Although we have an updated version of instructions for installation
from git, our install guide was only referring to RedMine, which is less
Kept that reference, since it might still be useful for non-Ubuntu
- Use SPHINX_BUILD instead of HAVE_SPHINX_BUILD, as here we're
actually using the path of the program.
- Wrap some elements in [] as is done in modern idiomatic autoconf
When viewing the docs online at Readthedocs, or similar it might be
immediately apparent what version of the documentation is being
displayed. Display the version on the first line before the table of
contents to make it clear.
With the release of 7, people are starting to have issues with traffic
being blocked. While we don't add a more expansive documentation for
this, add a link to the FAQ covering possible fixes for drops caused by
the fail closed default behavior of the exception policies.
Add CSS to avoid horizontal scroll in tables on ReadTheDocs. This will
wrap the text instead.
Also, vertically align to top so if a cell does wrap, other cells that
do not wrap don't place the text in the middle of the cell.
The `field action` portion seemed to be comprised of a more generic
section that followed it. Also formatted the section for lines to be
within the character limit.
If an exception policy wasn't set up individually, use the GetDefault
function to pick one. This will check for the master switch option and
handle 'auto' cases.
Instead of deciding what the auto value should be when we are parsing
the master switch, leave that for when some of the other policies is to
be set via the master switch, when since this can change for specific
exception policies - like for midstream, for instance.
Update exceptions policies documentation to clarify that the default
configuration in IPS when midstream is enabled is `ignore`, not
Bug #6169
DPDK apps can specify multiple arguments of the same
type. YAML format only allows unique keys within a single
node. This commit adds support for multiple EAL arguments
of the same type to be used within suricata.yaml.
Ticket: #5964
Some exception policies can only be applied to the triggering packet or
only make sense considering the whole flow. Highlight such cases in the
table showing each exception policy.
Related to
Bug #5825
The different interactions between midstream pick-up sessions and the
exception policy can be quite difficult to visualize. Add a section for
that in the userguide.
Related to
Bug #5825
It was pointed out by a contributor that our workflow mentioned
rewrite-branch as the preferred way, while in fact our policy is to add
said changes to a different commit. Updating documentation to prevent
other situations like that.
This commit adds brief discussion for additional cluster types for use
with the pf-ring packet source.
Newly added:
- cluster_inner_flow
- cluster_inner_flow_2_tuple
- cluster_inner_flow_4_tuple
- cluster_inner_flow_5_tuple
Issue: 5975
As flow.memcap-policy and defrag.memcap-policy do not support flow
actions, clarify that in the documentation. Also fix some typos, and
add missing values in some places where the exception policies were
Related to
Bug #5940
This allows ftp-data and ftp flows to be processed by the same
thread. Otherwise, there may be a concurrency issue where the
would-be ftp-data flow is first processed, and thus not recognized
as such. And the ftp flow gets processed later and the expectation
coming from it is never found.
To do so, the flow hash gets used as usual, except for flows that
may be either ftp or ftp-data, that is either one port is 21, or
both ports are high ones.
Ticket: #5205
This allows all traffic Exception Policies to be set from one
configuration point. All exception policy options are available in IPS
mode. Bypass, pass and auto (disabled) are also available in iDS mode
Exception Policies set up individually will overwrite this setup for the
given traffic exception.
Task #5219
As part of the process of moving documentation from redmine
to "Read the Docs", this commit moves installing Suricata using git
page from redmine wiki into Suricata Developer Guide section.
It also updates the necessary steps.
Ticket: #5585
This commit updates the bsize documentation
1. Describe what happens when "content" immediately precedes "bsize"
2. Include the operators and
3. Include examples using the operators.
with setrlimit NPROC.
So that, if Suricata wants to execve or such to create a new process
the OS will forbid it so that RCE exploits are more painful to write.
Ticket: #5373
This patch updates the NT status code definition to use the status
definition used on Microsoft documentation website. A first python
script is building JSON object with code definition.
import json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
ntstatus = requests.get('')
ntstatus_parsed = BeautifulSoup(ntstatus.text, 'html.parser')
ntstatus_parsed = ntstatus_parsed.find('tbody')
ntstatus_dict = {}
for item in ntstatus_parsed.find_all('tr'):
cell = item.find_all('td')
if len(cell) == 0:
code = cell[0].find_all('p')
description_ps = cell[1].find_all('p')
description_list = []
if len(description_ps):
for desc in description_ps:
if not desc.string is None:
description_list.append(desc.string.replace('\n ', ''))
description_list = ['Description not available']
if not code[0].string.lower() in ntstatus_dict:
ntstatus_dict[code[0].string.lower()] = {"text": code[1].string, "desc": ' '.join(description_list)}
The second one is generating the code that is ready to be inserted into the
source file:
import json
ntstatus_file = open('ntstatus.json', 'r')
ntstatus = json.loads(
declaration_format = 'pub const SMB_NT%s:%su32 = %s;\n'
resolution_format = ' SMB_NT%s%s=> "%s",\n'
declaration = ""
resolution = ""
text_max = len(max([ntstatus[x]['text'] for x in ntstatus.keys()], key=len))
for code in ntstatus.keys():
text = ntstatus[code]['text']
text_spaces = ' ' * (4 + text_max - len(text))
declaration += declaration_format % (text, text_spaces, code)
resolution += resolution_format % (text, text_spaces, text)
pub fn smb_ntstatus_string(c: u32) -> String {
match c {
_ => { return (c).to_string(); },
Bug #5412.