * \brief Parses an ipv4/ipv6 address string and updates the result into the * IPOnlyCIDRItem instance sent as the argument. * * \param dd Pointer to the IPOnlyCIDRItem instance which should be updated with * the address (in cidr) details from the parsed ip string. * \param str Pointer to address string that has to be parsed. * * \retval 0 On successfully parsing the address string. * \retval -1 On failure. */ static int IPOnlyCIDRItemParseSingle(IPOnlyCIDRItem *dd, char *str) { char buf[256] = ""; char *ip = NULL, *ip2 = NULL; char *mask = NULL; int r = 0; while (*str != '\0' && *str == ' ') str++; SCLogDebug("str %s", str); strlcpy(buf, str, sizeof(buf)); ip = buf; /* first handle 'any' */ if (strcasecmp(str, "any") == 0) { /* if any, insert and ::/0 as well */ SCLogDebug("adding and ::/0 as we\'re handling \'any\'"); IPOnlyCIDRItemParseSingle(dd, ""); BUG_ON(dd->family == 0); dd->next = IPOnlyCIDRItemNew(); if (dd->next == NULL) goto error; IPOnlyCIDRItemParseSingle(dd->next, "::/0"); BUG_ON(dd->family == 0); SCLogDebug("address is \'any\'"); return 0; } /* handle the negation case */ if (ip[0] == '!') { dd->negated = (dd->negated)? 0 : 1; ip++; } /* see if the address is an ipv4 or ipv6 address */ if ((strchr(str, ':')) == NULL) { /* IPv4 Address */ struct in_addr in; dd->family = AF_INET; if ((mask = strchr(ip, '/')) != NULL) { /* format (either dotted or cidr notation */ ip[mask - ip] = '\0'; mask++; uint32_t netmask = 0; size_t u = 0; if ((strchr (mask, '.')) == NULL) { /* format */ for (u = 0; u < strlen(mask); u++) { if(!isdigit((unsigned char)mask[u])) goto error; } int cidr = atoi(mask); if (cidr < 0 || cidr > 32) goto error; dd->netmask = cidr; } else { /* format */ r = inet_pton(AF_INET, mask, &in); if (r <= 0) goto error; netmask = in.s_addr; /* Extract cidr netmask */ while ((0x01 & netmask) == 0) { dd->netmask++; netmask = netmask >> 1; } dd->netmask = 32 - dd->netmask; } r = inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &in); if (r <= 0) goto error; dd->ip[0] = in.s_addr; } else if ((ip2 = strchr(ip, '-')) != NULL) { /* range format */ ip[ip2 - ip] = '\0'; ip2++; uint32_t tmp_ip[4]; uint32_t tmp_ip2[4]; uint32_t first, last; r = inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &in); if (r <= 0) goto error; tmp_ip[0] = in.s_addr; r = inet_pton(AF_INET, ip2, &in); if (r <= 0) goto error; tmp_ip2[0] = in.s_addr; /* a > b is illegal, a = b is ok */ if (ntohl(tmp_ip[0]) > ntohl(tmp_ip2[0])) goto error; first = ntohl(tmp_ip[0]); last = ntohl(tmp_ip2[0]); dd->netmask = 32; dd->ip[0] =htonl(first); if (first < last) { for (first++; first <= last; first++) { IPOnlyCIDRItem *new = IPOnlyCIDRItemNew(); if (new == NULL) goto error; dd->next = new; new->negated = dd->negated; new->family= dd->family; new->netmask = dd->netmask; new->ip[0] = htonl(first); dd = dd->next; } } } else { /* format */ r = inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &in); if (r <= 0) goto error; /* single host */ dd->ip[0] = in.s_addr; dd->netmask = 32; } } else { /* IPv6 Address */ struct in6_addr in6; uint32_t ip6addr[4]; dd->family = AF_INET6; if ((mask = strchr(ip, '/')) != NULL) { mask[0] = '\0'; mask++; r = inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip, &in6); if (r <= 0) goto error; /* Format is cidr val */ dd->netmask = atoi(mask); memcpy(dd->ip, &in6.s6_addr, sizeof(ip6addr)); } else { r = inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip, &in6); if (r <= 0) goto error; memcpy(dd->ip, &in6.s6_addr, sizeof(dd->ip)); dd->netmask = 128; } } BUG_ON(dd->family == 0); return 0; error: return -1; } /** * \brief Setup a single address string, parse it and add the resulting * Address items in cidr format to the list of gh * * \param gh Pointer to the IPOnlyCIDRItem list Head to which the * resulting Address-Range(s) from the parsed ip string has to * be added. * \param s Pointer to the ip address string to be parsed. * * \retval 0 On success. * \retval -1 On failure. */ static int IPOnlyCIDRItemSetup(IPOnlyCIDRItem *gh, char *s) { SCLogDebug("gh %p, s %s", gh, s); /* parse the address */ if (IPOnlyCIDRItemParseSingle(gh, s) == -1) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_ADDRESS_ENGINE_GENERIC, "DetectAddressParse error \"%s\"", s); goto error; } return 0; error: return -1; } /** * \brief This function insert a IPOnlyCIDRItem * to a list of IPOnlyCIDRItems sorted by netmask * ascending * \param head Pointer to the head of IPOnlyCIDRItems list * \param item Pointer to the item to insert in the list * * \retval IPOnlyCIDRItem address of the new head if apply */ static IPOnlyCIDRItem *IPOnlyCIDRItemInsertReal(IPOnlyCIDRItem *head, IPOnlyCIDRItem *item) { IPOnlyCIDRItem *it, *prev = NULL; if (item == NULL) return head; /* Compare with the head */ if (item->netmask < head->netmask || (item->netmask == head->netmask && IPOnlyCIDRItemCompare(head, item))) { item->next = head; return item; } if (item->netmask == head->netmask && !IPOnlyCIDRItemCompare(head, item)) { item->next = head->next; head->next = item; return head; } for (prev = it = head; it != NULL && it->netmask < item->netmask; it = it->next) prev = it; if (it == NULL) { prev->next = item; item->next = NULL; } else { item->next = it; prev->next = item; } return head; } /** * \brief This function insert a IPOnlyCIDRItem list * to a list of IPOnlyCIDRItems sorted by netmask * ascending * \param head Pointer to the head of IPOnlyCIDRItems list * \param item Pointer to the list of items to insert in the list * * \retval IPOnlyCIDRItem address of the new head if apply */ static IPOnlyCIDRItem *IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(IPOnlyCIDRItem *head, IPOnlyCIDRItem *item) { IPOnlyCIDRItem *it, *prev = NULL; /* The first element */ if (head == NULL) { SCLogDebug("Head is NULL to insert item (%p)",item); return item; } if (item == NULL) { SCLogDebug("Item is NULL"); return head; } SCLogDebug("Inserting item(%p)->netmask %u head %p", item, item->netmask, head); prev = item; while (prev != NULL) { it = prev->next; /* Separate from the item list */ prev->next = NULL; //SCLogDebug("Before:"); //IPOnlyCIDRListPrint(head); head = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsertReal(head, prev); //SCLogDebug("After:"); //IPOnlyCIDRListPrint(head); prev = it; } return head; } /** * \brief This function free a IPOnlyCIDRItem list * \param tmphead Pointer to the list */ void IPOnlyCIDRListFree(IPOnlyCIDRItem *tmphead) { SCEnter(); uint32_t i = 0; IPOnlyCIDRItem *it, *next = NULL; if (tmphead == NULL) { SCLogDebug("temphead is NULL"); return; } it = tmphead; next = it->next; while (it != NULL) { i++; SCFree(it); SCLogDebug("Item(%p) %"PRIu32" removed\n", it, i); it = next; if (next != NULL) next = next->next; } SCReturn; } /** * \brief This function update a list of IPOnlyCIDRItems * setting the signature internal id (signum) to "i" * * \param tmphead Pointer to the list * \param i number of signature internal id */ static void IPOnlyCIDRListSetSigNum(IPOnlyCIDRItem *tmphead, SigIntId i) { while (tmphead != NULL) { tmphead->signum = i; tmphead = tmphead->next; } } #ifdef UNITTESTS /** * \brief This function print a IPOnlyCIDRItem list * \param tmphead Pointer to the head of IPOnlyCIDRItems list */ static void IPOnlyCIDRListPrint(IPOnlyCIDRItem *tmphead) { uint32_t i = 0; while (tmphead != NULL) { i++; SCLogDebug("Item %"PRIu32" has netmask %"PRIu16" negated:" " %s; IP: %s; signum: %"PRIu16, i, tmphead->netmask, (tmphead->negated) ? "yes":"no", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)&tmphead->ip[0]), tmphead->signum); tmphead = tmphead->next; } } #endif /** * \brief This function print a SigNumArray, it's used with the * radix tree print function to help debugging * \param tmp Pointer to the head of SigNumArray */ static void SigNumArrayPrint(void *tmp) { SigNumArray *sna = (SigNumArray *)tmp; uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < sna->size; u++) { uint8_t bitarray = sna->array[u]; uint8_t i = 0; for (; i < 8; i++) { if (bitarray & 0x01) printf(", %"PRIu16"", u * 8 + i); else printf(", "); bitarray = bitarray >> 1; } } } /** * \brief This function creates a new SigNumArray with the * size fixed to the io_ctx->max_idx * \param de_ctx Pointer to the current detection context * \param io_ctx Pointer to the current ip only context * * \retval SigNumArray address of the new instance */ static SigNumArray *SigNumArrayNew(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineIPOnlyCtx *io_ctx) { SigNumArray *new = SCMalloc(sizeof(SigNumArray)); if (unlikely(new == NULL)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_FATAL, "Fatal error encountered in SigNumArrayNew. Exiting..."