.. _lua-detection: Lua Scripting for Detection =========================== Syntax: :: lua:[!]; The script filename will be appended to your default rules location. The script has 2 parts, an init function and a match function. First, the init. Init function ------------- .. code-block:: lua function init (args) local needs = {} needs["http.request_line"] = tostring(true) return needs end The init function registers the buffer(s) that need inspection. Currently the following are available: * packet -- entire packet, including headers * payload -- packet payload (not stream) * buffer -- the current sticky buffer * stream * dnp3 * dns.request * dns.response * dns.rrname * ssh * smtp * tls * http.uri * http.uri.raw * http.request_line * http.request_headers * http.request_headers.raw * http.request_cookie * http.request_user_agent * http.request_body * http.response_headers * http.response_headers.raw * http.response_body * http.response_cookie All the HTTP buffers have a limitation: only one can be inspected by a script at a time. Match function -------------- .. code-block:: lua function match(args) a = tostring(args["http.request_line"]) if #a > 0 then if a:find("^POST%s+/.*%.php%s+HTTP/1.0$") then return 1 end end return 0 end The script can return 1 or 0. It should return 1 if the condition(s) it checks for match, 0 if not. Entire script: .. code-block:: lua function init (args) local needs = {} needs["http.request_line"] = tostring(true) return needs end function match(args) a = tostring(args["http.request_line"]) if #a > 0 then if a:find("^POST%s+/.*%.php%s+HTTP/1.0$") then return 1 end end return 0 end return 0 A comprehensive list of existing lua functions - with examples - can be found at :ref:`lua-functions` (some of them, however, work only for the lua-output functionality).