Lately, Wireguard proto starting w pattern |04 00| is misdetected as
DCERPC/UDP which also starts with the same pattern, add more checks
to make sure that it is the best guess for packet to be dcerpc/udp.
The book defines transmute as "This is really, truly, the most horribly unsafe
thing you can do in Rust. The guardrails here are dental floss."
Transmute can result into mind boggling undefined behaviors. Get rid of
it wherever possible.
As we don't install the libraries by default, provide a make target,
"install-library" to install the libsuricata library files.
If shared library support exists, both the static and shared
libraries will be installed, otherwise only the static libraries
will be installed.
AppLayerRegisterParser was creating a link error when attempting
to use a convenience library for the Suricata C code, then linking
the library of C code with the library of Rust code into a final
Suricata executable, or use with fuzz targets.
By moving AppLayerRegisterParser to the context structure and
calling it like a callback the circular reference is removed
allowing the convenience libraries to work again.
This is also a stepping block to proving a Suricata library
as a single .a or .so file.
The "md-5" crate is part of the RustCrypto project that also
uses the sha1 and sha256 crates we are using. These all implement
the Digest trait for a common API.
Add a Rust module that exposes Rust implementations of
sha256, sha1 and md5 from the RustCrypto project.
This is an experiment in replacing the libnss hash functions with
pure Rust versions that will allow us to remove nss as a compile
time option.
Initial tests are good, even with a 10% or so performance
improvement when being called from C.
Also trying a module naming scheme where modules under the ffi
modules are purely for exports to C, as it doesn't make any
sense to use this new hashing module directly from Rust.
The cbindgen generated header should not include rust.h as
rust.h already includes the generated binding.
Fixup C source code that only pulled the generated include, it
should instead pull in "rust.h" which includes the generated
binding plus other misc. stuff.
Since the completion status was a constant for all parsers, remove the
callback logic and instead register the values themselves. This should
avoid a lot of unnecessary callback calls.
Update all parsers to take advantage of this.
Prior to Rust 1.44, Cargo would name static libs with the .lib
extension. 1.44 changes this extension to .a when running under
a GNU environment on Windows like msys to make it more similar
to other unix environments.
Now assume static library name to be the same on Windows and
unix, but rename the .lib if found to still support older
versions of Rust on Windows.
Implement missing transaction handling.
Fix logging wrongly casting 'state' to DCERPCState instead of
DCERPCUDPState leading to crashes and malformed output.
Remove unused fields from DCERPCUDPState.
warning: getting the inner pointer of a temporary `CString`
this `CString` is deallocated at the end of the statement,
bind it to a variable to extend its lifetime