Since we now parse the content of the TLS messages, we need to handle
the case multiple messages are shipped in a single TLS record, and
taking care of the multiple levels of fragmentation (message, record,
and TCP).
Additionally, fix a bug where the parser state was not reset after an
empty record.
Change the function to return the number of bytes processed, and fix a bug
where the input buffer was wrong.
Signed-off-by: Pierre Chifflier <>
This patch factorizes the reading of integer value and fix some
indentation. By convention, a value of 0xffffffff is returned
if the size of the integer is too big. In this case, the hexadecimal
value (which is also read) must be used.
Decode the SERVER_HELLO message to extract the ciphersuite and compression
chosen by the server.
Signed-off-by: Pierre Chifflier <>
Add a decoder for the SERVER_CERTIFICATE during a TLS handshake, extracts the
certificates and keep the subject name.
Add the tls.subject keyword for substring match in rules (TLS layer).
Signed-off-by: Pierre Chifflier <>
Add profiling per lock location in the code. Accounts how often a
lock is requested, how often it was contended, the max number of
ticks spent waiting for it, avg number of ticks waiting for it and
the total ticks for that location.
Added a new configure flag --enable-profiling-locks to enable this
Add a host table similar to the flow table. A hash using fine grained
locking. Flow manager for now takes care of book keeping / garbage
Tag subsystem now uses this for host based tagging instead of the
global tag hash table. Because the latter used a global lock and the
new code uses very fine grained locking this patch should improve
Major redesign of the flow engine. Remove the flow queues that turned
out to be major choke points when using many threads. Flow manager now
walks the hash table directly. Simplify the way we get a new flow in
case of emergency.
fix invalid unittests with mixed relative and non-relative content modifiers and other issues; DetectContentParse19 still contains some failing dce_stub tests which are commented out.