@ -6,12 +6,191 @@ Suricata uses a fairly strict coding style. This document describes it.
`` clang-format `` is configured to help you with formatting C code.
.. Argh, github does not support admonitions such as .. note::
| **Note** |
| |
| The `` .clang-format `` file requires clang 9 or newer. |
Format your Changes
***** ***** ***** *** *
Before opening a pull request, please also try to ensure it is formatted
properly. We use `` clang-format `` for this, which has git integration through the
`` git-clang-format `` script to only format your changes.
On some systems, it may already be installed (or be installable via your package
manager). If so, you can simply run it.
It is recommended to format each commit as you go. However, you can always
reformat your whole branch after the fact.
.. Argh, github does not support admonitions such as .. note::
| **Note** |
| |
| Depending on your installation, you might have to use the version-specific |
| `` git clang-format `` in the commands below, e.g. `` git clang-format-9 `` , |
| and possibly even provide the `` clang-format `` binary with |
| `` --binary clang-format-9 `` . |
| |
| As an alternative, you can use the provided `` scripts/clang-format.sh `` |
| that isolates you from the different versions. |
Formatting the most recent commit only
The following command will format only the code changed in the most recent commit:
.. code-block :: bash
$ git clang-format HEAD^
# Or with script:
$ scripts/clang-format.sh commit
Note that this modifies the files, but doesn’ t commit them – you’ ll likely want to run
.. code-block :: bash
$ git commit --amend -a
in order to update the last commit with all pending changes.
Formatting code in staging
The following command will format the changes in staging, i.e. files you `` git add `` -ed:
.. code-block :: bash
$ git clang-format
# Or with script:
$ scripts/clang-format.sh cached
If you also want to change the unstaged changes, do:
.. code-block :: bash
$ git clang-format --force
# Or with script:
$ scripts/clang-format.sh cached --force
Formatting your branch' commits
In case you have multiple commits on your branch already and forgot to
format them you can fix that up as well.
The following command will format every commit in your branch off master and
rewrite history using the existing commit metadata.
Tip: Create a new version of your branch first and run this off the new version.
.. code-block :: bash
# In a new version of your pull request:
$ scripts/clang-format.sh rewrite-branch
You could also add the formatting as an additional commit "at the end". However,
this is frowned upon. It's preferred to use `` rewrite-branch `` instead.
.. code-block :: bash
# It's preferred to use rewrite-branch instead of this:
$ git clang-format first_commit_on_your_branch^
# Or with script:
$ scripts/clang-format.sh branch
Note the usage of `` first_commit_on_your_branch^ `` , not `` master `` , to avoid picking up
new commits on master in case you've updated master since you've branched.
Check formatting
Check if your branch changes' formatting is correct with:
.. code-block :: bash
$ scripts/clang-format.sh check-branch
Add the `` --diffstat `` parameter if you want to see the files needing formatting.
Add the `` --diff `` parameter if you want to see the actual diff of the formatting
Formatting a whole file
.. Argh, github does not support admonitions such as .. note::
| **Note** |
| |
| Do not reformat whole files by default, i.e. do not use |
| `` clang-format `` proper in general. |
If you were ever to do so, formatting changes of existing code with clang-format
shall be a different commit and must not be mixed with actual code changes.
.. code-block :: bash
$ clang-format -i {file}
Disabling clang-format
***** ***** ***** ***** **
There might be times, where the clang-format's formatting might not please.
This might mostly happen with macros, arrays (single or multi-dimensional ones),
struct initialization, or where one manually formatted code.
You can always disable clang-format.
.. code-block :: c
/* clang-format off * /
#define APP_LAYER_INCOMPLETE(c, n) (AppLayerResult){1, (c), (n)}
/* clang-format on * /
Installing clang-format and git-clang-format
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *** *
clang-format 9 or newer is required.
On ubuntu 18.04:
- It is sufficient to only install clang-format, e.g.
