/* Copyright (C) 2012 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Ignacio Sanchez * * Implements the geoip keyword. */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "debug.h" #include "decode.h" #include "detect.h" #include "detect-parse.h" #include "detect-engine.h" #include "detect-engine-mpm.h" #include "detect-geoip.h" #include "util-unittest.h" #include "util-unittest-helper.h" #ifndef HAVE_GEOIP static int DetectGeoipSetupNoSupport (DetectEngineCtx *a, Signature *b, char *c) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_NO_GEOIP_SUPPORT, "no GeoIP support built in, needed for geoip keyword"); return -1; } /** * \brief Registration function for geoip keyword (no libgeoip support) * \todo add support for src_only and dst_only */ void DetectGeoipRegister(void) { sigmatch_table[DETECT_GEOIP].name = "geoip"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_GEOIP].Setup = DetectGeoipSetupNoSupport; sigmatch_table[DETECT_GEOIP].Free = NULL; sigmatch_table[DETECT_GEOIP].RegisterTests = NULL; } #else /* HAVE_GEOIP */ #include static int DetectGeoipMatch(ThreadVars *, DetectEngineThreadCtx *, Packet *, Signature *, SigMatch *); static int DetectGeoipSetup(DetectEngineCtx *, Signature *, char *); static void DetectGeoipRegisterTests(void); static void DetectGeoipDataFree(void *); /** * \brief Registration function for geoip keyword * \todo add support for src_only and dst_only */ void DetectGeoipRegister(void) { sigmatch_table[DETECT_GEOIP].name = "geoip"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_GEOIP].Match = DetectGeoipMatch; sigmatch_table[DETECT_GEOIP].Setup = DetectGeoipSetup; sigmatch_table[DETECT_GEOIP].Free = DetectGeoipDataFree; sigmatch_table[DETECT_GEOIP].RegisterTests = DetectGeoipRegisterTests; } /** * \internal * \brief This function is used to initialize the geolocation MaxMind engine * * \retval NULL if the engine couldn't be initialized * \retval (GeoIP *) to the geolocation engine */ static GeoIP *InitGeolocationEngine(void) { return GeoIP_new(GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE); } /** * \internal * \brief This function is used to geolocate the IP using the MaxMind libraries * * \param ip IP to geolocate (uint32_t ip) * * \retval NULL if it couldn't be geolocated * \retval ptr (const char *) to the country code string */ static const char *GeolocateIPv4(GeoIP *geoengine, uint32_t ip) { if (geoengine != NULL) return GeoIP_country_code_by_ipnum(geoengine, ntohl(ip)); return NULL; } /* Match-on conditions supported */ #define GEOIP_MATCH_SRC_STR "src" #define GEOIP_MATCH_DST_STR "dst" #define GEOIP_MATCH_BOTH_STR "both" #define GEOIP_MATCH_ANY_STR "any" #define GEOIP_MATCH_NO_FLAG 0 #define GEOIP_MATCH_SRC_FLAG 1 #define GEOIP_MATCH_DST_FLAG 2 #define GEOIP_MATCH_ANY_FLAG 3 /* default src and dst*/ #define GEOIP_MATCH_BOTH_FLAG 4 #define GEOIP_MATCH_NEGATED 8 /** * \internal * \brief This function is used to geolocate the IP using the MaxMind libraries * * \param ip IP to geolocate (uint32_t ip) * * \retval 0 no match * \retval 1 match */ static int CheckGeoMatchIPv4(DetectGeoipData *geoipdata, uint32_t ip) { const char *country; int i; country = GeolocateIPv4(geoipdata->geoengine, ip); /* Check if NOT NEGATED match-on condition */ if ((geoipdata->flags & GEOIP_MATCH_NEGATED) == 0) { for (i = 0; i < geoipdata->nlocations; i++) if (country != NULL && strcmp(country, (char *)geoipdata->location[i])==0) return 1; } else { /* Check if NEGATED match-on condition */ for (i = 0; i < geoipdata->nlocations; i++) if (country != NULL && strcmp(country, (char *)geoipdata->location[i])==0) return 0; /* if one matches, rule does NOT match (negated) */ return 1; /* returns 1 if no location matches (negated) */ } return 0; } /** * \internal * \brief This function is used to match packets with a IPs in an specified country * * \param t pointer to thread vars * \param det_ctx pointer to the pattern matcher