/* Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Victor Julien * \author Anoop Saldanha * * Multi pattern matcher */ #include "suricata.h" #include "suricata-common.h" #include "app-layer-protos.h" #include "decode.h" #include "detect.h" #include "detect-engine.h" #include "detect-engine-siggroup.h" #include "detect-engine-mpm.h" #include "detect-engine-iponly.h" #include "detect-parse.h" #include "detect-engine-prefilter.h" #include "util-mpm.h" #include "util-memcmp.h" #include "util-memcpy.h" #include "conf.h" #include "detect-fast-pattern.h" #include "flow.h" #include "flow-var.h" #include "detect-flow.h" #include "detect-content.h" #include "detect-engine-payload.h" #include "detect-engine-dns.h" #include "stream.h" #include "util-enum.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "util-print.h" #include "util-validate.h" const char *builtin_mpms[] = { "toserver TCP packet", "toclient TCP packet", "toserver TCP stream", "toclient TCP stream", "toserver UDP packet", "toclient UDP packet", "other IP packet", NULL }; /* Registery for mpm keywords * * Keywords are registered at engine start up */ static DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *g_app_mpms_list = NULL; static int g_app_mpms_list_cnt = 0; /** \brief register a MPM engine * * \note to be used at start up / registration only. Errors are fatal. */ void DetectAppLayerMpmRegister2(const char *name, int direction, int priority, int (*PrefilterRegister)(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, const DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *mpm_reg, int list_id), InspectionBufferGetDataPtr GetData, AppProto alproto, int tx_min_progress) { SCLogDebug("registering %s/%d/%d/%p/%p/%u/%d", name, direction, priority, PrefilterRegister, GetData, alproto, tx_min_progress); if (PrefilterRegister == PrefilterGenericMpmRegister && GetData == NULL) { // must register GetData with PrefilterGenericMpmRegister abort(); } DetectBufferTypeSupportsMpm(name); DetectBufferTypeSupportsTransformations(name); int sm_list = DetectBufferTypeGetByName(name); if (sm_list == -1) { FatalError(SC_ERR_INITIALIZATION, "MPM engine registration for %s failed", name); } DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *am = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*am)); BUG_ON(am == NULL); am->name = name; snprintf(am->pname, sizeof(am->pname), "%s", am->name); am->direction = direction; am->sm_list = sm_list; am->priority = priority; am->v2.PrefilterRegisterWithListId = PrefilterRegister; am->v2.GetData = GetData; am->v2.alproto = alproto; am->v2.tx_min_progress = tx_min_progress; if (g_app_mpms_list == NULL) { g_app_mpms_list = am; } else { DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *t = g_app_mpms_list; while (t->next != NULL) { t = t->next; } t->next = am; am->id = t->id + 1; } g_app_mpms_list_cnt++; SupportFastPatternForSigMatchList(sm_list, priority); } void DetectAppLayerMpmRegister(const char *name, int direction, int priority, int (*PrefilterRegister)(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, MpmCtx *mpm_ctx)) { SCLogDebug("registering %s/%d/%d/%p", name, direction, priority, PrefilterRegister); DetectBufferTypeSupportsMpm(name); int sm_list = DetectBufferTypeGetByName(name); BUG_ON(sm_list == -1); DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *am = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*am)); BUG_ON(am == NULL); am->name = name; snprintf(am->pname, sizeof(am->pname), "%s", am->name); am->direction = direction; am->sm_list = sm_list; am->priority = priority; am->PrefilterRegister = PrefilterRegister; if (g_app_mpms_list == NULL) { g_app_mpms_list = am; } else { DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *t = g_app_mpms_list; while (t->next != NULL) { t = t->next; } t->next = am; am->id = t->id + 1; } g_app_mpms_list_cnt++; SupportFastPatternForSigMatchList(sm_list, priority); } /** \brief copy a mpm engine from parent_id, add in transforms */ void DetectAppLayerMpmRegisterByParentId(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, const int id, const int parent_id, DetectEngineTransforms *transforms) { SCLogDebug("registering %d/%d", id, parent_id); DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *t = de_ctx->app_mpms_list; while (t) { if (t->sm_list == parent_id) { DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *am = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*am)); BUG_ON(am == NULL); am->name = t->name; snprintf(am->pname, sizeof(am->pname), "%s#%d", am->name, id); am->direction = t->direction; am->sm_list = id; // use new id am->PrefilterRegister = t->PrefilterRegister; am->v2.PrefilterRegisterWithListId = t->v2.PrefilterRegisterWithListId; am->v2.GetData = t->v2.GetData; am->v2.alproto = t->v2.alproto; am->v2.tx_min_progress = t->v2.tx_min_progress; am->priority = t->priority; am->next = t->next; if (transforms) { memcpy(&am->v2.transforms, transforms, sizeof(*transforms)); } am->id = de_ctx->app_mpms_list_cnt++; SupportFastPatternForSigMatchList(am->sm_list, am->priority); t->next = am; SCLogDebug("copied mpm registration for %s id %u " "with parent %u and GetData %p", t->name, id, parent_id, am->v2.GetData); t = am; } t = t->next; } } void DetectMpmInitializeAppMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { const DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *list = g_app_mpms_list; while (list != NULL) { DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *n = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*n)); BUG_ON(n == NULL); *n = *list; n->next = NULL; if (de_ctx->app_mpms_list == NULL) { de_ctx->app_mpms_list = n; } else { DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *t = de_ctx->app_mpms_list; while (t->next != NULL) { t = t->next; } t->next = n; } list = list->next; } de_ctx->app_mpms_list_cnt = g_app_mpms_list_cnt; SCLogDebug("mpm: de_ctx app_mpms_list %p %u", de_ctx->app_mpms_list, de_ctx->app_mpms_list_cnt); } void DetectMpmSetupAppMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { BUG_ON(de_ctx->app_mpms_list_cnt == 0); de_ctx->app_mpms = SCCalloc(de_ctx->app_mpms_list_cnt + 1, sizeof(DetectMpmAppLayerKeyword)); BUG_ON(de_ctx->app_mpms == NULL); DetectMpmAppLayerRegistery *list = de_ctx->app_mpms_list; while (list != NULL) { DetectMpmAppLayerKeyword *am = &de_ctx->app_mpms[list->id]; am->reg = list; /* default to whatever the global setting is */ int shared = (de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context == ENGINE_SGH_MPM_FACTORY_CONTEXT_SINGLE); /* see if we use a unique or shared mpm ctx for this type */ int confshared = 0; char confstring[256] = "detect.mpm."; strlcat(confstring, am->reg->name, sizeof(confstring)); strlcat(confstring, ".shared", sizeof(confstring)); if (ConfGetBool(confstring, &confshared) == 1) shared = confshared; if (shared == 0) { if (!(de_ctx->flags & DE_QUIET)) { SCLogPerf("using unique mpm ctx' for %s", am->reg->name); } am->sgh_mpm_context = MPM_CTX_FACTORY_UNIQUE_CONTEXT; } else { if (!(de_ctx->flags & DE_QUIET)) { SCLogPerf("using shared mpm ctx' for %s", am->reg->name); } am->sgh_mpm_context = MpmFactoryRegisterMpmCtxProfile(de_ctx, am->reg->name); } SCLogDebug("AppLayer MPM %s: %u", am->reg->name, am->sgh_mpm_context); list = list->next; } } /** * \brief initialize mpm contexts for applayer buffers that are in * "single or "shared" mode. */ int DetectMpmPrepareAppMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { int r = 0; DetectMpmAppLayerKeyword *am = de_ctx->app_mpms; while (am->reg != NULL) { int dir = (am->reg->direction == SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER) ? 1 : 0; if (am->sgh_mpm_context != MPM_CTX_FACTORY_UNIQUE_CONTEXT) { MpmCtx *mpm_ctx = MpmFactoryGetMpmCtxForProfile(de_ctx, am->sgh_mpm_context, dir); if (mpm_ctx != NULL) { if (mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare != NULL) { r |= mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare(mpm_ctx); } } } am++; } return r; } static int32_t SetupBuiltinMpm(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, const char *name) { /* default to whatever the global setting is */ int shared = (de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context == ENGINE_SGH_MPM_FACTORY_CONTEXT_SINGLE); /* see if we use a unique or shared mpm ctx for this type */ int confshared = 0; char confstring[256] = "detect.mpm."; strlcat(confstring, name, sizeof(confstring)); strlcat(confstring, ".shared", sizeof(confstring)); if (ConfGetBool(confstring, &confshared) == 1) shared = confshared; int32_t ctx; if (shared == 0) { ctx = MPM_CTX_FACTORY_UNIQUE_CONTEXT; SCLogPerf("using unique mpm ctx' for %s", name); } else { ctx = MpmFactoryRegisterMpmCtxProfile(de_ctx, name); SCLogPerf("using shared mpm ctx' for %s", name); } return ctx; } void DetectMpmInitializeBuiltinMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_tcp_packet = SetupBuiltinMpm(de_ctx, "tcp-packet"); de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_stream = SetupBuiltinMpm(de_ctx, "tcp-stream"); de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_udp_packet = SetupBuiltinMpm(de_ctx, "udp-packet"); de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_other_packet = SetupBuiltinMpm(de_ctx, "other-ip"); } /** * \brief initialize mpm contexts for builtin buffers that are in * "single or "shared" mode. */ int DetectMpmPrepareBuiltinMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { int r = 0; MpmCtx *mpm_ctx = NULL; if (de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_tcp_packet != MPM_CTX_FACTORY_UNIQUE_CONTEXT) { mpm_ctx = MpmFactoryGetMpmCtxForProfile(de_ctx, de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_tcp_packet, 0); if (mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare != NULL) { r |= mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare(mpm_ctx); } mpm_ctx = MpmFactoryGetMpmCtxForProfile(de_ctx, de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_tcp_packet, 1); if (mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare != NULL) { r |= mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare(mpm_ctx); } } if (de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_udp_packet != MPM_CTX_FACTORY_UNIQUE_CONTEXT) { mpm_ctx = MpmFactoryGetMpmCtxForProfile(de_ctx, de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_udp_packet, 0); if (mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare != NULL) { r |= mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare(mpm_ctx); } mpm_ctx = MpmFactoryGetMpmCtxForProfile(de_ctx, de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_udp_packet, 