.. code-block :: bash
$ sudo apt-get install clang-format-9
- See http://apt.llvm.org for other releases in case the clang-format version
is not found in the default repos.
On fedora:
- Install the `` clang `` and `` git-clang-format `` packages with
.. code-block :: bash
$ sudo dnf install clang git-clang-format
Line length
There is a soft limit of ~80 characters.
Limit line lengths to 100 characters.
When wrapping lines that are too long, they should be indented at least 8
spaces from previous line. You should attempt to wrap the minimal portion of
the line to meet the 100 character limit.
- ColumnLimit: 100
- ContinuationIndentWidth: 8
- ReflowComments: true
When wrapping lines that are too long, they should be indented at least 8 spaces from previous line. You should attempt to wrap the minimal portion of the line to meet the 80 character limit.
@ -21,7 +200,7 @@ We use 4 space indentation.
.. code-block :: c
int DecodeEthernet(ThreadVars *tv, DecodeThreadVars * dtv, Packet *p,
uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t len, PacketQueue * pq)
uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t len, PacketQueue * pq)
SCPerfCounterIncr(dtv->counter_eth, tv->sc_perf_pca);
@ -30,6 +209,35 @@ We use 4 space indentation.
DecodeNetworkLayer(tv, dtv, SCNtohs(p->ethh->eth_type), p,
return TM_ECODE_OK;
Use 8 space indentation when wrapping function parameters, loops and if statements.
Use 4 space indentation when wrapping variable definitions.
.. code-block :: c
const SCPlugin PluginSpec = {
.name = OUTPUT_NAME,
.author = "Some Developer",
.license = "GPLv2",
.Init = TemplateInit,
- AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign
- Cpp11BracedListStyle: false
- IndentWidth: 4
- TabWidth: 8 [llvm]_
- UseTab: Never [llvm]_
@ -42,8 +250,9 @@ Functions should have the opening brace on a newline:
Note: this is a fairly new requirement, so you'll encounter a lot of non-compliant code.
Control statements should have the opening brace on the same line:
Control and loop statements should have the opening brace on the same line:
.. code-block :: c
@ -52,6 +261,16 @@ Control statements should have the opening brace on the same line:
for (ascii_code = 0; ascii_code < 256; ascii_code++) {
ctx->goto_table[ctx->state_count][ascii_code] = SC_AC_FAIL;
while (funcs != NULL) {
temp = funcs;
funcs = funcs->next;
Opening and closing braces go on the same line as as the _else_ (also known as a "cuddled else").
.. code-block :: c
@ -62,6 +281,41 @@ Opening and closing braces go on the same line as as the _else_ (also known as a
Structs, unions and enums should have the opening brace on the same line:
.. code-block :: c
union {
TCPVars tcpvars;
ICMPV4Vars icmpv4vars;
ICMPV6Vars icmpv6vars;
} l4vars;
struct {
uint8_t type;
uint8_t code;
} icmp_s;
enum {
- BreakBeforeBraces: Custom [breakbeforebraces]_
- BraceWrapping:
- AfterClass: true
- AfterControlStatement: false
- AfterEnum: false
- AfterFunction: true
- AfterStruct: false
- AfterUnion: false
- AfterExternBlock: true
- BeforeElse: false
- IndentBraces: false
@ -74,6 +328,24 @@ Don't use conditions and statements on the same line. E.g.
if (a)
b = a; // <- right
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) f(i); // <- wrong
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
f(i); // <- right
Don't put short or empty functions and structs on one line.
.. code-block :: c
void empty_function(void)
int short_function(void)
return 1;
Don't use unnecessary branching. E.g.:
.. code-block :: c
@ -94,6 +366,61 @@ Can be written as:
a = b;
- AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false [llvm]_
- AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Never [llvm]_ (breaking change in clang 10!) [clang10]_
- AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: false [clang11]_
- AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: None
- AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Never [llvm]_
- AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false [llvm]_
- BreakBeforeBraces: Custom [breakbeforebraces]_
- BraceWrapping:
- SplitEmptyFunction: true
- SplitEmptyRecord: true
Pointers shall be right aligned.
