/* Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \defgroup httplayer HTTP layer support * * @{ */ /** * \file * * \author Gurvinder Singh * \author Pablo Rincon * * This file provides a HTTP protocol support for the engine using HTP library. */ #ifndef __APP_LAYER_HTP_H__ #define __APP_LAYER_HTP_H__ #include "util-radix-tree.h" #include "util-file.h" #include "app-layer-htp-mem.h" #include "detect-engine-state.h" #include "util-streaming-buffer.h" #include /* default request body limit */ #define HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT 4096U #define HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_BODY_LIMIT 4096U #define HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_INSPECT_MIN_SIZE 32768U #define HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQUEST_INSPECT_WINDOW 4096U #define HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_INSPECT_MIN_SIZE 32768U #define HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_INSPECT_WINDOW 4096U #define HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FIELD_LIMIT_SOFT 9000U #define HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FIELD_LIMIT_HARD 18000U #define HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RANDOMIZE 1 #define HTP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RANDOMIZE_RANGE 10 /** a boundary should be smaller in size */ #define HTP_BOUNDARY_MAX 200U // 0x0001 not used #define HTP_FLAG_STATE_CLOSED_TS 0x0002 /**< Flag to indicate that HTTP connection is closed */ #define HTP_FLAG_STATE_CLOSED_TC 0x0004 /**< Flag to indicate that HTTP connection is closed */ #define HTP_FLAG_STORE_FILES_TS 0x0040 #define HTP_FLAG_STORE_FILES_TC 0x0080 #define HTP_FLAG_STORE_FILES_TX_TS 0x0100 #define HTP_FLAG_STORE_FILES_TX_TC 0x0200 enum { HTP_BODY_REQUEST_NONE = 0, HTP_BODY_REQUEST_MULTIPART, /* POST, MP */ HTP_BODY_REQUEST_POST, /* POST, no MP */ HTP_BODY_REQUEST_PUT, }; enum { /* libhtp errors/warnings */ HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_UNKNOWN_ERROR, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_GZIP_DECOMPRESSION_FAILED, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_FIELD_MISSING_COLON, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_FIELD_MISSING_COLON, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_REQUEST_CHUNK_LEN, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_RESPONSE_CHUNK_LEN, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING_VALUE_IN_REQUEST, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING_VALUE_IN_RESPONSE, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH_FIELD_IN_REQUEST, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH_FIELD_IN_RESPONSE, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_100_CONTINUE_ALREADY_SEEN, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_UNABLE_TO_MATCH_RESPONSE_TO_REQUEST, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_SERVER_PORT_IN_REQUEST, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_AUTHORITY_PORT, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_HEADER_INVALID, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_HEADER_INVALID, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MISSING_HOST_HEADER, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_HOST_HEADER_AMBIGUOUS, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_REQUEST_FIELD_FOLDING, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_INVALID_RESPONSE_FIELD_FOLDING, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_FIELD_TOO_LONG, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_FIELD_TOO_LONG, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_SERVER_PORT_TCP_PORT_MISMATCH, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_URI_HOST_INVALID, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_HEADER_HOST_INVALID, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_METHOD_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_URI_DELIM_NON_COMPLIANT, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_LINE_LEADING_WHITESPACE, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_TOO_MANY_ENCODING_LAYERS, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_ABNORMAL_CE_HEADER, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_AUTH_UNRECOGNIZED, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_HEADER_REPETITION, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_HEADER_REPETITION, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_MULTIPART_BYTERANGES, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_ABNORMAL_TRANSFER_ENCODING, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_CHUNKED_OLD_PROTO, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_INVALID_PROTOCOL, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_RESPONSE_INVALID_STATUS, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_REQUEST_LINE_INCOMPLETE, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_DOUBLE_ENCODED_URI, /* suricata