/* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Pierre Chifflier * \author Yoann Vandoorselaere * * Logs alerts to the Prelude system, using IDMEF (RFC 4765) messages. * * Each message contains the alert description and reference (using * the SID/GID), and a normalized description (assessment, impact, * sources etc.) * * libprelude handles the connection with the manager (collecting component), * spooling and sending the event asynchronously. It also offers transport * security (using TLS and trusted certificates) and reliability (events * are retransmitted if not sent successfully). * * This modules requires a Prelude profile to work (see man prelude-admin * and the Prelude Handbook for help). */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "debug.h" #include "detect.h" #include "flow.h" #include "conf.h" #include "threads.h" #include "threadvars.h" #include "tm-threads.h" #include "util-unittest.h" #include "util-time.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "util-error.h" #include "util-print.h" #include "output.h" #include "util-privs.h" #include "util-optimize.h" #include "stream.h" #ifndef PRELUDE /** Handle the case where no PRELUDE support is compiled in. * */ TmEcode AlertPrelude (ThreadVars *, Packet *, void *, PacketQueue *, PacketQueue *); TmEcode AlertPreludeThreadInit(ThreadVars *, void *, void **); TmEcode AlertPreludeThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *, void *); int AlertPreludeOpenFileCtx(LogFileCtx *, char *); void AlertPreludeRegisterTests(void); void TmModuleAlertPreludeRegister (void) { tmm_modules[TMM_ALERTPRELUDE].name = "AlertPrelude"; tmm_modules[TMM_ALERTPRELUDE].ThreadInit = AlertPreludeThreadInit; tmm_modules[TMM_ALERTPRELUDE].Func = AlertPrelude; tmm_modules[TMM_ALERTPRELUDE].ThreadDeinit = AlertPreludeThreadDeinit; tmm_modules[TMM_ALERTPRELUDE].RegisterTests = AlertPreludeRegisterTests; } LogFileCtx *AlertPreludeInitCtx(ConfNode *conf) { SCLogDebug("Can't init Prelude output - Prelude support was disabled during build."); return NULL; } TmEcode AlertPreludeThreadInit(ThreadVars *t, void *initdata, void **data) { SCLogDebug("Can't init Prelude output thread - Prelude support was disabled during build."); return TM_ECODE_FAILED; } TmEcode AlertPrelude (ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *data, PacketQueue *pq, PacketQueue *postpq) { return TM_ECODE_OK; } TmEcode AlertPreludeThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *t, void *data) { return TM_ECODE_FAILED; } void AlertPreludeRegisterTests (void) { } #else /* implied we do have PRELUDE support */ #include #define ANALYZER_CLASS "NIDS" #define ANALYZER_MODEL "Suricata" #define ANALYZER_MANUFACTURER "http://www.openinfosecfoundation.org/" #define ANALYZER_SID_URL "http://www.snort.org/search/sid/" #define SNORT_MAX_OWNED_SID 1000000 #define DEFAULT_ANALYZER_NAME "suricata" #define DEFAULT_PRELUDE_PROFILE "suricata" static unsigned int info_priority = 4; static unsigned int low_priority = 3; static unsigned int mid_priority = 2; OutputCtx *AlertPreludeInitCtx(ConfNode *conf); TmEcode AlertPrelude (ThreadVars *, Packet *, void *, PacketQueue *, PacketQueue *); TmEcode AlertPreludeThreadInit(ThreadVars *, void *, void **); TmEcode AlertPreludeThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *, void *); int AlertPreludeOpenFileCtx(LogFileCtx *, char *); void AlertPreludeRegisterTests(void); static void AlertPreludeDeinitCtx(OutputCtx *output_ctx); void TmModuleAlertPreludeRegister (void) { tmm_modules[TMM_ALERTPRELUDE].name = "AlertPrelude"; tmm_modules[TMM_ALERTPRELUDE].ThreadInit = AlertPreludeThreadInit; tmm_modules[TMM_ALERTPRELUDE].Func = AlertPrelude; tmm_modules[TMM_ALERTPRELUDE].ThreadDeinit = AlertPreludeThreadDeinit; tmm_modules[TMM_ALERTPRELUDE].RegisterTests = AlertPreludeRegisterTests; tmm_modules[TMM_ALERTPRELUDE].cap_flags = 0; OutputRegisterModule("AlertPrelude", "alert-prelude", AlertPreludeInitCtx); } /** * This holds global structures and variables. Since