/** Copyright (c) 2009 Open Information Security Foundation. * \author Anoop Saldanha */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "conf.h" #include "conf-yaml-loader.h" #include "detect.h" #include "detect-content.h" #include "detect-parse.h" #include "detect-engine.h" #include "detect-engine-mpm.h" #include "util-rule-vars.h" #include "util-enum.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "util-unittest.h" /** An enum-string map, that maps the different vars type in the yaml conf * type with the mapping path in the yaml conf file */ SCEnumCharMap sc_rule_vars_type_map[ ] = { { "vars.address-groups", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS }, { "vars.port-groups", SC_RULE_VARS_PORT_GROUPS } }; /** * \internal * \brief Retrieves a value for a yaml mapping. The sequence from the yaml * conf file, from which the conf value has to be retrieved can be * specified by supplying a SCRuleVarsType enum. The string mapping * for each of the SCRuleVarsType is present in sc_rule_vars_type_map. * * \param conf_var_name Pointer to a character string containing the conf var * name, whose value has to be retrieved from the yaml * conf file. * \param conf_vars_type Holds an enum value that indicates the kind of yaml * mapping that has to be retrieved. Can be one of the * values in SCRuleVarsType. * * \retval conf_var_name_value Pointer to the string containing the conf value * on success; NULL on failure. */ char *SCRuleVarsGetConfVar(const char *conf_var_name, SCRuleVarsType conf_vars_type) { SCEnter(); const char *conf_var_type_name = NULL; char *conf_var_full_name = NULL; char *conf_var_full_name_value = NULL; if (conf_var_name == NULL) goto end; (conf_var_name[0] == '$') ? conf_var_name++ : conf_var_name; conf_var_type_name = SCMapEnumValueToName(conf_vars_type, sc_rule_vars_type_map); if (conf_var_type_name == NULL) goto end; /* the + 2 is for the '.' and the string termination character '\0' */ conf_var_full_name = (char *)malloc(strlen(conf_var_type_name) + strlen(conf_var_name) + 2); if (conf_var_full_name == NULL) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Error allocating memory"); goto end; } if (snprintf(conf_var_full_name, strlen(conf_var_type_name) + strlen(conf_var_name) + 2, "%s.%s", conf_var_type_name, conf_var_name) < 0) { goto end; } if (ConfGet(conf_var_full_name, &conf_var_full_name_value) != 1) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_UNDEFINED_VAR, "Variable \"%s\" is not defined in " "configuration file", conf_var_name); goto end; } SCLogDebug("Value obtained from the yaml conf file, for the var " "\"%s\" is \"%s\"", conf_var_name, conf_var_full_name_value); end: if (conf_var_full_name != NULL) free(conf_var_full_name); SCReturnCharPtr(conf_var_full_name_value); } /**********************************Unittests***********************************/ static const char *dummy_conf_string = "default-log-dir: /var/log/suricata\n" "\n" "logging:\n" "\n" " default-log-level: debug\n" "\n" " default-format: \"<%t> - <%l>\"\n" "\n" " default-startup-message: Your IDS has started.\n" "\n" " default-output-filter:\n" "\n" " output:\n" "\n" " - interface: console\n" " log-level: info\n" "\n" " - interface: file\n" " filename: /var/log/suricata.log\n" "\n" " - interface: syslog\n" " facility: local5\n" " format: \"%l\"\n" "\n" "pfring:\n" "\n" " interface: eth0\n" "\n" " clusterid: 99\n" "\n" "vars:\n" "\n" " address-groups:\n" "\n" " HOME_NET: \"[,,,2001:888:" "13c5:5AFE::/64,2001:888:13c5:CAFE::/64]\"\n" "\n" " EXTERNAL_NET: \"[!,2000::/3]\"\n" "\n" " HTTP_SERVERS: \"!\"\n" "\n" " SMTP_SERVERS: \"!\"\n" "\n" " SQL_SERVERS: \"!\"\n" "\n" " DNS_SERVERS: any\n" "\n" " TELNET_SERVERS: any\n" "\n" " AIM_SERVERS: any\n" "\n" " port-groups:\n" "\n" " HTTP_PORTS: \"80:81,88\"\n" "\n" " SHELLCODE_PORTS: 80\n" "\n" " ORACLE_PORTS: 1521\n" "\n" " SSH_PORTS: 22\n" "\n"; /** * \test Check that valid address and port group vars are correctly retrieved * from the configuration. */ int SCRuleVarsPositiveTest01(void) { int result = 1; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); ConfYamlLoadString(dummy_conf_string, strlen(dummy_conf_string)); /* check for address-groups */ result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$HOME_NET", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$HOME_NET", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS), "[,,,2001:888:13c5:" "5AFE::/64,2001:888:13c5:CAFE::/64]") == 0); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$EXTERNAL_NET", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$EXTERNAL_NET", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS), "[!,2000::/3]") == 0); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$HTTP_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$HTTP_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS), "!") == 0); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$SMTP_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$SMTP_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS), "!") == 0); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$SQL_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$SQL_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS), "!") == 0); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$DNS_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$DNS_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS), "any") == 0); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$TELNET_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$TELNET_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS), "any") == 0); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$AIM_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$AIM_SERVERS", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS), "any") == 0); /* check for port-groups */ result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$HTTP_PORTS", SC_RULE_VARS_PORT_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$HTTP_PORTS", SC_RULE_VARS_PORT_GROUPS), "80:81,88") == 0); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$SHELLCODE_PORTS", SC_RULE_VARS_PORT_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$SHELLCODE_PORTS", SC_RULE_VARS_PORT_GROUPS), "80") == 0); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$ORACLE_PORTS", SC_RULE_VARS_PORT_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$ORACLE_PORTS", SC_RULE_VARS_PORT_GROUPS), "1521") == 0); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$SSH_PORTS", SC_RULE_VARS_PORT_GROUPS) != NULL && strcmp(SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$SSH_PORTS", SC_RULE_VARS_PORT_GROUPS), "22") == 0); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); return result; } /** * \test Check that invalid address and port groups are properly handled by the * API. */ int SCRuleVarsNegativeTest02(void) { int result = 1; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); ConfYamlLoadString(dummy_conf_string, strlen(dummy_conf_string)); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$HOME_NETW", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS) == NULL); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$home_net", SC_RULE_VARS_ADDRESS_GROUPS) == NULL); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$TOMCAT_PORTSW", SC_RULE_VARS_PORT_GROUPS) == NULL); result &= (SCRuleVarsGetConfVar("$tomcat_ports", SC_RULE_VARS_PORT_GROUPS) == NULL); ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); return result; } /** * \test Check that Signatures with valid address and port groups are parsed * without any errors by the Signature parsing API. */ int SCRuleVarsPositiveTest03(void) { int result = 0; Signature *s = NULL; DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx = NULL; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); ConfYamlLoadString(dummy_conf_string, strlen(dummy_conf_string)); if ( (de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit()) == NULL) goto end; de_ctx->flags |= DE_QUIET; /* s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp $HTTP_SERVERS any -> any any (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp $SMTP_SERVERS any -> $HTTP_SERVERS any (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp $AIM_SERVERS any -> $AIM_SERVERS any (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp $TELNET_SERVERS any -> any $SSH_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp $TELNET_SERVERS any -> any !$SSH_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp $TELNET_SERVERS 80 -> any !$SSH_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp $TELNET_SERVERS !80 -> any !$SSH_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp !$HTTP_SERVERS !80 -> any !$SSH_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp any -> any $HTTP_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp ! any -> any $HTTP_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp ! any -> any !$HTTP_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp ! any -> !$HTTP_SERVERS !$HTTP_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp ! $HTTP_PORTS -> !$HTTP_SERVERS !$HTTP_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp [!,!] any -> any $HTTP_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp ![,!] any -> any $HTTP_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp [$HOME_NET,!] $HTTP_PORTS -> !$HTTP_SERVERS !$HTTP_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp [[,$EXTERNAL_NET],] $HTTP_PORTS -> !$HTTP_SERVERS !$HTTP_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp [[,$EXTERNAL_NET],] $HTTP_PORTS -> !$HTTP_SERVERS [80,[!$HTTP_PORTS,$ORACLE_PORTS]] (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); */ s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp [![,$EXTERNAL_NET],[$HTTP_SERVERS,!$HOME_NET],] $HTTP_PORTS -> !$HTTP_SERVERS [80,[!$HTTP_PORTS,$ORACLE_PORTS]] (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); result = 1; end: ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); if (de_ctx != NULL) DetectEngineCtxFree(de_ctx); return result; } /** * \test Check that Signatures with invalid address and port groups, are * are invalidated by the Singature parsing API. */ int SCRuleVarsNegativeTest04(void) { int result = 0; Signature *s = NULL; DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx = NULL; ConfCreateContextBackup(); ConfInit(); ConfYamlLoadString(dummy_conf_string, strlen(dummy_conf_string)); if ( (de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit()) == NULL) goto end; de_ctx->flags |= DE_QUIET; s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp $HTTP_SERVER any -> any any (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s != NULL) goto end; s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp $http_servers any -> any any (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s != NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp $http_servers any -> any $HTTP_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s != NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); s = SigInit(de_ctx, "alert tcp !$TELNET_SERVERS !80 -> any !$SSH_PORTS (msg:\"Rule Vars Test\"; sid:1;)"); if (s != NULL) goto end; SigFree(s); result = 1; end: ConfDeInit(); ConfRestoreContextBackup(); if (de_ctx != NULL) DetectEngineCtxFree(de_ctx); return result; } void SCRuleVarsRegisterTests(void) { #ifdef UNITTESTS UtRegisterTest("SCRuleVarsPositiveTest01", SCRuleVarsPositiveTest01, 1); UtRegisterTest("SCRuleVarsNegativeTest02", SCRuleVarsNegativeTest02, 1); UtRegisterTest("SCRuleVarsPositiveTest03", SCRuleVarsPositiveTest03, 1); UtRegisterTest("SCRuleVarsNegativeTest04", SCRuleVarsNegativeTest04, 1); #endif return; }