@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ void FlowInitConfig(char quiet)
SC_ATOMIC_ADD(flow_memuse, (flow_config.hash_size * sizeof(FlowBucket)));
if (quiet == FALSE) {
SCLogInfo("allocated %" PRIu64 " bytes of memory for the flow hash... "
SCLogInfo("allocated %llu bytes of memory for the flow hash... "
"%" PRIu32 " buckets of size %" PRIuMAX "",
SC_ATOMIC_GET(flow_memuse), flow_config.hash_size,
@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ void FlowInitConfig(char quiet)
if (quiet == FALSE) {
SCLogInfo("preallocated %" PRIu32 " flows of size %" PRIuMAX "",
flow_spare_q.len, (uintmax_t)sizeof(Flow));
SCLogInfo("flow memory usage: %"PRIu64" bytes, maximum: %"PRIu64,
SCLogInfo("flow memory usage: %llu bytes, maximum: %"PRIu64,
SC_ATOMIC_GET(flow_memuse), flow_config.memcap);