@ -38,250 +38,9 @@
# include "rust-ntp-ntp-gen.h"
/* The default port to probe for NTP traffic if not provided in the
* configuration file . */
# define NTP_DEFAULT_PORT "123"
/* The minimum size for an NTP message. */
# define NTP_MIN_FRAME_LEN 2
static void * NTPStateAlloc ( void )
return rs_ntp_state_new ( ) ;
static void NTPStateFree ( void * state )
rs_ntp_state_free ( state ) ;
* \ brief Callback from the application layer to have a transaction freed .
* \ param state a void pointer to the NTPState object .
* \ param tx_id the transaction ID to free .
static void NTPStateTxFree ( void * state , uint64_t tx_id )
rs_ntp_state_tx_free ( state , tx_id ) ;
static int NTPStateGetEventInfo ( const char * event_name , int * event_id ,
AppLayerEventType * event_type )
return rs_ntp_state_get_event_info ( event_name , event_id , event_type ) ;
static AppLayerDecoderEvents * NTPGetEvents ( void * state , uint64_t tx_id )
return rs_ntp_state_get_events ( state , tx_id ) ;
static int NTPHasEvents ( void * state )
return rs_ntp_state_has_events ( state ) ;
* \ brief Probe the input to see if it looks like NTP .
* \ retval ALPROTO_NTP if it looks like NTP , otherwise
static AppProto NTPProbingParser ( uint8_t * input , uint32_t input_len ,
uint32_t * offset )
if ( input_len < NTP_MIN_FRAME_LEN ) {
int8_t r = rs_ntp_probe ( input , input_len ) ;
if ( r = = 1 ) {
return ALPROTO_NTP ;
} else if ( r = = - 1 ) {
SCLogDebug ( " Protocol not detected as ALPROTO_NTP. " ) ;
static int RustNTPParseRequest ( Flow * f , void * state ,
AppLayerParserState * pstate , uint8_t * input , uint32_t input_len ,
void * local_data )
SCLogDebug ( " RustNTPParseRequest " ) ;
return rs_ntp_parse_request ( f , state , pstate , input , input_len ,
local_data ) ;
static int RustNTPParseResponse ( Flow * f , void * state ,
AppLayerParserState * pstate , uint8_t * input , uint32_t input_len ,
void * local_data )
SCLogDebug ( " RustNTPParseResponse " ) ;
return rs_ntp_parse_response ( f , state , pstate , input , input_len ,
local_data ) ;
static uint64_t NTPGetTxCnt ( void * state )
return rs_ntp_state_get_tx_count ( state ) ;
static void * NTPGetTx ( void * state , uint64_t tx_id )
return rs_ntp_state_get_tx ( state , tx_id ) ;
// static void NTPSetTxLogged(void *state, void *vtx, uint32_t logger)
// {
// rs_ntp_tx_set_logged(state, vtx, logger);
// }
// static int NTPGetTxLogged(void *state, void *vtx, uint32_t logger)
// {
// return rs_ntp_tx_get_logged(state, vtx, logger);
// }
* \ brief Called by the application layer .
* In most cases 1 can be returned here .
static int NTPGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus ( uint8_t direction ) {
return rs_ntp_state_progress_completion_status ( direction ) ;
* \ brief Return the state of a transaction in a given direction .