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(new, 0, sizeof(SigNumArray)); new->array = SCMalloc(io_ctx->max_idx / 8 + 1); if (new->array == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(new->array, 0, io_ctx->max_idx / 8 + 1); new->size = io_ctx->max_idx / 8 + 1; SCLogDebug("max idx= %u", io_ctx->max_idx); return new; } /** * \brief This function creates a new SigNumArray with the * same data as the argument * * \param orig Pointer to the original SigNumArray to copy * * \retval SigNumArray address of the new instance */ static SigNumArray *SigNumArrayCopy(SigNumArray *orig) { SigNumArray *new = SCMalloc(sizeof(SigNumArray)); if (unlikely(new == NULL)) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_FATAL, "Fatal error encountered in SigNumArrayCopy. Exiting..."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(new, 0, sizeof(SigNumArray)); new->size = orig->size; new->array = SCMalloc(orig->size); if (new->array == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memcpy(new->array, orig->array, orig->size); return new; } /** * \brief This function free() a SigNumArray * \param orig Pointer to the original SigNumArray to copy */ static void SigNumArrayFree(void *tmp) { SigNumArray *sna = (SigNumArray *)tmp; if (sna == NULL) return; if (sna->array != NULL) SCFree(sna->array); SCFree(sna); } /** * \brief This function parses and return a list of IPOnlyCIDRItem * * \param s Pointer to the string of the addresses * (in the format of signatures) * \param negate flag to indicate if all this string is negated or not * * \retval 0 if success * \retval -1 if fails */ static IPOnlyCIDRItem *IPOnlyCIDRListParse2(char *s, int negate) { size_t x = 0; size_t u = 0; int o_set = 0, n_set = 0, d_set = 0; int depth = 0; size_t size = strlen(s); char address[8196] = ""; char *rule_var_address = NULL; char *temp_rule_var_address = NULL; IPOnlyCIDRItem *head; IPOnlyCIDRItem *subhead; head = subhead = NULL; SCLogDebug("s %s negate %s", s, negate ? "true" : "false"); for (u = 0, x = 0; u < size && x < sizeof(address); u++) { address[x] = s[u]; x++; if (!o_set && s[u] == '!') { n_set = 1; x--; } else if (s[u] == '[') { if (!o_set) { o_set = 1; x = 0; } depth++; } else if (s[u] == ']') { if (depth == 1) { address[x - 1] = '\0'; x = 0; if ( (subhead = IPOnlyCIDRListParse2(address, (negate + n_set) % 2)) == NULL) goto error; head = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(head, subhead); n_set = 0; } depth--; } else if (depth == 0 && s[u] == ',') { if (o_set == 1) { o_set = 0; } else if (d_set == 1) { address[x - 1] = '\0'; rule_var_address = SCRuleVarsGetConfVar(address, SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS); if (rule_var_address == NULL) goto error; temp_rule_var_address = rule_var_address; if ((negate + n_set) % 2) { temp_rule_var_address = SCMalloc(strlen(rule_var_address) + 3); if (unlikely(temp_rule_var_address == NULL)) { goto error; } snprintf(temp_rule_var_address, strlen(rule_var_address) + 3, "[%s]", rule_var_address); } subhead = IPOnlyCIDRListParse2(temp_rule_var_address, (negate + n_set) % 2); head = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(head, subhead); d_set = 0; n_set = 0; if (temp_rule_var_address != rule_var_address) SCFree(temp_rule_var_address); } else { address[x - 1] = '\0'; subhead = IPOnlyCIDRItemNew(); if (subhead == NULL) goto error; if (!((negate + n_set) % 2)) subhead->negated = 0; else subhead->negated = 1; if (IPOnlyCIDRItemSetup(subhead, address) < 0) { IPOnlyCIDRListFree(subhead); subhead = NULL; goto error; } head = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(head, subhead); n_set = 0; } x = 0; } else if (depth == 0 && s[u] == '$') { d_set = 1; } else if (depth == 0 && u == size - 1) { if (x == sizeof(address)) { address[x - 1] = '\0'; } else { address[x] = '\0'; } x = 0; if (d_set == 1) { rule_var_address = SCRuleVarsGetConfVar(address, SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS); if (rule_var_address == NULL) goto error; temp_rule_var_address = rule_var_address; if ((negate + n_set) % 2) { temp_rule_var_address = SCMalloc(strlen(rule_var_address) + 3); if (unlikely(temp_rule_var_address == NULL)) { goto error; } snprintf(temp_rule_var_address, strlen(rule_var_address) + 3, "[%s]", rule_var_address); } subhead = IPOnlyCIDRListParse2(temp_rule_var_address, (negate + n_set) % 2); head = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(head, subhead); d_set = 0; if (temp_rule_var_address != rule_var_address) SCFree(temp_rule_var_address); } else { subhead = IPOnlyCIDRItemNew(); if (subhead == NULL) goto error; if (!((negate + n_set) % 2)) subhead->negated = 0; else subhead->negated = 1; if (IPOnlyCIDRItemSetup(subhead, address) < 0) { IPOnlyCIDRListFree(subhead); subhead = NULL; goto error; } head = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(head, subhead); } n_set = 0; } } return head; error: SCLogError(SC_ERR_ADDRESS_ENGINE_GENERIC,"Error parsing addresses"); return head; } /** * \brief Parses an address group sent as a character string and updates the * IPOnlyCIDRItem list * * \param gh Pointer to the IPOnlyCIDRItem list * \param str Pointer to the character string containing the address group * that has to be parsed. * * \retval 0 On success. * \retval -1 On failure. */ static int IPOnlyCIDRListParse(IPOnlyCIDRItem **gh, char *str) { SCLogDebug("gh %p, str %s", gh, str); if (gh == NULL) goto error; *gh = IPOnlyCIDRListParse2(str, 0); if (*gh == NULL) { SCLogDebug("DetectAddressParse2 returned null"); goto error; } return 0; error: return -1; } /** * \brief Parses an address group sent as a character string and updates the * IPOnlyCIDRItem lists src and dst of the Signature *s * * \param s Pointer to the signature structure * \param addrstr Pointer to the character string containing the address group * that has to be parsed. * \param flag to indicate if we are parsing the src string or the dst string * * \retval 0 On success. * \retval -1 On failure. */ int IPOnlySigParseAddress(Signature *s, const char *addrstr, char flag) { SCLogDebug("Address Group \"%s\" to be parsed now", addrstr); IPOnlyCIDRItem *tmp = NULL; /* pass on to the address(list) parser */ if (flag == 0) { if (strcasecmp(addrstr, "any") == 0) { s->flags |= SIG_FLAG_SRC_ANY; if (IPOnlyCIDRListParse(&s->CidrSrc, (char *)"") < 0) goto error; if (IPOnlyCIDRListParse(&tmp, (char *)"::/0") < 0) goto error; s->CidrSrc = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(s->CidrSrc, tmp); } else if (IPOnlyCIDRListParse(&s->CidrSrc, (char *)addrstr) < 0) { goto error; } /* IPOnlyCIDRListPrint(s->CidrSrc); */ } else { if (strcasecmp(addrstr, "any") == 0) { s->flags |= SIG_FLAG_DST_ANY; if (IPOnlyCIDRListParse(&tmp, (char *)"") < 0) goto error; if (IPOnlyCIDRListParse(&s->CidrDst, (char *)"::/0") < 0) goto error; s->CidrDst = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(s->CidrDst, tmp); } else if (IPOnlyCIDRListParse(&s->CidrDst, (char *)addrstr) < 0) { goto error; } /* IPOnlyCIDRListPrint(s->CidrDst); */ } return 0; error: SCLogError(SC_ERR_ADDRESS_ENGINE_GENERIC, "failed to parse addresses"); return -1; } /** * \brief Setup the IP Only detection engine context * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the current detection engine * \param io_ctx Pointer to the current ip only detection engine */ void IPOnlyInit(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineIPOnlyCtx *io_ctx) { io_ctx->sig_init_size = DetectEngineGetMaxSigId(de_ctx) / 8 + 1; if ( (io_ctx->sig_init_array = SCMalloc(io_ctx->sig_init_size)) == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_FATAL, "Fatal error encountered in IPOnlyInit. Exiting..."