# Based on https://github.com/redis/hiredis/blob/master/appveyor.yml # and https://github.com/dokan-dev/dokany/pull/336/files # Appveyor configuration file for CI build of hiredis on Windows (under Cygwin) environment: matrix: # - CYG_ROOT: C:\cygwin64 # CYG_SETUP: setup-x86_64.exe # CYG_MIRROR: http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com # CYG_CACHE: C:\cygwin64\var\cache\setup # CYG_BASH: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash # CC: gcc - CYG_ROOT: C:\cygwin CYG_SETUP: setup-x86.exe CYG_MIRROR: http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com CYG_CACHE: C:\cygwin\var\cache\setup CYG_BASH: C:\cygwin\bin\bash CC: gcc CFLAGS: -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-function # Cache Cygwin files to speed up build cache: - '%CYG_CACHE%' clone_depth: 1 # Attempt to ensure we don't try to convert line endings to Win32 CRLF as this will cause build to fail init: - git config --global core.autocrlf input # - ps: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1')) # Install needed build dependencies. First update cygwin to avoid weird dll issues. install: - ps: 'Start-FileDownload "http://cygwin.com/$env:CYG_SETUP" -FileName "$env:CYG_SETUP"' - '%CYG_SETUP% -gqnNdO --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --only-site --root "%CYG_ROOT%" --site "%CYG_MIRROR%" --local-package-dir "%CYG_CACHE%" > NUL 2>&1' - '%CYG_SETUP% --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --only-site --root "%CYG_ROOT%" --site "%CYG_MIRROR%" --local-package-dir "%CYG_CACHE%" --packages automake,bison,gcc-core,libtool,make,gettext-devel,gettext,intltool,pkg-config,clang,llvm,libpcre-devel,file-devel,wget,zlib-devel,libnss-devel,libnspr-devel,libGeoIP-devel,libyaml-devel,luajit-devel,unzip,libiconv,libiconv-devel > NUL 2>&1' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cygcheck -dc cygwin"' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "wget https://www.winpcap.org/install/bin/WpdPack_4_1_2.zip && ls && unzip WpdPack_4_1_2.zip"' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cp WpdPack/Lib/libpacket.a /usr/lib/"' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cp WpdPack/Lib/libwpcap.a /usr/lib/libpcap.a"' # so -lpcap works # - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cp WpdPack/Lib/libwpcap.a /usr/lib/libwpcap.a"' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cp WpdPack/Lib/Packet.lib /usr/lib/"' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cp WpdPack/Lib/wpcap.lib /usr/lib/"' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "mkdir -p /usr/include/pcap"' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cp -r WpdPack/Include/* /usr/include/"' - choco install winpcap # userspace build_script: - 'echo building...' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cd $APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER; bash ./qa/travis-libhtp.sh"' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cd $APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER; ./autogen.sh"' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cd $APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER; ./configure --enable-unittests --disable-shared --disable-gccmarch-native --enable-luajit --enable-geoip"' - '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cd $APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER; exec 0