Suricata ======== SYNOPSIS -------- **suricata** [OPTIONS] [BPF FILTER] DESCRIPTION ----------- **suricata** is a high performance Network IDS, IPS and Network Security Monitoring engine. Open Source and owned by a community run non-profit foundation, the Open Information Security Foundation (OISF). **suricata** can be used to analyze live traffic and pcap files. It can generate alerts based on rules. **suricata** will generate traffic logs. When used with live traffic **suricata** can be passive or active. Active modes are: inline in a L2 bridge setup, inline with L3 integration with host filewall (NFQ, IPFW, WinDivert), or out of band using active responses. OPTIONS -------------- .. include:: ../partials/options.rst OPTIONS FOR DEVELOPERS ---------------------- .. include:: ../partials/options-unittests.rst SIGNALS ------- Suricata will respond to the following signals: SIGUSR2 Causes Suricata to perform a live rule reload. SIGHUP Causes Suricata to close and re-open all log files. This can be used to re-open log files after they may have been moved away by log rotation utilities. FILES AND DIRECTORIES --------------------- |sysconfdir|/suricata/suricata.yaml Default location of the Suricata configuration file. |localstatedir|/log/suricata Default Suricata log directory. EXAMPLES -------- To capture live traffic from interface `eno1`:: suricata -i eno1 To analyze a pcap file and output logs to the CWD:: suricata -r /path/to/capture.pcap To capture using `AF_PACKET` and override the flow memcap setting from the `suricata.yaml`:: suricata --af-packet --set flow.memcap=1gb To analyze a pcap file with a custom rule file:: suricata -r /pcap/to/capture.pcap -S /path/to/custom.rules BUGS ---- Please visit Suricata's support page for information about submitting bugs or feature requests. NOTES ----- * Suricata Home Page * Suricata Support Page