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(io_ctx->sig_init_array, 0, io_ctx->sig_init_size); io_ctx->tree_ipv4src = SCRadixCreateRadixTree(SigNumArrayFree, SigNumArrayPrint); io_ctx->tree_ipv4dst = SCRadixCreateRadixTree(SigNumArrayFree, SigNumArrayPrint); io_ctx->tree_ipv6src = SCRadixCreateRadixTree(SigNumArrayFree, SigNumArrayPrint); io_ctx->tree_ipv6dst = SCRadixCreateRadixTree(SigNumArrayFree, SigNumArrayPrint); } /** * \brief Setup the IP Only thread detection engine context * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the current detection engine * \param io_ctx Pointer to the current ip only thread detection engine */ void DetectEngineIPOnlyThreadInit(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineIPOnlyThreadCtx *io_tctx) { /* initialize the signature bitarray */ io_tctx->sig_match_size = de_ctx->io_ctx.max_idx / 8 + 1; io_tctx->sig_match_array = SCMalloc(io_tctx->sig_match_size); if (io_tctx->sig_match_array == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(io_tctx->sig_match_array, 0, io_tctx->sig_match_size); } /** * \brief Print stats of the IP Only engine * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the current detection engine * \param io_ctx Pointer to the current ip only detection engine */ void IPOnlyPrint(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineIPOnlyCtx *io_ctx) { /* XXX: how are we going to print the stats now? */ } /** * \brief Deinitialize the IP Only detection engine context * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the current detection engine * \param io_ctx Pointer to the current ip only detection engine */ void IPOnlyDeinit(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineIPOnlyCtx *io_ctx) { if (io_ctx == NULL) return; if (io_ctx->tree_ipv4src != NULL) SCRadixReleaseRadixTree(io_ctx->tree_ipv4src); io_ctx->tree_ipv4src = NULL; if (io_ctx->tree_ipv4dst != NULL) SCRadixReleaseRadixTree(io_ctx->tree_ipv4dst); io_ctx->tree_ipv4dst = NULL; if (io_ctx->tree_ipv6src != NULL) SCRadixReleaseRadixTree(io_ctx->tree_ipv6src); io_ctx->tree_ipv6src = NULL; if (io_ctx->tree_ipv6dst != NULL) SCRadixReleaseRadixTree(io_ctx->tree_ipv6dst); io_ctx->tree_ipv6dst = NULL; if (io_ctx->sig_init_array) SCFree(io_ctx->sig_init_array); io_ctx->sig_init_array = NULL; } /** * \brief Deinitialize the IP Only thread detection engine context * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the current detection engine * \param io_ctx Pointer to the current ip only detection engine */ void DetectEngineIPOnlyThreadDeinit(DetectEngineIPOnlyThreadCtx *io_tctx) { SCFree(io_tctx->sig_match_array); } static inline int IPOnlyMatchCompatSMs(ThreadVars *tv, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Signature *s, Packet *p) { KEYWORD_PROFILING_SET_LIST(det_ctx, DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH); SigMatch *sm = s->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH]; while (sm != NULL) { BUG_ON(!(sigmatch_table[sm->type].flags & SIGMATCH_IPONLY_COMPAT)); KEYWORD_PROFILING_START; if (sigmatch_table[sm->type].Match(tv, det_ctx, p, s, sm) > 0) { KEYWORD_PROFILING_END(det_ctx, sm->type, 1); sm = sm->next; continue; } KEYWORD_PROFILING_END(det_ctx, sm->type, 0); return 0; } return 1; } /** * \brief Match a packet against the IP Only detection engine contexts * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the current detection engine * \param io_ctx Pointer to the current ip only detection engine * \param io_ctx Pointer to the current ip only thread detection engine * \param p Pointer to the Packet to match against */ void IPOnlyMatchPacket(ThreadVars *tv, DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, DetectEngineIPOnlyCtx *io_ctx, DetectEngineIPOnlyThreadCtx *io_tctx, Packet *p) { SigNumArray *src = NULL; SigNumArray *dst = NULL; void *user_data_src = NULL, *user_data_dst = NULL; if (p->src.family == AF_INET) { (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV4BestMatch((uint8_t *)&GET_IPV4_SRC_ADDR_U32(p), io_ctx->tree_ipv4src, &user_data_src); } else if (p->src.family == AF_INET6) { (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV6BestMatch((uint8_t *)&GET_IPV6_SRC_ADDR(p), io_ctx->tree_ipv6src, &user_data_src); } if (p->dst.family == AF_INET) { (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV4BestMatch((uint8_t *)&GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_U32(p), io_ctx->tree_ipv4dst, &user_data_dst); } else if (p->dst.family == AF_INET6) { (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV6BestMatch((uint8_t *)&GET_IPV6_DST_ADDR(p), io_ctx->tree_ipv6dst, &user_data_dst); } src = user_data_src; dst = user_data_dst; if (src == NULL || dst == NULL) return; uint32_t u; for (u = 0; u < src->size; u++) { SCLogDebug("And %"PRIu8" & %"PRIu8, src->array[u], dst->array[u]); /* The final results will be at io_tctx */ io_tctx->sig_match_array[u] = dst->array[u] & src->array[u]; /* We have to move the logic of the signature checking * to the main detect loop, in order to apply the * priority of actions (pass, drop, reject, alert) */ if (io_tctx->sig_match_array[u] != 0) { /* We have a match :) Let's see from which signum's */ uint8_t bitarray = io_tctx->sig_match_array[u]; uint8_t i = 0; for (; i < 8; i++, bitarray = bitarray >> 1) { if (bitarray & 0x01) { Signature *s = de_ctx->sig_array[u * 8 + i]; if ((s->proto.flags & DETECT_PROTO_IPV4) && !PKT_IS_IPV4(p)) { SCLogDebug("ip version didn't match"); continue; } if ((s->proto.flags & DETECT_PROTO_IPV6) && !PKT_IS_IPV6(p)) { SCLogDebug("ip version didn't match"); continue; } if (DetectProtoContainsProto(&s->proto, IP_GET_IPPROTO(p)) == 0) { SCLogDebug("proto didn't match"); continue; } /* check the source & dst port in the sig */ if (p->proto == IPPROTO_TCP || p->proto == IPPROTO_UDP || p->proto == IPPROTO_SCTP) { if (!(s->flags & SIG_FLAG_DP_ANY)) { if (p->flags & PKT_IS_FRAGMENT) continue; DetectPort *dport = DetectPortLookupGroup(s->dp,p->dp); if (dport == NULL) { SCLogDebug("dport didn't match."); continue; } } if (!(s->flags & SIG_FLAG_SP_ANY)) { if (p->flags & PKT_IS_FRAGMENT) continue; DetectPort *sport = DetectPortLookupGroup(s->sp,p->sp); if (sport == NULL) { SCLogDebug("sport didn't match."); continue; } } } else if ((s->flags & (SIG_FLAG_DP_ANY|SIG_FLAG_SP_ANY)) != (SIG_FLAG_DP_ANY|SIG_FLAG_SP_ANY)) { SCLogDebug("port-less protocol and sig needs ports"); continue; } if (!IPOnlyMatchCompatSMs(tv, det_ctx, s, p)) { continue; } SCLogDebug("Signum %"PRIu16" match (sid: %"PRIu16", msg: %s)", u * 8 + i, s->id, s->msg); if (s->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_POSTMATCH] != NULL) { KEYWORD_PROFILING_SET_LIST(det_ctx, DETECT_SM_LIST_POSTMATCH); SigMatch *sm = s->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_POSTMATCH]; SCLogDebug("running match functions, sm %p", sm); for ( ; sm != NULL; sm = sm->next) { KEYWORD_PROFILING_START; (void)sigmatch_table[sm->type].Match(tv, det_ctx, p, s, sm); KEYWORD_PROFILING_END(det_ctx, sm->type, 1); } } if (!