nfs: Change fn sign as per rust registration requirement

Registering parsers in Rust requires signatures to be a certain way and
compatible with C. Change signatures of all the functions.
Probe fn has also been changed to return AppProto as required by the new
fn signature.
Shivani Bhardwaj 4 years ago
parent e5c948df87
commit de50ac631e

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ use crate::nfs::nfs3_records::*;
pub static mut SURICATA_NFS_FILE_CONFIG: Option<&'static SuricataFileContext> = None;
* Record parsing.
@ -1387,14 +1388,17 @@ pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_free(state: *mut std::os::raw::c_void) {
/// C binding parse a NFS TCP request. Returns 1 on success, -1 on failure.
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_parse_request(flow: &mut Flow,
state: &mut NFSState,
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_parse_request(flow: *const Flow,
state: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
_pstate: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
input: *const u8,
input_len: u32,
_data: *mut std::os::raw::c_void)
-> AppLayerResult
_data: *const std::os::raw::c_void,
_flags: u8,
) -> AppLayerResult
let state = cast_pointer!(state, NFSState);
let flow = cast_pointer!(flow, Flow);
let buf = unsafe{std::slice::from_raw_parts(input, input_len as usize)};
SCLogDebug!("parsing {} bytes of request data", input_len);
@ -1412,14 +1416,17 @@ pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_parse_request_tcp_gap(
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_parse_response(flow: &mut Flow,
state: &mut NFSState,
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_parse_response(flow: *const Flow,
state: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
_pstate: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
input: *const u8,
input_len: u32,
_data: *mut std::os::raw::c_void)
-> AppLayerResult
_data: *const std::os::raw::c_void,
_flags: u8,
) -> AppLayerResult
let state = cast_pointer!(state, NFSState);
let flow = cast_pointer!(flow, Flow);
SCLogDebug!("parsing {} bytes of response data", input_len);
let buf = unsafe{std::slice::from_raw_parts(input, input_len as usize)};
@ -1438,46 +1445,52 @@ pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_parse_response_tcp_gap(
/// C binding parse a DNS request. Returns 1 on success, -1 on failure.
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_parse_request_udp(_flow: *mut Flow,
state: &mut NFSState,
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_parse_request_udp(_f: *const Flow,
state: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
_pstate: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
input: *const u8,
input_len: u32,
_data: *mut std::os::raw::c_void)
-> AppLayerResult
_data: *const std::os::raw::c_void,
_flags: u8) -> AppLayerResult
let state = cast_pointer!(state, NFSState);
let buf = unsafe{std::slice::from_raw_parts(input, input_len as usize)};
SCLogDebug!("parsing {} bytes of request data", input_len);
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_parse_response_udp(_flow: *mut Flow,
state: &mut NFSState,
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_parse_response_udp(_f: *const Flow,
state: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
_pstate: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
input: *const u8,
input_len: u32,
_data: *mut std::os::raw::c_void)
-> AppLayerResult
_data: *const std::os::raw::c_void,
_flags: u8) -> AppLayerResult
let state = cast_pointer!(state, NFSState);
SCLogDebug!("parsing {} bytes of response data", input_len);
let buf = unsafe{std::slice::from_raw_parts(input, input_len as usize)};
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_get_tx_count(state: &mut NFSState)
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_get_tx_count(state: *mut std::os::raw::c_void)
-> u64
let state = cast_pointer!(state, NFSState);
SCLogDebug!("rs_nfs_state_get_tx_count: returning {}", state.tx_id);
return state.tx_id;
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_get_tx(state: &mut NFSState,
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_get_tx(state: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
tx_id: u64)
-> *mut NFSTransaction
-> *mut std::os::raw::c_void
let state = cast_pointer!(state, NFSState);
match state.get_tx_by_id(tx_id) {
Some(tx) => {
return unsafe{transmute(tx)};
@ -1491,11 +1504,15 @@ pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_get_tx(state: &mut NFSState,
// for use with the C API call StateGetTxIterator
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_get_tx_iterator(
state: &mut NFSState,
_ipproto: u8,
_alproto: AppProto,
state: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
min_tx_id: u64,
_max_tx_id: u64,
istate: &mut u64)
-> applayer::AppLayerGetTxIterTuple
let state = cast_pointer!(state, NFSState);
match state.get_tx_iterator(min_tx_id, istate) {
