@ -114,19 +114,6 @@ pub const DNS_RCODE_BADALG: u16 = 21;
pub const DNS_RCODE_BADTRUNC : u16 = 22 ;
/// The maximum number of transactions to keep in the queue pending
/// processing before they are aggressively purged. Due to the
/// stateless nature of this parser this is rarely needed, especially
/// when one call to parse a request parses and a single request, and
/// likewise for responses.
/// Where this matters is when one TCP buffer contains multiple
/// requests are responses and one call into the parser creates
/// multiple transactions. In this case we have to hold onto
/// transactions longer than until handling the next transaction so it
/// gets logged.
const MAX_TRANSACTIONS : usize = 32 ;
static mut ALPROTO_DNS : AppProto = ALPROTO_UNKNOWN ;
#[ repr(u32) ]
@ -471,26 +458,8 @@ impl DNSState {
// Purges all transactions except one. This is a stateless parser
// so we don't need to hang onto old transactions.
// This is to actually handle an edge case where a DNS flood
// occurs in a single direction with no response packets. In such
// a case the functions to free a transaction are never called by
// the app-layer as they require bidirectional traffic.
pub fn purge ( & mut self , tx_id : u64 ) {
while self . transactions . len ( ) > MAX_TRANSACTIONS {
if self . transactions [ 0 ] . id = = tx_id + 1 {
return ;
SCLogDebug ! ( "Purging DNS TX with ID {}" , self . transactions [ 0 ] . id ) ;
self . transactions . remove ( 0 ) ;
pub fn get_tx ( & mut self , tx_id : u64 ) -> Option < & DNSTransaction > {
SCLogDebug ! ( "get_tx: tx_id={}" , tx_id ) ;
self . purge ( tx_id ) ;
for tx in & mut self . transactions {
if tx . id = = tx_id + 1 {
SCLogDebug ! ( "Found DNS TX with ID {}" , tx_id ) ;