(s->flags & SIG_FLAG_NOALERT)) { if (s->action & ACTION_DROP) PacketAlertAppend(det_ctx, s, p, 0, PACKET_ALERT_FLAG_DROP_FLOW); else PacketAlertAppend(det_ctx, s, p, 0, 0); } else { /* apply actions for noalert/rule suppressed as well */ PACKET_UPDATE_ACTION(p, s->action); } } } } } } /** * \brief Build the radix trees from the lists of parsed adresses in CIDR format * the result should be 4 radix trees: src/dst ipv4 and src/dst ipv6 * holding SigNumArrays, each of them with a hierarchical relation * of subnets and hosts * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the current detection engine */ void IPOnlyPrepare(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { SCLogDebug("Preparing Final Lists"); /* IPOnlyCIDRListPrint((de_ctx->io_ctx).ip_src); IPOnlyCIDRListPrint((de_ctx->io_ctx).ip_dst); */ IPOnlyCIDRItem *src, *dst; SCRadixNode *node = NULL; /* Prepare Src radix trees */ for (src = (de_ctx->io_ctx).ip_src; src != NULL; ) { if (src->family == AF_INET) { /* SCLogDebug("To IPv4"); SCLogDebug("Item has netmask %"PRIu16" negated: %s; IP: %s; " "signum: %"PRIu16, src->netmask, (src->negated) ? "yes":"no", inet_ntoa( *(struct in_addr*)&src->ip[0]), src->signum); */ void *user_data = NULL; if (src->netmask == 32) (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV4ExactMatch((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4src, &user_data); else (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV4Netblock((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4src, src->netmask, &user_data); if (user_data == NULL) { SCLogDebug("Exact match not found"); /** Not found, look if there's a subnet of this range with * bigger netmask */ (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV4BestMatch((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4src, &user_data); if (user_data == NULL) { SCLogDebug("best match not found"); /* Not found, insert a new one */ SigNumArray *sna = SigNumArrayNew(de_ctx, &de_ctx->io_ctx); /* Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (src->signum % 8); if (src->negated > 0) /* Unset it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /* Set it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] |= tmp; if (src->netmask == 32) node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV4((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4src, sna); else node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV4Netblock((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4src, sna, src->netmask); if (node == NULL) SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPONLY_RADIX, "Error inserting in the " "src ipv4 radix tree"); } else { SCLogDebug("Best match found"); /* Found, copy the sig num table, add this signum and insert */ SigNumArray *sna = NULL; sna = SigNumArrayCopy((SigNumArray *) user_data); /* Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (src->signum % 8); if (src->negated > 0) /* Unset it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /* Set it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] |= tmp; if (src->netmask == 32) node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV4((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4src, sna); else node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV4Netblock((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4src, sna, src->netmask); if (node == NULL) { char tmpstr[64]; PrintInet(src->family, &src->ip[0], tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr)); SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPONLY_RADIX, "Error inserting in the" " src ipv4 radix tree ip %s netmask %"PRIu8, tmpstr, src->netmask); //SCRadixPrintTree((de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4src); exit(-1); } } } else { SCLogDebug("Exact match found"); /* it's already inserted. Update it */ SigNumArray *sna = (SigNumArray *)user_data; /* Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (src->signum % 8); if (src->negated > 0) /* Unset it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /* Set it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] |= tmp; } } else if (src->family == AF_INET6) { SCLogDebug("To IPv6"); void *user_data = NULL; if (src->netmask == 128) (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV6ExactMatch((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6src, &user_data); else (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV6Netblock((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6src, src->netmask, &user_data); if (user_data == NULL) { /* Not found, look if there's a subnet of this range with bigger netmask */ (void)SCRadixFindKeyIPV6BestMatch((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6src, &user_data); if (user_data == NULL) { /* Not found, insert a new one */ SigNumArray *sna = SigNumArrayNew(de_ctx, &de_ctx->io_ctx); /* Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (src->signum % 8); if (src->negated > 0) /* Unset it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /* Set it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] |= tmp; if (src->netmask == 128) node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV6((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6src, sna); else node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV6Netblock((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6src, sna, src->netmask); if (node == NULL) SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPONLY_RADIX, "Error inserting in the src " "ipv6 radix tree"); } else { /* Found, copy the sig num table, add this signum and insert */ SigNumArray *sna = NULL; sna = SigNumArrayCopy((SigNumArray *)user_data); /* Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (src->signum % 8); if (src->negated > 0) /* Unset it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /* Set it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] |= tmp; if (src->netmask == 128) node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV6((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6src, sna); else node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV6Netblock((uint8_t *)&src->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6src, sna, src->netmask); if (node == NULL) SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPONLY_RADIX, "Error inserting in the src " "ipv6 radix tree"); } } else { /* it's already inserted. Update it */ SigNumArray *sna = (SigNumArray *)user_data; /* Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (src->signum % 8); if (src->negated > 0) /* Unset it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /* Set it */ sna->array[src->signum / 8] |= tmp; } } IPOnlyCIDRItem *tmpaux = src; src = src->next; SCFree(tmpaux); } SCLogDebug("dsts:"); /* Prepare Dst radix trees */ for (dst = (de_ctx->io_ctx).ip_dst; dst != NULL; ) { if (dst->family == AF_INET) { SCLogDebug("To IPv4"); SCLogDebug("Item has netmask %"PRIu16" negated: %s; IP: %s; signum:" " %"PRIu16"", dst->netmask, (dst->negated)?"yes":"no", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)&dst->ip[0]), dst->signum); void *user_data = NULL; if (dst->netmask == 32) (void) SCRadixFindKeyIPV4ExactMatch((uint8_t *) &dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4dst, &user_data); else (void) SCRadixFindKeyIPV4Netblock((uint8_t *) &dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4dst, dst->netmask, &user_data); if (user_data == NULL) { SCLogDebug("Exact match not found"); /** * Not found, look if there's a subnet of this range * with bigger netmask */ (void) SCRadixFindKeyIPV4BestMatch((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4dst, &user_data); if (user_data == NULL) { SCLogDebug("Best match not found"); /** Not found, insert a new one */ SigNumArray *sna = SigNumArrayNew(de_ctx, &de_ctx->io_ctx); /** Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (dst->signum % 8); if (dst->negated > 0) /** Unset it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /** Set it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] |= tmp; if (dst->netmask == 32) node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV4((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4dst, sna); else node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV4Netblock((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4dst, sna, dst->netmask); if (node == NULL) SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPONLY_RADIX, "Error inserting in the dst " "ipv4 radix tree"); } else { SCLogDebug("Best match found"); /* Found, copy the sig num table, add this signum and insert */ SigNumArray *sna = NULL; sna = SigNumArrayCopy((SigNumArray *) user_data); /* Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (dst->signum % 8); if (dst->negated > 0) /* Unset it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /* Set it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] |= tmp; if (dst->netmask == 32) node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV4((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4dst, sna); else