libprelude is thread-safe, * there is no need to store a mutex. */ typedef struct AlertPreludeCtx_ { /** The client (which has the send function) */ prelude_client_t *client; int log_packet_content; int log_packet_header; } AlertPreludeCtx; /** * This holds per-thread specific structures and variables. */ typedef struct AlertPreludeThread_ { /** Pointer to the global context */ AlertPreludeCtx *ctx; } AlertPreludeThread; /** * \brief Initialize analyzer description * * \return 0 if ok */ static int SetupAnalyzer(idmef_analyzer_t *analyzer) { int ret; prelude_string_t *string; SCEnter(); ret = idmef_analyzer_new_model(analyzer, &string); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); prelude_string_set_constant(string, ANALYZER_MODEL); ret = idmef_analyzer_new_class(analyzer, &string); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); prelude_string_set_constant(string, ANALYZER_CLASS); ret = idmef_analyzer_new_manufacturer(analyzer, &string); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); prelude_string_set_constant(string, ANALYZER_MANUFACTURER); ret = idmef_analyzer_new_version(analyzer, &string); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); prelude_string_set_constant(string, VERSION); SCReturnInt(0); } /** * \brief Create event impact description (see section * of RFC 4765). * The impact contains the severity, completion (succeeded or failed) * and basic classification of the attack type. * Here, we don't set the completion since we don't know it (default * is unknown). * * \return 0 if ok */ static int EventToImpact(PacketAlert *pa, Packet *p, idmef_alert_t *alert) { int ret; prelude_string_t *str; idmef_impact_t *impact; idmef_assessment_t *assessment; idmef_impact_severity_t severity; SCEnter(); ret = idmef_alert_new_assessment(alert, &assessment); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_assessment_new_impact(assessment, &impact); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); if ( (unsigned int)pa->s->prio < mid_priority ) severity = IDMEF_IMPACT_SEVERITY_HIGH; else if ( (unsigned int)pa->s->prio < low_priority ) severity = IDMEF_IMPACT_SEVERITY_MEDIUM; else if ( (unsigned int)pa->s->prio < info_priority ) severity = IDMEF_IMPACT_SEVERITY_LOW; else severity = IDMEF_IMPACT_SEVERITY_INFO; idmef_impact_set_severity(impact, severity); if (PACKET_TEST_ACTION(p, ACTION_DROP)) { idmef_action_t *action; ret = idmef_action_new(&action); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); idmef_action_set_category(action, IDMEF_ACTION_CATEGORY_BLOCK_INSTALLED); idmef_assessment_set_action(assessment, action, 0); } if (pa->s->class_msg) { ret = idmef_impact_new_description(impact, &str); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); prelude_string_set_ref(str, pa->s->class_msg); } SCReturnInt(0); } /** * \brief Add Source and Target fields to the IDMEF alert. * These objects contains IP addresses, source and destination * ports (see sections and of RFC 4765). * * \return 0 if ok */ static int EventToSourceTarget(Packet *p, idmef_alert_t *alert) { int ret; idmef_node_t *node; idmef_source_t *source; idmef_target_t *target; idmef_address_t *address; idmef_service_t *service; prelude_string_t *string; static char saddr[128], daddr[128]; uint8_t ip_vers; uint8_t ip_proto; SCEnter(); if ( !p ) SCReturnInt(0); if ( ! IPH_IS_VALID(p) ) SCReturnInt(0); if (PKT_IS_IPV4(p)) { ip_vers = 4; ip_proto = IPV4_GET_RAW_IPPROTO(p->ip4h); PrintInet(AF_INET, (const void *)GET_IPV4_SRC_ADDR_PTR(p), saddr, sizeof(saddr)); PrintInet(AF_INET, (const void *)GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_PTR(p), daddr, sizeof(daddr)); } else if (PKT_IS_IPV6(p)) { ip_vers = 6; ip_proto = IPV6_GET_L4PROTO(p); PrintInet(AF_INET6, (const void *)GET_IPV6_SRC_ADDR(p), saddr, sizeof(saddr)); PrintInet(AF_INET6, (const void *)GET_IPV6_DST_ADDR(p), daddr, sizeof(daddr)); } else SCReturnInt(0); ret = idmef_alert_new_source(alert, &source, IDMEF_LIST_APPEND); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_source_new_service(source, &service); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); if ( p->tcph || p->udph ) idmef_service_set_port(service, p->sp); idmef_service_set_ip_version(service, ip_vers); idmef_service_set_iana_protocol_number(service, ip_proto); ret = idmef_source_new_node(source, &node); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_node_new_address(node, &address, IDMEF_LIST_APPEND); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_address_new_address(address, &string); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); prelude_string_set_ref(string, saddr); ret = idmef_alert_new_target(alert, &target, IDMEF_LIST_APPEND); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_target_new_service(target, &service); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); if ( p->tcph || p->udph ) idmef_service_set_port(service, p->dp); idmef_service_set_ip_version(service, ip_vers); idmef_service_set_iana_protocol_number(service, ip_proto); ret = idmef_target_new_node(target, &node); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_node_new_address(node, &address, IDMEF_LIST_APPEND); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_address_new_address(address, &string); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); prelude_string_set_ref(string, daddr); SCReturnInt(0); } /** * \brief Add binary data, to be stored in the Additional Data * field of the IDMEF alert (see section of RFC 4765). * * \return 0 if ok */ static int AddByteData(idmef_alert_t *alert, const char *meaning, const unsigned char *data, size_t size) { int ret; prelude_string_t *str; idmef_additional_data_t *ad; SCEnter(); if ( ! data || ! size ) SCReturnInt(0); ret = idmef_alert_new_additional_data(alert, &ad, IDMEF_LIST_APPEND); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(0); ret = idmef_additional_data_set_byte_string_ref(ad, data, size); if ( ret < 0 ) { SCLogDebug("%s: error setting byte string data: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(-1); } ret = idmef_additional_data_new_meaning(ad, &str); if ( ret < 0 ) { SCLogDebug("%s: error creating additional-data meaning: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(-1); } ret = prelude_string_set_ref(str, meaning); if ( ret < 0 ) { SCLogDebug("%s: error setting byte string data meaning: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(-1); } SCReturnInt(0); } /** * \brief Add integer data, to be stored in the Additional Data * field of the IDMEF alert (see section of RFC 4765). * * \return 0 if ok */ static int AddIntData(idmef_alert_t *alert, const char *meaning, uint32_t data) { int ret; prelude_string_t *str; idmef_additional_data_t *ad; SCEnter(); ret = idmef_alert_new_additional_data(alert, &ad, IDMEF_LIST_APPEND); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); idmef_additional_data_set_integer(ad, data); ret = idmef_additional_data_new_meaning(ad, &str); if ( ret < 0 ) { SCLogDebug("%s: error creating additional-data meaning: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(-1); } ret = prelude_string_set_ref(str, meaning); if ( ret < 0 ) { SCLogDebug("%s: error setting integer data meaning: %s.", prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret)); SCReturnInt(-1); } SCReturnInt(0); } /** * \brief Add IPv4 header data, to be stored in the Additional Data * field of the IDMEF alert (see section of RFC 4765). * * \return 0 if ok */ static int PacketToDataV4(Packet *p, PacketAlert *pa, idmef_alert_t *alert) { SCEnter(); AddIntData(alert, "ip_ver", IPV4_GET_RAW_VER(p->ip4h)); AddIntData(alert, "ip_hlen", IPV4_GET_RAW_HLEN(p->ip4h)); AddIntData(alert, "ip_tos", IPV4_GET_RAW_IPTOS(p->ip4h)); AddIntData(alert, "ip_len", ntohs(IPV4_GET_RAW_IPLEN(p->ip4h))); AddIntData(alert, "ip_id", ntohs(IPV4_GET_RAW_IPID(p->ip4h))); AddIntData(alert, "ip_off", ntohs(IPV4_GET_RAW_IPOFFSET(p->ip4h))); AddIntData(alert, "ip_ttl", IPV4_GET_RAW_IPTTL(p->ip4h)); AddIntData(alert, "ip_proto", IPV4_GET_RAW_IPPROTO(p->ip4h)); AddIntData(alert, "ip_sum", ntohs(p->ip4h->ip_csum)); SCReturnInt(0); } /** * \brief