static int NTPGetStateProgress ( void * tx , uint8_t direction )
return rs_ntp_tx_get_alstate_progress ( tx , direction ) ;
* \ brief Get stored Tx detect state
static DetectEngineState * NTPGetTxDetectState ( void * vtx )
return rs_ntp_state_get_tx_detect_state ( vtx ) ;
* \ brief Set stored Tx detect state
static int NTPSetTxDetectState ( void * state , void * vtx ,
DetectEngineState * s )
rs_ntp_state_set_tx_detect_state ( state , vtx , s ) ;
return 0 ;
void RegisterNTPParsers ( void )
const char * proto_name = " ntp " ;
/* Check if NTP UDP detection is enabled. If it does not exist in
* the configuration file then it will be enabled by default . */
if ( AppLayerProtoDetectConfProtoDetectionEnabled ( " udp " , proto_name ) ) {
SCLogDebug ( " NTP UDP protocol detection enabled. " ) ;
AppLayerProtoDetectRegisterProtocol ( ALPROTO_NTP , proto_name ) ;
if ( RunmodeIsUnittests ( ) ) {
SCLogDebug ( " Unittest mode, registeringd default configuration. " ) ;
AppLayerProtoDetectPPRegister ( IPPROTO_UDP , NTP_DEFAULT_PORT ,
NTPProbingParser , NULL ) ;
else {
if ( ! AppLayerProtoDetectPPParseConfPorts ( " udp " , IPPROTO_UDP ,
proto_name , ALPROTO_NTP , 0 , NTP_MIN_FRAME_LEN ,
NTPProbingParser , NULL ) ) {
SCLogDebug ( " No NTP app-layer configuration, enabling NTP "
" detection UDP detection on port %s. " ,
AppLayerProtoDetectPPRegister ( IPPROTO_UDP ,
NTPProbingParser , NULL ) ;
else {
SCLogDebug ( " Protocol detecter and parser disabled for NTP. " ) ;
return ;
if ( AppLayerParserConfParserEnabled ( " udp " , proto_name ) ) {
SCLogDebug ( " Registering NTP protocol parser. " ) ;
/* Register functions for state allocation and freeing. A
* state is allocated for every new NTP flow . */
AppLayerParserRegisterStateFuncs ( IPPROTO_UDP , ALPROTO_NTP ,
NTPStateAlloc , NTPStateFree ) ;
/* Register request parser for parsing frame from server to client. */
AppLayerParserRegisterParser ( IPPROTO_UDP , ALPROTO_NTP ,
STREAM_TOSERVER , RustNTPParseRequest ) ;
/* Register response parser for parsing frames from server to client. */
AppLayerParserRegisterParser ( IPPROTO_UDP , ALPROTO_NTP ,
STREAM_TOCLIENT , RustNTPParseResponse ) ;
/* Register a function to be called by the application layer
* when a transaction is to be freed . */
AppLayerParserRegisterTxFreeFunc ( IPPROTO_UDP , ALPROTO_NTP ,
NTPStateTxFree ) ;
// AppLayerParserRegisterLoggerFuncs(IPPROTO_UDP, ALPROTO_NTP,
// NTPGetTxLogged, NTPSetTxLogged);
/* Register a function to return the current transaction count. */
AppLayerParserRegisterGetTxCnt ( IPPROTO_UDP , ALPROTO_NTP ,
NTPGetTxCnt ) ;
/* Transaction handling. */
AppLayerParserRegisterGetStateProgressCompletionStatus ( ALPROTO_NTP ,
NTPGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus ) ;
AppLayerParserRegisterGetStateProgressFunc ( IPPROTO_UDP ,
ALPROTO_NTP , NTPGetStateProgress ) ;
AppLayerParserRegisterGetTx ( IPPROTO_UDP , ALPROTO_NTP ,
NTPGetTx ) ;
/* Application layer event handling. */
AppLayerParserRegisterHasEventsFunc ( IPPROTO_UDP , ALPROTO_NTP ,
NTPHasEvents ) ;
/* What is this being registered for? */
AppLayerParserRegisterDetectStateFuncs ( IPPROTO_UDP , ALPROTO_NTP ,
NULL , NTPGetTxDetectState , NTPSetTxDetectState ) ;
AppLayerParserRegisterGetEventInfo ( IPPROTO_UDP , ALPROTO_NTP ,
NTPStateGetEventInfo ) ;
AppLayerParserRegisterGetEventsFunc ( IPPROTO_UDP , ALPROTO_NTP ,
NTPGetEvents ) ;
else {
SCLogDebug ( " NTP protocol parsing disabled. " ) ;
rs_register_ntp_parser ( ) ;
AppLayerParserRegisterProtocolUnittests ( IPPROTO_UDP , ALPROTO_NTP ,