/* Copyright (C) 2015 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "debug.h" #include "detect.h" #include "pkt-var.h" #include "conf.h" #include "threads.h" #include "threadvars.h" #include "tm-threads.h" #include "util-print.h" #include "util-unittest.h" #include "util-buffer.h" #include "util-crypt.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "app-layer.h" #include "app-layer-parser.h" #include "app-layer-dnp3.h" #include "app-layer-dnp3-objects.h" #include "detect-dnp3.h" #include "output.h" #include "output-json.h" #include "output-json-dnp3.h" #include "output-json-dnp3-objects.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBJANSSON #include typedef struct LogDNP3FileCtx_ { LogFileCtx *file_ctx; uint32_t flags; uint8_t include_object_data; OutputJsonCommonSettings cfg; } LogDNP3FileCtx; typedef struct LogDNP3LogThread_ { LogDNP3FileCtx *dnp3log_ctx; MemBuffer *buffer; } LogDNP3LogThread; static json_t *JsonDNP3LogLinkControl(uint8_t lc) { json_t *lcjs = json_object(); if (unlikely(lcjs == NULL)) { return NULL; } json_object_set_new(lcjs, "dir", json_boolean(DNP3_LINK_DIR(lc))); json_object_set_new(lcjs, "pri", json_boolean(DNP3_LINK_PRI(lc))); json_object_set_new(lcjs, "fcb", json_boolean(DNP3_LINK_FCB(lc))); json_object_set_new(lcjs, "fcv", json_boolean(DNP3_LINK_FCV(lc))); json_object_set_new(lcjs, "function_code", json_integer(DNP3_LINK_FC(lc))); return lcjs; } static json_t *JsonDNP3LogIin(uint16_t iin) { json_t *iinjs = json_object(); if (unlikely(iinjs == NULL)) { return NULL; } json_t *indicators = json_array(); if (unlikely(indicators == NULL)) { json_decref(iinjs); return NULL; } if (iin) { int mapping = 0; do { if (iin & DNP3IndicatorsMap[mapping].value) { json_array_append_new(indicators, json_string(DNP3IndicatorsMap[mapping].name)); } mapping++; } while (DNP3IndicatorsMap[mapping].name != NULL); } json_object_set_new(iinjs, "indicators", indicators); return iinjs; } static json_t *JsonDNP3LogApplicationControl(uint8_t ac) { json_t *acjs = json_object(); if (unlikely(acjs == NULL)) { return NULL; } json_object_set_new(acjs, "fir", json_boolean(DNP3_APP_FIR(ac))); json_object_set_new(acjs, "fin", json_boolean(DNP3_APP_FIN(ac))); json_object_set_new(acjs, "con", json_boolean(DNP3_APP_CON(ac))); json_object_set_new(acjs, "uns", json_boolean(DNP3_APP_UNS(ac))); json_object_set_new(acjs, "sequence", json_integer(DNP3_APP_SEQ(ac))); return acjs; } /** * \brief Log the items (points) for an object. * * TODO: Autogenerate this function based on object definitions. */ static json_t *JsonDNP3LogObjectItems(DNP3Object *object) { DNP3Point *item; json_t *jsitems; if (unlikely((jsitems = json_array()) == NULL)) { return NULL; } TAILQ_FOREACH(item, object->points, next) { json_t *js = json_object(); if (unlikely(js == NULL)) { break; } json_object_set_new(js, "prefix", json_integer(item->prefix)); json_object_set_new(js, "index", json_integer(item->index)); if (DNP3PrefixIsSize(object->prefix_code)) { json_object_set_new(js, "size", json_integer(item->size)); } OutputJsonDNP3SetItem(js, object, item); json_array_append_new(jsitems, js); } return jsitems; } /** * \brief Log the application layer objects. * * \param objects A list of DNP3 objects. * * \retval a json_t pointer containing the logged DNP3 objects. */ static json_t *JsonDNP3LogObjects(DNP3ObjectList *objects) { DNP3Object *object; json_t *js = json_array(); if (unlikely(js == NULL)) { return NULL; } TAILQ_FOREACH(object, objects, next) { json_t *objs = json_object(); if (unlikely(objs == NULL)) { goto