.. code-block :: c
void *ptr;
void f(int *a, const char * b);
void (*foo)(int * );
- PointerAlignment: Right
- DerivePointerAlignment: false
Declarations and Comments
Trailing comments should be aligned for consecutive lines.
.. code-block :: c
struct bla {
int a; /* comment * /
unsigned bb; /* comment * /
int *ccc; /* comment */
void alignment()
// multiple consecutive vars
int a = 13; /* comment * /
int32_t abc = 1312; /* comment * /
int abcdefghikl = 13; /* comment * /
- AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
- AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false
- AlignTrailingComments: true
@ -121,20 +448,6 @@ inline
The inlining of functions should be used only in critical paths.
curly braces / brackets
Functions should have the opening bracket on a newline:
.. code-block :: c
int SomeFunction(void)
Note: this is a fairly new requirement, so you'll encounter a lot of non-compliant code.
@ -159,7 +472,34 @@ TODO
Enclose parameters in parens on each usage inside the macro.
Align macro values on consecutive lines.
.. code-block :: c
#define ACTION_ALERT 0x01
#define ACTION_DROP 0x02
#define ACTION_REJECT 0x04
#define ACTION_REJECT_DST 0x08
#define ACTION_PASS 0x20
Align escape for multi-line macros right-most at ColumnLimit.
.. code-block :: c
#define MULTILINE_DEF(a, b) \
if ((a) > 2) { \
auto temp = (b) / 2; \
(b) += 10; \
someFunctionCall((a), (b)); \
- AlignConsecutiveMacros: true [clang9]_
- AlignEscapedNewlines: Right
@ -205,7 +545,24 @@ Some cases have a multi-layer prefix, e.g. ``util-mpm-ac.c``
Use a common prefix for all enum values. Value names are ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES.
Put each enum values on a separate line.
Tip: Add a trailing comma to the last element to force "one-value-per-line"
formatting in clang-format.
.. code-block :: c
enum { VALUE_ONE, VALUE_TWO }; // <- wrong
// right
enum {
VALUE_TWO, // <- force one-value-per-line
- AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: false [clang11]_
Structures and typedefs
@ -241,6 +598,34 @@ Fall through cases will be commented with ``/* fall through */``. E.g.:
default_packet_size = DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE;
Do not put short case labels on one line.
Put opening brace on same line as case statement.
.. code-block :: c
switch (a) {
case 13: {
int a = bla();
case 15:
- IndentCaseLabels: true
- IndentCaseBlocks: false [clang11]_
- AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false [llvm]_
- BreakBeforeBraces: Custom [breakbeforebraces]_
- BraceWrapping:
- AfterCaseLabel: false (default)
@ -275,10 +660,38 @@ Goto statements should be used with care. Generally, we use it primarily for err
return NULL;
Put goto labels at brace level.
.. code-block :: c
int goto_style_nested()
if (foo()) {
return 1;
- IndentGotoLabels: true (default) [clang10]_
A .c file shall include it's own header first.
- SortIncludes: false
When writing unittests that use when using a data array containing a protocol message, please put an explanatory comment that contain the readable content of the message
When writing unittests that use a data array containing a protocol message, please put an explanatory comment that contain the readable content of the message
So instead of:
@ -332,3 +745,11 @@ Banned functions
Also, check the existing code. If yours is wildly different, it's wrong.
Example: https://github.com/oisf/suricata/blob/master/src/decode-ethernet.c
.. rubric :: Footnotes
.. [llvm] Default LLVM clang-format Style
.. [clang9] Requires clang 9
.. [clang10] Requires clang 10
.. [clang11] Requires clang 11
.. [breakbeforebraces] BreakBeforeBraces: Mozilla is closest, but does not split empty functions/structs