Eric Leblond
decode: update icmpv6 message handling
This patch adds two new events relative to icmpv6. One for packets
using unassigned icmpv6 type. The second one for packets using
private experimentation type.
Icmpv6 type table taken from
9 years ago
Victor Julien
decode: add ERSPANv1 decoder
Only allow v1 to be parsed as thats what is tested.
Take vlan_id from the ERSPAN layer.
10 years ago
Victor Julien
pcap: implement LINKTYPE_NULL
Implement LINKTYPE_NULL for pcap live and pcap file.
"BSD loopback encapsulation; the link layer header is a 4-byte field,
in host byte order, containing a PF_ value from socket.h for the
network-layer protocol of the packet.
Note that ``host byte order'' is the byte order of the machine on
which the packets are captured, and the PF_ values are for the OS
of the machine on which the packets are captured; if a live capture
is being done, ``host byte order'' is the byte order of the machine
capturing the packets, and the PF_ values are those of the OS of
the machine capturing the packets, but if a ``savefile'' is being
read, the byte order and PF_ values are not necessarily those of
the machine reading the capture file."
Feature ticket #1445
10 years ago
Victor Julien
ipv6: check for MLD messages with HL not 1
MLD messages should have a hop limit of 1 only. All others are invalid.
Written at MLD talk of Enno Rey, Antonios Atlasis & Jayson Salazar during
Deepsec 2014.
10 years ago
Jason Ish
Fix MPLS decoder rules.
11 years ago
Jason Ish
Don't default to ethernet, ethernet should be preceded by a pseudowire.
If the payload type can't be determined, raise an alert.
11 years ago
Jason Ish
Set decoder events for labels that shouldn't be seen on the wire.
Add unit tests to test for mpls decoder events.
11 years ago
Victor Julien
ipv6: set event on unsupported nh
If a next header / protocol is encountered that we can't handle (yet)
set an event. Disabled the rule by default.
11 years ago
Victor Julien
ipv6: more robust ipv6 exthdr handling
Skip past Shim6, HIP and Mobility header.
Detect data after 'none' header.
11 years ago
Victor Julien
ipv6: detect frag header reserved field non-zero
Frag Header length field is reserved, and should be set to 0.
11 years ago
Victor Julien
ipv6: make exthdr parsing more robust
Improve data length checks. Detect PadN option with 0 length.
11 years ago
Victor Julien
ipv6: set flag on type 0 routing header
Type 0 Routing headers are deprecated per RFC 5095.
This patch sets an decode event flag that can be matched on through:
11 years ago
Victor Julien
ipv4 decoder: set 'invalid' event on icmpv6
ICMPv6 on IPv4 is invalid, so if we encounter this we set an event
and flag the packet as invalid.
Ticket #1105 .
11 years ago
Victor Julien
vlan: add rule for new 'too many layers' event
12 years ago
Victor Julien
ipv6: add event for ipv6 packet with icmpv4 header
12 years ago
Victor Julien
ipv6: add option to detect HOP/DST headers with only padding. Detect unknown DST/HOP opts.
12 years ago
Eric Leblond
decode: decode IPv6-in-IPv6
This patch adds decoding of IPv6-in-IPv6. It also adds some events
for invalid packets.
This patch should fix #514 .
13 years ago
Eric Leblond
Add support for IPv4-in-IPv6
This patch adds support for IPv4-in-IPv6 and should fix #462 .
13 years ago
Victor Julien
ipv6: fix an AH header parsing issue. Add decoder event for non-null reserved fields.
13 years ago
Victor Julien
ipv6: properly deal with packets containing a FH header that has offset 0 and no more frags flag set.
13 years ago
Victor Julien
Add checksum validation rules to decoder events rules.
13 years ago
Victor Julien
Clean up SID allocation for decoder and stream rules.
13 years ago
Victor Julien
Minor fixes in defrag engine, shrink DefragTracker_ structure.
14 years ago
Jason Ish
Use separate frag decoder events for IPv4 and IPv6.
14 years ago
Jason Ish
Set decoder event on fragment overlaps.
14 years ago
Jason Ish
Set decoder event when re-assembled fragments would exceed max IP packet size.
14 years ago
Victor Julien
Include initial version of decoder-event rules.
14 years ago