Add IPv6 header data, to be stored in the Additional Data * field of the IDMEF alert (see section of RFC 4765). * * \return 0 if ok */ static int PacketToDataV6(Packet *p, PacketAlert *pa, idmef_alert_t *alert) { return 0; } /** * \brief Convert IP packet to an IDMEF alert (RFC 4765). * This function stores the alert SID (description and reference), * the payload of the packet, and pre-processed data. * * \return 0 if ok */ static int PacketToData(Packet *p, PacketAlert *pa, idmef_alert_t *alert, AlertPreludeCtx *ctx) { SCEnter(); if ( ! p ) SCReturnInt(0); AddIntData(alert, "snort_rule_sid", pa->s->id); AddIntData(alert, "snort_rule_rev", pa->s->rev); if (ctx->log_packet_header) { if ( PKT_IS_IPV4(p) ) PacketToDataV4(p, pa, alert); else if ( PKT_IS_IPV6(p) ) PacketToDataV6(p, pa, alert); if ( PKT_IS_TCP(p) ) { AddIntData(alert, "tcp_seq", ntohl(p->tcph->th_seq)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_ack", ntohl(p->tcph->th_ack)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_off", TCP_GET_RAW_OFFSET(p->tcph)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_res", TCP_GET_RAW_X2(p->tcph)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_flags", p->tcph->th_flags); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_win", ntohs(p->tcph->th_win)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_sum", ntohs(p->tcph->th_sum)); AddIntData(alert, "tcp_urp", ntohs(p->tcph->th_urp)); } else if ( PKT_IS_UDP(p) ) { AddIntData(alert, "udp_len", ntohs(p->udph->uh_len)); AddIntData(alert, "udp_sum", ntohs(p->udph->uh_sum)); } else if ( PKT_IS_ICMPV4(p) ) { AddIntData(alert, "icmp_type", p->icmpv4h->type); AddIntData(alert, "icmp_code", p->icmpv4h->code); AddIntData(alert, "icmp_sum", ntohs(p->icmpv4h->checksum)); } } if (ctx->log_packet_content) AddByteData(alert, "payload", p->payload, p->payload_len); SCReturnInt(0); } /** * \brief Store reference on rule (SID and GID) in the IDMEF alert, * and embed an URL pointing to the rule description. * * \return 0 if ok */ static int AddSnortReference(idmef_classification_t *class, int gen_id, int sig_id) { int ret; prelude_string_t *str; idmef_reference_t *ref; SCEnter(); if ( sig_id >= SNORT_MAX_OWNED_SID ) SCReturnInt(0); ret = idmef_classification_new_reference(class, &ref, IDMEF_LIST_APPEND); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_reference_new_name(ref, &str); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); idmef_reference_set_origin(ref, IDMEF_REFERENCE_ORIGIN_VENDOR_SPECIFIC); if ( gen_id == 0 ) ret = prelude_string_sprintf(str, "%u", sig_id); else ret = prelude_string_sprintf(str, "%u:%u", gen_id, sig_id); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_reference_new_meaning(ref, &str); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = prelude_string_sprintf(str, "Snort Signature ID"); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = idmef_reference_new_url(ref, &str); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); if ( gen_id == 0 ) ret = prelude_string_sprintf(str, ANALYZER_SID_URL "%u", sig_id); else ret = prelude_string_sprintf(str, ANALYZER_SID_URL "%u-%u", gen_id, sig_id); SCReturnInt(ret); } /** * \brief Create event classification description (see section * of RFC 4765). * The classification is the "name" of the alert, identification of the * rule signature, and additional information on the rule. * * \return 0 if ok */ static int EventToReference(PacketAlert *pa, Packet *p, idmef_classification_t *class) { int ret; prelude_string_t *str; SCEnter(); ret = idmef_classification_new_ident(class, &str); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); if ( pa->s->gid == 0 ) ret = prelude_string_sprintf(str, "%u", pa->s->id); else ret = prelude_string_sprintf(str, "%u:%u", pa->s->gid, pa->s->id); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); ret = AddSnortReference(class, pa->s->gid, pa->s->id); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(ret); SCReturnInt(0); } static