node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV4Netblock((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4dst, sna, dst->netmask); if (node == NULL) SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPONLY_RADIX, "Error inserting in the dst " "ipv4 radix tree"); } } else { SCLogDebug("Exact match found"); /* it's already inserted. Update it */ SigNumArray *sna = (SigNumArray *)user_data; /* Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (dst->signum % 8); if (dst->negated > 0) /* Unset it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /* Set it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] |= tmp; } } else if (dst->family == AF_INET6) { SCLogDebug("To IPv6"); void *user_data = NULL; if (dst->netmask == 128) (void) SCRadixFindKeyIPV6ExactMatch((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6dst, &user_data); else (void) SCRadixFindKeyIPV6Netblock((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6dst, dst->netmask, &user_data); if (user_data == NULL) { /** Not found, look if there's a subnet of this range with * bigger netmask */ (void) SCRadixFindKeyIPV6BestMatch((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6dst, &user_data); if (user_data == NULL) { /* Not found, insert a new one */ SigNumArray *sna = SigNumArrayNew(de_ctx, &de_ctx->io_ctx); /* Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (dst->signum % 8); if (dst->negated > 0) /* Unset it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /* Set it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] |= tmp; if (dst->netmask == 128) node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV6((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6dst, sna); else node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV6Netblock((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6dst, sna, dst->netmask); if (node == NULL) SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPONLY_RADIX, "Error inserting in the dst " "ipv6 radix tree"); } else { /* Found, copy the sig num table, add this signum and insert */ SigNumArray *sna = NULL; sna = SigNumArrayCopy((SigNumArray *)user_data); /* Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (dst->signum % 8); if (dst->negated > 0) /* Unset it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /* Set it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] |= tmp; if (dst->netmask == 128) node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV6((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6dst, sna); else node = SCRadixAddKeyIPV6Netblock((uint8_t *)&dst->ip[0], (de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6dst, sna, dst->netmask); if (node == NULL) SCLogError(SC_ERR_IPONLY_RADIX, "Error inserting in the dst " "ipv6 radix tree"); } } else { /* it's already inserted. Update it */ SigNumArray *sna = (SigNumArray *)user_data; /* Update the sig */ uint8_t tmp = 1 << (dst->signum % 8); if (dst->negated > 0) /* Unset it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] &= ~tmp; else /* Set it */ sna->array[dst->signum / 8] |= tmp; } } IPOnlyCIDRItem *tmpaux = dst; dst = dst->next; SCFree(tmpaux); } /* print all the trees: for debuggin it might print too much info SCLogDebug("Radix tree src ipv4:"); SCRadixPrintTree((de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4src); SCLogDebug("Radix tree src ipv6:"); SCRadixPrintTree((de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6src); SCLogDebug("__________________"); SCLogDebug("Radix tree dst ipv4:"); SCRadixPrintTree((de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv4dst); SCLogDebug("Radix tree dst ipv6:"); SCRadixPrintTree((de_ctx->io_ctx).tree_ipv6dst); SCLogDebug("__________________"); */ } /** * \brief Add a signature to the lists of Adrresses in CIDR format (sorted) * this step is necesary to build the radix tree with a hierarchical * relation between nodes * \param de_ctx Pointer to the current detection engine context * \param de_ctx Pointer to the current ip only detection engine contest * \param s Pointer to the current signature */ void IPOnlyAddSignature(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineIPOnlyCtx *io_ctx, Signature *s) { if (!(s->flags & SIG_FLAG_IPONLY)) return; /* Set the internal signum to the list before merging */ IPOnlyCIDRListSetSigNum(s->CidrSrc, s->num); IPOnlyCIDRListSetSigNum(s->CidrDst, s->num); /** * ipv4 and ipv6 are mixed, but later we will separate them into * different trees */ io_ctx->ip_src = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(io_ctx->ip_src, s->CidrSrc); io_ctx->ip_dst = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(io_ctx->ip_dst, s->CidrDst); if (s->num > io_ctx->max_idx) io_ctx->max_idx = s->num; /* enable the sig in the bitarray */ io_ctx->sig_init_array[(s->num/8)] |= 1 << (s->num % 8); /** no longer ref to this, it's in the table now */ s->CidrSrc = NULL; s->CidrDst = NULL; } #ifdef UNITTESTS /** * \test check that we set a Signature as IPOnly because it has no rule * option appending a SigMatch and no port is fixed */ static int IPOnlyTestSig01(void) { int result = 0; DetectEngineCtx de_ctx; memset(&de_ctx, 0, sizeof(DetectEngineCtx)); de_ctx.flags |= DE_QUIET; Signature *s = SigInit(&de_ctx,"alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"SigTest40-01 sig is IPOnly \"; sid:400001; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if(SignatureIsIPOnly(&de_ctx, s)) result = 1; else printf("expected a IPOnly signature: "); SigFree(s); end: return result; } /** * \test check that we dont set a Signature as IPOnly because it has no rule * option appending a SigMatch but a port is fixed */ static int IPOnlyTestSig02 (void) { int result = 0; DetectEngineCtx de_ctx; memset (&de_ctx, 0, sizeof(DetectEngineCtx)); memset(&de_ctx, 0, sizeof(DetectEngineCtx)); de_ctx.flags |= DE_QUIET; Signature *s = SigInit(&de_ctx,"alert tcp any any -> any 80 (msg:\"SigTest40-02 sig is not IPOnly \"; sid:400001; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if ((SignatureIsIPOnly(&de_ctx, s))) result = 1; else printf("got a non-IPOnly signature: "); SigFree(s); end: return result; } /** * \test check that we set dont set a Signature as IPOnly * because it has rule options appending a SigMatch like content, and pcre */ static int IPOnlyTestSig03 (void) { int result = 1; DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx; Signature *s=NULL; de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit(); if (de_ctx == NULL) goto end; de_ctx->flags |= DE_QUIET; /* combination of pcre and content */ s = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"SigTest40-03 sig is not IPOnly (pcre and content) \"; content:\"php\"; pcre:\"/require(_once)?/i\"; classtype:misc-activity; sid:400001; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if(SignatureIsIPOnly(de_ctx, s)) { printf("got a IPOnly signature (content): "); result=0; } SigFree(s); /* content */ s = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"SigTest40-03 sig is not IPOnly (content) \"; content:\"match something\"; classtype:misc-activity; sid:400001; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if(SignatureIsIPOnly(de_ctx, s)) { printf("got a IPOnly signature (content): "); result=0; } SigFree(s); /* uricontent */ s = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"SigTest40-03 sig is not IPOnly (uricontent) \"; uricontent:\"match something\"; classtype:misc-activity; sid:400001; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if(SignatureIsIPOnly(de_ctx, s)) { printf("got a IPOnly signature (uricontent): "); result=0; } SigFree(s); /* pcre */ s = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"SigTest40-03 sig is not IPOnly (pcre) \"; pcre:\"/e?idps rule[sz]/i\"; classtype:misc-activity; sid:400001; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if(SignatureIsIPOnly(de_ctx, s)) { printf("got a IPOnly signature (pcre): "); result=0; } SigFree(s); /* flow */ s = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"SigTest40-03 sig is not IPOnly (flow) \"; flow:to_server; classtype:misc-activity; sid:400001; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if(SignatureIsIPOnly(de_ctx, s)) { printf("got a IPOnly signature (flow): "); result=0; } SigFree(s); /* dsize */ s = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"SigTest40-03 sig is not IPOnly (dsize) \"; dsize:100; classtype:misc-activity; sid:400001; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if(SignatureIsIPOnly(de_ctx, s)) { printf("got a IPOnly signature (dsize): "); result=0; } SigFree(s); /* flowbits */ s = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"SigTest40-03 sig is not IPOnly (flowbits) \"; flowbits:unset; classtype:misc-activity; sid:400001; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if(SignatureIsIPOnly(de_ctx, s)) { printf("got a IPOnly signature (flowbits): "); result=0; } SigFree(s); /* flowvar */ s = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"SigTest40-03 sig is not IPOnly (flowvar) \"; pcre:\"/(?.