Coding Style ============ Suricata uses a fairly strict coding style. This document describes it. Formatting ~~~~~~~~~~ Line length ^^^^^^^^^^^ There is a soft limit of ~80 characters. When wrapping lines that are too long, they should be indented at least 8 spaces from previous line. You should attempt to wrap the minimal portion of the line to meet the 80 character limit. Indent ^^^^^^ We use 4 space indentation. .. code-block:: c int DecodeEthernet(ThreadVars *tv, DecodeThreadVars *dtv, Packet *p, uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t len, PacketQueue *pq) { SCPerfCounterIncr(dtv->counter_eth, tv->sc_perf_pca); if (unlikely(len < ETHERNET_HEADER_LEN)) { ENGINE_SET_INVALID_EVENT(p, ETHERNET_PKT_TOO_SMALL); return TM_ECODE_FAILED; } Braces ^^^^^^ Functions should have the opening brace on a newline: .. code-block:: c int SomeFunction(void) { DoSomething(); } Control statements should have the opening brace on the same line: .. code-block:: c if (unlikely(len < ETHERNET_HEADER_LEN)) { ENGINE_SET_INVALID_EVENT(p, ETHERNET_PKT_TOO_SMALL); return TM_ECODE_FAILED; } Opening and closing braces go on the same line as as the _else_ (also known as a "cuddled else"). .. code-block:: c if (this) { DoThis(); } else { DoThat(); } Flow ~~~~ Don't use conditions and statements on the same line. E.g. .. code-block:: c if (a) b = a; // <- wrong if (a) b = a; // <- right Don't use unnecessary branching. E.g.: .. code-block:: c if (error) { goto error; } else { a = b; } Can be written as: .. code-block:: c if (error) { goto error; } a = b; Functions ~~~~~~~~~ parameter names ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TODO Function names ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Function names are NamedLikeThis(). .. code-block:: c static ConfNode *ConfGetNodeOrCreate(char *name, int final) static vs non-static ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Functions should be declared static whenever possible. inline ^^^^^^ The inlining of functions should be used only in critical paths. curly braces / brackets ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Functions should have the opening bracket on a newline: .. code-block:: c int SomeFunction(void) { DoSomething(); } Note: this is a fairly new requirement, so you'll encounter a lot of non-compliant code. Variables ~~~~~~~~~ Names ^^^^^ A variable is ``named_like_this`` in all lowercase. .. code-block:: c ConfNode *parent_node = root; Generally, use descriptive variable names. In loop vars, make sure ``i`` is a signed int type. Scope ^^^^^ TODO Macros ~~~~~~ TODO Comments ~~~~~~~~ TODO Function comments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We use Doxygen, functions are documented using Doxygen notation: .. code-block:: c /** * \brief Helper function to get a node, creating it if it does not * exist. * * This function exits on memory failure as creating configuration * nodes is usually part of application initialization. * * \param name The name of the configuration node to get. * \param final Flag to set created nodes as final or not. * * \retval The existing configuration node if it exists, or a newly * created node for the provided name. On error, NULL will be returned. */ static ConfNode *ConfGetNodeOrCreate(char *name, int final) General comments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We use ``/* foobar */`` style and try to avoid ``//`` style. File names ~~~~~~~~~~ File names are all lowercase and have a .c. .h or .rs (Rust) extension. Most files have a _subsystem_ prefix, e.g. ``detect-dsize.c, util-ip.c`` Some cases have a multi-layer prefix, e.g. ``util-mpm-ac.c`` Enums ~~~~~ TODO Structures and typedefs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TODO switch statements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Switch statements are indented like in the following example, so the 'case' is indented from the switch: .. code-block:: c switch (ntohs(p->ethh->eth_type)) { case ETHERNET_TYPE_IP: DecodeIPV4(tv, dtv, p, pkt + ETHERNET_HEADER_LEN, len - ETHERNET_HEADER_LEN, pq); break; Fall through cases will be commented with ``/* fall through */``. E.g.: .. code-block:: c switch (suri->run_mode) { case RUNMODE_PCAP_DEV: case RUNMODE_AFP_DEV: case RUNMODE_PFRING: /* find payload for interface and use it */ default_packet_size = GetIfaceMaxPacketSize(suri->pcap_dev); if (default_packet_size) break; /* fall through */ default: default_packet_size = DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE; const ~~~~~ TODO goto ~~~~ Goto statements should be used with care. Generally, we use it primarily for error handling. E.g.: .. code-block:: c static DetectFileextData *DetectFileextParse (char *str) { DetectFileextData *fileext = NULL; fileext = SCMalloc(sizeof(DetectFileextData)); if (unlikely(fileext == NULL)) goto error; memset(fileext, 0x00, sizeof(DetectFileextData)); if (DetectContentDataParse("fileext", str, &fileext->ext, &fileext->len, &fileext->flags) == -1) { goto error; } return fileext; error: if (fileext != NULL) DetectFileextFree(fileext); return NULL; } Unittests ~~~~~~~~~ When writing unittests that use when using a data array containing a protocol message, please put an explanatory comment that contain the readable content of the message So instead of: .. code-block:: c int SMTPProcessDataChunkTest02(void) { char mimemsg[] = {0x4D, 0x49, 0x4D, 0x45, 0x2D, 0x56, 0x65, 0x72, you should have something like: .. code-block:: c int SMTPParserTest14(void) { /* 220 ESMTP d15sm986283wfl.6 */ static uint8_t welcome_reply[] = { 0x32, 0x32, 0x30, 0x20, Banned functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +------------+---------------+-----------+ | function | replacement | reason | +============+===============+===========+ | strok | strtok_r | | +------------+---------------+-----------+ | sprintf | snprintf | unsafe | +------------+---------------+-----------+ | strcat | strlcat | unsafe | +------------+---------------+-----------+ | strcpy | strlcpy | unsafe | +------------+---------------+-----------+ | strncpy | strlcat | | +------------+---------------+-----------+ | strncat | strlcpy | | +------------+---------------+-----------+ | strndup | |OS specific| +------------+---------------+-----------+ | strchrnul | | | +------------+---------------+-----------+ | rand | | | +------------+---------------+-----------+ | rand_r | | | +------------+---------------+-----------+ | index | | | +------------+---------------+-----------+ | rindex | | | +------------+---------------+-----------+ | bzero | memset | | +------------+---------------+-----------+ Also, check the existing code. If yours is wildly different, it's wrong. Example: