/* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Victor Julien * * Implementation of the Wu-Manber pattern matching algorithm. * * Ideas: * - the hash contains a list of patterns. Maybe we can 'train' the hash * so the most common patterns always appear first in this list. * * \todo make hash1 a array of ptr and get rid of the flag field in the * WmHashItem * \todo remove exit() calls * \todo only calc prefixci_buf for nocase patterns? -- would be in a * loop though, so probably not a performance inprovement. * \todo make sure runtime counters can be disabled (at compile time) */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "suricata.h" #include "util-mpm.h" #include "util-mpm-wumanber.h" #include "conf.h" #include "util-unittest.h" #include "util-debug.h" #define INIT_HASH_SIZE 65535 #define HASH16_SIZE 65536 #define HASH16(a,b) (((a)<<8) | (b)) #define HASH15_SIZE 32768 #define HASH15(a,b) (((a)<<7) | (b)) #define HASH14_SIZE 16384 #define HASH14(a,b) (((a)<<6) | (b)) #define HASH12_SIZE 4096 #define HASH12(a,b) (((a)<<4) | (b)) #define HASH9_SIZE 512 #define HASH9(a,b) (((a)<<1) | (b)) static uint32_t wm_hash_size = 0; static uint32_t wm_bloom_size = 0; void WmInitCtx (MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, int); void WmThreadInitCtx(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, uint32_t); void WmDestroyCtx(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx); void WmThreadDestroyCtx(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx); int WmAddPatternCI(MpmCtx *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint8_t); int WmAddPatternCS(MpmCtx *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint8_t); int WmPreparePatterns(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx); uint32_t WmSearch(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen); uint32_t WmSearch1(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen); uint32_t WmSearch2Hash9(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen); uint32_t WmSearch2Hash12(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen); uint32_t WmSearch2Hash14(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen); uint32_t WmSearch2Hash15(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen); uint32_t WmSearch2Hash16(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen); void WmPrintInfo(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx); void WmPrintSearchStats(MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx); void WmRegisterTests(void); /* uppercase to lowercase conversion lookup table */ static uint8_t lowercasetable[256]; /* marco to do the actual lookup */ #define wm_tolower(c) lowercasetable[(c)] #ifdef WUMANBER_COUNTERS #define COUNT(counter) \ (counter) #else #define COUNT(counter) #endif /* WUMANBER_COUNTERS */ void prt (uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen) { uint16_t i; for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++) { if (isprint(buf[i])) printf("%c", buf[i]); else printf("\\x%" PRIX32, buf[i]); } //printf("\n"); } void WmPrintInfo(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; printf("MPM WuManber Information:\n"); printf("Memory allocs: %" PRIu32 "\n", mpm_ctx->memory_cnt); printf("Memory alloced: %" PRIu32 "\n", mpm_ctx->memory_size); printf(" Sizeofs:\n"); printf(" MpmCtx %" PRIuMAX "\n", (uintmax_t)sizeof(MpmCtx)); printf(" WmCtx: %" PRIuMAX "\n", (uintmax_t)sizeof(WmCtx)); printf(" WmPattern %" PRIuMAX "\n", (uintmax_t)sizeof(WmPattern)); printf(" WmHashItem %" PRIuMAX "\n", (uintmax_t)sizeof(WmHashItem)); printf("Unique Patterns: %" PRIu32 "\n", mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt); printf("Smallest: %" PRIu32 "\n", mpm_ctx->minlen); printf("Largest: %" PRIu32 "\n", mpm_ctx->maxlen); printf("Max shiftlen: %" PRIu32 "\n", ctx->shiftlen); printf("Hash size: %" PRIu32 "\n", ctx->hash_size); printf("Search function: "); if (ctx->Search == WmSearch1) { printf("WmSearch1 (allows single byte patterns)\n"); printf("MBSearch funct: "); if (ctx->MBSearch == WmSearch2Hash16) printf("WmSearch2Hash16\n"); else if (ctx->MBSearch == WmSearch2Hash15) printf("WmSearch2Hash15\n"); else if (ctx->MBSearch == WmSearch2Hash14) printf("WmSearch2Hash14\n"); else if (ctx->MBSearch == WmSearch2Hash12) printf("WmSearch2Hash12\n"); else if (ctx->MBSearch == WmSearch2Hash9) printf("WmSearch2Hash9\n"); } if (ctx->Search == WmSearch2Hash16) printf("WmSearch2Hash16 (only for multibyte patterns)\n"); else if (ctx->Search == WmSearch2Hash15) printf("WmSearch2Hash15 (only for multibyte patterns)\n"); else if (ctx->Search == WmSearch2Hash14) printf("WmSearch2Hash14 (only for multibyte patterns)\n"); else if (ctx->Search == WmSearch2Hash12) printf("WmSearch2Hash12 (only for multibyte patterns)\n"); else if (ctx->Search == WmSearch2Hash9) printf("WmSearch2Hash9 (only for multibyte patterns)\n"); else printf("ERROR\n"); printf("\n"); } static inline WmPattern *WmAllocPattern(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx) { WmPattern *p = SCMalloc(sizeof(WmPattern)); if (p == NULL) return NULL; memset(p,0,sizeof(WmPattern)); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt++; mpm_ctx->memory_size += sizeof(WmPattern); return p; } static inline WmHashItem * WmAllocHashItem(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx) { WmHashItem *hi = SCMalloc(sizeof(WmHashItem)); if (hi == NULL) return NULL; memset(hi,0,sizeof(WmHashItem)); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt++; mpm_ctx->memory_size += sizeof(WmHashItem); return hi; } static void WmHashFree(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, WmHashItem *hi) { if (hi == NULL) return; WmHashItem *t = hi->nxt; WmHashFree(mpm_ctx, t); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_ctx->memory_size -= sizeof(WmHashItem); SCFree(hi); } static inline void memcpy_tolower(uint8_t *d, uint8_t *s, uint16_t len) { uint16_t i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { d[i] = wm_tolower(s[i]); } } /* * INIT HASH START */ static inline uint32_t WmInitHash(WmPattern *p) { uint32_t hash = p->len * p->cs[0]; if (p->len > 1) hash += p->cs[1]; return (hash % INIT_HASH_SIZE); } static inline uint32_t WmInitHashRaw(uint8_t *pat, uint16_t patlen) { uint32_t hash = patlen * pat[0]; if (patlen > 1) hash += pat[1]; return (hash % INIT_HASH_SIZE); } static inline int WmInitHashAdd(WmCtx *ctx, WmPattern *p) { uint32_t hash = WmInitHash(p); //printf("WmInitHashAdd: %" PRIu32 "\n", hash); if (ctx->init_hash[hash] == NULL) { ctx->init_hash[hash] = p; //printf("WmInitHashAdd: hash %" PRIu32 ", head %p\n", hash, ctx->init_hash[hash]); return 0; } WmPattern *tt = NULL; WmPattern *t = ctx->init_hash[hash]; /* get the list tail */ do { tt = t; t = t->next; } while (t != NULL); tt->next = p; //printf("WmInitHashAdd: hash %" PRIu32 ", head %p\n", hash, ctx->init_hash[hash]); return 0; } static inline int WmCmpPattern(WmPattern *p, uint8_t *pat, uint16_t patlen, char flags); static inline WmPattern *WmInitHashLookup(WmCtx *ctx, uint8_t *pat, uint16_t patlen, char flags) { uint32_t hash = WmInitHashRaw(pat,patlen); //printf("WmInitHashLookup: %" PRIu32 ", head %p\n", hash, ctx->init_hash[hash]); if (ctx->init_hash[hash] == NULL) { return NULL; } WmPattern *t = ctx->init_hash[hash]; for ( ; t != NULL; t = t->next) { if (WmCmpPattern(t,pat,patlen,flags) == 1) return t; } return NULL; } static inline int WmCmpPattern(WmPattern *p, uint8_t *pat, uint16_t patlen, char flags) { if (p->len != patlen) return 0; if (p->flags != flags) return 0; if (memcmp(p->cs, pat, patlen) != 0) return 0; return 1; } /* * INIT HASH END */ void WmFreePattern(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, WmPattern *p) { if (p && p->cs && p->cs != p->ci) { SCFree(p->cs); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_ctx->memory_size -= p->len; } if (p && p->ci) { SCFree(p->ci); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_ctx->memory_size -= p->len; } if (p) { SCFree(p); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_ctx->memory_size -= sizeof(WmPattern); } } /* WmAddPattern * * pat: ptr to the pattern * patlen: length of the pattern * nocase: nocase flag: 1 enabled, 0 disable * pid: pattern id * sid: signature id (internal id) */ static int WmAddPattern(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, uint8_t *pat, uint16_t patlen, uint16_t