Add --strict-rule-keywords commandline option to enable strict rule
It can be used without options or with a comma separated list:
Parsing implementations can use SigMatchStrictEnabled to check
if strict parsing is enabled for them and act accordingly.
References are currently not used in Suricata, so erroring out on
rules using a undefined reference is too harsh.
Just issue a warning once per unique missing reference.
Still initialize the classtype hash table so that the classtypes
rules use can be added to it.
The file missing now reports a warning instead of error, as we
will continue to work.
Effect of classification on Suricata's working is minimal. Impact
of adding undefined classtypes is large: rules will fail to load
completely. This also leads multiple lines of log output per rule,
which in a large ruleset can lead to excessive output.
This patch changes the classtype keyword behavior. Instead of erroring
and invalidating a rule, we will merely warn.
The undefined classtype is then defined with a default priority,
so other rules using the classtype will not also warn. This way
there will be just a single warning per missing classtype.
Detect duplicate instances and use the one with the highest
Use new priority flag to make the logic around explicit priority
sets easier to follow.
Minor code cleanups. Also clean up unittests.
Introduce Signature init_flag to indicate priority has been set.
This will be needed in a follow-up classtype update.
Detect duplicate priority instances in a keyword, and use the
highest priority in the rule. Do issue a warning in this case.
As the file prune is now moved to the flow worker, the file
prune is run later, meaning the first file has not yet
been pruned from the file container list.
Adjust test to look for a second file, and check the
flags on that file.
For commit addressing bug 2490.
If a keyword like filemd5 was being used without a filestore,
or a file output enabled, it would be pruned before detection
had a chance to match.
Consolidate file pruning to the end of the flow worker so files
are available for detection even when a file output is not
Redmine issue:
At the startup, if the default log dir provided either by command line
options or suricat.yaml is not writable, the error comes quite later.
This patch makes suricata exit if there is such an error in the
beginning itself.
Closes redmine ticket #2386.
So far when "make install-rules" stage was executed, libhtp path was not
recognized as ldconfig does not run by this stage.
Set "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" since we already know the path where libhtp would
Closes redmine ticket #2669.
This is the loggers such as alert-json-log, dns-json-log, etc.
They are not even referenced in the default configuration file,
and are easily replaced with multiple eve instances.