thread * \param p pointer to the current packet * \param m pointer to the sigmatch that we will cast into DetectGeoipData * * \retval 0 no match * \retval 1 match */ static int DetectGeoipMatch(ThreadVars *t, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Packet *p, Signature *s, SigMatch *m) { DetectGeoipData *geoipdata = (DetectGeoipData *)m->ctx; int matches = 0; if (PKT_IS_PSEUDOPKT(p)) return 0; if (PKT_IS_IPV4(p)) { if (geoipdata->flags & ( GEOIP_MATCH_SRC_FLAG | GEOIP_MATCH_BOTH_FLAG )) { if (CheckGeoMatchIPv4(geoipdata, GET_IPV4_SRC_ADDR_U32(p))) { if (geoipdata->flags & GEOIP_MATCH_BOTH_FLAG) matches++; else return 1; } } if (geoipdata->flags & ( GEOIP_MATCH_DST_FLAG | GEOIP_MATCH_BOTH_FLAG )) { if (CheckGeoMatchIPv4(geoipdata, GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_U32(p))) { if (geoipdata->flags & GEOIP_MATCH_BOTH_FLAG) matches++; else return 1; } } /* if matches == 2 is because match-on is "both" */ if (matches == 2) return 1; } return 0; } /** * \brief This function is used to parse geoipdata * * \param str Pointer to the geoipdata value string * * \retval pointer to DetectGeoipData on success * \retval NULL on failure */ static DetectGeoipData *DetectGeoipDataParse (char *str) { DetectGeoipData *geoipdata = NULL; uint16_t pos = 0; uint16_t prevpos = 0; uint16_t slen = 0; int skiplocationparsing = 0; slen = strlen(str); if (slen == 0) goto error; /* We have a correct geoip options string */ geoipdata = SCMalloc(sizeof(DetectGeoipData)); if (unlikely(geoipdata == NULL)) goto error; memset(geoipdata, 0x00, sizeof(DetectGeoipData)); /* Parse the geoip option string */ while (pos <= slen) { /* search for ',' or end of string */ if (str[pos] == ',' || pos == slen) { if (geoipdata->flags == GEOIP_MATCH_NO_FLAG) { /* Parse match-on condition */ if (pos == slen) /* if end of option str then there are no match-on cond. */ { /* There was NO match-on condition! we default to ANY*/ skiplocationparsing = 0; geoipdata->flags |= GEOIP_MATCH_ANY_FLAG; } else { skiplocationparsing = 1; if (strncmp(&str[prevpos], GEOIP_MATCH_SRC_STR, pos-prevpos) == 0) geoipdata->flags |= GEOIP_MATCH_SRC_FLAG; else if (strncmp(&str[prevpos], GEOIP_MATCH_DST_STR, pos-prevpos) == 0) geoipdata->flags |= GEOIP_MATCH_DST_FLAG; else if (strncmp(&str[prevpos], GEOIP_MATCH_BOTH_STR, pos-prevpos) == 0) geoipdata->flags |= GEOIP_MATCH_BOTH_FLAG; else if (strncmp(&str[prevpos], GEOIP_MATCH_ANY_STR, pos-prevpos) == 0) geoipdata->flags |= GEOIP_MATCH_ANY_FLAG; else { /* There was NO match-on condition! we default to ANY*/ skiplocationparsing = 0; geoipdata->flags |= GEOIP_MATCH_ANY_FLAG; } } } if (geoipdata->flags != GEOIP_MATCH_NO_FLAG && skiplocationparsing == 0) { /* Parse location string: for now just the country code(s) */ if (str[prevpos] == '!') { geoipdata->flags |= GEOIP_MATCH_NEGATED; prevpos++; /* dot not copy the ! */ } if (pos-prevpos > GEOOPTION_MAXSIZE) strlcpy((char *)geoipdata->location[geoipdata->nlocations], &str[prevpos], GEOOPTION_MAXSIZE); else strlcpy((char *)geoipdata->location[geoipdata->nlocations], &str[prevpos], pos-prevpos+1); if (geoipdata->nlocations < GEOOPTION_MAXLOCATIONS) geoipdata->nlocations++; } prevpos = pos+1; skiplocationparsing = 0; /* match-on condition for sure has been parsed already */ } pos++; } SCLogDebug("GeoIP: %"PRIu32" countries loaded", geoipdata->nlocations); for (int i=0; inlocations; i++) SCLogDebug("GeoIP country code: %s", geoipdata->location[i]); SCLogDebug("flags %02X", geoipdata->flags); if (geoipdata->flags & GEOIP_MATCH_NEGATED) { SCLogDebug("negated geoip"); } /* Initialize the geolocation engine */ geoipdata->geoengine = InitGeolocationEngine(); if (geoipdata->geoengine == NULL) goto error; return geoipdata; error: if (geoipdata != NULL) DetectGeoipDataFree(geoipdata); return NULL; } /** * \internal * \brief this function is used to add the geoip option into the signature * * \param de_ctx pointer to