offset, uint16_t depth, uint32_t pid, uint32_t sid, uint8_t flags) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; // printf("WmAddPattern: ctx %p \"", mpm_ctx); prt(pat, patlen); // printf("\" id %" PRIu32 ", nocase %s\n", id, nocase ? "true" : "false"); if (patlen == 0) return 0; /* get a memory piece */ WmPattern *p = WmInitHashLookup(ctx, pat, patlen, flags); if (p == NULL) { // printf("WmAddPattern: allocing new pattern\n"); p = WmAllocPattern(mpm_ctx); if (p == NULL) goto error; p->len = patlen; p->flags = flags; p->id = pid; /* setup the case insensitive part of the pattern */ p->ci = SCMalloc(patlen); if (p->ci == NULL) goto error; mpm_ctx->memory_cnt++; mpm_ctx->memory_size += patlen; memcpy_tolower(p->ci, pat, patlen); /* setup the case sensitive part of the pattern */ if (p->flags & MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE) { /* nocase means no difference between cs and ci */ p->cs = p->ci; } else { if (memcmp(p->ci,pat,p->len) == 0) { /* no diff between cs and ci: pat is lowercase */ p->cs = p->ci; } else { p->cs = SCMalloc(patlen); if (p->cs == NULL) goto error; mpm_ctx->memory_cnt++; mpm_ctx->memory_size += patlen; memcpy(p->cs, pat, patlen); } } if (p->len > 1) { p->prefix_cs = (uint16_t)(*(p->cs)+*(p->cs+1)); p->prefix_ci = (uint16_t)(*(p->ci)+*(p->ci+1)); } //printf("WmAddPattern: ci \""); prt(p->ci,p->len); //printf("\" cs \""); prt(p->cs,p->len); //printf("\" prefix_ci %" PRIu32 ", prefix_cs %" PRIu32 "\n", p->prefix_ci, p->prefix_cs); /* put in the pattern hash */ WmInitHashAdd(ctx, p); if (mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt == 65535) { printf("Max search words reached\n"); exit(1); } mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt++; if (mpm_ctx->maxlen < patlen) mpm_ctx->maxlen = patlen; if (mpm_ctx->minlen == 0) mpm_ctx->minlen = patlen; else if (mpm_ctx->minlen > patlen) mpm_ctx->minlen = patlen; } return 0; error: WmFreePattern(mpm_ctx, p); return -1; } int WmAddPatternCI(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, uint8_t *pat, uint16_t patlen, uint16_t offset, uint16_t depth, uint32_t pid, uint32_t sid, uint8_t flags) { flags |= MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE; return WmAddPattern(mpm_ctx, pat, patlen, offset, depth, pid, sid, flags); } int WmAddPatternCS(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, uint8_t *pat, uint16_t patlen, uint16_t offset, uint16_t depth, uint32_t pid, uint32_t sid, uint8_t flags) { return WmAddPattern(mpm_ctx, pat, patlen, offset, depth, pid, sid, flags); } static uint32_t WmBloomHash(void *data, uint16_t datalen, uint8_t iter, uint32_t hash_size) { uint8_t *d = (uint8_t *)data; uint16_t i; uint32_t hash = (uint32_t)wm_tolower(*d); for (i = 1; i < datalen - 1; i++) { hash += (wm_tolower((*d++))) ^ i; } hash <<= (iter+1); hash %= hash_size; return hash; } /* static uint32_t BloomHash(void *data, uint16_t datalen, uint8_t iter, uint32_t hash_size) { uint8_t *d = (uint8_t *)data; uint32_t i; uint32_t hash = 0; for (i = 0; i < datalen; i++) { if (i == 0) hash += (((uint32_t)*d++)); else if (i == 1) hash += (((uint32_t)*d++) * datalen); else hash *= (((uint32_t)*d++) * i); } hash *= (iter + datalen); hash %= hash_size; return hash; } */ static void WmSearchPrepareHash(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; uint16_t i; uint16_t idx = 0; uint8_t idx8 = 0; ctx->hash = (WmHashItem **)SCMalloc(sizeof(WmHashItem *) * ctx->hash_size); if (ctx->hash == NULL) goto error; memset(ctx->hash, 0, sizeof(WmHashItem *) * ctx->hash_size); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt++; mpm_ctx->memory_size += (sizeof(WmHashItem *) * ctx->hash_size); /* alloc the pminlen array */ ctx->pminlen = (uint8_t *)SCMalloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * ctx->hash_size); if (ctx->pminlen == NULL) goto error; memset(ctx->pminlen, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * ctx->hash_size); for (i = 0; i < mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt; i++) { if(ctx->parray[i]->len == 1) { idx8 = (uint8_t)ctx->parray[i]->ci[0]; if (ctx->hash1[idx8].flags == 0) { ctx->hash1[idx8].idx = i; ctx->hash1[idx8].flags |= 0x01; } else { WmHashItem *hi = WmAllocHashItem(mpm_ctx); if (hi == NULL) goto error; hi->idx = i; hi->flags |= 0x01; /* Append this HashItem to the list */ WmHashItem *thi = &ctx->hash1[idx8]; while (thi->nxt) thi = thi->nxt; thi->nxt = hi; } } else { uint16_t patlen = ctx->shiftlen; if (ctx->hash_size == HASH9_SIZE) idx = HASH9(ctx->parray[i]->ci[patlen-1], ctx->parray[i]->ci[patlen-2]); else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH12_SIZE) idx = HASH12(ctx->parray[i]->ci[patlen-1], ctx->parray[i]->ci[patlen-2]); else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH14_SIZE) idx = HASH14(ctx->parray[i]->ci[patlen-1], ctx->parray[i]->ci[patlen-2]); else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH15_SIZE) idx = HASH15(ctx->parray[i]->ci[patlen-1], ctx->parray[i]->ci[patlen-2]); else idx = HASH16(ctx->parray[i]->ci[patlen-1], ctx->parray[i]->ci[patlen-2]); if (ctx->hash[idx] == NULL) { WmHashItem *hi = WmAllocHashItem(mpm_ctx); if (hi == NULL) goto error; hi->idx = i; hi->flags |= 0x01; ctx->pminlen[idx] = ctx->parray[i]->len; ctx->hash[idx] = hi; } else { WmHashItem *hi = WmAllocHashItem(mpm_ctx); if (hi == NULL) goto error; hi->idx = i; hi->flags |= 0x01; if (ctx->parray[i]->len < ctx->pminlen[idx]) ctx->pminlen[idx] = ctx->parray[i]->len; /* Append this HashItem to the list */ WmHashItem *thi = ctx->hash[idx]; while (thi->nxt) thi = thi->nxt; thi->nxt = hi; } } } /* alloc the bloom array */ ctx->bloom = (BloomFilter **)SCMalloc(sizeof(BloomFilter *) * ctx->hash_size); if (ctx->bloom == NULL) goto error; memset(ctx->bloom, 0, sizeof(BloomFilter *) * ctx->hash_size); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt++; mpm_ctx->memory_size += (sizeof(BloomFilter *) * ctx->hash_size); uint32_t h; for (h = 0; h < ctx->hash_size; h++) { WmHashItem *hi = ctx->hash[h]; if (hi == NULL) continue; ctx->bloom[h] = BloomFilterInit(wm_bloom_size, 2, WmBloomHash); if (ctx->bloom[h] == NULL) continue; mpm_ctx->memory_cnt += BloomFilterMemoryCnt(ctx->bloom[h]); mpm_ctx->memory_size += BloomFilterMemorySize(ctx->bloom[h]); if (ctx->pminlen[h] > 8) ctx->pminlen[h] = 8; WmHashItem *thi = hi; do { BloomFilterAdd(ctx->bloom[h], ctx->parray[thi->idx]->ci, ctx->pminlen[h]); thi = thi->nxt; } while (thi != NULL); } return; error: return; } static void WmSearchPrepareShiftTable(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; uint16_t shift = 0, k = 0, idx = 0; uint32_t i = 0; uint16_t smallest = mpm_ctx->minlen; if (smallest > 255) smallest = 255; if (smallest < 2) smallest = 2; ctx->shiftlen = smallest; ctx->shifttable = SCMalloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * ctx->hash_size); if (ctx->shifttable == NULL) return; mpm_ctx->memory_cnt++; mpm_ctx->memory_size += (sizeof(uint16_t) * ctx->hash_size); /* default shift table is set to minimal shift */ for (i = 0; i < ctx->hash_size; i++) ctx->shifttable[i] = ctx->shiftlen; for (i = 0; i < mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt; i++) { /* ignore one byte patterns */ if (ctx->parray[i]->len == 1) continue; /* add the first character of the pattern preceeded by * every possible other character. */ for (k = 0; k < 256; k++) { shift = ctx->shiftlen - 1; if (shift > 255) shift = 255; if (ctx->hash_size == HASH9_SIZE) { idx = HASH9(ctx->parray[i]->ci[0], (uint8_t)k); //printf("HASH9 idx %" PRIu32 "\n", idx); } else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH12_SIZE) { idx = HASH12(ctx->parray[i]->ci[0], (uint8_t)k); //printf("HASH12 idx %" PRIu32 "\n", idx); } else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH14_SIZE) { idx = HASH14(ctx->parray[i]->ci[0], (uint8_t)k); //printf("HASH14 idx %" PRIu32 "\n", idx); } else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH15_SIZE) { idx = HASH15(ctx->parray[i]->ci[0], (uint8_t)k); //printf("HASH15 idx %" PRIu32 "\n", idx); } else { idx = HASH16(ctx->parray[i]->ci[0], (uint8_t)k); //printf("HASH15 idx %" PRIu32 "\n", idx); } if (shift < ctx->shifttable[idx]) { ctx->shifttable[idx] = shift; } } for (k = 0; k < ctx->shiftlen-1; k++) { shift = (ctx->shiftlen - 2 - k); if (shift > 255) shift = 255; if (ctx->hash_size == HASH9_SIZE) { idx = HASH9(ctx->parray[i]->ci[k+1], ctx->parray[i]->ci[k]); //printf("HASH9 idx %" PRIu32 "\n", idx); } else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH12_SIZE) { idx = HASH12(ctx->parray[i]->ci[k+1], ctx->parray[i]->ci[k]); //printf("HASH12 idx %" PRIu32 "\n", idx); } else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH14_SIZE) { idx = HASH14(ctx->parray[i]->ci[k+1], ctx->parray[i]->ci[k]); //printf("HASH14 idx %" PRIu32 "\n", idx); } else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH15_SIZE) { idx = HASH15(ctx->parray[i]->ci[k+1], ctx->parray[i]->ci[k]); //printf("HASH15 idx %" PRIu32 "\n", idx); } else { idx = HASH16(ctx->parray[i]->ci[k+1], ctx->parray[i]->ci[k]); //printf("HASH15 idx %" PRIu32 "\n", idx); } if (shift < ctx->shifttable[idx]) { ctx->shifttable[idx] = shift; } //printf("WmPrepareShiftTable: i %" PRIu32 ", k %" PRIu32 ", idx %" PRIu32 ", shift set to %" PRIu32 ": \"%c%c\"\n", // i, k, idx, shift, ctx->parray[i]->ci[k], ctx->parray[i]->ci[k+1]); } } } int WmPreparePatterns(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; /* alloc the pattern array */ ctx->parray = (WmPattern **)SCMalloc(mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt * sizeof(WmPattern *)); if (ctx->parray == NULL) goto error; memset(ctx->parray, 0, mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt * sizeof(WmPattern *)); //printf("mpm_ctx %p, parray %p\n", mpm_ctx,ctx->parray); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt++; mpm_ctx->memory_size += (mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt * sizeof(WmPattern *)); /* populate it with the patterns in the hash */ uint32_t i = 0, p = 0; for (i = 0; i < INIT_HASH_SIZE; i++) { WmPattern *node = ctx->init_hash[i], *nnode = NULL; for ( ; node != NULL; ) { nnode = node->next; node->next = NULL; ctx->parray[p] = node; p++; node = nnode; } } /* we no longer need the hash, so free it's memory */ SCFree(ctx->init_hash); ctx->init_hash = NULL; /* TODO VJ these values are chosen pretty much randomly, so * we should do some performance testing * */ if (ctx->hash_size == 0) { if (mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt < 50) { ctx->hash_size = HASH9_SIZE; } else if(mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt < 300) { ctx->hash_size = HASH12_SIZE; } else if(mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt < 1200) { ctx->hash_size = HASH14_SIZE; } else if(mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt < 2400) { ctx->hash_size = HASH15_SIZE; } else { ctx->hash_size = HASH16_SIZE; } } WmSearchPrepareShiftTable(mpm_ctx); WmSearchPrepareHash(mpm_ctx); if (ctx->hash_size == HASH9_SIZE) { ctx->MBSearch = WmSearch2Hash9; ctx->Search = WmSearch2Hash9; } else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH12_SIZE) { ctx->MBSearch = WmSearch2Hash12; ctx->Search = WmSearch2Hash12; } else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH14_SIZE) { ctx->MBSearch = WmSearch2Hash14; ctx->Search = WmSearch2Hash14; } else if (ctx->hash_size == HASH15_SIZE) { ctx->MBSearch = WmSearch2Hash15; ctx->Search = WmSearch2Hash15; } else { ctx->MBSearch = WmSearch2Hash16; ctx->Search = WmSearch2Hash16; } if (mpm_ctx->minlen == 1) { ctx->Search = WmSearch1; } return 0; error: return -1; } void WmPrintSearchStats(MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx) { #ifdef WUMANBER_COUNTERS WmThreadCtx *tctx = (WmThreadCtx *)mpm_thread_ctx->ctx; printf("Shift 0: %" PRIu32 "\n", tctx->stat_shift_null); printf("Loop match: %" PRIu32 "\n", tctx->stat_loop_match); printf("Loop no match: %" PRIu32 "\n", tctx->stat_loop_no_match); printf("Num shifts: %" PRIu32 "\n", tctx->stat_num_shift); printf("Total shifts: %" PRIu32 "\n", tctx->stat_total_shift); #endif /* WUMANBER_COUNTERS */ } static inline int memcmp_lowercase(uint8_t *s1, uint8_t *s2, uint16_t n) { size_t i; /* check backwards because we already tested the first * 2 to 4 chars. This way we are more likely to detect * a miss and thus speed up a little... */ for (i = n - 1; i; i--) { if (wm_tolower(*(s2+i)) != s1[i]) return 1; } return 0; } inline uint32_t WmSearch(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *pmq, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; return ctx->Search(mpm_ctx, mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, buf, buflen); } /* SCAN FUNCTIONS */ uint32_t WmSearch2Hash9(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *pmq, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; #ifdef WUMANBER_COUNTERS WmThreadCtx *tctx = (WmThreadCtx *)mpm_thread_ctx->ctx; #endif /* WUMANBER_COUNTERS */ uint32_t cnt = 0; uint8_t *bufend = buf + buflen - 1; uint16_t sl = ctx->shiftlen; uint16_t h; uint8_t shift; WmHashItem *thi, *hi; WmPattern *p; uint16_t prefixci_buf; uint16_t prefixcs_buf; if (buflen == 0) return 0; //printf("BUF(%" PRIu32 ") ", buflen); prt(buf,buflen); printf(" (sl %" PRIu32 ")\n", sl); buf+=(sl-1); while (buf <= bufend) { h = HASH9(wm_tolower(*buf),(wm_tolower(*(buf-1)))); shift = ctx->shifttable[h]; //printf("%p %" PRIu32 " search: h %" PRIu32 ", shift %" PRIu32 "\n", buf, buf - bufmin, h, shift); if (shift == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_shift_null++); hi = ctx->hash[h]; //printf("search: hi %p\n", hi); if (hi != NULL) { /* get our patterns from the hash */ if (ctx->bloom[h] != NULL) { COUNT(tctx->stat_pminlen_calls++); COUNT(tctx->stat_pminlen_total+=ctx->pminlen[h]); if ((bufend - (buf-sl)) < ctx->pminlen[h]) { goto skip_loop; } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_bloom_calls++); if (BloomFilterTest(ctx->bloom[h], buf-sl+1, ctx->pminlen[h]) == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_bloom_hits++); goto skip_loop; } } } prefixci_buf = (uint16_t)(wm_tolower(*(buf-sl+1)) + wm_tolower(*(buf-sl+2))); prefixcs_buf = (uint16_t)(*(buf-sl+1) + *(buf-sl+2)); for (thi = hi; thi != NULL; thi = thi->nxt) { p = ctx->parray[thi->idx]; //printf("WmSearch2: p->prefix_ci %" PRIu32 ", p->prefix_cs %" PRIu32 "\n", // p->prefix_ci, p->prefix_cs); if (p->flags & MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE) { if (p->prefix_ci != prefixci_buf || p->len > (bufend-(buf-sl))) continue; if (memcmp_lowercase(p->ci, buf-sl+1, p->len) == 0) { //printf("CI Exact match: "); prt(p->ci, p->len); printf("\n"); COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_match++); cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_no_match++); } } else { if (p->prefix_cs != prefixcs_buf || p->len > (bufend-(buf-sl))) continue; if (memcmp(p->cs, buf-sl+1, p->len) == 0) { //printf("CS Exact match: "); prt(p->cs, p->len); printf("\n"); COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_match++); cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_no_match++); } } } } skip_loop: shift = 1; } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_total_shift += shift); COUNT(tctx->stat_num_shift++); } buf += shift; } //printf("cnt %" PRIu32 "\n", cnt); return cnt; } uint32_t WmSearch2Hash12(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *pmq, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; #ifdef WUMANBER_COUNTERS WmThreadCtx *tctx = (WmThreadCtx *)mpm_thread_ctx->ctx; #endif /* WUMANBER_COUNTERS */ uint32_t cnt = 0; uint8_t *bufend = buf + buflen - 1; uint16_t sl = ctx->shiftlen; uint16_t h; uint8_t shift; WmHashItem *thi, *hi; WmPattern *p; uint16_t prefixci_buf; uint16_t prefixcs_buf; if (buflen == 0) return 0; //printf("BUF(%" PRIu32 ") ", buflen); prt(buf,buflen); printf("\n"); buf+=(sl-1); //buf++; while (buf <= bufend) { //h = (wm_tolower(*buf)<<8)+(wm_tolower(*(buf-1))); h = HASH12(wm_tolower(*buf),(wm_tolower(*(buf-1)))); shift = ctx->shifttable[h]; //printf("search: h %" PRIu32 ", shift %" PRIu32 "\n", h, shift); if (shift == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_shift_null++); /* get our hash item */ hi = ctx->hash[h]; //printf("search: hi %p\n", hi); if (hi != NULL) { /* get our patterns from the hash */ if (ctx->bloom[h] != NULL) { COUNT(tctx->stat_pminlen_calls++); COUNT(tctx->stat_pminlen_total+=ctx->pminlen[h]); if ((bufend - (buf-sl)) < ctx->pminlen[h]) { goto skip_loop; } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_bloom_calls++); if (BloomFilterTest(ctx->bloom[h], buf-sl+1, ctx->pminlen[h]) == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_bloom_hits++); goto skip_loop; } } } prefixci_buf = (uint16_t)(wm_tolower(*(buf-sl+1)) + wm_tolower(*(buf-sl+2))); prefixcs_buf = (uint16_t)(*(buf-sl+1) + *(buf-sl+2)); //printf("WmSearch2: prefixci_buf %" PRIu32 ", prefixcs_buf %" PRIu32 "\n", prefixci_buf, prefixcs_buf); for (thi = hi; thi != NULL; thi = thi->nxt) { p = ctx->parray[thi->idx]; //printf("WmSearch2: p->prefix_ci %" PRIu32 ", p->prefix_cs %" PRIu32 "\n", // p->prefix_ci, p->prefix_cs); if (p->flags & MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE) { if (p->prefix_ci != prefixci_buf || p->len > (bufend-(buf-sl))) continue; if (memcmp_lowercase(p->ci, buf-sl+1, p->len) == 0) { //printf("CI Exact match: "); prt(p->ci, p->len); printf("\n"); COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_match++); cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_no_match++); } } else { if (p->prefix_cs != prefixcs_buf || p->len > (bufend-(buf-sl))) continue; if (memcmp(p->cs, buf-sl+1, p->len) == 0) { //printf("CS Exact match: "); prt(p->cs, p->len); printf("\n"); COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_match++); cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_no_match++); } } } } skip_loop: shift = 1; } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_total_shift += shift); COUNT(tctx->stat_num_shift++); } buf += shift; } return cnt; } uint32_t WmSearch2Hash14(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *pmq, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; #ifdef WUMANBER_COUNTERS WmThreadCtx *tctx = (WmThreadCtx *)mpm_thread_ctx->ctx; #endif /* WUMANBER_COUNTERS */ uint32_t cnt = 0; uint8_t *bufend = buf + buflen - 1; uint16_t sl = ctx->shiftlen; uint16_t h; uint8_t shift; WmHashItem *thi, *hi; WmPattern *p; uint16_t prefixci_buf; uint16_t prefixcs_buf; if (buflen == 0) return 0; //printf("BUF(%" PRIu32 ") ", buflen); prt(buf,buflen); printf("\n"); buf+=(sl-1); //buf++; while (buf <= bufend) { //h = (wm_tolower(*buf)<<8)+(wm_tolower(*(buf-1))); h = HASH14(wm_tolower(*buf),(wm_tolower(*(buf-1)))); shift = ctx->shifttable[h]; //printf("search: h %" PRIu32 ", shift %" PRIu32 "\n", h, shift); if (shift == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_shift_null++); /* get our hash item */ hi = ctx->hash[h]; //printf("search: hi %p\n", hi); if (hi != NULL) { /* get our patterns from the hash */ if (ctx->bloom[h] != NULL) { COUNT(tctx->stat_pminlen_calls++); COUNT(tctx->stat_pminlen_total+=ctx->pminlen[h]); if ((bufend - (buf-sl)) < ctx->pminlen[h]) { goto skip_loop; } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_bloom_calls++); if (BloomFilterTest(ctx->bloom[h], buf-sl+1, ctx->pminlen[h]) == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_bloom_hits++); goto skip_loop; } } } prefixci_buf = (uint16_t)(wm_tolower(*(buf-sl+1)) + wm_tolower(*(buf-sl+2))); prefixcs_buf = (uint16_t)(*(buf-sl+1) + *(buf-sl+2)); //printf("WmSearch2: prefixci_buf %" PRIu32 ", prefixcs_buf %" PRIu32 "\n", prefixci_buf, prefixcs_buf); for (thi = hi; thi != NULL; thi = thi->nxt) { p = ctx->parray[thi->idx]; //printf("WmSearch2: p->prefix_ci %" PRIu32 ", p->prefix_cs %" PRIu32 "\n", // p->prefix_ci, p->prefix_cs); if (p->flags & MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE) { if (p->prefix_ci != prefixci_buf || p->len > (bufend-(buf-sl))) continue; if (memcmp_lowercase(p->ci, buf-sl+1, p->len) == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_match++); cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_no_match++); } } else { if (p->prefix_cs != prefixcs_buf || p->len > (bufend-(buf-sl))) continue; if (memcmp(p->cs, buf-sl+1, p->len) == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_match++); cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_no_match++); } } } } skip_loop: shift = 1; } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_total_shift += shift); COUNT(tctx->stat_num_shift++); } buf += shift; } return cnt; } uint32_t WmSearch2Hash15(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *pmq, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; #ifdef WUMANBER_COUNTERS WmThreadCtx *tctx = (WmThreadCtx *)mpm_thread_ctx->ctx; #endif /* WUMANBER_COUNTERS */ uint32_t cnt = 0; uint8_t *bufend = buf + buflen - 1; uint16_t sl = ctx->shiftlen; uint16_t h; uint8_t shift; WmHashItem *thi, *hi; WmPattern *p; uint16_t prefixci_buf; uint16_t prefixcs_buf; if (buflen == 0) return 0; //printf("BUF(%" PRIu32 ") ", buflen); prt(buf,buflen); printf("\n"); buf+=(sl-1); //buf++; while (buf <= bufend) { //h = (wm_tolower(*buf)<<8)+(wm_tolower(*(buf-1))); h = HASH15(wm_tolower(*buf),(wm_tolower(*(buf-1)))); shift = ctx->shifttable[h]; //printf("search: h %" PRIu32 ", shift %" PRIu32 "\n", h, shift); if (shift == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_shift_null++); /* get our hash item */ hi = ctx->hash[h]; //printf("search: hi %p\n", hi); if (hi != NULL) { /* get our patterns from the hash */ if (ctx->bloom[h] != NULL) { COUNT(tctx->stat_pminlen_calls++); COUNT(tctx->stat_pminlen_total+=ctx->pminlen[h]); if ((bufend - (buf-sl)) < ctx->pminlen[h]) { goto skip_loop; } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_bloom_calls++); if (BloomFilterTest(ctx->bloom[h], buf-sl+1, ctx->pminlen[h]) == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_bloom_hits++); goto skip_loop; } } } prefixci_buf = (uint16_t)(wm_tolower(*(buf-sl+1)) + wm_tolower(*(buf-sl+2))); prefixcs_buf = (uint16_t)(*(buf-sl+1) + *(buf-sl+2)); //printf("WmSearch2: prefixci_buf %" PRIu32 ", prefixcs_buf %" PRIu32 "\n", prefixci_buf, prefixcs_buf); for (thi = hi; thi != NULL; thi = thi->nxt) { p = ctx->parray[thi->idx]; //printf("WmSearch2: p->prefix_ci %" PRIu32 ", p->prefix_cs %" PRIu32 "\n", // p->prefix_ci, p->prefix_cs); if (p->flags & MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE) { if (p->prefix_ci != prefixci_buf || p->len > (bufend-(buf-sl))) continue; if (memcmp_lowercase(p->ci, buf-sl+1, p->len) == 0) { //printf("CI Exact match: "); prt(p->ci, p->len); printf("\n"); COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_match++); cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_no_match++); } } else { if (p->prefix_cs != prefixcs_buf || p->len > (bufend-(buf-sl))) continue; if (memcmp(p->cs, buf-sl+1, p->len) == 0) { //printf("CS Exact match: "); prt(p->cs, p->len); printf("\n"); COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_match++); cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_no_match++); } } } } skip_loop: shift = 1; } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_total_shift += shift); COUNT(tctx->stat_num_shift++); } buf += shift; } return cnt; } uint32_t WmSearch2Hash16(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *pmq, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; #ifdef WUMANBER_COUNTERS WmThreadCtx *tctx = (WmThreadCtx *)mpm_thread_ctx->ctx; #endif /* WUMANBER_COUNTERS */ uint32_t cnt = 0; uint8_t *bufend = buf + buflen - 1; uint16_t sl = ctx->shiftlen; uint16_t h; uint8_t shift; WmHashItem *thi, *hi; WmPattern *p; uint16_t prefixci_buf; uint16_t prefixcs_buf; if (buflen == 0) return 0; //printf("BUF(%" PRIu32 ") ", buflen); prt(buf,buflen); printf("\n"); buf+=(sl-1); //buf++; while (buf <= bufend) { //h = (wm_tolower(*buf)<<8)+(wm_tolower(*(buf-1))); h = HASH16(wm_tolower(*buf),(wm_tolower(*(buf-1)))); shift = ctx->shifttable[h]; //printf("search: h %" PRIu32 ", shift %" PRIu32 "\n", h, shift); if (shift == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_shift_null++); /* get our hash item */ hi = ctx->hash[h]; //printf("search: hi %p\n", hi); if (hi != NULL) { /* get our patterns from the hash */ if (ctx->bloom[h] != NULL) { COUNT(tctx->stat_pminlen_calls++); COUNT(tctx->stat_pminlen_total+=ctx->pminlen[h]); if ((bufend - (buf-sl)) < ctx->pminlen[h]) { goto skip_loop; } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_bloom_calls++); if (BloomFilterTest(ctx->bloom[h], buf-sl+1, ctx->pminlen[h]) == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_bloom_hits++); goto skip_loop; } } } prefixci_buf = (uint16_t)(wm_tolower(*(buf-sl+1)) + wm_tolower(*(buf-sl+2))); prefixcs_buf = (uint16_t)(*(buf-sl+1) + *(buf-sl+2)); //printf("WmSearch2: prefixci_buf %" PRIu32 ", prefixcs_buf %" PRIu32 "\n", prefixci_buf, prefixcs_buf); for (thi = hi; thi != NULL; thi = thi->nxt) { p = ctx->parray[thi->idx]; //printf("WmSearch2: p->prefix_ci %" PRIu32 ", p->prefix_cs %" PRIu32 "\n", // p->prefix_ci, p->prefix_cs); if (p->flags & MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE) { if (p->prefix_ci != prefixci_buf || p->len > (bufend-(buf-sl))) continue; if (memcmp_lowercase(p->ci, buf-sl+1, p->len) == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_match++); cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_no_match++); } } else { if (p->prefix_cs != prefixcs_buf || p->len > (bufend-(buf-sl))) continue; if (memcmp(p->cs, buf-sl+1, p->len) == 0) { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_match++); cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_loop_no_match++); } } } } skip_loop: shift = 1; } else { COUNT(tctx->stat_total_shift += shift); COUNT(tctx->stat_num_shift++); } buf += shift; } return cnt; } uint32_t WmSearch1(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, PatternMatcherQueue *pmq, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; uint8_t *bufmin = buf; uint8_t *bufend = buf + buflen - 1; uint32_t cnt = 0; WmPattern *p; WmHashItem *thi, *hi; if (buflen == 0) return 0; //printf("BUF "); prt(buf,buflen); printf("\n"); if (mpm_ctx->minlen == 1) { while (buf <= bufend) { uint8_t h = wm_tolower(*buf); hi = &ctx->hash1[h]; if (hi->flags & 0x01) { for (thi = hi; thi != NULL; thi = thi->nxt) { p = ctx->parray[thi->idx]; if (p->len != 1) continue; if (p->flags & MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE) { if (wm_tolower(*buf) == p->ci[0]) { cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } } else { if (*buf == p->cs[0]) { cnt += MpmVerifyMatch(mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, p->id); } } } } buf += 1; } } //printf("WmSearch1: after 1byte cnt %" PRIu32 "\n", cnt); if (mpm_ctx->maxlen > 1) { /* Pass bufmin on because buf no longer points to the * start of the buffer. */ cnt += ctx->MBSearch(mpm_ctx, mpm_thread_ctx, pmq, bufmin, buflen); //printf("WmSearch1: after 2+byte cnt %" PRIu32 "\n", cnt); } return cnt; } /** * \brief Function to get the user defined values for wumanber algorithm from * the config file 'suricata.yaml' */ void WmGetConfig() { ConfNode *wm_conf; const char *hash_val = NULL; const char *bloom_val = NULL; /* init defaults */ wm_hash_size = HASHSIZE_LOW; wm_bloom_size = BLOOMSIZE_MEDIUM; ConfNode *pm = ConfGetNode("pattern-matcher"); if (pm != NULL) { TAILQ_FOREACH(wm_conf, &pm->head, next) { if (strncmp(wm_conf->val, "wumanber", 8) == 0) { hash_val = ConfNodeLookupChildValue(wm_conf->head.tqh_first, "hash_size"); bloom_val = ConfNodeLookupChildValue(wm_conf->head.tqh_first, "bf_size"); if (hash_val != NULL) wm_hash_size = MpmGetHashSize(hash_val); if (bloom_val != NULL) wm_bloom_size = MpmGetBloomSize(bloom_val); SCLogDebug("hash size is %"PRIu32" and bloom size is %"PRIu32"", wm_hash_size, wm_bloom_size); } } } } void WmInitCtx (MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, int module_handle) { SCLogDebug("mpm_ctx %p", mpm_ctx); mpm_ctx->ctx = SCMalloc(sizeof(WmCtx)); if (mpm_ctx->ctx == NULL) return; memset(mpm_ctx->ctx, 0, sizeof(WmCtx)); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt++; mpm_ctx->memory_size += sizeof(WmCtx); /* initialize the hash we use to speed up pattern insertions */ WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; ctx->init_hash = SCMalloc(sizeof(WmPattern *) * INIT_HASH_SIZE); if (ctx->init_hash == NULL) return; memset(ctx->init_hash, 0, sizeof(WmPattern *) * INIT_HASH_SIZE); /* Initialize the defaults value from the config file. The given check make sure that we query config file only once for config values */ if (wm_hash_size == 0) WmGetConfig(); } void WmDestroyCtx(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx) { WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx->ctx; if (ctx == NULL) return; if (ctx->init_hash) { SCFree(ctx->init_hash); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_ctx->memory_size -= (INIT_HASH_SIZE * sizeof(WmPattern *)); } if (ctx->parray) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt; i++) { if (ctx->parray[i] != NULL) { WmFreePattern(mpm_ctx, ctx->parray[i]); } } SCFree(ctx->parray); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_ctx->memory_size -= (mpm_ctx->pattern_cnt * sizeof(WmPattern)); } if (ctx->bloom) { uint32_t h; for (h = 0; h < ctx->hash_size; h++) { if (ctx->bloom[h] == NULL) continue; mpm_ctx->memory_cnt -= BloomFilterMemoryCnt(ctx->bloom[h]); mpm_ctx->memory_size -= BloomFilterMemorySize(ctx->bloom[h]); BloomFilterFree(ctx->bloom[h]); } SCFree(ctx->bloom); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_ctx->memory_size -= (sizeof(BloomFilter *) * ctx->hash_size); } if (ctx->hash) { uint32_t h; for (h = 0; h < ctx->hash_size; h++) { if (ctx->hash[h] == NULL) continue; WmHashFree(mpm_ctx, ctx->hash[h]); } SCFree(ctx->hash); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_ctx->memory_size -= (sizeof(WmHashItem) * ctx->hash_size); } if (ctx->shifttable) { SCFree(ctx->shifttable); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_ctx->memory_size -= (sizeof(uint16_t) * ctx->hash_size); } if (ctx->pminlen) { SCFree(ctx->pminlen); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_ctx->memory_size -= (sizeof(uint8_t) * ctx->hash_size); } SCFree(mpm_ctx->ctx); mpm_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_ctx->memory_size -= sizeof(WmCtx); } void WmThreadInitCtx(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, uint32_t matchsize) { memset(mpm_thread_ctx, 0, sizeof(MpmThreadCtx)); #ifdef WUMANBER_COUNTERS mpm_thread_ctx->ctx = SCMalloc(sizeof(WmThreadCtx)); if (mpm_thread_ctx->ctx == NULL) return; memset(mpm_thread_ctx->ctx, 0, sizeof(WmThreadCtx)); mpm_thread_ctx->memory_cnt++; mpm_thread_ctx->memory_size += sizeof(WmThreadCtx); #endif } void WmThreadDestroyCtx(MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx) { WmThreadCtx *ctx = (WmThreadCtx *)mpm_thread_ctx->ctx; if (ctx != NULL) { /* size can be 0 when optimized */ mpm_thread_ctx->memory_cnt--; mpm_thread_ctx->memory_size -= sizeof(WmThreadCtx); SCFree(mpm_thread_ctx->ctx); } } void MpmWuManberRegister (void) { mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].name = "wumanber"; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].max_pattern_length = 0; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].InitCtx = WmInitCtx; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].InitThreadCtx = WmThreadInitCtx; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].DestroyCtx = WmDestroyCtx; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].DestroyThreadCtx = WmThreadDestroyCtx; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].AddPattern = WmAddPatternCS; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].AddPatternNocase = WmAddPatternCI; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].Prepare = WmPreparePatterns; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].Search = WmSearch; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].Cleanup = NULL; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].PrintCtx = WmPrintInfo; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].PrintThreadCtx = WmPrintSearchStats; mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].RegisterUnittests = WmRegisterTests; /* create table for O(1) lowercase conversion lookup */ uint8_t c = 0; for ( ; c < 255; c++) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') lowercasetable[c] = (c + ('a' - 'A')); else lowercasetable[c] = c; } } /* * ONLY TESTS BELOW THIS COMMENT */ #ifdef UNITTESTS int WmTestInitCtx01 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); WmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, -1); if (mpm_ctx.ctx != NULL) result = 1; WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestInitCtx02 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); WmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; if (ctx->parray == NULL) result = 1; WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestInitCtx03 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); if (mpm_table[MPM_WUMANBER].Search == WmSearch) result = 1; WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestThreadInitCtx01 (void) { #ifdef WUMANBER_COUNTERS int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); if (mpm_thread_ctx.memory_cnt == 2) result = 1; else printf("mpm_thread_ctx.memory_cnt %"PRIu32", expected 2: ", mpm_thread_ctx.memory_cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; #else return 1; #endif } int WmTestThreadInitCtx02 (void) { #ifdef WUMANBER_COUNTERS int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); WmThreadCtx *tctx = (WmThreadCtx *)mpm_thread_ctx.ctx; if (tctx->search_stat_shift_null == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); #else int result = 1; #endif return result; } int WmTestInitAddPattern01 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); int ret = WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 1234, 0, 0); if (ret == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestInitAddPattern02 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 1234, 0, 0); if (ctx->init_hash != NULL) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestInitAddPattern03 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 1234, 0, 0); WmPattern *pat = WmInitHashLookup(ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0); if (pat != NULL) { if (pat->len == 4) result = 1; } WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestInitAddPattern04 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 1234, 0, MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE); WmPattern *pat = WmInitHashLookup(ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE); if (pat != NULL) { if (pat->flags & MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE) result = 1; } WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestInitAddPattern05 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 1234, 0, 0); WmPattern *pat = WmInitHashLookup(ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0); if (pat != NULL) { if (!(pat->flags & MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE)) result = 1; } WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestInitAddPattern06 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 1234, 0, 0); WmPattern *pat = WmInitHashLookup(ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0); if (pat != NULL) { if (memcmp(pat->cs, "abcd", 4) == 0) result = 1; } WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestPrepare01 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"a", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); if (ctx->Search == WmSearch1) result = 1; WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestPrepare02 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; if (ctx->shiftlen == 4) result = 1; WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestPrepare03 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; if (ctx->shifttable[1] == 4) result = 1; else printf("4 != %" PRIu32 ": ", ctx->shifttable[1]); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestPrepare04 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"a", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); if (ctx->Search == WmSearch1) result = 1; WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestPrepare05 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; if (ctx->shiftlen == 4) result = 1; WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestPrepare06 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; if (ctx->shifttable[1] == 4) result = 1; else printf("4 != %" PRIu32 ": ", ctx->shifttable[1]); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch01 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); //mpm_ctx.PrintCtx(&mpm_ctx); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4); if (cnt == 1) result = 1; else printf("1 != %" PRIu32 " ", cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch01Hash12 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH12_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); //mpm_ctx.PrintCtx(&mpm_ctx); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4); if (cnt == 1) result = 1; else printf("1 != %" PRIu32 " ", cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch01Hash14 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH14_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); //mpm_ctx.PrintCtx(&mpm_ctx); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4); if (cnt == 1) result = 1; else printf("1 != %" PRIu32 " ", cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch01Hash15 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH15_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); //mpm_ctx.PrintCtx(&mpm_ctx); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4); if (cnt == 1) result = 1; else printf("1 != %" PRIu32 " ", cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch01Hash16 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH16_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); //mpm_ctx.PrintCtx(&mpm_ctx); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4); if (cnt == 1) result = 1; else printf("1 != %" PRIu32 " ", cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch02 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abce", 4); if (cnt == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch03 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdefgh", 8); if (cnt == 1) result = 1; else printf("1 != %" PRIu32 " ", cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch04 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"bcde", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdefgh", 8); if (cnt == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch05 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"efgh", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdefgh", 8); if (cnt == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch06 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"eFgH", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdEfGh", 8); if (cnt == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch07 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcd", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"eFgH", 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 2); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdEfGh", 8); if (cnt == 2) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch08 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"abcde", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"bcde", 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 2); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdefgh", 8); if (cnt == 2) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch09 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"ab", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"ab", 2); if (cnt == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch10 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"bc", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"gh", 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 2); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdefgh", 8); if (cnt == 2) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch11 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"a", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"d", 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"h", 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 3); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdefgh", 8); if (cnt == 3) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch12 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"A", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"d", 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"Z", 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 3); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdefgh", 8); if (cnt == 2) result = 1; else printf("2 != %" PRIu32 ": ", cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch13 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"a", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"de",2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"h", 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 3); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdefgh", 8); if (cnt == 3) result = 1; else printf("3 != %" PRIu32 ": ", cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch14 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"A", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"de",2, 0, 0, 1, 0, MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"Z", 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, MPM_PATTERN_FLAG_NOCASE); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 3); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdefgh", 8); if (cnt == 2) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } /** \todo VJ disabled because it tests the old match storage */ #if 0 int WmTestSearch15 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"A", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"de",2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"Z", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 3); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdefgh", 8); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[1].