1); if (mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare != NULL) { r |= mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare(mpm_ctx); } } if (de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_other_packet != MPM_CTX_FACTORY_UNIQUE_CONTEXT) { mpm_ctx = MpmFactoryGetMpmCtxForProfile(de_ctx, de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_other_packet, 0); if (mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare != NULL) { r |= mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare(mpm_ctx); } } if (de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_stream != MPM_CTX_FACTORY_UNIQUE_CONTEXT) { mpm_ctx = MpmFactoryGetMpmCtxForProfile(de_ctx, de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_stream, 0); if (mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare != NULL) { r |= mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare(mpm_ctx); } mpm_ctx = MpmFactoryGetMpmCtxForProfile(de_ctx, de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_stream, 1); if (mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare != NULL) { r |= mpm_table[de_ctx->mpm_matcher].Prepare(mpm_ctx); } } return r; } /** * \brief check if a signature has patterns that are to be inspected * against a packets payload (as opposed to the stream payload) * * \param s signature * * \retval 1 true * \retval 0 false */ int SignatureHasPacketContent(const Signature *s) { SCEnter(); if (s == NULL) { SCReturnInt(0); } if (!(s->proto.proto[IPPROTO_TCP / 8] & 1 << (IPPROTO_TCP % 8))) { SCReturnInt(1); } if ((s->init_data != NULL && s->init_data->smlists[DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH] == NULL) || (s->init_data == NULL && s->sm_arrays[DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH] == NULL)) { SCLogDebug("no mpm"); SCReturnInt(0); } if (!(s->flags & SIG_FLAG_REQUIRE_PACKET)) { SCReturnInt(0); } SCReturnInt(1); } /** * \brief check if a signature has patterns that are to be inspected * against the stream payload (as opposed to the individual packets * payload(s)) * * \param s signature * * \retval 1 true * \retval 0 false */ int SignatureHasStreamContent(const Signature *s) { SCEnter(); if (s == NULL) { SCReturnInt(0); } if (!(s->proto.proto[IPPROTO_TCP / 8] & 1 << (IPPROTO_TCP % 8))) { SCReturnInt(0); } if ((s->init_data != NULL && s->init_data->smlists[DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH] == NULL) || (s->init_data == NULL && s->sm_arrays[DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH] == NULL)) { SCLogDebug("no mpm"); SCReturnInt(0); } if (!(s->flags & SIG_FLAG_REQUIRE_STREAM)) { SCReturnInt(0); } SCReturnInt(1); } /** * \brief Function to return the multi pattern matcher algorithm to be * used by the engine, based on the mpm-algo setting in yaml * Use the default mpm if none is specified in the yaml file. * * \retval mpm algo value */ uint16_t PatternMatchDefaultMatcher(void) { const char *mpm_algo; uint16_t mpm_algo_val = mpm_default_matcher; /* Get the mpm algo defined in config file by the user */ if ((ConfGet("mpm-algo", &mpm_algo)) == 1) { uint16_t u; if (mpm_algo != NULL) { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN if (strcmp(mpm_algo, "ac-ks") == 0) { SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_YAML_CONF_ENTRY, "ac-ks does " "not work on big endian systems at this time."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif if (strcmp("auto", mpm_algo) == 0) { goto done; } for (u = 0; u < MPM_TABLE_SIZE; u++) { if (mpm_table[u].name == NULL) continue; if (strcmp(mpm_table[u].name, mpm_algo) == 0) { mpm_algo_val = u; goto done; } } } SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_YAML_CONF_ENTRY, "Invalid mpm algo supplied " "in the yaml conf file: \"%s\"", mpm_algo); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } done: return mpm_algo_val; } /** \brief cleans up the mpm instance after a match */ void PacketPatternCleanup(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx) { PmqReset(&det_ctx->pmq); } void PatternMatchDestroy(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, uint16_t mpm_matcher) { SCLogDebug("mpm_ctx %p, mpm_matcher %"PRIu16"", mpm_ctx, mpm_matcher); mpm_table[mpm_matcher].DestroyCtx(mpm_ctx); } void PatternMatchThreadPrint(MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, uint16_t mpm_matcher) { SCLogDebug("mpm_thread_ctx %p, mpm_matcher %"PRIu16" defunct", mpm_thread_ctx, mpm_matcher); //mpm_table[mpm_matcher].PrintThreadCtx(mpm_thread_ctx); } void PatternMatchThreadDestroy(MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, uint16_t mpm_matcher) { SCLogDebug("mpm_thread_ctx %p, mpm_matcher %"PRIu16"", mpm_thread_ctx, mpm_matcher); if (mpm_table[mpm_matcher].DestroyThreadCtx != NULL) mpm_table[mpm_matcher].DestroyThreadCtx(NULL, mpm_thread_ctx); } void PatternMatchThreadPrepare(MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, uint16_t mpm_matcher) { SCLogDebug("mpm_thread_ctx %p, type %"PRIu16, mpm_thread_ctx, mpm_matcher); MpmInitThreadCtx(mpm_thread_ctx, mpm_matcher); } /** \brief Predict a strength value for patterns * * Patterns with high character diversity score higher. * Alpha chars score not so high * Other printable + a few common codes a little higher * Everything