DETECTION ENGINE: - create a detection_engine_ctx for storing the sig list, packet entry point, other stuff - many group heads seem to have the same number of sigs. See if we can save memory by detecting similars... the savings are in the pattern matcher. -> this is done, and works. However it can be taken further. It's not the group heads that should be compared, but the mpm contexts... - implement flow as a prefilter - implement protocol as a prefilter - implement src and dst ports as prefilters - speed up initialization with many address groups present - do a sort-insert for the temp address lists: sort it big to small to speed up later inserts - siggroup(uri)content comparison can benefit from a list size counter WU-MANBER: - Consider using dynamic/variable hash sizes. A wm_ctx is quite big (512kb) even for small pattern sets. ADDRESSES: - support [,] notation: unittest MAIN: - move packet preallocation into it's own function - create a cleanup function THREADING - Add pre-threading initialization API e.g. for Sig loading on Detect. - Add post-threading deinitialization API CUSTOM LOGGING: - idea: add a logging module that can be told to output things based on flowvars