/* Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Pablo Rincon * * Implements the ssh.protoversion keyword * You can specify a concrete version like ssh.protoversion: 1.66 * or search for protoversion 2 compat (1.99 is considered as 2) like * ssh.protoversion:2_compat * or just the beginning of the string like ssh.protoversion:"1." */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "threads.h" #include "debug.h" #include "decode.h" #include "detect.h" #include "detect-parse.h" #include "detect-engine.h" #include "detect-engine-mpm.h" #include "detect-engine-state.h" #include "flow.h" #include "flow-var.h" #include "flow-util.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "util-unittest.h" #include "util-unittest-helper.h" #include "app-layer.h" #include "app-layer-parser.h" #include "app-layer-ssh.h" #include "detect-ssh-proto-version.h" #include "stream-tcp.h" /** * \brief Regex for parsing the protoversion string */ #define PARSE_REGEX "^\\s*\"?\\s*([0-9]+([\\.\\-0-9]+)?|2_compat)\\s*\"?\\s*$" static pcre *parse_regex; static pcre_extra *parse_regex_study; static int DetectSshVersionMatch (ThreadVars *, DetectEngineThreadCtx *, Flow *, uint8_t, void *, void *, const Signature *, const SigMatchCtx *); static int DetectSshVersionSetup (DetectEngineCtx *, Signature *, const char *); static void DetectSshVersionRegisterTests(void); static void DetectSshVersionFree(void *); static int g_ssh_banner_list_id = 0; /** * \brief Registration function for keyword: ssh.protoversion */ void DetectSshVersionRegister(void) { sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_SSH_PROTOVERSION].name = "ssh.protoversion"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_SSH_PROTOVERSION].desc = "match SSH protocol version"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_SSH_PROTOVERSION].url = DOC_URL DOC_VERSION "/rules/ssh-keywords.html#ssh-protoversion"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_SSH_PROTOVERSION].AppLayerTxMatch = DetectSshVersionMatch; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_SSH_PROTOVERSION].Setup = DetectSshVersionSetup; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_SSH_PROTOVERSION].Free = DetectSshVersionFree; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_SSH_PROTOVERSION].RegisterTests = DetectSshVersionRegisterTests; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_SSH_PROTOVERSION].flags = SIGMATCH_QUOTES_OPTIONAL|SIGMATCH_INFO_DEPRECATED; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_SSH_PROTOVERSION].alternative = DETECT_AL_SSH_PROTOCOL; DetectSetupParseRegexes(PARSE_REGEX, &parse_regex, &parse_regex_study); g_ssh_banner_list_id = DetectBufferTypeRegister("ssh_banner"); } /** * \brief match the specified version on a ssh session * * \param t pointer to thread vars * \param det_ctx pointer to the pattern matcher thread * \param p pointer to the current packet * \param m pointer to the sigmatch that we will cast into DetectSshVersionData * * \retval 0 no match * \retval 1 match */ static int DetectSshVersionMatch (ThreadVars *t, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Flow *f, uint8_t flags, void *state, void *txv, const Signature *s, const SigMatchCtx *m) { SCEnter(); SCLogDebug("lets see"); DetectSshVersionData *ssh = (DetectSshVersionData *)m; SshState *ssh_state = (SshState *)state; if (ssh_state == NULL) { SCLogDebug("no ssh state, no match"); SCReturnInt(0); } int ret = 0; if ((flags & STREAM_TOCLIENT) && (ssh_state->srv_hdr.flags & SSH_FLAG_VERSION_PARSED)) { if (ssh->flags & SSH_FLAG_PROTOVERSION_2_COMPAT) { SCLogDebug("looking for ssh server protoversion 2 compat"); if (strncmp((char *) ssh_state->srv_hdr.proto_version, "2", 1) == 0 || strncmp((char *) ssh_state->srv_hdr.proto_version, "2.", 2) == 0 || strncmp((char *) ssh_state->srv_hdr.proto_version, "1.99", 4) == 0) ret = 1; } else { SCLogDebug("looking for ssh server protoversion %s length %"PRIu16"", ssh->ver, ssh->len); ret = (strncmp((char *) ssh_state->srv_hdr.proto_version, (char *) ssh->ver, ssh->len) == 0)? 1 : 0; } } else if ((flags & STREAM_TOSERVER) && (ssh_state->cli_hdr.flags & SSH_FLAG_VERSION_PARSED)) { if (ssh->flags & SSH_FLAG_PROTOVERSION_2_COMPAT) { SCLogDebug("looking for client ssh client protoversion 2 compat"); if (strncmp((char *) ssh_state->cli_hdr.proto_version, "2", 1) == 0 || strncmp((char *) ssh_state->cli_hdr.proto_version, "2.", 2) == 0 || strncmp((char *) ssh_state->cli_hdr.proto_version, "1.99", 4) == 0) ret = 1; } else { SCLogDebug("looking for ssh client protoversion %s length %"PRIu16"", ssh->ver, ssh->len); ret = (strncmp((char *) ssh_state->cli_hdr.proto_version, (char *) ssh->ver, ssh->len) == 0)? 