else highest. * Longer patterns score better than short patters. * * \param pat pattern * \param patlen length of the patternn * * \retval s pattern score */ uint32_t PatternStrength(uint8_t *pat, uint16_t patlen) { uint8_t a[256]; memset(&a, 0 ,sizeof(a)); uint32_t s = 0; uint16_t u = 0; for (u = 0; u < patlen; u++) { if (a[pat[u]] == 0) { if (isalpha(pat[u])) s += 3; else if (isprint(pat[u]) || pat[u] == 0x00 || pat[u] == 0x01 || pat[u] == 0xFF) s += 4; else s += 6; a[pat[u]] = 1; } else { s++; } } return s; } static void PopulateMpmHelperAddPattern(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, const DetectContentData *cd, const Signature *s, uint8_t flags, int chop) { uint16_t pat_offset = cd->offset; uint16_t pat_depth = cd->depth; /* recompute offset/depth to cope with chop */ if (chop && (pat_depth || pat_offset)) { pat_offset += cd->fp_chop_offset; if (pat_depth) { pat_depth -= cd->content_len; pat_depth += cd->fp_chop_offset + cd->fp_chop_len; } } if (cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_NOCASE) { if (chop) { MpmAddPatternCI(mpm_ctx, cd->content + cd->fp_chop_offset, cd->fp_chop_len, pat_offset, pat_depth, cd->id, s->num, flags|MPM_PATTERN_CTX_OWNS_ID); } else { MpmAddPatternCI(mpm_ctx, cd->content, cd->content_len, pat_offset, pat_depth, cd->id, s->num, flags|MPM_PATTERN_CTX_OWNS_ID); } } else { if (chop) { MpmAddPatternCS(mpm_ctx, cd->content + cd->fp_chop_offset, cd->fp_chop_len, pat_offset, pat_depth, cd->id, s->num, flags|MPM_PATTERN_CTX_OWNS_ID); } else { MpmAddPatternCS(mpm_ctx, cd->content, cd->content_len, pat_offset, pat_depth, cd->id, s->num, flags|MPM_PATTERN_CTX_OWNS_ID); } } return; } #define SGH_PROTO(sgh, p) ((sgh)->init->protos[(p)] == 1) #define SGH_DIRECTION_TS(sgh) ((sgh)->init->direction & SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER) #define SGH_DIRECTION_TC(sgh) ((sgh)->init->direction & SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT) static void SetMpm(Signature *s, SigMatch *mpm_sm) { if (s == NULL || mpm_sm == NULL) return; DetectContentData *cd = (DetectContentData *)mpm_sm->ctx; if (cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_FAST_PATTERN_CHOP) { if (DETECT_CONTENT_IS_SINGLE(cd) && !(cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_NEGATED) && !(cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_REPLACE) && cd->content_len == cd->fp_chop_len) { cd->flags |= DETECT_CONTENT_NO_DOUBLE_INSPECTION_REQUIRED; } } else { if (DETECT_CONTENT_IS_SINGLE(cd) && !(cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_NEGATED) && !(cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_REPLACE)) { cd->flags |= DETECT_CONTENT_NO_DOUBLE_INSPECTION_REQUIRED; } } cd->flags |= DETECT_CONTENT_MPM; s->init_data->mpm_sm = mpm_sm; return; } static SigMatch *GetMpmForList(const Signature *s, const int list, SigMatch *mpm_sm, uint16_t max_len, bool skip_negated_content) { for (SigMatch *sm = s->init_data->smlists[list]; sm != NULL; sm = sm->next) { if (sm->type != DETECT_CONTENT) continue; const DetectContentData *cd = (DetectContentData *)sm->ctx; /* skip_negated_content is only set if there's absolutely no * non-negated content present in the sig */ if ((cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_NEGATED) && skip_negated_content) continue; if (cd->content_len != max_len) continue; if (mpm_sm == NULL) { mpm_sm = sm; } else { DetectContentData *data1 = (DetectContentData *)sm->ctx; DetectContentData *data2 = (DetectContentData *)mpm_sm->ctx; uint32_t ls = PatternStrength(data1->content, data1->content_len); uint32_t ss = PatternStrength(data2->content, data2->content_len); if (ls > ss) { mpm_sm = sm; } else if (ls == ss) { /* if 2 patterns are of equal strength, we pick the longest */ if (data1->content_len > data2->content_len) mpm_sm = sm; } else { SCLogDebug("sticking with mpm_sm"); } } } return mpm_sm; } void RetrieveFPForSig(const DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s) { if (s->init_data->mpm_sm != NULL) return; SigMatch *mpm_sm = NULL, *sm = NULL; const int nlists = s->init_data->smlists_array_size; int nn_sm_list[nlists]; int n_sm_list[nlists]; memset(nn_sm_list, 0, nlists * sizeof(int)); memset(n_sm_list, 0, nlists * sizeof(int)); int count_nn_sm_list = 0; int count_n_sm_list = 0; /* inspect rule to see if we have the fast_pattern reg to * force using a sig, otherwise keep stats about the patterns */ for (int list_id = 0; list_id < nlists; list_id++) { if (s->init_data->smlists[list_id] == NULL) continue; if (!FastPatternSupportEnabledForSigMatchList(de_ctx, list_id)) continue; for (sm = s->init_data->smlists[list_id]; sm != NULL; sm = sm->next) { if (sm->type != DETECT_CONTENT) continue; const DetectContentData *cd = (DetectContentData *)sm->ctx; /* fast_pattern set in rule, so using this pattern */ if ((cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_FAST_PATTERN)) { SetMpm(s, sm); return; } if (cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_NEGATED) { n_sm_list[list_id] = 1; count_n_sm_list++; } else { nn_sm_list[list_id] = 1; count_nn_sm_list++; } } } /* prefer normal not-negated over negated */ int *curr_sm_list = NULL; int skip_negated_content = 1; if (count_nn_sm_list > 0) { curr_sm_list = nn_sm_list; } else if (count_n_sm_list > 