To ensure that all calls to cargo use the same environment variables,
put the environment variables in CARGO_ENV so every call to cargo can
easily use the same vars.
The Cargo build system is smarter than make, it can detect a change in
an environment variable that affects the build, and the setting of
SURICATA_LUA_SYS_HEADER_DST changing could cause a rebuild.
Also update suricata-lua-sys, which is smarter about copying headers. It
will only copy if the destination does not exist, or the source header
is newer than the target, which can also prevent unnecessary rebuilds.
This is mainly to fix an issue where subsequent builds may fail,
especially when running an editor with a LSP enabled:
Update lua crate to 0.1.0-alpha.5. This update will force a rewrite of
the headers if the env var SURICATA_LUA_SYS_HEADER_DST changes. This
fixes the issue where the headers may not be written.
The cause is that Rust dependencies are cached, and if your editor is
using rust-analyzer, it might cache the build without this var being
set, so these headers are not available to Suricata. This crate update
forces the re-run of the Lua if this env var changes, fixing
this issue.
This crate lets us instruct it where to copy the header files instead
of our Makefile trying to find the correct ones and copying them into
Can prevent the simultaneous copy errors sometimes seen on a make
without a clean.
Remove maintainer-clean-local, this is not needed.
In distclean-local, remove "rust/dist" and "rust/vendor" as they are
created during "make dist".
In "clean-local", remove "rust/target" and "rust/gen" as they are
created during a normal "make".
Addresses this warning from the Rust compiler:
warning: `../rust/.cargo/config` is deprecated in favor of `config.toml`
note: if you need to support cargo 1.38 or earlier, you can symlink `config` to `config.toml`
Remove the path.lib parameter that is substituted into the output
Cargo.toml by autoconf. Instead, as part of the build, "cd" into the
source directory. We already set the Rust target directory to the
external build directory.
This makes the Cargo.toml more generic, and in a format suitable for
publishing to It also makes it easier to pull in external
crates without needing to patch up their Cargo.toml, for example, it
might make pulling libhtp-rs easier.
Cargo.lock has to be provided as template, so it can
live beside Cargo.lock in out of tree automake builds, like distcheck.
This will pin Rust dependencies even for git builds, updating
Cargo.lock will now be a manual process that we'll have to take care
of periodically.
cargo vendor has been part of the core cargo command since Rust 1.37,
and are minimum Rust version is not 1.41, so remove the check. Its
always available now.
Rename the Rust lib to simply "suricata" instead of "suricata_rust".
This allows Rust plugin/library code to use it under the name "suricata"
which is what should be expected.
The name was only "suricata_rust" to prevent on-disk conflict with the C
code, so just rename the file on disk, which doesn't affect how the code
is interacted with from an API layer.
Currently has one derive, AppLayerEvent to be used like:
pub enum DNSEvent {
Code will be generated to:
- Convert enum to a c type string
- Convert string to enum variant
- Convert id to enum variant
As we don't install the libraries by default, provide a make target,
"install-library" to install the libsuricata library files.
If shared library support exists, both the static and shared
libraries will be installed, otherwise only the static libraries
will be installed.
Prior to Rust 1.44, Cargo would name static libs with the .lib
extension. 1.44 changes this extension to .a when running under
a GNU environment on Windows like msys to make it more similar
to other unix environments.
Now assume static library name to be the same on Windows and
unix, but rename the .lib if found to still support older
versions of Rust on Windows.
Only run cbindgen when necessary. This is a bit tricky. When
building a dist we want to unconditionally build the headers.
When going through a "make; sudo make install" type process,
cbindgen should not be run as the headers already exist, are
valid, and the environment under sudo is more often than
not suitable to pick up the Rust toolchains when installed
with rustup.
For the normal "make" case we have the gen/rust-bindings.h file
depend on library file, this will cause it to only be rebuilt
if the code was modified.
For "make dist" we unconditionally create "dist/rust-bindings.h".
This means the generated file could be in 2 locations, so update, and the library search find to find it.
The "gen/rust-bindings.h" should be picked up first if it exists,
for those who develop from a dist archive where "dist/rust-bindings.h"
also exists.
Not completely happy having the same file in 2 locations, but not
sure how else to get the dependency tracking correct.
Uses "cargo doc --no-deps" to build the documentation just for
our Suricata package. Without --no-deps, documentation will be
build for all our dependencies as well.
The generated documentation will end up in target/doc as HTML.
For make clean, only remove gen/ if cbindgen is available.
This prevents make clean from remove gen when the headers
were bundled, but cbindgen is not available to remove them.
Unconditionally remove gen and vendor in maintainerclean.
The modifications as part of the cbindgen commit caused issues
with distcheck, revert the Makefile to how it was with the Python
generator, but still using cbindgen.
Also always assume we'll include the generated headers in the
distribution archive to fix make distcheck from distribution
archives with headers included, but no cbindgen.
If sources are vendored, we get the same effect of using frozen
with a lock file, and the Cargo.lock is generated based
on the vendored sources.
This also removes the need to ship a Cargo.lock.
Fixed out of source builds with vendored sources.
If rustup is in use, and a user uses sudo or su for the make
install, the install may fail with a "no default toolchain"
To prevent this, detect at configure if rustup is being used,
then set RUSTUP_HOME for all calls to cargo.
Get rid of enable-rust-debug flag and use enable-debug for acheiving the
desired functionality. From now, adding `--enable-debug` to `configure`
shall create an [unoptimitized + debuginfo] target. Rest behavior stays
the same.
Closes redmine ticket #3054
As the generated Cargo.toml is shipped as part of a release
tarball, build from the source directory but set the cargo
CARGO_TARGET_DIR to the build directory.
Don't treat 'external' parsers as more experimental. All parsers
depend on crates to some extend, and all have C glue code. So the
distinction doesn't really make sense.
The 'debug' feature is enabled if suricata was configured with the
--enabled-debug' flag.
If enabled, the SCLogDebug format and calls the logging function as
usual. Otherwise, this macro is a no-op (similarly to the C code).
Add option to put Rust code in non-'--release' mode, preserving
debug symbols.
Until now Suricata would have to be compiled with --enable-debug for