@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ TmEcode UnixSocketUnregisterTenantHandler(json_t *cmd, json_t* answer, void *dat
SCLogInfo("VLAN handler: id %u maps to tenant %u", (uint32_t)traffic_id, tenant_id);
SCLogInfo("VLAN handler: removing mapping of %u to tenant %u", (uint32_t)traffic_id, tenant_id);
r = DetectEngineTentantUnregisterVlanId(tenant_id, (uint32_t)traffic_id);
if (r != 0) {
@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ TmEcode UnixSocketUnregisterTenant(json_t *cmd, json_t* answer, void *data)
int tenant_id = json_integer_value(jarg);
SCLogInfo("remove-tenant: %d TODO", tenant_id);
SCLogInfo("remove-tenant: removing tenant %d", tenant_id);
/* 2 remove it from the system */
char prefix[64];
@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ TmEcode UnixSocketUnregisterTenant(json_t *cmd, json_t* answer, void *data)
/* walk free list, freeing the removed de_ctx */
json_object_set_new(answer, "message", json_string("work in progress"));
json_object_set_new(answer, "message", json_string("removing tenant succeeded"));
return TM_ECODE_OK;