The mmaped mode was using a too small ring buffer size which was
not able to handle burst of packets coming from the network. This
may explain the important packet loss rate observed by Edward
This patch increases the default value and adds a ring-size
variable which can be used to manually tune the value.
This patch adds support for BPF in AF_PACKET running
mode. The command line syntax is the same as the one
used of PF_RING.
The method is the same too: The pcap_compile__nopcap()
function is used to build the BPF filter. It is then
injected into the kernel with a setsockopt() call. If
the adding of the BPF fail, suricata exit.
This patch adds support for zero copy to AF_PACKET running mode.
This requires to use the 'worker' mode which is the only one where
the threading architecture is simple enough to permit this without
heavy modification.
This patch adds mmap support for af-packet. Suricata now makes
use of the ring buffer feature of AF_PACKET if 'use-mmap' variable
is set to yes on an interface.
This flag adds variable to disable offloading detection. The effect
of the flag is to avoid to transmit auxiliary data at each packet.
This could result in a potential performance gain.
A devide configuration can be used by multiple threads. It is thus
necessary to wait that all threads stop using the configuration before
freeing it. This patch introduces an atomic counter and a free function
which has to be called by each thread when it will not use anymore
the structure. If the configuration is not used anymore, it is freed
by the free function.
This patch adds multi interface support to AF_PACKET. A structure
is used at thread creation to give all needed information to the
input module. Parsing of the options is done in runmode preparation
through a dedicated function which return the configuration in a
structure usable by thread creation.
This patch handles the end of AF_PACKET socket support work. It
provides conditional compilation, autofp and single runmode.
It also adds a 'defrag' option which is used to activate defrag
support in kernel to avoid rx_hash computation in flow mode to fail
due to fragmentation.
This patch contains some fixes by Anoop Saldanha, and incorporate
change following review by Anoop Saldanha and Victor Julien.
AF_PACKET support is only build if the --enable-af-packet flag is
given to the configure command line. Detection of code availability
is also done: a check of the existence of AF_PACKET in standard
header is done. It seems this variable is Linux specific and it
should be enough to avoid compilation of AF_PACKET support on other
Compilation does not depend on up-to-date headers on the system. If
none are present, wemake our own declaration of FANOUT variables. This
will permit compilation of the feature for system where only the kernel
has been updated to a version superior to 3.1.