0) { curr_sm_list = n_sm_list; skip_negated_content = 0; } else { return; } int final_sm_list[nlists]; memset(&final_sm_list, 0, (nlists * sizeof(int))); int count_final_sm_list = 0; int priority; const SCFPSupportSMList *tmp = sm_fp_support_smlist_list; while (tmp != NULL) { for (priority = tmp->priority; tmp != NULL && priority == tmp->priority; tmp = tmp->next) { if (tmp->list_id >= nlists) continue; if (curr_sm_list[tmp->list_id] == 0) continue; final_sm_list[count_final_sm_list++] = tmp->list_id; } if (count_final_sm_list != 0) break; } BUG_ON(count_final_sm_list == 0); uint16_t max_len = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count_final_sm_list; i++) { if (final_sm_list[i] >= (int)s->init_data->smlists_array_size) continue; for (sm = s->init_data->smlists[final_sm_list[i]]; sm != NULL; sm = sm->next) { if (sm->type != DETECT_CONTENT) continue; const DetectContentData *cd = (DetectContentData *)sm->ctx; /* skip_negated_content is only set if there's absolutely no * non-negated content present in the sig */ if ((cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_NEGATED) && skip_negated_content) continue; if (max_len < cd->content_len) max_len = cd->content_len; } } for (int i = 0; i < count_final_sm_list; i++) { if (final_sm_list[i] >= (int)s->init_data->smlists_array_size) continue; mpm_sm = GetMpmForList(s, final_sm_list[i], mpm_sm, max_len, skip_negated_content); } /* assign to signature */ SetMpm(s, mpm_sm); return; } /** \internal * \brief The hash function for MpmStore * * \param ht Pointer to the hash table. * \param data Pointer to the MpmStore. * \param datalen Not used in our case. * * \retval hash The generated hash value. */ static uint32_t MpmStoreHashFunc(HashListTable *ht, void *data, uint16_t datalen) { const MpmStore *ms = (MpmStore *)data; uint32_t hash = 0; uint32_t b = 0; for (b = 0; b < ms->sid_array_size; b++) hash += ms->sid_array[b]; return hash % ht->array_size; } /** * \brief The Compare function for MpmStore * * \param data1 Pointer to the first MpmStore. * \param len1 Not used. * \param data2 Pointer to the second MpmStore. * \param len2 Not used. * * \retval 1 If the 2 MpmStores sent as args match. * \retval 0 If the 2 MpmStores sent as args do not match. */ static char MpmStoreCompareFunc(void *data1, uint16_t len1, void *data2, uint16_t len2) { const MpmStore *ms1 = (MpmStore *)data1; const MpmStore *ms2 = (MpmStore *)data2; if (ms1->sid_array_size != ms2->sid_array_size) return 0; if (ms1->buffer != ms2->buffer) return 0; if (ms1->direction != ms2->direction) return 0; if (ms1->sm_list != ms2->sm_list) return 0; if (SCMemcmp(ms1->sid_array, ms2->sid_array, ms1->sid_array_size) != 0) { return 0; } return 1; } static void MpmStoreFreeFunc(void *ptr) { MpmStore *ms = ptr; if (ms != NULL) { if (ms->mpm_ctx != NULL && !(ms->mpm_ctx->flags & MPMCTX_FLAGS_GLOBAL)) { SCLogDebug("destroying mpm_ctx %p", ms->mpm_ctx); mpm_table[ms->mpm_ctx->mpm_type].DestroyCtx(ms->mpm_ctx); SCFree(ms->mpm_ctx); } ms->mpm_ctx = NULL; SCFree(ms->sid_array); SCFree(ms); } } /** * \brief Initializes the MpmStore mpm hash table to be used by the detection * engine context. * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the detection engine context. * * \retval 0 On success. * \retval -1 On failure. */ int MpmStoreInit(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { de_ctx->mpm_hash_table = HashListTableInit(4096, MpmStoreHashFunc, MpmStoreCompareFunc, MpmStoreFreeFunc); if (de_ctx->mpm_hash_table == NULL) goto error; return 0; error: return -1; } /** * \brief Adds a MpmStore to the detection engine context MpmStore * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the detection engine context. * \param sgh Pointer to the MpmStore. * * \retval ret 0 on Successfully adding the argument sgh; -1 on failure. */ static int MpmStoreAdd(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, MpmStore *s) { int ret = HashListTableAdd(de_ctx->mpm_hash_table, (void *)s, 0); return ret; } /** * \brief Used to lookup a MpmStore from the MpmStore * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the detection engine context. * \param sgh Pointer to the MpmStore. * * \retval rsgh On success a pointer to the MpmStore if the MpmStore is * found in the hash table; NULL on failure. */ static MpmStore *MpmStoreLookup(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, MpmStore *s) { MpmStore *rs = HashListTableLookup(de_ctx->mpm_hash_table, (void *)s, 0); return rs; } void MpmStoreReportStats(const DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { HashListTableBucket *htb = NULL; int app_mpms_cnt = 0; DetectMpmAppLayerKeyword *a = de_ctx->app_mpms; while (a->reg != NULL) { a++; app_mpms_cnt++; } uint32_t stats[MPMB_MAX] = {0}; uint32_t appstats[app_mpms_cnt + 1]; // +1 to silence scan-build memset(&appstats, 0x00, sizeof(appstats)); for (htb = HashListTableGetListHead(de_ctx->mpm_hash_table); htb != NULL; htb = HashListTableGetListNext(htb)) { const MpmStore *ms = (MpmStore *)HashListTableGetListData(htb); if (ms == NULL) { continue; } if (ms->buffer < MPMB_MAX) stats[ms->buffer]++; else if (ms->sm_list != DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH) { int i = 0; DetectMpmAppLayerKeyword *am = de_ctx->app_mpms; while (am->reg != NULL) { if (ms->sm_list == am->reg->sm_list && ms->direction == am->reg->direction) { SCLogDebug("%s %s: %u patterns. Min %u, Max %u. Ctx %p", am->reg->name, am->reg->direction == SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER ? "toserver":"toclient", ms->mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt, ms->mpm_ctx->minlen, ms->mpm_ctx->maxlen, ms->mpm_ctx); appstats[i]++; break; } i++; am++; } } } if (!