@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ pub type StateTxFreeFn = unsafe extern "C" fn (*mut c_void, u64);
pub type StateGetTxFn = unsafe extern "C" fn ( * mut c_void , u64 ) -> * mut c_void ;
pub type StateGetTxCntFn = unsafe extern "C" fn ( * mut c_void ) -> u64 ;
pub type StateGetProgressFn = unsafe extern "C" fn ( * mut c_void , u8 ) -> c_int ;
pub type GetEventInfoFn = unsafe extern "C" fn ( * const c_char , * mut c_int , * mut AppLayerEventType ) -> c_int ;
pub type GetEventInfoByIdFn = unsafe extern "C" fn ( c_int , * mut * const c_char , * mut AppLayerEventType ) -> c_int ;
pub type GetEventInfoFn = unsafe extern "C" fn ( * const c_char , event_id : * mut u8 , * mut AppLayerEventType ) -> c_int ;
pub type GetEventInfoByIdFn = unsafe extern "C" fn ( event_id: u8 , * mut * const c_char , * mut AppLayerEventType ) -> c_int ;
pub type LocalStorageNewFn = extern "C" fn ( ) -> * mut c_void ;
pub type LocalStorageFreeFn = extern "C" fn ( * mut c_void ) ;
pub type GetTxFilesFn = unsafe extern "C" fn ( * mut c_void , u8 ) -> AppLayerGetFileState ;
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ impl LoggerFlags {
/// derive AppLayerEvent.
pub trait AppLayerEvent {
/// Return the enum variant of the given ID.
fn from_id ( id : i32 ) -> Option < Self > where Self : std ::marker ::Sized ;
fn from_id ( id : u8 ) -> Option < Self > where Self : std ::marker ::Sized ;
/// Convert the enum variant to a C-style string (suffixed with \0).
fn to_cstring ( & self ) -> & str ;
@ -578,16 +578,16 @@ pub trait AppLayerEvent {
fn from_string ( s : & str ) -> Option < Self > where Self : std ::marker ::Sized ;
/// Return the ID value of the enum variant.
fn as_ i32( & self ) -> i32 ;
fn as_ u8( & self ) -> u8 ;
unsafe extern "C" fn get_event_info (
event_name : * const std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
event_id : * mut std ::os ::raw ::c_int ,
event_id : * mut u8 ,
event_type : * mut core ::AppLayerEventType ,
) -> std ::os ::raw ::c_int ;
unsafe extern "C" fn get_event_info_by_id (
event_id : std ::os ::raw ::c_int ,
event_id : u8 ,
event_name : * mut * const std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
event_type : * mut core ::AppLayerEventType ,
) -> std ::os ::raw ::c_int ;
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ pub trait AppLayerEvent {
#[ inline(always) ]
pub unsafe fn get_event_info < T : AppLayerEvent > (
event_name : * const std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
event_id : * mut std ::os ::raw ::c_int ,
event_id : * mut u8 ,
event_type : * mut core ::AppLayerEventType ,
) -> std ::os ::raw ::c_int {
if event_name . is_null ( ) {
@ -619,11 +619,13 @@ pub unsafe fn get_event_info<T: AppLayerEvent>(
let event = match CStr ::from_ptr ( event_name ) . to_str ( ) . map ( T ::from_string ) {
Ok ( Some ( event ) ) = > event . as_i32 ( ) ,
_ = > - 1 ,
Ok ( Some ( event ) ) = > event . as_u8 ( ) ,
_ = > {
return - 1 ;
} ;
* event_type = core ::AppLayerEventType ::APP_LAYER_EVENT_TYPE_TRANSACTION ;
* event_id = event as std ::os ::raw ::c_int ;
* event_id = event ;
return 0 ;
@ -631,7 +633,7 @@ pub unsafe fn get_event_info<T: AppLayerEvent>(
/// AppLayerEvent.
#[ inline(always) ]
pub unsafe fn get_event_info_by_id < T : AppLayerEvent > (
event_id : std ::os ::raw ::c_int ,
event_id : u8 ,
event_name : * mut * const std ::os ::raw ::c_char ,
event_type : * mut core ::AppLayerEventType ,
) -> std ::os ::raw ::c_int {