@ -499,16 +499,18 @@ void SigMatchAppendSMToList(Signature *s, SigMatch *new, const int list)
if (SignatureInitDataBufferCheckExpand(s) < 0) {
SCLogError("failed to expand rule buffer array");
s->init_data->init_flags |= SIG_FLAG_INIT_OVERFLOW;
// SignatureInitDataBufferCheckExpand should not fail in this case
DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(s->init_data->curbuf == NULL);
// keep curbuf even with wrong id as we error on this signature
} else {
/* initialize new buffer */
s->init_data->curbuf = &s->init_data->buffers[s->init_data->buffer_index++];
s->init_data->curbuf->id = list;
/* buffer set up by sigmatch is tracked in case we add a stickybuffer for the
* same list. */
s->init_data->curbuf->sm_init = true;
SCLogDebug("s->init_data->buffer_index %u", s->init_data->buffer_index);
/* initialize new buffer */
s->init_data->curbuf = &s->init_data->buffers[s->init_data->buffer_index++];
s->init_data->curbuf->id = list;
/* buffer set up by sigmatch is tracked in case we add a stickybuffer for the
* same list. */
s->init_data->curbuf->sm_init = true;
SCLogDebug("s->init_data->buffer_index %u", s->init_data->buffer_index);
BUG_ON(s->init_data->curbuf == NULL);
@ -1015,8 +1017,11 @@ static int SigParseOptions(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, char *optstr,
/* setup may or may not add a new SigMatch to the list */
setup_ret = st->Setup(de_ctx, s, NULL);
if (setup_ret < 0) {
if (setup_ret < 0 || (s->init_data->init_flags & SIG_FLAG_INIT_OVERFLOW)) {
SCLogDebug("\"%s\" failed to setup", st->name);
if (s->init_data->init_flags & SIG_FLAG_INIT_OVERFLOW) {
SCLogError("rule %u tries to use too many buffers", s->id);
/* handle 'silent' error case */
if (setup_ret == -2) {
@ -1930,11 +1935,6 @@ static int SigValidate(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s)
if (s->init_data->init_flags & SIG_FLAG_INIT_OVERFLOW) {
SCLogError("rule %u tries to use too many buffers", s->id);
bool has_frame = false;
bool has_app = false;
bool has_pkt = false;