*)/i\"; flowvar:var,\"str\"; classtype:misc-activity; sid:400001; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if(SignatureIsIPOnly(de_ctx, s)) { printf("got a IPOnly signature (flowvar): "); result=0; } SigFree(s); /* pktvar */ s = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"SigTest40-03 sig is not IPOnly (pktvar) \"; pcre:\"/(?.*)/i\"; pktvar:var,\"str\"; classtype:misc-activity; sid:400001; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if(SignatureIsIPOnly(de_ctx, s)) { printf("got a IPOnly signature (pktvar): "); result=0; } SigFree(s); end: if (de_ctx != NULL) DetectEngineCtxFree(de_ctx); return result; } /** * \test */ static int IPOnlyTestSig04 (void) { int result = 1; IPOnlyCIDRItem *head = NULL; IPOnlyCIDRItem *new; new = IPOnlyCIDRItemNew(); new->netmask= 10; head = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(head, new); new = IPOnlyCIDRItemNew(); new->netmask= 11; head = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(head, new); new = IPOnlyCIDRItemNew(); new->netmask= 9; head = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(head, new); new = IPOnlyCIDRItemNew(); new->netmask= 10; head = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(head, new); new = IPOnlyCIDRItemNew(); new->netmask= 10; head = IPOnlyCIDRItemInsert(head, new); IPOnlyCIDRListPrint(head); new = head; if (new->netmask != 9) { result = 0; goto end; } new = new->next; if (new->netmask != 10) { result = 0; goto end; } new = new->next; if (new->netmask != 10) { result = 0; goto end; } new = new->next; if (new->netmask != 10) { result = 0; goto end; } new = new->next; if (new->netmask != 11) { result = 0; goto end; } end: IPOnlyCIDRListFree(head); return result; } /** * \test Test a set of ip only signatures making use a lot of * addresses for src and dst (all should match) */ int IPOnlyTestSig05(void) { int result = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)"Hi all!"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); uint8_t numpkts = 1; uint8_t numsigs = 7; Packet *p[1]; p[0] = UTHBuildPacket((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP); char *sigs[numsigs]; sigs[0]= "alert tcp any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src ip (sid 1)\"; sid:1;)"; sigs[1]= "alert tcp any any -> any (msg:\"Testing dst ip (sid 2)\"; sid:2;)"; sigs[2]= "alert tcp any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 3)\"; sid:3;)"; sigs[3]= "alert tcp any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 4)\"; sid:4;)"; sigs[4]= "alert tcp any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 5)\"; sid:5;)"; sigs[5]= "alert tcp any any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 6)\"; sid:6;)"; sigs[6]= "alert tcp any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 7)\"; content:\"Hi all\";sid:7;)"; /* Sid numbers (we could extract them from the sig) */ uint32_t sid[7] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; uint32_t results[7] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; result = UTHGenericTest(p, numpkts, sigs, sid, (uint32_t *) results, numsigs); UTHFreePackets(p, numpkts); return result; } /** * \test Test a set of ip only signatures making use a lot of * addresses for src and dst (none should match) */ int IPOnlyTestSig06(void) { int result = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)"Hi all!"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); uint8_t numpkts = 1; uint8_t numsigs = 7; Packet *p[1]; p[0] = UTHBuildPacketSrcDst((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP, "", ""); char *sigs[numsigs]; sigs[0]= "alert tcp any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src ip (sid 1)\"; sid:1;)"; sigs[1]= "alert tcp any any -> any (msg:\"Testing dst ip (sid 2)\"; sid:2;)"; sigs[2]= "alert tcp any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 3)\"; sid:3;)"; sigs[3]= "alert tcp any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 4)\"; sid:4;)"; sigs[4]= "alert tcp any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 5)\"; sid:5;)"; sigs[5]= "alert tcp any any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 6)\"; sid:6;)"; sigs[6]= "alert tcp any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 7)\"; content:\"Hi all\";sid:7;)"; /* Sid numbers (we could extract them from the sig) */ uint32_t sid[7] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; uint32_t results[7] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; result = UTHGenericTest(p, numpkts, sigs, sid, (uint32_t *) results, numsigs); UTHFreePackets(p, numpkts); return result; } /* \todo fix it. We have disabled this unittest because 599 exposes 608, * which is why these unittests fail. When we fix 608, we need to renable * these sigs */ #if 0 /** * \test Test a set of ip only signatures making use a lot of * addresses for src and dst (all should match) */ int IPOnlyTestSig07(void) { int result = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)"Hi all!"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); uint8_t numpkts = 1; uint8_t numsigs = 7; Packet *p[1]; p[0] = UTHBuildPacket((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP); char *sigs[numsigs]; sigs[0]= "alert tcp any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 1)\"; sid:1;)"; sigs[1]= "alert tcp [,,] any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 2)\"; sid:2;)"; sigs[2]= "alert tcp [,!] any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 3)\"; sid:3;)"; sigs[3]= "alert tcp [,!,,!] any -> [,!] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 4)\"; sid:4;)"; sigs[4]= "alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 5)\"; sid:5;)"; sigs[5]= "alert tcp any any -> [,!,] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 6)\"; sid:6;)"; sigs[6]= "alert tcp [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] any -> any (msg:\"ET RBN Known Russian Business Network IP TCP - BLOCKING (246)\"; sid:7;)"; /* real sid:"2407490" */ /* Sid numbers (we could extract them from the sig) */ uint32_t sid[7] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; uint32_t results[7] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; result = UTHGenericTest(p, numpkts, sigs, sid, (uint32_t *) results, numsigs); UTHFreePackets(p, numpkts); return result; } #endif /** * \test Test a set of ip only signatures making use a lot of * addresses for src and dst (none should match) */ int IPOnlyTestSig08(void) { int result = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)"Hi all!"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); uint8_t numpkts = 1; uint8_t numsigs = 7; Packet *p[1]; p[0] = UTHBuildPacketSrcDst((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP,"",""); char *sigs[numsigs]; sigs[0]= "alert tcp any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 1)\"; sid:1;)"; sigs[1]= "alert tcp [,,] any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 2)\"; sid:2;)"; sigs[2]= "alert tcp [,!] any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 3)\"; sid:3;)"; sigs[3]= "alert tcp [,!,,!] any -> [,!] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 4)\"; sid:4;)"; sigs[4]= "alert tcp any any -> ! any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 5)\"; sid:5;)"; sigs[5]= "alert tcp any any -> [,!,] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 6)\"; sid:6;)"; sigs[6]= "alert tcp [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] any -> any (msg:\"ET RBN Known Russian Business Network IP TCP - BLOCKING (246)\"; sid:7;)"; /* real sid:"2407490" */ /* Sid numbers (we could extract them from the sig) */ uint32_t sid[7] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; uint32_t results[7] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; result = UTHGenericTest(p, numpkts, sigs, sid, (uint32_t *) results, numsigs); UTHFreePackets(p, numpkts); return result; } /** * \test Test a set of ip only signatures making use a lot of * addresses for src and dst (all should match) */ int IPOnlyTestSig09(void) { int result = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)"Hi all!"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); uint8_t numpkts = 1; uint8_t numsigs = 7; Packet *p[1]; p[0] = UTHBuildPacketIPV6SrcDst((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP, "3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565", "3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562"); char *sigs[numsigs]; sigs[0]= "alert tcp 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565 any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src ip (sid 1)\"; sid:1;)"; sigs[1]= "alert tcp any any -> 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562 any (msg:\"Testing dst ip (sid 2)\"; sid:2;)"; sigs[2]= "alert tcp 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565 any -> 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562 any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 3)\"; sid:3;)"; sigs[3]= "alert tcp 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565 any -> 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:0/96 any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 4)\"; sid:4;)"; sigs[4]= "alert tcp 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64 any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 5)\"; sid:5;)"; sigs[5]= "alert tcp any any -> 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64 any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 6)\"; sid:6;)"; sigs[6]= "alert tcp 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64 any -> 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64 any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 7)\"; content:\"Hi all\";sid:7;)"; /* Sid numbers (we could extract them from the sig) */ uint32_t sid[7] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; uint32_t results[7] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; result = UTHGenericTest(p, numpkts, sigs, sid, (uint32_t *) results, numsigs); UTHFreePackets(p, numpkts); return result; } /** * \test Test a set of ip only signatures making use a lot of * addresses for src and dst (none should match) */ int IPOnlyTestSig10(void) { int result = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)"Hi all!"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); uint8_t numpkts = 1; uint8_t numsigs = 7; Packet *p[1]; p[0] = UTHBuildPacketIPV6SrcDst((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP, "3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562", "3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565"); char *sigs[numsigs]; sigs[0]= "alert tcp 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565 any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src ip (sid 1)\"; sid:1;)"; sigs[1]= "alert tcp any any -> 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562 any (msg:\"Testing dst ip (sid 2)\"; sid:2;)"; sigs[2]= "alert tcp 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565 any -> 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562 any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 3)\"; sid:3;)"; sigs[3]= "alert tcp 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565 any -> !3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562/96 any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 4)\"; sid:4;)"; sigs[4]= "alert tcp !3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64 any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 5)\"; sid:5;)"; sigs[5]= "alert tcp any any -> !3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64 any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 6)\"; sid:6;)"; sigs[6]= "alert tcp 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64 any -> 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDB:0:0:0:0/64 any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 7)\"; content:\"Hi all\";sid:7;)"; /* Sid numbers (we could extract them from the sig) */ uint32_t sid[7] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; uint32_t results[7] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; result = UTHGenericTest(p, numpkts, sigs, sid, (uint32_t *) results, numsigs); UTHFreePackets(p, numpkts); return result; } /* \todo fix it. We have disabled this unittest because 599 exposes 608, * which is why these unittests fail. When we fix 608, we need to renable * these sigs */ #if 0 /** * \test Test a set of ip only signatures making use a lot of * addresses for src and dst (all should match) with ipv4 and ipv6 mixed */ int IPOnlyTestSig11(void) { int result = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)"Hi all!"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); uint8_t numpkts = 2; uint8_t numsigs = 7; Packet *p[2]; p[0] = UTHBuildPacketIPV6SrcDst((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP, "3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565", "3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562"); p[1] = UTHBuildPacketSrcDst((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP,"",""); char *sigs[numsigs]; sigs[0]= "alert tcp 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565, any -> 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64, any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 1)\"; sid:1;)"; sigs[1]= "alert tcp [,3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565,,,!] any -> [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 2)\"; sid:2;)"; sigs[2]= "alert tcp [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,!3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any -> [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 3)\"; sid:3;)"; sigs[3]= "alert tcp [3FFE:FFFF:0:0:0:0:0:0/32,!3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,!3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any -> [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,,!3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 4)\"; sid:4;)"; sigs[4]= "alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 5)\"; sid:5;)"; sigs[5]= "alert tcp any any -> [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,!3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 6)\"; sid:6;)"; sigs[6]= "alert tcp [,3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] any -> [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any (msg:\"ET RBN Known Russian Business Network IP TCP - BLOCKING (246)\"; sid:7;)"; /* real sid:"2407490" */ /* Sid numbers (we could extract them from the sig) */ uint32_t sid[7] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; uint32_t results[2][7] = {{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}}; result = UTHGenericTest(p, numpkts, sigs, sid, (uint32_t *) results, numsigs); UTHFreePackets(p, numpkts); return result; } #endif /** * \test Test a set of ip only signatures making use a lot of * addresses for src and dst (none should match) with ipv4 and ipv6 mixed */ int IPOnlyTestSig12(void) { int result = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)"Hi all!"