@ -1797,58 +1797,72 @@ void TmThreadContinue(ThreadVars *tv)
return ;
* \ brief Waits for all threads to be in a running state
* \ retval TM_ECODE_OK if all are running or error if a thread failed
TmEcode TmThreadWaitOnThreadRunning ( void )
static TmEcode WaitOnThreadsRunningByType ( const int t )
uint16_t RX_num = 0 ;
uint16_t W_num = 0 ;
uint16_t FM_num = 0 ;
uint16_t FR_num = 0 ;
uint16_t TX_num = 0 ;
struct timeval start_ts ;
struct timeval cur_ts ;
gettimeofday ( & start_ts , NULL ) ;
/* on retries, this will init to the last thread that started up already */
ThreadVars * tv_start = tv_root [ t ] ;
again :
SCMutexLock ( & tv_root_lock ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < TVT_MAX ; i + + ) {
ThreadVars * tv = tv_root [ i ] ;
while ( tv ! = NULL ) {
if ( TmThreadsCheckFlag ( tv , ( THV_FAILED | THV_CLOSED | THV_DEAD ) ) ) {
SCMutexUnlock ( & tv_root_lock ) ;
ThreadVars * tv = tv_start ;
while ( tv ! = NULL ) {
if ( TmThreadsCheckFlag ( tv , ( THV_FAILED | THV_CLOSED | THV_DEAD ) ) ) {
SCMutexUnlock ( & tv_root_lock ) ;
SCLogError ( " thread \" %s \" failed to "
" start: flags %04x " ,
tv - > name , SC_ATOMIC_GET ( tv - > flags ) ) ;
if ( ! ( TmThreadsCheckFlag ( tv , THV_RUNNING | THV_RUNNING_DONE ) ) ) {
SCMutexUnlock ( & tv_root_lock ) ;
/* 60 seconds provided for the thread to transition from
gettimeofday ( & cur_ts , NULL ) ;
if ( ( cur_ts . tv_sec - start_ts . tv_sec ) > 60 ) {
SCLogError ( " thread \" %s \" failed to "
" start: flags %04x " ,
" start in time : flags %04x" ,
tv - > name , SC_ATOMIC_GET ( tv - > flags ) ) ;
if ( ! ( TmThreadsCheckFlag ( tv , THV_RUNNING | THV_RUNNING_DONE ) ) ) {
SCMutexUnlock ( & tv_root_lock ) ;
/* sleep a little to give the thread some
* time to start running */
SleepUsec ( 100 ) ;
goto again ;
tv_start = tv ;
/* 60 seconds provided for the thread to transition from
gettimeofday ( & cur_ts , NULL ) ;
if ( ( cur_ts . tv_sec - start_ts . tv_sec ) > 60 ) {
SCLogError ( " thread \" %s \" failed to "
" start in time: flags %04x " ,
tv - > name , SC_ATOMIC_GET ( tv - > flags ) ) ;
tv = tv - > next ;
SCMutexUnlock ( & tv_root_lock ) ;
return TM_ECODE_OK ;
/* sleep a little to give the thread some
* time to start running */
SleepUsec ( 100 ) ;
goto again ;
tv = tv - > next ;
* \ brief Waits for all threads to be in a running state
* \ retval TM_ECODE_OK if all are running or error if a thread failed
TmEcode TmThreadWaitOnThreadRunning ( void )
uint16_t RX_num = 0 ;
uint16_t W_num = 0 ;
uint16_t FM_num = 0 ;
uint16_t FR_num = 0 ;
uint16_t TX_num = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < TVT_MAX ; i + + ) {
if ( WaitOnThreadsRunningByType ( i ) ! = TM_ECODE_OK )
SCMutexLock ( & tv_root_lock ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < TVT_MAX ; i + + ) {
for ( ThreadVars * tv = tv_root [ i ] ; tv ! = NULL ; tv = tv - > next ) {
if ( strncmp ( thread_name_autofp , tv - > name , strlen ( thread_name_autofp ) ) = = 0 )