Meta Keywords ============= .. role:: example-rule-emphasis Meta keywords have no effect on Suricata's inspection of network traffic; they do have an effect on the way Suricata reports events/alerts. msg (message) ------------- The keyword msg gives contextual information about the signature and the possible alert. The format of msg is:: msg: "some description"; Examples:: msg:"ET MALWARE Win32/RecordBreaker CnC Checkin"; msg:"ET EXPLOIT SMB-DS DCERPC PnP bind attempt"; To continue the example from the previous chapter, the msg component of the signature is emphasized below: .. container:: example-rule alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (:example-rule-emphasis:`msg:"HTTP GET Request Containing Rule in URI";` flow:established,to_server; http.method; content:"GET"; http.uri; content:"rule"; fast_pattern; classtype:bad-unknown; sid:123; rev:1;) .. tip:: It is a standard practice in rule writing to make the first part of the signature msg uppercase and to indicate the class of the signature. It is also standard practice that ``msg`` is the first keyword in the signature. .. note:: The following characters must be escaped inside the msg: ``;`` ``\`` ``"`` sid (signature ID) ------------------ The keyword sid gives every signature its own id. This id is stated with a number greater than zero. The format of sid is:: sid:123; Example of sid in a signature: .. container:: example-rule alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"HTTP GET Request Containing Rule in URI"; flow:established,to_server; http.method; content:"GET"; http.uri; content:"rule"; fast_pattern; classtype:bad-unknown; :example-rule-emphasis:`sid:123;` rev:1;) .. tip:: It is a standard practice in rule writing that the signature ``sid`` is provided as the last keyword (or second-to-last if there is a ``rev``) of the signature. There are reserved ranges of sids, the reservations are recorded at . .. Note:: This value must be unique for all rules within the same :ref:`rule group ` (``gid``). As Suricata-update currently considers the rule's ``sid`` only (cf. `Bug#5447 `_), it is advisable to opt for a completely unique ``sid`` altogether. rev (revision) -------------- The sid keyword is commonly accompanied by the rev keyword. Rev represents the version of the signature. If a signature is modified, the number of rev will be incremented by the signature writers. The format of rev is:: rev:123; Example of rev in a signature: .. container:: example-rule alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"HTTP GET Request Containing Rule in URI"; flow:established,to_server; http.method; content:"GET"; http.uri; content:"rule"; fast_pattern; classtype:bad-unknown; sid:123; :example-rule-emphasis:`rev:1;`) .. tip:: It is a standard practice in rule writing that the rev keyword is expressed after the sid keyword. The sid and rev keywords are commonly put as the last two keywords in a signature. .. _gid: gid (group ID) -------------- The gid keyword can be used to give different groups of signatures another id value (like in sid). Suricata by default uses gid 1. It is possible to modify the default value. In most cases, it will be unnecessary to change the default gid value. Changing the gid value has no technical implications, the value is only noted in alert data. Example of the gid value in an alert entry in the fast.log file. In the part [1:123], the first 1 is the gid (123 is the sid and 1 is the rev). .. container:: example-rule 07/12/2022-21:59:26.713297 [**] [:example-rule-emphasis:`1`:123:1] HTTP GET Request Containing Rule in URI [**] [Classification: Potentially Bad Traffic] [Priority: 2] {TCP} -> classtype --------- The classtype keyword gives information about the classification of rules and alerts. It consists of a short name, a long name and a priority. It can tell for example whether a rule is just informational or is about a CVE. For each classtype, the classification.config has a priority that will be used in the rule. Example classtype definition:: config classification: web-application-attack,Web Application Attack,1 config classification: not-suspicious,Not Suspicious Traffic,3 Once we have defined the classification in the configuration file, we can use the classtypes in our rules. A rule with classtype web-application-attack will be assigned a priority of 1 and the alert will contain 'Web Application Attack' in the Suricata logs: ======================= ====================== =========== classtype Alert Priority ======================= ====================== =========== web-application-attack Web Application Attack 1 not-suspicious Not Suspicious Traffic 3 ======================= ====================== =========== Our continuing example also has a classtype: bad-unknown: .. container:: example-rule alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"HTTP GET Request Containing Rule in URI"; flow:established,to_server; http.method; content:"GET"; http.uri; content:"rule"; fast_pattern; :example-rule-emphasis:`classtype:bad-unknown;` sid:123; rev:1;) .. tip:: It is a standard practice in rule writing that the classtype keyword comes before the sid and rev keywords (as shown in the example rule). reference --------- The reference keyword is used to document where information about the signature and about the problem the signature tries to address can be found. The reference keyword can appear multiple times in a signature. This keyword is meant for signature-writers and analysts who investigate why a signature has matched. It has the following format:: reference:type,reference A typical reference to would be:: reference:url, There are several systems that can be used as a reference. A commonly known example is the CVE-database, which assigns numbers to vulnerabilities, to prevent having to type the same URL over and over again. An example reference of a CVE:: reference:cve,CVE-2014-1234 This would make a reference to All the reference types are defined in the reference.config configuration file. priority -------- The priority keyword comes with a mandatory numeric value which can range from 1 to 255. The values 1 through 4 are commonly used. The highest priority is 1. Signatures with a higher priority will be examined first. Normally signatures have a priority determined through a classtype definition. The classtype definition can be overridden by defining the priority keyword in the signature. The format of priority is:: priority:1; metadata -------- The metadata keyword allows additional, non-functional, information to be added to the signature. While the format is free-form, it is recommended to stick to `[key, value]` pairs as Suricata can include these in eve alerts. The format is:: metadata: key value; metadata: key value, key value; target ------ The target keyword allows the rules writer to specify which side of the alert is the target of the attack. If specified, the alert event is enhanced to contain information about source and target. The format is:: target:[src_ip|dest_ip] If the value is src_ip then the source IP in the generated event (src_ip field in JSON) is the target of the attack. If target is set to dest_ip then the target is the destination IP in the generated event.