Some((tx, out_tx_id, has_next)) => {
let c_tx = unsafe { transmute(tx) };
@ -1509,17 +1526,19 @@ pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_get_tx_iterator(
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_tx_free(state: &mut NFSState,
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_tx_free(state: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
tx_id: u64)
let state = cast_pointer!(state, NFSState);
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_tx_get_alstate_progress(tx: &mut NFSTransaction,
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_tx_get_alstate_progress(tx: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
direction: u8)
-> u8
-> std::os::raw::c_int
let tx = cast_pointer!(tx, NFSTransaction);
if direction == STREAM_TOSERVER && tx.request_done {
//SCLogNotice!("TOSERVER progress 1");
return 1;
@ -1543,17 +1562,20 @@ pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_get_tx_data(
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_set_tx_detect_state(
tx: &mut NFSTransaction,
de_state: &mut DetectEngineState)
tx: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
de_state: &mut DetectEngineState) -> i32
let tx = cast_pointer!(tx, NFSTransaction);
tx.de_state = Some(de_state);
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_get_tx_detect_state(
tx: &mut NFSTransaction)
tx: *mut std::os::raw::c_void)
-> *mut DetectEngineState
let tx = cast_pointer!(tx, NFSTransaction);
match tx.de_state {
Some(ds) => {
SCLogDebug!("{}: getting de_state",;
@ -1595,11 +1617,13 @@ pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_get_event_info_by_id(event_id: std::os::raw::c_in
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_state_get_event_info(event_name: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
event_id: *mut std::os::raw::c_int,
event_type: *mut AppLayerEventType)
-> i8
-> std::os::raw::c_int
if event_name == std::ptr::null() {
return -1;
@ -1693,7 +1717,7 @@ fn nfs_probe_dir(i: &[u8], rdir: *mut u8) -> i8 {
pub fn nfs_probe(i: &[u8], direction: u8) -> i8 {
pub fn nfs_probe(i: &[u8], direction: u8) -> i32 {
if direction == STREAM_TOCLIENT {
match parse_rpc_reply(i) {
Ok((_, ref rpc)) => {
@ -1734,7 +1758,7 @@ pub fn nfs_probe(i: &[u8], direction: u8) -> i8 {
rpc.program == 100003 &&
rpc.procedure <= NFSPROC3_COMMIT
return rpc_auth_type_known(rpc.creds_flavor);
return rpc_auth_type_known(rpc.creds_flavor) as i32;
} else {
return -1;
@ -1749,7 +1773,7 @@ pub fn nfs_probe(i: &[u8], direction: u8) -> i8 {
pub fn nfs_probe_udp(i: &[u8], direction: u8) -> i8 {
pub fn nfs_probe_udp(i: &[u8], direction: u8) -> i32 {
if direction == STREAM_TOCLIENT {
match parse_rpc_udp_reply(i) {
Ok((_, ref rpc)) => {
@ -1786,8 +1810,9 @@ pub fn nfs_probe_udp(i: &[u8], direction: u8) -> i8 {
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_probe_ms(
_flow: *const Flow,
direction: u8, input: *const u8,
len: u32, rdir: *mut u8) -> i8
len: u32, rdir: *mut u8) -> AppProto
let slice: &[u8] = build_slice!(input, len as usize);
SCLogDebug!("rs_nfs_probe_ms: probing direction {:02x}", direction);
@ -1799,57 +1824,83 @@ pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_probe_ms(
} else {
SCLogDebug!("nfs_probe_dir said STREAM_TOCLIENT");
let r = nfs_probe(slice, adirection);
if r == 1 {
SCLogDebug!("nfs_probe success: dir {:02x} adir {:02x}", direction, adirection);
if (direction & (STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_TOCLIENT)) != adirection {
unsafe { *rdir = adirection; }
return 1;
match nfs_probe(slice, adirection) {
1 => {
SCLogDebug!("nfs_probe success: dir {:02x} adir {:02x}", direction, adirection);
if (direction & (STREAM_TOSERVER|STREAM_TOCLIENT)) != adirection {
unsafe { *rdir = adirection; }
unsafe { ALPROTO_NFS }
_ => { unsafe { ALPROTO_FAILED } },
return r;
0 => {
return 0;
_ => {
return -1;
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_probe(direction: u8,
input: *const u8, len: u32)
-> i8
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_probe(_f: *const Flow,
direction: u8,
input: *const u8,
len: u32,
_rdir: *mut u8)
-> AppProto
let slice: &[u8] = build_slice!(input, len as usize);
SCLogDebug!("rs_nfs_probe: running probe");
return nfs_probe(slice, direction);
match nfs_probe(slice, direction) {
1 => { unsafe { ALPROTO_NFS } },
-1 => { unsafe { ALPROTO_FAILED } },
/// TOSERVER probe function
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_probe_udp_ts(input: *const u8, len: u32)
-> i8
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_probe_udp_ts(_f: *const Flow,
_direction: u8,
input: *const u8,
len: u32,
_rdir: *mut u8)
-> AppProto
let slice: &[u8] = build_slice!(input, len as usize);
return nfs_probe_udp(slice, STREAM_TOSERVER);
match nfs_probe_udp(slice, STREAM_TOSERVER) {
1 => { unsafe { ALPROTO_NFS } },
-1 => { unsafe { ALPROTO_FAILED } },
/// TOCLIENT probe function
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_probe_udp_tc(input: *const u8, len: u32)