the Detection Engine Context * \param s pointer to the Current Signature * \param optstr pointer to the user provided options * * \retval 0 on Success * \retval -1 on Failure */ static int DetectGeoipSetup(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, char *optstr) { DetectGeoipData *geoipdata = NULL; SigMatch *sm = NULL; geoipdata = DetectGeoipDataParse(optstr); if (geoipdata == NULL) goto error; /* Get this into a SigMatch and put it in the Signature. */ sm = SigMatchAlloc(); if (sm == NULL) goto error; sm->type = DETECT_GEOIP; sm->ctx = (void *)geoipdata; SigMatchAppendSMToList(s, sm, DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH); s->flags |= SIG_FLAG_REQUIRE_PACKET; return 0; error: if (geoipdata != NULL) DetectGeoipDataFree(geoipdata); if (sm != NULL) SCFree(sm); return -1; } /** * \brief this function will free memory associated with DetectGeoipData * * \param geoipdata pointer to DetectGeoipData */ static void DetectGeoipDataFree(void *ptr) { if (ptr != NULL) { DetectGeoipData *geoipdata = (DetectGeoipData *)ptr; SCFree(geoipdata); } } #ifdef UNITTESTS static int GeoipParseTest(char *rule, int ncountries, char **countries, uint32_t flags) { DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx = NULL; int result = 0; Signature *s = NULL; DetectGeoipData *data = NULL; de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit(); if (de_ctx == NULL) goto end; de_ctx->flags |= DE_QUIET; de_ctx->sig_list = SigInit(de_ctx, rule); if (de_ctx->sig_list == NULL) { printf("sig parse failed: "); goto end; } s = de_ctx->sig_list; if (s->sm_lists_tail[DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH] == NULL) { printf("empty server body list: "); goto end; } if (s->sm_lists_tail[DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH]->type != DETECT_GEOIP) { printf("last sm not geoip: "); goto end; } data = (DetectGeoipData *)s->sm_lists_tail[DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH]->ctx; if (data->flags != flags) { printf("flags not right: (flags=%d)",data->flags); goto end; } if (data->nlocations!=ncountries) { printf("wrong number of parsed countries: "); goto end; } for (int i=0; ilocation[i],countries[i])!=0) { printf("wrong parsed country code: "); goto end; } } result = 1; end: SigGroupCleanup(de_ctx); SigCleanSignatures(de_ctx); DetectEngineCtxFree(de_ctx); return result; } static int GeoipParseTest01(void) { char *ccodes[1] = {"US"}; return GeoipParseTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:US;sid:1;)", 1, ccodes, GEOIP_MATCH_ANY_FLAG); } static int GeoipParseTest02(void) { char *ccodes[1] = {"US"}; return GeoipParseTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:!US;sid:1;)", 1, ccodes, GEOIP_MATCH_ANY_FLAG | GEOIP_MATCH_NEGATED); } static int GeoipParseTest03(void) { char *ccodes[1] = {"US"}; return GeoipParseTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:!US;sid:1;)", 1, ccodes, GEOIP_MATCH_ANY_FLAG | GEOIP_MATCH_NEGATED); } static int GeoipParseTest04(void) { char *ccodes[1] = {"US"}; return GeoipParseTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:src,US;sid:1;)", 1, ccodes, GEOIP_MATCH_SRC_FLAG); } static int GeoipParseTest05(void) { char *ccodes[1] = {"US"}; return GeoipParseTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:dst,!US;sid:1;)", 1, ccodes, GEOIP_MATCH_DST_FLAG | GEOIP_MATCH_NEGATED); } static int GeoipParseTest06(void) { char *ccodes[3] = {"US", "ES", "UK"}; return GeoipParseTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:US,ES,UK;sid:1;)", 3, ccodes, GEOIP_MATCH_ANY_FLAG); } static int GeoipParseTest07(void) { char *ccodes[3] = {"US", "ES", "UK"}; return GeoipParseTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:both,!US,ES,UK;sid:1;)", 3, ccodes, GEOIP_MATCH_BOTH_FLAG | GEOIP_MATCH_NEGATED); } /** * \internal * \brief This test tests geoip success and failure. */ static int GeoipMatchTest(char *rule, char *srcip, char *dstip) { uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *) "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf); Packet *p1 = NULL; ThreadVars th_v; DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx; int result = 0; memset(&th_v, 0, sizeof(th_v)); p1 = UTHBuildPacketSrcDst(buf, buflen, IPPROTO_TCP, srcip, dstip); DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit(); if (de_ctx == NULL) { goto end; } de_ctx->flags |= DE_QUIET; de_ctx->sig_list = SigInit(de_ctx, rule); if (de_ctx->sig_list == NULL) { goto end; } SigGroupBuild(de_ctx); DetectEngineThreadCtxInit(&th_v, (void *)de_ctx, (void *)&det_ctx); result = 2; SigMatchSignatures(&th_v, de_ctx, det_ctx, p1); if (PacketAlertCheck(p1, 1) == 0) { goto cleanup; } result = 1; cleanup: SigGroupCleanup(de_ctx); SigCleanSignatures(de_ctx); DetectEngineThreadCtxDeinit(&th_v, (void *)det_ctx); DetectEngineCtxFree(de_ctx); end: return result; } static int GeoipMatchTest01(void) { /* Tests with IP of google DNS as US for both src and dst IPs */ return GeoipMatchTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:US;sid:1;)", "", ""); /* Expected result 1 = match */ } static int GeoipMatchTest02(void) { /* Tests with IP of google DNS as US, and m.root-servers.net as japan */ return GeoipMatchTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:JP;sid:1;)", "", ""); /* Expected result 1 = match */ } static int GeoipMatchTest03(void) { /* Tests with IP of google DNS as US, and m.root-servers.net as japan */ return GeoipMatchTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:dst,JP;sid:1;)", "", ""); /* Expected result 1 = match */ } static int GeoipMatchTest04(void) { /* Tests with IP of google DNS as US, and m.root-servers.net as japan */ return GeoipMatchTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:src,JP;sid:1;)", "", ""); /* Expected result 2 = NO match */ } static int GeoipMatchTest05(void) { /* Tests with IP of google DNS as US, and m.root-servers.net as japan */ return GeoipMatchTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:src,JP,US;sid:1;)", "", ""); /* Expected result 1 = match */ } static int GeoipMatchTest06(void) { /* Tests with IP of google DNS as US, and m.root-servers.net as japan */ return GeoipMatchTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:src,ES,JP,US,UK,PT;sid:1;)", "", ""); /* Expected result 1 = match */ } static int GeoipMatchTest07(void) { /* Tests with IP of google DNS as US, and m.root-servers.net as japan */ return GeoipMatchTest("alert tcp any any -> any any (geoip:src,!ES,JP,US,UK,PT;sid:1;)", "", ""); /* Expected result 2 = NO match */ } #endif /* UNITTESTS */ /** * \internal * \brief This function registers unit tests for DetectGeoip */ static void DetectGeoipRegisterTests(void) { #ifdef UNITTESTS UtRegisterTest("GeoipParseTest01", GeoipParseTest01, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipParseTest02", GeoipParseTest02, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipParseTest03", GeoipParseTest03, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipParseTest04", GeoipParseTest04, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipParseTest05", GeoipParseTest05, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipParseTest06", GeoipParseTest06, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipParseTest07", GeoipParseTest07, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipMatchTest01", GeoipMatchTest01, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipMatchTest02", GeoipMatchTest02, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipMatchTest03", GeoipMatchTest03, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipMatchTest04", GeoipMatchTest04, 2); UtRegisterTest("GeoipMatchTest05", GeoipMatchTest05, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipMatchTest06", GeoipMatchTest06, 1); UtRegisterTest("GeoipMatchTest07", GeoipMatchTest07, 2); #endif /* UNITTESTS */ } #endif /* HAVE_GEOIP */