/* * LibHTP (http://www.libhtp.org) * Copyright 2009,2010 Ivan Ristic * * LibHTP is an open source product, released under terms of the General Public Licence * version 2 (GPLv2). Please refer to the file LICENSE, which contains the complete text * of the license. * * In addition, there is a special exception that allows LibHTP to be freely * used with any OSI-approved open source licence. Please refer to the file * LIBHTP_LICENSING_EXCEPTION for the full text of the exception. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../htp/htp.h" #include "test.h" /** * Destroys a test. * * @param test */ static void test_destroy(test_t *test) { if (test->buf != NULL) { free(test->buf); test->buf = NULL; } } /** * Checks if there's a chunk boundary at the given position. * * @param test * @param pos * @return Zero if there is no boundary, SERVER or CLIENT if a boundary * was found, and a negative value on error (e.g., not enough data * to determine if a boundary is present). */ static int test_is_boundary(test_t *test, int pos) { // Check that there's enough room if (pos + 3 >= test->len) return -1; if ((test->buf[pos] == '<') && (test->buf[pos + 1] == '<') && (test->buf[pos + 2] == '<')) { if (test->buf[pos + 3] == '\n') { return SERVER; } if (test->buf[pos + 3] == '\r') { if (pos + 4 >= test->len) return -1; else if (test->buf[pos + 4] == '\n') { return SERVER; } } } if ((test->buf[pos] == '>') && (test->buf[pos + 1] == '>') && (test->buf[pos + 2] == '>')) { if (test->buf[pos + 3] == '\n') { return CLIENT; } if (test->buf[pos + 3] == '\r') { if (pos + 4 >= test->len) return -1; else if (test->buf[pos + 4] == '\n') { return CLIENT; } } } return 0; } /** * Initializes test by loading the entire data file into a memory block. * * @param test * @param filename * @return Non-negative value on success, negative value on error. */ static int test_init(test_t *test, const char *filename) { memset(test, 0, sizeof (test_t)); int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fd < 0) return -1; struct stat buf; if (fstat(fd, &buf) < 0) { return -1; } test->buf = malloc(buf.st_size); test->len = 0; test->pos = 0; int bytes_read = 0; while ((bytes_read = read(fd, test->buf + test->len, buf.st_size - test->len)) > 0) { test->len += bytes_read; } if (test->len != buf.st_size) { free(test->buf); return -2; } close(fd); return 1; } void test_start(test_t *test) { test->pos = 0; } /** * Finds the next data chunk in the given test. * * @param test * @return One if a chunk is found or zero if there are no more chunks in the test. On * success, test->chunk will point to the beginning of the chunk, while * test->chunk_len will contain its length. */ static int test_next_chunk(test_t *test) { if (test->pos >= test->len) { return 0; } test->chunk = NULL; while (test->pos < test->len) { // Do we need to start another chunk? if (test->chunk == NULL) { // Are we at a boundary test->chunk_direction = test_is_boundary(test, test->pos); if (test->chunk_direction <= 0) { // Error return -1; } // Move over the boundary test->pos += 4; if (test->buf[test->pos] == '\n') test->pos++; // Start new chunk test->chunk = test->buf + test->pos; test->chunk_offset = test->pos; } // Are we at the end of a line? if (test->buf[test->pos] == '\n') { int r = test_is_boundary(test, test->pos + 1); if ((r == CLIENT) || (r == SERVER)) { // We got ourselves a chunk test->chunk_len = test->pos - test->chunk_offset; // Remove one '\r' (in addition to the '\n' that we've already removed), // which belongs to the next boundary if ((test->chunk_len > 0) && (test->chunk[test->chunk_len - 1] == '\r')) { test->chunk_len--; } // Position at the next boundary line test->pos++; return 1; } } test->pos++; } if (test->chunk != NULL) { test->chunk_len = test->pos - test->chunk_offset; return 1; } return 0; } static int parse_filename(const char *filename, char **remote_addr, int *remote_port, char **local_addr, int *local_port) { char *copy = strdup(filename); char *p, *saveptr; char *start = copy; char *q = strrchr(copy, '/'); if (q != NULL) start = q; q = strrchr(start, '\\'); if (q != NULL) start = q; int count = 0; p = strtok_r(start, "_", &saveptr); while (p != NULL) { count++; // printf("%i %s\n", count, p); switch (count) { case 2: *remote_addr = strdup(p); break; case 3: *remote_port = atoi(p); break; case 4: *local_addr = strdup(p); case 5: *local_port = atoi(p); break; } p = strtok_r(NULL, "_", &saveptr); } free(copy); return 0; } /** * Runs a single test. * * @param filename * @param cfg * @return A pointer to the instance of htp_connp_t created during * the test, or NULL if the test failed for some reason. */ int test_run(const char *testsdir, const char *testname, htp_cfg_t *cfg, htp_connp_t **connp) { char filename[1025]; test_t test; struct timeval tv_start, tv_end; int rc; *connp = NULL; strncpy(filename, testsdir, 1024); strncat(filename, "/", 1024 - strlen(filename)); strncat(filename, testname, 1024 - strlen(filename)); printf("Filename: %s\n", filename); // Initinialize test rc = test_init(&test, filename); if (rc < 0) { return rc; } gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); test_start(&test); // Create parser *connp = htp_connp_create(cfg); if (*connp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create connection parser\n"); exit(1); } htp_connp_set_user_data(*connp, (void *) 0x02); // Does the filename contain connection metdata? if (strncmp(testname, "stream", 6) == 0) { // It does; use it char *remote_addr, *local_addr; int remote_port, local_port; parse_filename(testname, &remote_addr, &remote_port, &local_addr, &local_port); htp_connp_open(*connp, (const char *) remote_addr, remote_port, (const char *) local_addr, local_port, tv_start.tv_usec); free(remote_addr); free(local_addr); } else { // No connection metadata; provide some fake information instead htp_connp_open(*connp, (const char *) "", 10000, (const char *) "", 80, tv_start.tv_usec); } // Find all chunks and feed them to the parser int in_data_other = 0; char *in_data; size_t in_data_len; size_t in_data_offset; int out_data_other = 0; char *out_data; size_t out_data_len; size_t out_data_offset; for (;;) { if (test_next_chunk(&test) <= 0) { break; } if (test.chunk_direction == CLIENT) { if (in_data_other) { test_destroy(&test); fprintf(stderr, "Unable to buffer more than one inbound chunk.\n"); return -1; } int rc = htp_connp_req_data(*connp, tv_start.tv_usec, test.chunk, test.chunk_len); if (rc == STREAM_STATE_ERROR) { test_destroy(&test); return -101; } if (rc == STREAM_STATE_DATA_OTHER) { // Parser needs to see the outbound stream in order to continue // parsing the inbound stream. in_data_other = 1; in_data = test.chunk; in_data_len = test.chunk_len; in_data_offset = htp_connp_req_data_consumed(*connp); } } else { if (out_data_other) { int rc = htp_connp_res_data(*connp, tv_start.tv_usec, out_data + out_data_offset, out_data_len - out_data_offset); if (rc == STREAM_STATE_ERROR) { test_destroy(&test); return -104; } out_data_other = 0; } int rc = htp_connp_res_data(*connp, tv_start.tv_usec, test.chunk, test.chunk_len); if (rc == STREAM_STATE_ERROR) { test_destroy(&test); return -102; } if (rc == STREAM_STATE_DATA_OTHER) { // Parser needs to see the outbound stream in order to continue // parsing the inbound stream. out_data_other = 1; out_data = test.chunk; out_data_len = test.chunk_len; out_data_offset = htp_connp_res_data_consumed(*connp); // printf("# YYY out offset is %d\n", out_data_offset); } if (in_data_other) { int rc = htp_connp_req_data(*connp, tv_start.tv_usec, in_data + in_data_offset, in_data_len - in_data_offset); if (rc == STREAM_STATE_ERROR) { test_destroy(&test); return -103; } in_data_other = 0; } } } if (out_data_other) { int rc = htp_connp_res_data(*connp, tv_start.tv_usec, out_data + out_data_offset, out_data_len - out_data_offset); if (rc == STREAM_STATE_ERROR) { test_destroy(&test); return -104; } out_data_other = 0; } gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL); // Close the connection htp_connp_close(*connp, tv_end.tv_usec); // printf("Parsing time: %i\n", tv_end.tv_usec - tv_start.tv_usec); // Clean up test_destroy(&test); return 1; }