(de_ctx->flags & DE_QUIET)) { int x; for (x = 0; x < MPMB_MAX; x++) { SCLogPerf("Builtin MPM \"%s\": %u", builtin_mpms[x], stats[x]); } for (x = 0; x < app_mpms_cnt; x++) { if (appstats[x] == 0) continue; const char *name = de_ctx->app_mpms[x].reg->name; const char *direction = de_ctx->app_mpms[x].reg->direction == SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER ? "toserver" : "toclient"; SCLogPerf("AppLayer MPM \"%s %s\": %u", direction, name, appstats[x]); } } } /** * \brief Frees the hash table - DetectEngineCtx->mpm_hash_table, allocated by * MpmStoreInit() function. * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the detection engine context. */ void MpmStoreFree(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { if (de_ctx->mpm_hash_table == NULL) return; HashListTableFree(de_ctx->mpm_hash_table); de_ctx->mpm_hash_table = NULL; return; } static void MpmStoreSetup(const DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, MpmStore *ms) { const Signature *s = NULL; uint32_t sig; int dir = 0; if (ms->buffer != MPMB_MAX) { BUG_ON(ms->sm_list != DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH); switch (ms->buffer) { /* TS is 1 */ case MPMB_TCP_PKT_TS: case MPMB_TCP_STREAM_TS: case MPMB_UDP_TS: dir = 1; break; /* TC is 0 */ default: case MPMB_UDP_TC: case MPMB_TCP_STREAM_TC: case MPMB_TCP_PKT_TC: case MPMB_OTHERIP: /**< use 0 for other */ dir = 0; break; } } else { BUG_ON(ms->sm_list == DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH); BUG_ON(ms->direction == 0); BUG_ON(ms->direction == (SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER|SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT)); if (ms->direction == SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER) dir = 1; else dir = 0; } ms->mpm_ctx = MpmFactoryGetMpmCtxForProfile(de_ctx, ms->sgh_mpm_context, dir); if (ms->mpm_ctx == NULL) return; MpmInitCtx(ms->mpm_ctx, de_ctx->mpm_matcher); /* add the patterns */ for (sig = 0; sig < (ms->sid_array_size * 8); sig++) { if (ms->sid_array[sig / 8] & (1 << (sig % 8))) { s = de_ctx->sig_array[sig]; if (s == NULL) continue; if ((s->flags & ms->direction) == 0) continue; if (s->init_data->mpm_sm == NULL) continue; int list = SigMatchListSMBelongsTo(s, s->init_data->mpm_sm); if (list < 0) continue; if (list != ms->sm_list) continue; SCLogDebug("adding %u", s->id); const DetectContentData *cd = (DetectContentData *)s->init_data->mpm_sm->ctx; int skip = 0; /* negated logic: if mpm match can't be used to be sure about this * pattern, we have to inspect the rule fully regardless of mpm * match. So in this case there is no point of adding it at all. * The non-mpm list entry for the sig will make sure the sig is * inspected. */ if ((cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_NEGATED) && !(DETECT_CONTENT_MPM_IS_CONCLUSIVE(cd))) { skip = 1; SCLogDebug("not adding negated mpm as it's not 'single'"); } if (!skip) { PopulateMpmHelperAddPattern(ms->mpm_ctx, cd, s, 0, (cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_FAST_PATTERN_CHOP)); } } } if (ms->mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt == 0) { MpmFactoryReClaimMpmCtx(de_ctx, ms->mpm_ctx); ms->mpm_ctx = NULL; } else { if (ms->sgh_mpm_context == MPM_CTX_FACTORY_UNIQUE_CONTEXT) { if (mpm_table[ms->mpm_ctx->mpm_type].Prepare != NULL) { mpm_table[ms->mpm_ctx->mpm_type].Prepare(ms->mpm_ctx); } } } } /** \brief Get MpmStore for a built-in buffer type * */ MpmStore *MpmStorePrepareBuffer(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, enum MpmBuiltinBuffers buf) { const Signature *s = NULL; uint32_t sig; uint32_t cnt = 0; int direction = 0; uint32_t max_sid = DetectEngineGetMaxSigId(de_ctx) / 8 + 1; uint8_t sids_array[max_sid]; memset(sids_array, 0x00, max_sid); int sgh_mpm_context = 0; switch (buf) { case MPMB_TCP_PKT_TS: case MPMB_TCP_PKT_TC: sgh_mpm_context = de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_tcp_packet; break; case MPMB_TCP_STREAM_TS: case MPMB_TCP_STREAM_TC: sgh_mpm_context = de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_stream; break; case MPMB_UDP_TS: case MPMB_UDP_TC: sgh_mpm_context = de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_udp_packet; break; case MPMB_OTHERIP: sgh_mpm_context = de_ctx->sgh_mpm_context_proto_other_packet; break; default: break; } switch(buf) { case MPMB_TCP_PKT_TS: case MPMB_TCP_STREAM_TS: case MPMB_UDP_TS: direction = SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER; break; case MPMB_TCP_PKT_TC: case MPMB_TCP_STREAM_TC: case MPMB_UDP_TC: direction = SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT; break; case MPMB_OTHERIP: direction = (SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT|SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER); break; case MPMB_MAX: BUG_ON(1); break; } for (sig = 0; sig < sgh->sig_cnt; sig++) { s = sgh->match_array[sig]; if (s == NULL) continue; if (s->init_data->mpm_sm == NULL) continue; int list = SigMatchListSMBelongsTo(s, s->init_data->mpm_sm); if (list < 0) continue; if (list != DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH) continue; switch (buf) { case MPMB_TCP_PKT_TS: case MPMB_TCP_PKT_TC: if (SignatureHasPacketContent(s) == 1) { sids_array[s->num / 8] |= 1 << (s->num % 8); cnt++; } break; case MPMB_TCP_STREAM_TS: case MPMB_TCP_STREAM_TC: if (SignatureHasStreamContent(s) == 1) { sids_array[s->num / 8] |= 1 << (s->num % 8); cnt++; } break; case MPMB_UDP_TS: case MPMB_UDP_TC: sids_array[s->num / 8] |= 1 << (s->num % 8); cnt++; break; case MPMB_OTHERIP: sids_array[s->num / 8] |= 1 << (s->num % 8); cnt++; break; default: break; } } if (cnt == 0) return NULL; MpmStore lookup = { sids_array, max_sid, direction, buf, DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH, 0, NULL}; MpmStore *result = MpmStoreLookup(de_ctx, &lookup); if (result == NULL) { MpmStore *copy = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(MpmStore)); if (copy == NULL) return NULL; uint8_t *sids = SCCalloc(1, max_sid); if (sids == NULL) { SCFree(copy); return NULL; } memcpy(sids, sids_array, max_sid); copy->sid_array = sids; copy->sid_array_size = max_sid; copy->buffer = buf; copy->direction = direction; copy->sm_list = DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH; copy->sgh_mpm_context = sgh_mpm_context; MpmStoreSetup(de_ctx, copy); MpmStoreAdd(de_ctx, copy); return copy; } else { return result; } } static MpmStore *MpmStorePrepareBufferAppLayer(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, DetectMpmAppLayerKeyword *am) { const Signature *s = NULL; uint32_t sig; uint32_t cnt = 0; uint32_t max_sid = DetectEngineGetMaxSigId(de_ctx) / 8 + 1; uint8_t sids_array[max_sid]; memset(sids_array, 0x00, max_sid); SCLogDebug("handling %s direction %s for list %d", am->reg->name, am->reg->direction == SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER ? "toserver" : "toclient", am->reg->sm_list); for (sig = 0; sig < sgh->sig_cnt; sig++) { s = sgh->match_array[sig]; if (s == NULL) continue; if (s->init_data->mpm_sm == NULL) continue; int list = SigMatchListSMBelongsTo(s, s->init_data->mpm_sm); if (list < 0) continue; if ((s->flags & am->reg->direction) == 0) continue; if (list != am->reg->sm_list) continue; sids_array[s->num / 8] |= 1 << (s->num % 8); cnt++; } if (cnt == 0) return NULL; MpmStore lookup = { sids_array, max_sid, am->reg->direction, MPMB_MAX, am->reg->sm_list, 0, NULL}; SCLogDebug("am->direction %d am->sm_list %d", am->reg->direction, am->reg->sm_list); MpmStore *result = MpmStoreLookup(de_ctx, &lookup); if (result == NULL) { SCLogDebug("new unique mpm for %s %s: %u patterns", am->reg->name, am->reg->direction == SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER ? "toserver" : "toclient", cnt); MpmStore *copy = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(MpmStore)); if (copy == NULL) return NULL; uint8_t *sids = SCCalloc(1, max_sid); if (sids == NULL) { SCFree(copy); return NULL; } memcpy(sids, sids_array, max_sid); copy->sid_array = sids; copy->sid_array_size = max_sid; copy->buffer = MPMB_MAX; copy->direction = am->reg->direction; copy->sm_list = am->reg->sm_list; copy->sgh_mpm_context = am->sgh_mpm_context; MpmStoreSetup(de_ctx, copy); MpmStoreAdd(de_ctx, copy); return copy; } else { SCLogDebug("using existing mpm %p", result); return result; } return NULL; } static void SetRawReassemblyFlag(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh) { const Signature *s = NULL; uint32_t sig; for (sig = 0; sig < sgh->sig_cnt; sig++) { s = sgh->match_array[sig]; if (s == NULL) continue; if (SignatureHasStreamContent(s) == 1) { sgh->flags |= SIG_GROUP_HEAD_HAVERAWSTREAM; SCLogDebug("rule group %p has SIG_GROUP_HEAD_HAVERAWSTREAM set", sgh); return; } } SCLogDebug("rule group %p does NOT have SIG_GROUP_HEAD_HAVERAWSTREAM set", sgh); } /** \brief Prepare the pattern matcher ctx in a sig group head. * */ int PatternMatchPrepareGroup(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sh) { MpmStore *mpm_store = NULL; if (SGH_PROTO(sh, IPPROTO_TCP)) { if (SGH_DIRECTION_TS(sh)) { mpm_store = MpmStorePrepareBuffer(de_ctx, sh, MPMB_TCP_PKT_TS); if (mpm_store != NULL) { PrefilterPktPayloadRegister(de_ctx, sh, mpm_store->mpm_ctx); } mpm_store = MpmStorePrepareBuffer(de_ctx, sh, MPMB_TCP_STREAM_TS); if (mpm_store != NULL) { PrefilterPktStreamRegister(de_ctx, sh, mpm_store->mpm_ctx); } SetRawReassemblyFlag(de_ctx, sh); } if (SGH_DIRECTION_TC(sh)) { mpm_store = MpmStorePrepareBuffer(de_ctx, sh, MPMB_TCP_PKT_TC); if (mpm_store != NULL) { PrefilterPktPayloadRegister(de_ctx, sh, mpm_store->mpm_ctx); } mpm_store = MpmStorePrepareBuffer(de_ctx, sh, MPMB_TCP_STREAM_TC); if (mpm_store != NULL) { PrefilterPktStreamRegister(de_ctx, sh, mpm_store->mpm_ctx); } SetRawReassemblyFlag(de_ctx, sh); } } else if (SGH_PROTO(sh, IPPROTO_UDP)) { if (SGH_DIRECTION_TS(sh)) { mpm_store = MpmStorePrepareBuffer(de_ctx, sh, MPMB_UDP_TS); if (mpm_store != NULL) { PrefilterPktPayloadRegister(de_ctx, sh, mpm_store->mpm_ctx); } } if (SGH_DIRECTION_TC(sh)) { mpm_store = MpmStorePrepareBuffer(de_ctx, sh, MPMB_UDP_TC); if (mpm_store != NULL) { PrefilterPktPayloadRegister(de_ctx, sh, mpm_store->mpm_ctx); } } } else { mpm_store = MpmStorePrepareBuffer(de_ctx, sh, MPMB_OTHERIP); if (mpm_store != NULL) { PrefilterPktPayloadRegister(de_ctx, sh, mpm_store->mpm_ctx); } } int i = 0; DetectMpmAppLayerKeyword *a = de_ctx->app_mpms; while (a->reg != NULL) { i++; a++; } if (i == 0) return 0; sh->init->app_mpms = SCCalloc(i, sizeof(MpmCtx *)); BUG_ON(sh->init->app_mpms == NULL); a = de_ctx->app_mpms; while (a->reg != NULL) { if ((a->reg->direction == SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER && SGH_DIRECTION_TS(sh)) || (a->reg->direction == SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT && SGH_DIRECTION_TC(sh))) { mpm_store = MpmStorePrepareBufferAppLayer(de_ctx, sh, a); if (mpm_store != NULL) { sh->init->app_mpms[a->reg->id] = mpm_store->mpm_ctx; SCLogDebug("a->reg->PrefilterRegister %p mpm_store->mpm_ctx %p", a->reg->PrefilterRegister, mpm_store->mpm_ctx); SCLogDebug("a %p a->reg->name %s a->reg->PrefilterRegisterWithListId %p " "mpm_store->mpm_ctx %p", a, a->reg->name, a->reg->v2.PrefilterRegisterWithListId, mpm_store->mpm_ctx); /* if we have just certain types of negated patterns, * mpm_ctx can be NULL */ if (a->reg->v2.PrefilterRegisterWithListId && mpm_store->mpm_ctx) { BUG_ON(a->reg->v2.PrefilterRegisterWithListId(de_ctx, sh, mpm_store->mpm_ctx, a->reg, a->reg->sm_list) != 0); SCLogDebug("mpm %s %d set up", a->reg->name, a->reg->sm_list); } else if (a->reg->PrefilterRegister && mpm_store->mpm_ctx) { BUG_ON(a->reg->PrefilterRegister(de_ctx, sh, mpm_store->mpm_ctx) != 0); SCLogDebug("mpm %s %d set up", a->reg->name, a->reg->sm_list); } } } a++; } return 0; } typedef struct DetectFPAndItsId_ { PatIntId id; uint16_t content_len; uint32_t flags; int sm_list; uint8_t *content; } DetectFPAndItsId; /** * \brief Figured out the FP and their respective content ids for all the * sigs in the engine. * * \param de_ctx Detection engine context. * * \retval 0 On success. * \retval -1 On failure. */ int DetectSetFastPatternAndItsId(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx) { uint32_t struct_total_size = 0; uint32_t content_total_size = 0; Signature *s = NULL; /* Count the amount of memory needed to store all the structures * and the content of those structures. This will over estimate the * true size, since duplicates are removed below, but counted here. */ for (s = de_ctx->sig_list; s != NULL; s = s->next) { if (s->flags & SIG_FLAG_PREFILTER) continue; RetrieveFPForSig(de_ctx, s); if (s->init_data->mpm_sm != NULL) { DetectContentData *cd = (DetectContentData *)s->init_data->mpm_sm->ctx; struct_total_size += sizeof(DetectFPAndItsId); content_total_size += cd->content_len; s->flags |= SIG_FLAG_PREFILTER; } } /* no rules */ if (struct_total_size + content_total_size == 0) return 0; /* array hash buffer - i've run out of ideas to name it */ uint8_t *ahb = SCMalloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * (struct_total_size + content_total_size)); if (unlikely(ahb == NULL)) return -1; uint8_t *content = NULL; uint16_t content_len = 0; PatIntId max_id = 0; DetectFPAndItsId *struct_offset = (DetectFPAndItsId *)ahb; uint8_t *content_offset = ahb + struct_total_size; for (s = de_ctx->sig_list; s != NULL; s = s->next) { if (s->init_data->mpm_sm != NULL) { int sm_list = SigMatchListSMBelongsTo(s, s->init_data->mpm_sm); BUG_ON(sm_list == -1); DetectContentData *cd = (DetectContentData *)s->init_data->mpm_sm->ctx; DetectFPAndItsId *dup = (DetectFPAndItsId *)ahb; if (cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_FAST_PATTERN_CHOP) { content = cd->content + cd->fp_chop_offset; content_len = cd->fp_chop_len; } else { content = cd->content; content_len = cd->content_len; } uint32_t flags = cd->flags & DETECT_CONTENT_NOCASE; /* Check for content already found on the same list */ for (; dup != struct_offset; dup++) { if (dup->content_len != content_len) continue; if (dup->sm_list != sm_list) continue; if (dup->flags != flags) continue; /* Check for pattern matching a duplicate. Use case insensitive matching * for case insensitive patterns. */ if (flags & DETECT_CONTENT_NOCASE) { if (SCMemcmpLowercase(dup->content, content, content_len) != 0) continue; } else { /* Case sensitive matching */ if (SCMemcmp(dup->content, content, content_len) != 0) continue; } /* Found a match with a previous pattern. */ break; } if (dup != struct_offset) { /* Exited for-loop before the end, so found an existing match. * Use its ID. */ cd->id = dup->id; continue; } /* Not found, so new content. Give it a new ID and add it * to the array. Copy the content at the end of the * content array. */ struct_offset->id = max_id++; cd->id = struct_offset->id; struct_offset->content_len = content_len; struct_offset->sm_list = sm_list; struct_offset->content = content_offset; struct_offset->flags = flags; content_offset += content_len; if (flags & DETECT_CONTENT_NOCASE) { /* Need to store case-insensitive patterns as lower case * because SCMemcmpLowercase() above assumes that all * patterns are stored lower case so that it doesn't * need to relower its first argument. */ memcpy_tolower(struct_offset->content, content, content_len); } else { memcpy(struct_offset->content, content, content_len); } struct_offset++; } /* if (s->mpm_sm != NULL) */ } /* for */ de_ctx->max_fp_id = max_id; SCFree(ahb); return 0; }