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch16 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"A", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"de",2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0); WmAddPattern(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"Z", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 3); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"abcdefgh", 8); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch17 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch18Hash12 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH12_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstaLL.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch18Hash14 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH14_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstaLL.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch18Hash15 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH15_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstaLL.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch18 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH16_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstaLL.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch18Hash16 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH16_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstaLL.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch19 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCI(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstaLL.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch19Hash12 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCI(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH12_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstaLL.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch19Hash14 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCI(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH14_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstaLL.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch19Hash15 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCI(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH15_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstaLL.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch19Hash16 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCI(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH16_SIZE; WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstaLL.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch20 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch20Hash12 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH12_SIZE; /* force hash12 */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch20Hash14 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH14_SIZE; /* force hash14 */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch20Hash15 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH15_SIZE; /* force hash15 */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch20Hash16 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH16_SIZE; /* force hash16 */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/VideoAccessCodecInstall.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 0) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } int WmTestSearch21 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } static int WmTestSearch21Hash12 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH12_SIZE; /* force hash16 */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); //WmPrintInfo(&mpm_ctx); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } static int WmTestSearch21Hash14 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH14_SIZE; /* force hash16 */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); //WmPrintInfo(&mpm_ctx); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } static int WmTestSearch21Hash15 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH15_SIZE; /* force hash16 */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); //WmPrintInfo(&mpm_ctx); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } static int WmTestSearch21Hash16 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ctx->hash_size = HASH16_SIZE; /* force hash16 */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 1); //WmPrintInfo(&mpm_ctx); ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"/videoaccesscodecinstall.exe", 28); uint32_t len = mpm_thread_ctx.match[0].len; if (len == 1) result = 1; WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } #endif static int WmTestSearch22Hash9 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"A", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* should match 30 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AA", 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); /* should match 29 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAA", 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0); /* should match 28 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAA", 5, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0); /* 26 */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAA", 10, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0); /* 21 */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 30, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0); /* 1 */ /* total matches: 135 */ ctx->hash_size = HASH9_SIZE; /* force hash size */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 6 /* 6 patterns */); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 30); if (cnt == 135) result = 1; else printf("135 != %" PRIu32 " ",cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } static int WmTestSearch22Hash12 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"A", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* should match 30 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AA", 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); /* should match 29 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAA", 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0); /* should match 28 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAA", 5, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0); /* 26 */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAA", 10, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0); /* 21 */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 30, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0); /* 1 */ /* total matches: 135 */ ctx->hash_size = HASH12_SIZE; /* force hash size */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 6 /* 6 patterns */); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 30); if (cnt == 135) result = 1; else printf("135 != %" PRIu32 " ",cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } static int WmTestSearch22Hash14 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"A", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* should match 30 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AA", 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); /* should match 29 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAA", 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0); /* should match 28 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAA", 5, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0); /* 26 */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAA", 10, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0); /* 21 */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 30, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0); /* 1 */ /* total matches: 135 */ ctx->hash_size = HASH14_SIZE; /* force hash size */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 6 /* 6 patterns */); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 30); if (cnt == 135) result = 1; else printf("135 != %" PRIu32 " ",cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } static int WmTestSearch22Hash15 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"A", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* should match 30 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AA", 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); /* should match 29 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAA", 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0); /* should match 28 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAA", 5, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0); /* 26 */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAA", 10, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0); /* 21 */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 30, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0); /* 1 */ /* total matches: 135 */ ctx->hash_size = HASH15_SIZE; /* force hash size */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 6 /* 6 patterns */); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 30); if (cnt == 135) result = 1; else printf("135 != %" PRIu32 " ",cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } static int WmTestSearch22Hash16 (void) { int result = 0; MpmCtx mpm_ctx; memset(&mpm_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(MpmCtx)); MpmThreadCtx mpm_thread_ctx; MpmInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, MPM_WUMANBER, -1); WmCtx *ctx = (WmCtx *)mpm_ctx.ctx; WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"A", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* should match 30 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AA", 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); /* should match 29 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAA", 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0); /* should match 28 times */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAA", 5, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0); /* 26 */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAA", 10, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0); /* 21 */ WmAddPatternCS(&mpm_ctx, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 30, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0); /* 1 */ /* total matches: 135 */ ctx->hash_size = HASH16_SIZE; /* force hash size */ WmPreparePatterns(&mpm_ctx); WmThreadInitCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, 6 /* 6 patterns */); uint32_t cnt = ctx->Search(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx, NULL, (uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 30); if (cnt == 135) result = 1; else printf("135 != %" PRIu32 " ",cnt); WmThreadDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx, &mpm_thread_ctx); WmDestroyCtx(&mpm_ctx); return result; } #endif /* UNITTESTS */ void WmRegisterTests(void) { #ifdef UNITTESTS UtRegisterTest("WmTestInitCtx01", WmTestInitCtx01, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestInitCtx02", WmTestInitCtx02, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestInitCtx03", WmTestInitCtx03, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestThreadInitCtx01", WmTestThreadInitCtx01, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestThreadInitCtx02", WmTestThreadInitCtx02, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestInitAddPattern01", WmTestInitAddPattern01, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestInitAddPattern02", WmTestInitAddPattern02, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestInitAddPattern03", WmTestInitAddPattern03, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestInitAddPattern04", WmTestInitAddPattern04, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestInitAddPattern05", WmTestInitAddPattern05, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestInitAddPattern06", WmTestInitAddPattern06, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestPrepare01", WmTestPrepare01, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestPrepare02", WmTestPrepare02, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestPrepare03", WmTestPrepare03, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestPrepare04", WmTestPrepare01, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestPrepare05", WmTestPrepare02, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestPrepare06", WmTestPrepare03, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch01", WmTestSearch01, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch01Hash12", WmTestSearch01Hash12, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch01Hash14", WmTestSearch01Hash14, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch01Hash15", WmTestSearch01Hash15, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch01Hash16", WmTestSearch01Hash16, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch02", WmTestSearch02, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch03", WmTestSearch03, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch04", WmTestSearch04, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch05", WmTestSearch05, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch06", WmTestSearch06, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch07", WmTestSearch07, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch08", WmTestSearch08, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch09", WmTestSearch09, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch10", WmTestSearch10, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch11", WmTestSearch11, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch12", WmTestSearch12, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch13", WmTestSearch13, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch14", WmTestSearch14, 1); #if 0 UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch15", WmTestSearch15, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch16", WmTestSearch16, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch17", WmTestSearch17, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch18", WmTestSearch18, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch18Hash12", WmTestSearch18Hash12, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch18Hash14", WmTestSearch18Hash14, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch18Hash15", WmTestSearch18Hash15, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch18Hash16", WmTestSearch18Hash16, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch19", WmTestSearch19, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch19Hash12", WmTestSearch19Hash12, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch19Hash14", WmTestSearch19Hash14, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch19Hash15", WmTestSearch19Hash15, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch19Hash16", WmTestSearch19Hash16, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch20", WmTestSearch20, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch20Hash12", WmTestSearch20Hash12, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch20Hash14", WmTestSearch20Hash14, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch20Hash15", WmTestSearch20Hash15, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch20Hash16", WmTestSearch20Hash16, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch21", WmTestSearch21, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch21Hash12", WmTestSearch21Hash12, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch21Hash14", WmTestSearch21Hash14, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch21Hash15", WmTestSearch21Hash15, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch21Hash16", WmTestSearch21Hash16, 1); #endif UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch22Hash9", WmTestSearch22Hash9, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch22Hash12", WmTestSearch22Hash12, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch22Hash14", WmTestSearch22Hash14, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch22Hash15", WmTestSearch22Hash15, 1); UtRegisterTest("WmTestSearch22Hash16", WmTestSearch22Hash16, 1); #endif /* UNITTESTS */ }