-- This is a simple example script to show what you can do with lua output scripts. -- It prints logs similar to the ones produced by the builtin fast.log output -- facility to stdout, hence its name. -- In the init() function we tell suricata, that we want the log function to be -- called for every packet that produces an alert (see needs variable) -- Then in the log() function we get various informations about this packet via -- SCRuleMsg() and all the other API functions and print them to stdout with print() -- To learn more about all the API functions suricata provides for your lua scripts -- and the lua output extension in general see: -- http://docs.suricata.io/en/latest/output/lua-output.html function init() local needs = {} needs["type"] = "packet" needs["filter"] = "alerts" return needs end function setup() alert_count = 0 end function log() timestring = SCPacketTimeString() sid, rev, gid = SCRuleIds() msg = SCRuleMsg() class, priority = SCRuleClass() ip_version, src_ip, dst_ip, protocol, src_port, dst_port = SCPacketTuple() if class == nil then class = "unknown" end print (timestring .. " [**] [" .. gid .. ":" .. sid .. ":" .. rev .. "] " .. msg .. " [**] [Classification: " .. class .. "] [Priority: " .. priority .. "] {" .. protocol .. "} " .. src_ip .. ":" .. src_port .. " -> " .. dst_ip .. ":" .. dst_port) alert_count = alert_count + 1; end function deinit() print ("Alerted " .. alert_count .. " times"); end