int PreludePrintStreamSegmentCallback(Packet *p, void *data, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buflen) { int ret; ret = AddByteData((idmef_alert_t *)data, "stream-segment", buf, buflen); if (ret == 0) return 1; else return -1; } /** * \brief Handle Suricata alert: convert it to and IDMEF alert (see RFC 4765) * and send it asynchronously (so, this function does not block and returns * immediately). * If the destination Prelude Manager is not available, the alert is spooled * (and the function also returns immediately). * An IDMEF object is created, and all available information is added: IP packet * header and data, rule signature ID, additional data like URL pointing to * rule description, CVE, etc. * The IDMEF alert has a reference to all created objects, so freeing it will * automatically free all allocated memory. * * \note This function is thread safe. * * \return TM_ECODE_OK if ok, else TM_ECODE_FAILED */ TmEcode AlertPrelude (ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *data, PacketQueue *pq, PacketQueue *postpq) { AlertPreludeThread *apn = (AlertPreludeThread *)data; int ret; idmef_time_t *time; idmef_alert_t *alert; prelude_string_t *str; idmef_message_t *idmef = NULL; idmef_classification_t *class; PacketAlert *pa; SCEnter(); if (apn == NULL || apn->ctx == NULL) { SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } if (p->alerts.cnt == 0) SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); if ( !IPH_IS_VALID(p) ) SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); /* XXX which one to add to this alert? Lets see how Snort solves this. * For now just take last alert. */ pa = &p->alerts.alerts[p->alerts.cnt-1]; if (pa->s == NULL) goto err; ret = idmef_message_new(&idmef); if ( ret < 0 ) SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); ret = idmef_message_new_alert(idmef, &alert); if ( ret < 0 ) goto err; ret = idmef_alert_new_classification(alert, &class); if ( ret < 0 ) goto err; if (pa->s->msg) { ret = idmef_classification_new_text(class, &str); if ( ret < 0 ) goto err; prelude_string_set_ref(str, pa->s->msg); } ret = EventToImpact(pa, p, alert); if ( ret < 0 ) goto err; ret = EventToReference(pa, p, class); if ( ret < 0 ) goto err; ret = EventToSourceTarget(p, alert); if ( ret < 0 ) goto err; ret = PacketToData(p, pa, alert, apn->ctx); if ( ret < 0 ) goto err; if (PKT_IS_TCP(p) && (pa->flags & PACKET_ALERT_FLAG_STATE_MATCH)) { uint8_t flag; if (p->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER) { flag = FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT; } else { flag = FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER; } ret = StreamSegmentForEach(p, flag, PreludePrintStreamSegmentCallback, (void *)alert); } if (ret < 0) goto err; ret = idmef_alert_new_detect_time(alert, &time); if ( ret < 0 ) goto err; idmef_time_set_from_timeval(time, &p->ts); ret = idmef_time_new_from_gettimeofday(&time); if ( ret < 0 ) goto err; idmef_alert_set_create_time(alert, time); idmef_alert_set_analyzer(alert, idmef_analyzer_ref(prelude_client_get_analyzer(apn->ctx->client)), IDMEF_LIST_PREPEND); /* finally, send event */ prelude_client_send_idmef(apn->ctx->client, idmef); idmef_message_destroy(idmef); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); err: if (idmef != NULL) idmef_message_destroy(idmef); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /** * \brief Initialize thread-specific data. Each thread structure contains * a pointer to the \a AlertPreludeCtx context. * * \return TM_ECODE_OK if ok, else TM_ECODE_FAILED */ TmEcode AlertPreludeThreadInit(ThreadVars *t, void *initdata, void **data) { AlertPreludeThread *aun; SCEnter(); if(initdata == NULL) { SCLogDebug("Error getting context for Prelude. \"initdata\" argument NULL"); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } aun = SCMalloc(sizeof(AlertPreludeThread)); if (unlikely(aun == NULL)) SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); memset(aun, 