Lua Output ========== Note: this page new Lua scripting available for outputs. It will be available in 2.1. Script structure ---------------- A script defines 4 functions: init, setup, log, deinit * init -- registers where the script hooks into the output engine * setup -- does per output thread setup * log -- logging function * deinit -- clean up function Example: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["protocol"] = "http" return needs end function setup (args) filename = SCLogPath() .. "/" .. name file = assert(, "a")) SCLogInfo("HTTP Log Filename " .. filename) http = 0 end function log(args) http_uri = HttpGetRequestUriRaw() if http_uri == nil then http_uri = "" end http_uri = string.gsub(http_uri, "%c", ".") http_host = HttpGetRequestHost() if http_host == nil then http_host = "" end http_host = string.gsub(http_host, "%c", ".") http_ua = HttpGetRequestHeader("User-Agent") if http_ua == nil then http_ua = "" end http_ua = string.gsub(http_ua, "%g", ".") ts = SCPacketTimeString() ipver, srcip, dstip, proto, sp, dp = SCFlowTuple() file:write (ts .. " " .. http_host .. " [**] " .. http_uri .. " [**] " .. http_ua .. " [**] " .. srcip .. ":" .. sp .. " -> " .. dstip .. ":" .. dp .. "\n") file:flush() http = http + 1 end function deinit (args) SCLogInfo ("HTTP transactions logged: " .. http); file:close(file) end YAML ---- To enable the lua output, add the 'lua' output and add one or more scripts like so: :: outputs: - lua: enabled: yes scripts-dir: /etc/suricata/lua-output/ scripts: - tcp-data.lua - flow.lua The scripts-dir option is optional. It makes Suricata load the scripts from this directory. Otherwise scripts will be loaded from the current workdir. packet ------ Initialize with: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["type"] = "packet" return needs end SCPacketTimeString ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add SCPacketTimeString to get the packets time string in the format: 11/24/2009-18:57:25.179869 :: function log(args) ts = SCPacketTimeString() SCPacketTuple ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: ipver, srcip, dstip, proto, sp, dp = SCPacketTuple() SCPacketPayload ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: p = SCPacketPayload() flow ---- :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["type"] = "flow" return needs end SCFlowTimeString ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: startts = SCFlowTimeString() SCFlowTuple ~~~~~~~~~~~ :: ipver, srcip, dstip, proto, sp, dp = SCFlowTuple() SCFlowAppLayerProto ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get alproto as string from the flow. If alproto is not (yet) known, it returns "unknown". Example: :: function log(args) alproto = SCFlowAppLayerProto() if alproto ~= nil then print (alproto) end end SCFlowStats ~~~~~~~~~~~ Gets the packet and byte counts per flow. :: tscnt, tsbytes, tccnt, tcbytes = SCFlowStats() http ---- Init with: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["protocol"] = "http" return needs end HttpGetRequestBody and HttpGetResponseBody. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make normalized body data available to the script through HttpGetRequestBody and HttpGetResponseBody. There no guarantees that all of the body will be availble. Example: :: function log(args) a, o, e = HttpGetResponseBody(); --print("offset " .. o .. " end " .. e) for n, v in ipairs(a) do print(v) end end HttpGetRequestHost ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the host from libhtp's tx->request_hostname, which can either be the host portion of the url or the host portion of the Host header. Example: :: http_host = HttpGetRequestHost() if http_host == nil then http_host = "" end HttpGetRequestHeader ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: http_ua = HttpGetRequestHeader("User-Agent") if http_ua == nil then http_ua = "" end HttpGetResponseHeader ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: server = HttpGetResponseHeader("Server"); print ("Server: " .. server); HttpGetRequestLine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rl = HttpGetRequestLine(); print ("Request Line: " .. rl); HttpGetResponseLine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rsl = HttpGetResponseLine(); print ("Response Line: " .. rsl); HttpGetRawRequestHeaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rh = HttpGetRawRequestHeaders(); print ("Raw Request Headers: " .. rh); HttpGetRawResponseHeaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rh = HttpGetRawResponseHeaders(); print ("Raw Response Headers: " .. rh); HttpGetRequestUriRaw ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: http_uri = HttpGetRequestUriRaw() if http_uri == nil then http_uri = "" end HttpGetRequestUriNormalized ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: http_uri = HttpGetRequestUriNormalized() if http_uri == nil then http_uri = "" end HttpGetRequestHeaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: a = HttpGetRequestHeaders(); for n, v in pairs(a) do print(n,v) end HttpGetResponseHeaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: a = HttpGetResponseHeaders(); for n, v in pairs(a) do print(n,v) end DNS --- DnsGetQueries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: dns_query = DnsGetQueries(); if dns_query ~= nil then for n, t in pairs(dns_query) do rrname = t["rrname"] rrtype = t["type"] print ("QUERY: " .. ts .. " " .. rrname .. " [**] " .. rrtype .. " [**] " .. "TODO" .. " [**] " .. srcip .. ":" .. sp .. " -> " .. dstip .. ":" .. dp) end end returns a table of tables DnsGetAnswers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: dns_answers = DnsGetAnswers(); if dns_answers ~= nil then for n, t in pairs(dns_answers) do rrname = t["rrname"] rrtype = t["type"] ttl = t["ttl"] print ("ANSWER: " .. ts .. " " .. rrname .. " [**] " .. rrtype .. " [**] " .. ttl .. " [**] " .. srcip .. ":" .. sp .. " -> " .. dstip .. ":" .. dp) end end returns a table of tables DnsGetAuthorities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: dns_auth = DnsGetAuthorities(); if dns_auth ~= nil then for n, t in pairs(dns_auth) do rrname = t["rrname"] rrtype = t["type"] ttl = t["ttl"] print ("AUTHORITY: " .. ts .. " " .. rrname .. " [**] " .. rrtype .. " [**] " .. ttl .. " [**] " .. srcip .. ":" .. sp .. " -> " .. dstip .. ":" .. dp) end end returns a table of tables DnsGetRcode ~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rcode = DnsGetRcode(); if rcode == nil then return 0 end print (rcode) returns a lua string with the error message, or nil DnsGetRecursionDesired ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: if DnsGetRecursionDesired() == true then print ("RECURSION DESIRED") end returns a bool TLS --- Initialize with: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["protocol"] = "tls" return needs end TlsGetCertInfo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make certificate information available to the script through TlsGetCertInfo. Example: :: function log (args) version, subject, issuer, fingerprint = TlsGetCertInfo() if version == nil then return 0 end end SSH --- Initialize with: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["protocol"] = "ssh" return needs end SshGetServerProtoVersion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get SSH protocol version used by the server through SshGetServerProtoVersion. Example: :: function log (args) version = SshGetServerProtoVersion() if version == nil then return 0 end end SshGetServerSoftwareVersion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get SSH software used by the server through SshGetServerSoftwareVersion. Example: :: function log (args) software = SshGetServerSoftwareVersion() if software == nil then return 0 end end SshGetClientProtoVersion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get SSH protocol version used by the client through SshGetClientProtoVersion. Example: :: function log (args) version = SshGetClientProtoVersion() if version == nil then return 0 end end SshGetClientSoftwareVersion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get SSH software used by the client through SshGetClientSoftwareVersion. Example: :: function log (args) software = SshGetClientSoftwareVersion() if software == nil then return 0 end end Files ----- To use the file logging API, the script's init() function needs to look like: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs['type'] = 'file' return needs end SCFileInfo ~~~~~~~~~~ :: fileid, txid, name, size, magic, md5 = SCFileInfo() returns fileid (number), txid (number), name (string), size (number), magic (string), md5 in hex (string) SCFileState ~~~~~~~~~~~ :: state, stored = SCFileState() returns state (string), stored (bool) Alerts ------ Alerts are a subset of the 'packet' logger: :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["type"] = "packet" needs["filter"] = "alerts" return needs end SCRuleIds ~~~~~~~~~ :: sid, rev, gid = SCRuleIds() SCRuleMsg ~~~~~~~~~ :: msg = SCRuleMsg() SCRuleClass ~~~~~~~~~~~ :: class, prio = SCRuleClass() Streaming Data -------------- Streaming data can currently log out reassembled TCP data and normalized HTTP data. The script will be invoked for each consecutive data chunk. In case of TCP reassembled data, all possible overlaps are removed according to the host OS settings. :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["type"] = "streaming" needs["filter"] = "tcp" return needs end In case of HTTP body data, the bodies are unzipped and dechunked if applicable. :: function init (args) local needs = {} needs["type"] = "streaming" needs["protocol"] = "http" return needs end SCStreamingBuffer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: function log(args) data = SCStreamingBuffer() hex_dump(data) end Misc ---- SCThreadInfo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: tid, tname, tgroup = SCThreadInfo() It gives: tid (integer), tname (string), tgroup (string) SCLogError, SCLogWarning, SCLogNotice, SCLogInfo, SCLogDebug ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Print a message. It will go into the outputs defined in the yaml. Whether it will be printed depends on the log level. Example: :: SCLogError("some error message") SCLogPath ~~~~~~~~~ Expose the log path. :: name = "fast_lua.log" function setup (args) filename = SCLogPath() .. "/" .. name file = assert(, "a")) end