errors/warnings */ HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_GENERIC_ERROR, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_NO_FILEDATA, HTTP_DECODER_EVENT_MULTIPART_INVALID_HEADER, }; typedef enum HtpSwfCompressType_ { HTTP_SWF_COMPRESSION_NONE = 0, HTTP_SWF_COMPRESSION_ZLIB, HTTP_SWF_COMPRESSION_LZMA, HTTP_SWF_COMPRESSION_BOTH, } HtpSwfCompressType; typedef struct HTPCfgDir_ { uint32_t body_limit; uint32_t inspect_min_size; uint32_t inspect_window; StreamingBufferConfig sbcfg; } HTPCfgDir; /** Need a linked list in order to keep track of these */ typedef struct HTPCfgRec_ { htp_cfg_t *cfg; struct HTPCfgRec_ *next; int uri_include_all; /**< use all info in uri (bool) */ /** max size of the client body we inspect */ int randomize; int randomize_range; int http_body_inline; int swf_decompression_enabled; HtpSwfCompressType swf_compression_type; uint32_t swf_decompress_depth; uint32_t swf_compress_depth; HTPCfgDir request; HTPCfgDir response; } HTPCfgRec; /** Struct used to hold chunks of a body on a request */ struct HtpBodyChunk_ { struct HtpBodyChunk_ *next; /**< Pointer to the next chunk */ int logged; StreamingBufferSegment sbseg; } __attribute__((__packed__)); typedef struct HtpBodyChunk_ HtpBodyChunk; /** Struct used to hold all the chunks of a body on a request */ typedef struct HtpBody_ { HtpBodyChunk *first; /**< Pointer to the first chunk */ HtpBodyChunk *last; /**< Pointer to the last chunk */ StreamingBuffer *sb; /* Holds the length of the htp request body seen so far */ uint64_t content_len_so_far; /* parser tracker */ uint64_t body_parsed; /* inspection tracker */ uint64_t body_inspected; } HtpBody; #define HTP_CONTENTTYPE_SET 0x01 /**< We have the content type */ #define HTP_BOUNDARY_SET 0x02 /**< We have a boundary string */ #define HTP_BOUNDARY_OPEN 0x04 /**< We have a boundary string */ #define HTP_FILENAME_SET 0x08 /**< filename is registered in the flow */ #define HTP_DONTSTORE 0x10 /**< not storing this file */ /** Now the Body Chunks will be stored per transaction, at * the tx user data */ typedef struct HtpTxUserData_ { /** detection engine flags */ uint64_t detect_flags_ts; uint64_t detect_flags_tc; /* Body of the request (if any) */ uint8_t request_body_init; uint8_t response_body_init; uint8_t request_has_trailers; uint8_t response_has_trailers; /* indicates which loggers that have logged */ uint32_t logged; HtpBody request_body; HtpBody response_body; bstr *request_uri_normalized; uint8_t *request_headers_raw; uint8_t *response_headers_raw; uint32_t request_headers_raw_len; uint32_t response_headers_raw_len; AppLayerDecoderEvents *decoder_events; /**< per tx events */ /** Holds the boundary identificator string if any (used on * multipart/form-data only) */ uint8_t *boundary; uint8_t boundary_len; uint8_t tsflags; uint8_t tcflags; uint8_t request_body_type; DetectEngineState *de_state; } HtpTxUserData; typedef struct HtpState_ { /* Connection parser structure for each connection */ htp_connp_t *connp; /* Connection structure for each connection */ htp_conn_t *conn; Flow *f; /**< Needed to retrieve the original flow when usin HTPLib callbacks */ uint64_t transaction_cnt; uint64_t store_tx_id; FileContainer *files_ts; FileContainer *files_tc; const struct HTPCfgRec_ *cfg; uint16_t flags; uint16_t events; uint16_t htp_messages_offset; /**< offset into conn->messages list */ uint32_t file_track_id; /**< used to assign file track ids to files */ uint64_t last_request_data_stamp; uint64_t last_response_data_stamp; } HtpState; /** part of the engine needs the request body (e.g. http_client_body keyword) */ #define HTP_REQUIRE_REQUEST_BODY (1 << 0) /** part of the engine needs the request body multipart header (e.g. filename * and / or fileext keywords) */ #define HTP_REQUIRE_REQUEST_MULTIPART (1 << 1) /** part of the engine needs the request file (e.g. log-file module) */ #define HTP_REQUIRE_REQUEST_FILE (1 << 2) /** part of the engine needs the request body (e.g. file_data keyword) */ #define HTP_REQUIRE_RESPONSE_BODY (1 << 3) SC_ATOMIC_DECLARE(uint32_t, htp_config_flags); void RegisterHTPParsers(void); void HTPParserRegisterTests(void); void HTPAtExitPrintStats(void); void HTPFreeConfig(void); void HtpBodyPrint(HtpBody *); void HtpBodyFree(HtpBody *); /* To free the state from unittests using app-layer-htp */ void HTPStateFree(void *); void AppLayerHtpEnableRequestBodyCallback(void); void AppLayerHtpEnableResponseBodyCallback(void); void AppLayerHtpNeedFileInspection(void); void AppLayerHtpPrintStats(void); void HTPConfigure(void); void HtpConfigCreateBackup(void); void HtpConfigRestoreBackup(void); #endif /* __APP_LAYER_HTP_H__ */ /** * @} */