error; } json_object_set_new(objs, "group", json_integer(object->group)); json_object_set_new(objs, "variation", json_integer(object->variation)); json_object_set_new(objs, "qualifier", json_integer(object->qualifier)); json_object_set_new(objs, "prefix_code", json_integer(object->prefix_code)); json_object_set_new(objs, "range_code", json_integer(object->range_code)); json_object_set_new(objs, "start", json_integer(object->start)); json_object_set_new(objs, "stop", json_integer(object->stop)); json_object_set_new(objs, "count", json_integer(object->count)); if (object->points != NULL && !TAILQ_EMPTY(object->points)) { json_t *points = JsonDNP3LogObjectItems(object); if (points != NULL) { json_object_set_new(objs, "points", points); } } json_array_append_new(js, objs); } return js; error: json_decref(js); return NULL; } json_t *JsonDNP3LogRequest(DNP3Transaction *dnp3tx) { json_t *dnp3js = json_object(); if (dnp3js == NULL) { return NULL;; } json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "type", json_string("request")); json_t *lcjs = JsonDNP3LogLinkControl(dnp3tx->request_lh.control); if (lcjs != NULL) { json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "control", lcjs); } json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "src", json_integer(dnp3tx->request_lh.src)); json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "dst", json_integer(dnp3tx->request_lh.dst)); /* DNP3 application layer. */ json_t *al = json_object(); if (al == NULL) { goto error; } json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "application", al); json_t *acjs = JsonDNP3LogApplicationControl(dnp3tx->request_ah.control); if (acjs != NULL) { json_object_set_new(al, "control", acjs); } json_object_set_new(al, "function_code", json_integer(dnp3tx->request_ah.function_code)); json_t *objects = JsonDNP3LogObjects(&dnp3tx->request_objects); if (objects != NULL) { json_object_set_new(al, "objects", objects); } json_object_set_new(al, "complete", json_boolean(dnp3tx->request_complete)); return dnp3js; error: json_decref(dnp3js); return NULL; } json_t *JsonDNP3LogResponse(DNP3Transaction *dnp3tx) { json_t *dnp3js = json_object(); if (dnp3js == NULL) { return NULL; } if (dnp3tx->response_ah.function_code == DNP3_APP_FC_UNSOLICITED_RESP) { json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "type", json_string("unsolicited_response")); } else { json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "type", json_string("response")); } json_t *lcjs = JsonDNP3LogLinkControl(dnp3tx->response_lh.control); if (lcjs != NULL) { json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "control", lcjs); } json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "src", json_integer(dnp3tx->response_lh.src)); json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "dst", json_integer(dnp3tx->response_lh.dst)); /* DNP3 application layer. */ json_t *al = json_object(); if (al == NULL) { goto error; } json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "application", al); json_t *acjs = JsonDNP3LogApplicationControl(dnp3tx->response_ah.control); if (acjs != NULL) { json_object_set_new(al, "control", acjs); } json_object_set_new(al, "function_code", json_integer(dnp3tx->response_ah.function_code)); json_t *iinjs = JsonDNP3LogIin(dnp3tx->response_iin.iin1 << 8 | dnp3tx->response_iin.iin2); if (iinjs != NULL) { json_object_set_new(dnp3js, "iin", iinjs); } json_t *objects = JsonDNP3LogObjects(&dnp3tx->response_objects); if (objects != NULL) { json_object_set_new(al, "objects", objects); } json_object_set_new(al, "complete", json_boolean(dnp3tx->response_complete)); return dnp3js; error: json_decref(dnp3js); return NULL; } static int JsonDNP3LoggerToServer(ThreadVars *tv, void *thread_data, const Packet *p, Flow *f, void *state, void *vtx, uint64_t tx_id) { SCEnter(); LogDNP3LogThread *thread = (LogDNP3LogThread *)thread_data; DNP3Transaction *tx = vtx; MemBuffer *buffer = (MemBuffer *)thread->buffer; MemBufferReset(buffer); if (tx->has_request && tx->request_done) { json_t *js = CreateJSONHeader(p, LOG_DIR_FLOW, "dnp3"); if (unlikely(js == NULL)) { return TM_ECODE_OK; } JsonAddCommonOptions(&thread->dnp3log_ctx->cfg, p, f, js); json_t *dnp3js = JsonDNP3LogRequest(tx); if (dnp3js != NULL) { json_object_set_new(js, "dnp3", dnp3js); OutputJSONBuffer(js, thread->dnp3log_ctx->file_ctx, &buffer); } json_decref(js); } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } static int JsonDNP3LoggerToClient(ThreadVars *tv, void *thread_data, const Packet *p, Flow *f, void *state, void *vtx, uint64_t tx_id) { SCEnter(); LogDNP3LogThread *thread = (LogDNP3LogThread *)thread_data; DNP3Transaction *tx = vtx; MemBuffer *buffer = (MemBuffer *)thread->buffer; MemBufferReset(buffer); if (tx->has_response && tx->response_done) { json_t *js = CreateJSONHeader(p, LOG_DIR_FLOW, "dnp3"); if (unlikely(js == NULL)) { return TM_ECODE_OK; } JsonAddCommonOptions(&thread->dnp3log_ctx->cfg, p, f, js); json_t *dnp3js = JsonDNP3LogResponse(tx); if (dnp3js != NULL) { json_object_set_new(js, "dnp3", dnp3js); OutputJSONBuffer(js, thread->dnp3log_ctx->file_ctx, &buffer); } json_decref(js); } SCReturnInt(TM_ECODE_OK); } static void OutputDNP3LogDeInitCtxSub(OutputCtx *output_ctx) { SCLogDebug("cleaning up sub output_ctx %p", output_ctx); LogDNP3FileCtx *dnp3log_ctx = (LogDNP3FileCtx *)output_ctx->data; SCFree(dnp3log_ctx); SCFree(output_ctx); } #define DEFAULT_LOG_FILENAME "dnp3.json" static OutputInitResult OutputDNP3LogInitSub(ConfNode *conf, OutputCtx *parent_ctx) { OutputInitResult result = { NULL, false }; OutputJsonCtx *json_ctx = parent_ctx->data; LogDNP3FileCtx *dnp3log_ctx = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*dnp3log_ctx)); if (unlikely(dnp3log_ctx == NULL)) { return result; } dnp3log_ctx->file_ctx = json_ctx->file_ctx; dnp3log_ctx->cfg = json_ctx->cfg; OutputCtx *output_ctx = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*output_ctx)); if (unlikely(output_ctx == NULL)) { SCFree(dnp3log_ctx); return result; } output_ctx->data = dnp3log_ctx; output_ctx->DeInit = OutputDNP3LogDeInitCtxSub; SCLogInfo("DNP3 log sub-module initialized."); AppLayerParserRegisterLogger(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_DNP3); result.ctx = output_ctx; result.ok = true; return result; } #define OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE 65535 static TmEcode JsonDNP3LogThreadInit(ThreadVars *t, const void *initdata, void **data) { LogDNP3LogThread *thread = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*thread)); if (unlikely(thread == NULL)) { return TM_ECODE_FAILED; } if (initdata == NULL) { SCLogDebug("Error getting context for DNP3. \"initdata\" is NULL."); SCFree(thread); return TM_ECODE_FAILED; } thread->buffer = MemBufferCreateNew(OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (unlikely(thread->buffer == NULL)) { SCFree(thread); return TM_ECODE_FAILED; } thread->dnp3log_ctx = ((OutputCtx *)initdata)->data; *data = (void *)thread; return TM_ECODE_OK; } static TmEcode JsonDNP3LogThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *t, void *data) { LogDNP3LogThread *thread = (LogDNP3LogThread *)data; if (thread == NULL) { return TM_ECODE_OK; } if (thread->buffer != NULL) { MemBufferFree(thread->buffer); } SCFree(thread); return TM_ECODE_OK; } void JsonDNP3LogRegister(void) { /* Register direction aware eve sub-modules. */ OutputRegisterTxSubModuleWithProgress(LOGGER_JSON_DNP3_TS, "eve-log", "JsonDNP3Log", "eve-log.dnp3", OutputDNP3LogInitSub, ALPROTO_DNP3, JsonDNP3LoggerToServer, 0, 1, JsonDNP3LogThreadInit, JsonDNP3LogThreadDeinit, NULL); OutputRegisterTxSubModuleWithProgress(LOGGER_JSON_DNP3_TC, "eve-log", "JsonDNP3Log", "eve-log.dnp3", OutputDNP3LogInitSub, ALPROTO_DNP3, JsonDNP3LoggerToClient, 1, 1, JsonDNP3LogThreadInit, JsonDNP3LogThreadDeinit, NULL); } #else void JsonDNP3LogRegister (void) { } #endif