0, sizeof(AlertPreludeThread)); /** Use the Ouput Context */ aun->ctx = ((OutputCtx *)initdata)->data; *data = (void *)aun; SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** * \brief Free thread-specific data. * * \return TM_ECODE_OK if ok, else TM_ECODE_FAILED */ TmEcode AlertPreludeThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *t, void *data) { AlertPreludeThread *aun = (AlertPreludeThread *)data; SCEnter(); if (aun == NULL) { SCLogDebug("AlertPreludeThreadDeinit done (error)"); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_FAILED); } /* clear memory */ memset(aun, 0, sizeof(AlertPreludeThread)); SCFree(aun); SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } /** \brief Initialize the Prelude logging module: initialize * library, create the client and try to establish the connection * to the Prelude Manager. * Client flags are set to force asynchronous (non-blocking) mode for * both alerts and heartbeats. * This function requires an existing Prelude profile to work. * * \return A newly allocated AlertPreludeCtx structure, or NULL */ OutputCtx *AlertPreludeInitCtx(ConfNode *conf) { int ret; prelude_client_t *client; AlertPreludeCtx *ctx; const char *prelude_profile_name; const char *log_packet_content; const char *log_packet_header; OutputCtx *output_ctx; SCEnter(); ret = prelude_init(0, NULL); if ( ret < 0 ) { prelude_perror(ret, "unable to initialize the prelude library"); SCReturnPtr(NULL, "AlertPreludeCtx"); } prelude_profile_name = ConfNodeLookupChildValue(conf, "profile"); if (prelude_profile_name == NULL) prelude_profile_name = DEFAULT_PRELUDE_PROFILE; log_packet_content = ConfNodeLookupChildValue(conf, "log-packet-content"); log_packet_header = ConfNodeLookupChildValue(conf, "log-packet-header"); ret = prelude_client_new(&client, prelude_profile_name); if ( ret < 0 || ! client ) { prelude_perror(ret, "Unable to create a prelude client object"); prelude_client_destroy(client, PRELUDE_CLIENT_EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS); SCReturnPtr(NULL, "AlertPreludeCtx"); } ret = prelude_client_set_flags(client, prelude_client_get_flags(client) | PRELUDE_CLIENT_FLAGS_ASYNC_TIMER|PRELUDE_CLIENT_FLAGS_ASYNC_SEND); if ( ret < 0 ) { SCLogDebug("Unable to set asynchronous send and timer."); prelude_client_destroy(client, PRELUDE_CLIENT_EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS); SCReturnPtr(NULL, "AlertPreludeCtx"); } SetupAnalyzer(prelude_client_get_analyzer(client)); ret = prelude_client_start(client); if ( ret < 0 ) { prelude_perror(ret, "Unable to start prelude client"); prelude_client_destroy(client, PRELUDE_CLIENT_EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS); SCReturnPtr(NULL, "AlertPreludeCtx"); } ctx = SCMalloc(sizeof(AlertPreludeCtx)); if (unlikely(ctx == NULL)) { prelude_perror(ret, "Unable to allocate memory"); prelude_client_destroy(client, PRELUDE_CLIENT_EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS); SCReturnPtr(NULL, "AlertPreludeCtx"); } ctx->client = client; ctx->log_packet_content = 0; ctx->log_packet_header = 1; if (log_packet_content && ConfValIsTrue(log_packet_content)) ctx->log_packet_content = 1; if (log_packet_header && ConfValIsFalse(log_packet_header)) ctx->log_packet_header = 0; output_ctx = SCMalloc(sizeof(OutputCtx)); if (unlikely(output_ctx == NULL)) { SCFree(ctx); prelude_perror(ret, "Unable to allocate memory"); prelude_client_destroy(client, PRELUDE_CLIENT_EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS); SCReturnPtr(NULL, "AlertPreludeCtx"); } output_ctx->data = ctx; output_ctx->DeInit = AlertPreludeDeinitCtx; SCReturnPtr((void*)output_ctx, "OutputCtx"); } static void AlertPreludeDeinitCtx(OutputCtx *output_ctx) { AlertPreludeCtx *ctx = (AlertPreludeCtx *)output_ctx->data; prelude_client_destroy(ctx->client, PRELUDE_CLIENT_EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS); SCFree(output_ctx); } void AlertPreludeRegisterTests (void) { #ifdef UNITTESTS #endif /* UNITTESTS */ } #endif /* PRELUDE */