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); uint8_t numpkts = 2; uint8_t numsigs = 7; Packet *p[2]; p[0] = UTHBuildPacketIPV6SrcDst((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP,"3FBE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562","3FBE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565"); p[1] = UTHBuildPacketSrcDst((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP,"",""); char *sigs[numsigs]; sigs[0]= "alert tcp 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565, any -> 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64, any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 1)\"; sid:1;)"; sigs[1]= "alert tcp [,3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565,,,!] any -> [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 2)\"; sid:2;)"; sigs[2]= "alert tcp [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,!3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any -> [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 3)\"; sid:3;)"; sigs[3]= "alert tcp [3FFE:FFFF:0:0:0:0:0:0/32,!3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,!3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any -> [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,,!3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 4)\"; sid:4;)"; sigs[4]= "alert tcp any any -> [!3FBE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565,!] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 5)\"; sid:5;)"; sigs[5]= "alert tcp any any -> [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,!3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:0:0:0:0/64,3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 6)\"; sid:6;)"; sigs[6]= "alert tcp [,3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4565,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] any -> [3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562,] any (msg:\"ET RBN Known Russian Business Network IP TCP - BLOCKING (246)\"; sid:7;)"; /* real sid:"2407490" */ /* Sid numbers (we could extract them from the sig) */ uint32_t sid[7] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; uint32_t results[2][7] = {{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; result = UTHGenericTest(p, numpkts, sigs, sid, (uint32_t *) results, numsigs); UTHFreePackets(p, numpkts); return result; } static int IPOnlyTestSig13(void) { int result = 0; DetectEngineCtx de_ctx; memset(&de_ctx, 0, sizeof(DetectEngineCtx)); de_ctx.flags |= DE_QUIET; Signature *s = SigInit(&de_ctx, "alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"Test flowbits ip only\"; " "flowbits:set,myflow1; sid:1; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if (SignatureIsIPOnly(&de_ctx, s)) result = 1; else printf("expected a IPOnly signature: "); SigFree(s); end: return result; } static int IPOnlyTestSig14(void) { int result = 0; DetectEngineCtx de_ctx; memset(&de_ctx, 0, sizeof(DetectEngineCtx)); de_ctx.flags |= DE_QUIET; Signature *s = SigInit(&de_ctx, "alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:\"Test flowbits ip only\"; " "flowbits:set,myflow1; flowbits:isset,myflow2; sid:1; rev:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } if (SignatureIsIPOnly(&de_ctx, s)) printf("expected a IPOnly signature: "); else result = 1; SigFree(s); end: return result; } int IPOnlyTestSig15(void) { int result = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)"Hi all!"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); uint8_t numpkts = 1; uint8_t numsigs = 7; Packet *p[1]; Flow f; GenericVar flowvar; memset(&f, 0, sizeof(Flow)); memset(&flowvar, 0, sizeof(GenericVar)); FLOW_INITIALIZE(&f); p[0] = UTHBuildPacket((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP); p[0]->flow = &f; p[0]->flow->flowvar = &flowvar; p[0]->flags |= PKT_HAS_FLOW; p[0]->flowflags |= FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER; char *sigs[numsigs]; sigs[0]= "alert tcp any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src ip (sid 1)\"; " "flowbits:set,one; sid:1;)"; sigs[1]= "alert tcp any any -> any (msg:\"Testing dst ip (sid 2)\"; " "flowbits:set,two; sid:2;)"; sigs[2]= "alert tcp any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 3)\"; " "flowbits:set,three; sid:3;)"; sigs[3]= "alert tcp any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 4)\"; " "flowbits:set,four; sid:4;)"; sigs[4]= "alert tcp any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 5)\"; " "flowbits:set,five; sid:5;)"; sigs[5]= "alert tcp any any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 6)\"; " "flowbits:set,six; sid:6;)"; sigs[6]= "alert tcp any -> any (msg:\"Testing src/dst ip (sid 7)\"; " "flowbits:set,seven; content:\"Hi all\"; sid:7;)"; /* Sid numbers (we could extract them from the sig) */ uint32_t sid[7] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; uint32_t results[7] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; result = UTHGenericTest(p, numpkts, sigs, sid, (uint32_t *) results, numsigs); UTHFreePackets(p, numpkts); FLOW_DESTROY(&f); return result; } /** * \brief Unittest to show #599. We fail to match if we have negated addresses. */ int IPOnlyTestSig16(void) { int result = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)"Hi all!"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); uint8_t numpkts = 1; uint8_t numsigs = 2; Packet *p[1]; p[0] = UTHBuildPacketSrcDst((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP, "", ""); char *sigs[numsigs]; sigs[0]= "alert tcp ! any -> any any (msg:\"Testing src ip (sid 1)\"; sid:1;)"; sigs[1]= "alert tcp any any -> ! any (msg:\"Testing dst ip (sid 2)\"; sid:2;)"; /* Sid numbers (we could extract them from the sig) */ uint32_t sid[2] = { 1, 2}; uint32_t results[2] = { 1, 1}; result = UTHGenericTest(p, numpkts, sigs, sid, (uint32_t *) results, numsigs); UTHFreePackets(p, numpkts); return result; } /** * \brief Unittest to show #611. Ports on portless protocols. */ int IPOnlyTestSig17(void) { int result = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)"Hi all!"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); uint8_t numpkts = 1; uint8_t numsigs = 2; Packet *p[1]; p[0] = UTHBuildPacketSrcDst((uint8_t *)buf, buflen, IPPROTO_ICMP, "", ""); char *sigs[numsigs]; sigs[0]= "alert ip 80 -> any any (msg:\"Testing src ip (sid 1)\"; sid:1;)"; sigs[1]= "alert ip any any -> 123 (msg:\"Testing dst ip (sid 2)\"; sid:2;)"; uint32_t sid[2] = { 1, 2}; uint32_t results[2] = { 0, 0}; /* neither should match */ result = UTHGenericTest(p, numpkts, sigs, sid, (uint32_t *) results, numsigs); UTHFreePackets(p, numpkts); return result; } #endif /* UNITTESTS */ void IPOnlyRegisterTests(void) { #ifdef UNITTESTS UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig01", IPOnlyTestSig01, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig02", IPOnlyTestSig02, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig03", IPOnlyTestSig03, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig04", IPOnlyTestSig04, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig05", IPOnlyTestSig05, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig06", IPOnlyTestSig06, 1); /* \todo fix it. We have disabled this unittest because 599 exposes 608, * which is why these unittests fail. When we fix 608, we need to renable * these sigs */ #if 0 UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig07", IPOnlyTestSig07, 1); #endif UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig08", IPOnlyTestSig08, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig09", IPOnlyTestSig09, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig10", IPOnlyTestSig10, 1); /* \todo fix it. We have disabled this unittest because 599 exposes 608, * which is why these unittests fail. When we fix 608, we need to renable * these sigs */ #if 0 UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig11", IPOnlyTestSig11, 1); #endif UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig12", IPOnlyTestSig12, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig13", IPOnlyTestSig13, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig14", IPOnlyTestSig14, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig15", IPOnlyTestSig15, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig16", IPOnlyTestSig16, 1); UtRegisterTest("IPOnlyTestSig17", IPOnlyTestSig17, 1); #endif return; }