1 : 0; } } SCReturnInt(ret); } /** * \brief This function is used to parse IPV4 ip_id passed via keyword: "id" * * \param idstr Pointer to the user provided id option * * \retval id_d pointer to DetectSshVersionData on success * \retval NULL on failure */ static DetectSshVersionData *DetectSshVersionParse (const char *str) { DetectSshVersionData *ssh = NULL; #define MAX_SUBSTRINGS 30 int ret = 0, res = 0; int ov[MAX_SUBSTRINGS]; ret = pcre_exec(parse_regex, parse_regex_study, str, strlen(str), 0, 0, ov, MAX_SUBSTRINGS); if (ret < 1 || ret > 3) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_PCRE_MATCH, "invalid ssh.protoversion option"); goto error; } if (ret > 1) { const char *str_ptr; res = pcre_get_substring((char *)str, ov, MAX_SUBSTRINGS, 1, &str_ptr); if (res < 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_PCRE_GET_SUBSTRING, "pcre_get_substring failed"); goto error; } /* We have a correct id option */ ssh = SCMalloc(sizeof(DetectSshVersionData)); if (unlikely(ssh == NULL)) { pcre_free_substring(str_ptr); goto error; } memset(ssh, 0x00, sizeof(DetectSshVersionData)); /* If we expect a protocol version 2 or 1.99 (considered 2, we * will compare it with both strings) */ if (strcmp("2_compat", str_ptr) == 0) { ssh->flags |= SSH_FLAG_PROTOVERSION_2_COMPAT; SCLogDebug("will look for ssh protocol version 2 (2, 2.0, 1.99 that's considered as 2"); pcre_free_substring(str_ptr); return ssh; } ssh->ver = (uint8_t *)SCStrdup((char*)str_ptr); if (ssh->ver == NULL) { pcre_free_substring(str_ptr); goto error; } ssh->len = strlen((char *) ssh->ver); pcre_free_substring(str_ptr); SCLogDebug("will look for ssh %s", ssh->ver); } return ssh; error: if (ssh != NULL) DetectSshVersionFree(ssh); return NULL; } /** * \brief this function is used to add the parsed "id" option * \brief into the current signature * * \param de_ctx pointer to the Detection Engine Context * \param s pointer to the Current Signature * \param idstr pointer to the user provided "id" option * * \retval 0 on Success * \retval -1 on Failure */ static int DetectSshVersionSetup (DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, const char *str) { DetectSshVersionData *ssh = NULL; SigMatch *sm = NULL; if (DetectSignatureSetAppProto(s, ALPROTO_SSH) != 0) return -1; ssh = DetectSshVersionParse(str); if (ssh == NULL) goto error; /* Okay so far so good, lets get this into a SigMatch * and put it in the Signature. */ sm = SigMatchAlloc(); if (sm == NULL) goto error; sm->type = DETECT_AL_SSH_PROTOVERSION; sm->ctx = (void *)ssh; SigMatchAppendSMToList(s, sm, g_ssh_banner_list_id); return 0; error: if (ssh != NULL) DetectSshVersionFree(ssh); if (sm != NULL) SCFree(sm); return -1; } /** * \brief this function will free memory associated with DetectSshVersionData * * \param id_d pointer to DetectSshVersionData */ void DetectSshVersionFree(void *ptr) { DetectSshVersionData *sshd = (DetectSshVersionData *)ptr; SCFree(sshd->ver); SCFree(sshd); } #ifdef UNITTESTS /* UNITTESTS */ /** * \test DetectSshVersionTestParse01 is a test to make sure that we parse * a proto version correctly */ static int DetectSshVersionTestParse01 (void) { DetectSshVersionData *ssh = NULL; ssh = DetectSshVersionParse("1.0"); if (ssh != NULL && strncmp((char *) ssh->ver, "1.0", 3) == 0) { DetectSshVersionFree(ssh); return 1; } return 0; } /** * \test DetectSshVersionTestParse02 is a test to make sure that we parse * the proto version (compatible with proto version 2) correctly */ static int DetectSshVersionTestParse02 (void) { DetectSshVersionData *ssh = NULL; ssh = DetectSshVersionParse("2_compat"); if (ssh->flags & SSH_FLAG_PROTOVERSION_2_COMPAT) { DetectSshVersionFree(ssh); return 1; } return 0; } /** * \test DetectSshVersionTestParse03 is a test to make sure that we * don't return a ssh_data with an invalid value specified */ static int DetectSshVersionTestParse03 (void) { DetectSshVersionData *ssh = NULL; ssh = DetectSshVersionParse("2_com"); if (ssh != NULL) { DetectSshVersionFree(ssh); return 0; } ssh = DetectSshVersionParse(""); if (ssh != NULL) { DetectSshVersionFree(ssh); return 0; } ssh = DetectSshVersionParse(".1"); if (ssh != NULL) { DetectSshVersionFree(ssh); return 0; } ssh = DetectSshVersionParse("lalala"); if (ssh != NULL) { DetectSshVersionFree(ssh); return 0; } return 1; } #include "stream-tcp-reassemble.h" /** \test Send a get request in three chunks + more data. */ static int DetectSshVersionTestDetect01(void) { Flow f; uint8_t sshbuf1[] = "SSH-1."; uint32_t sshlen1 = sizeof(sshbuf1) - 1; uint8_t sshbuf2[] = "10-PuTTY_2.123" ; uint32_t sshlen2 = sizeof(sshbuf2) - 1; uint8_t sshbuf3[] = "\n"; uint32_t sshlen3 = sizeof(sshbuf3) - 1; uint8_t sshbuf4[] = "whatever..."; uint32_t sshlen4 = sizeof(sshbuf4) - 1; TcpSession ssn; Packet *p = NULL; Signature *s = NULL; ThreadVars th_v; DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx = NULL; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&th_v, 0, sizeof(th_v)); memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); p = UTHBuildPacket(NULL, 0, IPPROTO_TCP); FAIL_IF_NULL(p); FLOW_INITIALIZE(&f); f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn; p->flow = &f; p->flowflags |= FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER; p->flowflags |= FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED; p->flags |= PKT_HAS_FLOW|PKT_STREAM_EST; f.alproto = ALPROTO_SSH; f.proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit(); FAIL_IF_NULL (de_ctx); de_ctx->flags |= DE_QUIET; s = de_ctx->sig_list = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert ssh any any -> any any (msg:\"SSH\"; ssh.protoversion:1.10; sid:1;)"); FAIL_IF_NULL(s); SigGroupBuild(de_ctx); DetectEngineThreadCtxInit(&th_v, (void *)de_ctx, (void *)&det_ctx); SCLogDebug("==> 1"); int r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf1, sshlen1); FAIL_IF(r != 0); SCLogDebug("==> 2"); r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf2, sshlen2); FAIL_IF(r != 0); SCLogDebug("==> 3"); r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf3, sshlen3); FAIL_IF(r != 0); SCLogDebug("==> 4"); r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf4, sshlen4); FAIL_IF(r != 0); SshState *ssh_state = f.alstate; FAIL_IF_NULL(ssh_state); /* do detect */ SigMatchSignatures(&th_v, de_ctx, det_ctx, p); FAIL_IF(!(PacketAlertCheck(p, 1))); DetectEngineThreadCtxDeinit(&th_v, (void *)det_ctx); DetectEngineCtxFree(de_ctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); FLOW_DESTROY(&f); UTHFreePackets(&p, 1); AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); PASS; } /** \test Send a get request in three chunks + more data. */ static int DetectSshVersionTestDetect02(void) { int result = 0; Flow f; uint8_t sshbuf1[] = "SSH-1."; uint32_t sshlen1 = sizeof(sshbuf1) - 1; uint8_t sshbuf2[] = "99-PuTTY_2.123" ; uint32_t sshlen2 = sizeof(sshbuf2) - 1; uint8_t sshbuf3[] = "\n"; uint32_t sshlen3 = sizeof(sshbuf3) - 1; uint8_t sshbuf4[] = "whatever..."; uint32_t sshlen4 = sizeof(sshbuf4) - 1; TcpSession ssn; Packet *p = NULL; Signature *s = NULL; ThreadVars th_v; DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx = NULL; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&th_v, 0, sizeof(th_v)); memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); p = UTHBuildPacket(NULL, 0, IPPROTO_TCP); FLOW_INITIALIZE(&f); f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn; p->flow = &f; p->flowflags |= FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER; p->flowflags |= FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED; p->flags |= PKT_HAS_FLOW|PKT_STREAM_EST; f.alproto = ALPROTO_SSH; f.proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit(); if (de_ctx == NULL) { goto end; } de_ctx->flags |= DE_QUIET; s = de_ctx->sig_list = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert ssh any any -> any any (msg:\"SSH\"; ssh.protoversion:2_compat; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } SigGroupBuild(de_ctx); DetectEngineThreadCtxInit(&th_v, (void *)de_ctx, (void *)&det_ctx); FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK(&f); int r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf1, sshlen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf2, sshlen2); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 2 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(&f); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf3, sshlen3); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 3 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(&f); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf4, sshlen4); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 4 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(&f); goto end; } FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(&f); SshState *ssh_state = f.alstate; if (ssh_state == NULL) { printf("no ssh state: "); goto end; } /* do detect */ SigMatchSignatures(&th_v, de_ctx, det_ctx, p); if ( !