-> i8
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_probe_udp_tc(_f: *const Flow,
_direction: u8,
input: *const u8,
len: u32,
_rdir: *mut u8)
-> AppProto
let slice: &[u8] = build_slice!(input, len as usize);
return nfs_probe_udp(slice, STREAM_TOCLIENT);
match nfs_probe_udp(slice, STREAM_TOCLIENT) {
1 => { unsafe { ALPROTO_NFS } },
-1 => { unsafe { ALPROTO_FAILED } },
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_getfiles(direction: u8, ptr: *mut NFSState) -> * mut FileContainer {
pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_getfiles(ptr: *mut std::ffi::c_void, direction: u8) -> * mut FileContainer {
if ptr.is_null() { panic!("NULL ptr"); };
let parser = unsafe { &mut *ptr };
let ptr = cast_pointer!(ptr, NFSState);
let parser = &mut *ptr;
@ -1859,3 +1910,4 @@ pub extern "C" fn rs_nfs_setfileflags(direction: u8, ptr: *mut NFSState, flags:
SCLogDebug!("direction {} flags {}", direction, flags);
parser.setfileflags(direction, flags)

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ static AppProto NFSTCPProbingParserMidstream(Flow *f,
int8_t r = rs_nfs_probe_ms(direction, input, input_len, rdir);
int8_t r = rs_nfs_probe_ms(f, direction, input, input_len, rdir);
if (r == 1) {
} else if (r == -1) {
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ static AppProto NFSTCPProbingParser(Flow *f,
int8_t r = rs_nfs_probe(direction, input, input_len);
int8_t r = rs_nfs_probe(f, direction, input, input_len, rdir);
if (r == 1) {
} else if (r == -1) {
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ static AppLayerResult NFSTCPParseRequest(Flow *f, void *state,
AppLayerResult res = rs_nfs_parse_request_tcp_gap(state, input_len);
} else {
AppLayerResult res = rs_nfs_parse_request(f, state, pstate,
input, input_len, local_data);
AppLayerResult res =
rs_nfs_parse_request(f, state, pstate, input, input_len, local_data, flags);
@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ static AppLayerResult NFSTCPParseResponse(Flow *f, void *state, AppLayerParserSt
AppLayerResult res = rs_nfs_parse_response_tcp_gap(state, input_len);
} else {
AppLayerResult res = rs_nfs_parse_response(f, state, pstate,
input, input_len, local_data);
AppLayerResult res =
rs_nfs_parse_response(f, state, pstate, input, input_len, local_data, flags);
@ -186,7 +186,8 @@ static AppLayerGetTxIterTuple RustNFSTCPGetTxIterator(
void *alstate, uint64_t min_tx_id, uint64_t max_tx_id,
AppLayerGetTxIterState *istate)
return rs_nfs_state_get_tx_iterator(alstate, min_tx_id, (uint64_t *)istate);
return rs_nfs_state_get_tx_iterator(
ipproto, alproto, alstate, min_tx_id, max_tx_id, (uint64_t *)istate);
@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ static int NFSTCPSetTxDetectState(void *vtx, DetectEngineState *s)
static FileContainer *NFSTCPGetFiles(void *state, uint8_t direction)
return rs_nfs_getfiles(direction, state);
return rs_nfs_getfiles(state, direction);
static StreamingBufferConfig sbcfg = STREAMING_BUFFER_CONFIG_INITIALIZER;

@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ static AppProto NFSProbingParser(Flow *f, uint8_t direction,
int8_t r = 0;
if (direction & STREAM_TOSERVER)
r = rs_nfs_probe_udp_ts(input, input_len);
r = rs_nfs_probe_udp_ts(f, direction, input, input_len, rdir);
r = rs_nfs_probe_udp_tc(input, input_len);
r = rs_nfs_probe_udp_tc(f, direction, input, input_len, rdir);
if (r == 1) {
@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ static AppLayerResult NFSParseRequest(Flow *f, void *state,
uint16_t file_flags = FileFlowToFlags(f, STREAM_TOSERVER);
rs_nfs_setfileflags(0, state, file_flags);
AppLayerResult res = rs_nfs_parse_request_udp(f, state, pstate,
input, input_len, local_data);
AppLayerResult res =
rs_nfs_parse_request_udp(f, state, pstate, input, input_len, local_data, flags);
@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ static AppLayerResult NFSParseResponse(Flow *f, void *state, AppLayerParserState
uint16_t file_flags = FileFlowToFlags(f, STREAM_TOCLIENT);
rs_nfs_setfileflags(1, state, file_flags);
AppLayerResult res = rs_nfs_parse_response_udp(f, state, pstate,
input, input_len, local_data);
AppLayerResult res =
rs_nfs_parse_response_udp(f, state, pstate, input, input_len, local_data, flags);
@ -175,7 +175,8 @@ static AppLayerGetTxIterTuple RustNFSGetTxIterator(
void *alstate, uint64_t min_tx_id, uint64_t max_tx_id,
AppLayerGetTxIterState *istate)
return rs_nfs_state_get_tx_iterator(alstate, min_tx_id, (uint64_t *)istate);
return rs_nfs_state_get_tx_iterator(
ipproto, alproto, alstate, min_tx_id, max_tx_id, (uint64_t *)istate);
@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ static int NFSSetTxDetectState(void *vtx, DetectEngineState *s)
static FileContainer *NFSGetFiles(void *state, uint8_t direction)
return rs_nfs_getfiles(direction, state);
return rs_nfs_getfiles(state, direction);
static StreamingBufferConfig sbcfg = STREAMING_BUFFER_CONFIG_INITIALIZER;