(PacketAlertCheck(p, 1))) { printf("Error, the sig should match: "); goto end; } result = 1; end: SigGroupCleanup(de_ctx); SigCleanSignatures(de_ctx); DetectEngineThreadCtxDeinit(&th_v, (void *)det_ctx); DetectEngineCtxFree(de_ctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); FLOW_DESTROY(&f); UTHFreePackets(&p, 1); if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); return result; } /** \test Send a get request in three chunks + more data. */ static int DetectSshVersionTestDetect03(void) { int result = 0; Flow f; uint8_t sshbuf1[] = "SSH-1."; uint32_t sshlen1 = sizeof(sshbuf1) - 1; uint8_t sshbuf2[] = "7-PuTTY_2.123" ; uint32_t sshlen2 = sizeof(sshbuf2) - 1; uint8_t sshbuf3[] = "\n"; uint32_t sshlen3 = sizeof(sshbuf3) - 1; uint8_t sshbuf4[] = "whatever..."; uint32_t sshlen4 = sizeof(sshbuf4) - 1; TcpSession ssn; Packet *p = NULL; Signature *s = NULL; ThreadVars th_v; DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx = NULL; AppLayerParserThreadCtx *alp_tctx = AppLayerParserThreadCtxAlloc(); memset(&th_v, 0, sizeof(th_v)); memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); memset(&ssn, 0, sizeof(ssn)); p = UTHBuildPacket(NULL, 0, IPPROTO_TCP); FLOW_INITIALIZE(&f); f.protoctx = (void *)&ssn; p->flow = &f; p->flowflags |= FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER; p->flowflags |= FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED; p->flags |= PKT_HAS_FLOW|PKT_STREAM_EST; f.alproto = ALPROTO_SSH; f.proto = IPPROTO_TCP; StreamTcpInitConfig(TRUE); DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit(); if (de_ctx == NULL) { goto end; } de_ctx->flags |= DE_QUIET; s = de_ctx->sig_list = SigInit(de_ctx,"alert ssh any any -> any any (msg:\"SSH\"; ssh.protoversion:2_compat; sid:1;)"); if (s == NULL) { goto end; } SigGroupBuild(de_ctx); DetectEngineThreadCtxInit(&th_v, (void *)de_ctx, (void *)&det_ctx); FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK(&f); int r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf1, sshlen1); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 1 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(&f); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf2, sshlen2); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 2 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(&f); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf3, sshlen3); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 3 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(&f); goto end; } r = AppLayerParserParse(NULL, alp_tctx, &f, ALPROTO_SSH, STREAM_TOSERVER, sshbuf4, sshlen4); if (r != 0) { printf("toserver chunk 4 returned %" PRId32 ", expected 0: ", r); FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(&f); goto end; } FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(&f); SshState *ssh_state = f.alstate; if (ssh_state == NULL) { printf("no ssh state: "); goto end; } /* do detect */ SigMatchSignatures(&th_v, de_ctx, det_ctx, p); if (PacketAlertCheck(p, 1)) { printf("Error, 1.7 version is not 2 compat, so the sig should not match: "); goto end; } result = 1; end: SigGroupCleanup(de_ctx); SigCleanSignatures(de_ctx); DetectEngineThreadCtxDeinit(&th_v, (void *)det_ctx); DetectEngineCtxFree(de_ctx); StreamTcpFreeConfig(TRUE); FLOW_DESTROY(&f); UTHFreePackets(&p, 1); if (alp_tctx != NULL) AppLayerParserThreadCtxFree(alp_tctx); return result; } #endif /* UNITTESTS */ /** * \brief this function registers unit tests for DetectSshVersion */ void DetectSshVersionRegisterTests(void) { #ifdef UNITTESTS /* UNITTESTS */ UtRegisterTest("DetectSshVersionTestParse01", DetectSshVersionTestParse01); UtRegisterTest("DetectSshVersionTestParse02", DetectSshVersionTestParse02); UtRegisterTest("DetectSshVersionTestParse03", DetectSshVersionTestParse03); UtRegisterTest("DetectSshVersionTestDetect01", DetectSshVersionTestDetect01); UtRegisterTest("DetectSshVersionTestDetect02", DetectSshVersionTestDetect02); UtRegisterTest("DetectSshVersionTestDetect03", DetectSshVersionTestDetect03); #endif /* UNITTESTS */ }