doc: overhaul of the snort-compatibility document

This is intended to replace the existing 'snort-compatibility.rst'
Based on "The Suricata Rule Writing Guide for The Snort Expert"
2016 SuriCon talk.
David Wharton 8 years ago committed by Victor Julien
parent c513896786
commit 6bc7c64794

@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
Suricata Rule Differences From Snort
This document is intended to highlight the major differences between Suricata
and Snort that apply to rules and rule writing.
Where not specified, the statements below apply to Suricata. In general,
references to Snort refer to the version 2.9 branch.
.. contents::
Automatic Protocol Detection
- Suricata does automatic protocol detection of the following
application layer protocols:
- dcerpc
- dns
- http
- imap (detection only by default; no parsing)
- ftp
- modbus (disabled by default; minimalist probe parser; can lead to false positives)
- msn (detection only by default; no parsing)
- smb
- smb2 (disabled internally inside the engine)
- smtp
- ssh
- tls (SSLv2, SSLv3 & TLSv1)
- In Suricata, protocol detection is port agnostic (in most cases). In
Snort, in order for the ``http_inspect`` and other preprocessors to be
applied to traffic, it has to be over a configured port.
- Some configurations for app-layer in the Suricata yaml can/do by default
specify specific destination ports (e.g. DNS)
- **You can look on 'any' port without worrying about the
performance impact that you would have to be concerned about with
- If the traffic is detected as HTTP by Suricata, the ``http_*``
buffers are populated and can be used, regardless of port(s)
specified in the rule.
- You don't have to check for the http protocol (i.e.
``alert http ...``) to use the ``http_*`` buffers although it
is recommended.
- If you are trying to detect legitimate (supported) application layer
protocol traffic and don't want to look on specific port(s), the rule
should be written as ``alert <protocol> ...`` with ``any`` in
place of the usual protocol port(s). For example, when you want to
detect HTTP traffic and don't want to limit detection to a particular
port or list of ports, the rules should be written as
``alert http ...`` with ``any`` in place of
- You can also use ``app-layer-protocol:<protocol>;`` inside the rule instead.
So, instead of this Snort rule::
alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS ...
Do this for Suricata::
alert http $HOME_NET -> $EXTERNAL_NET any ...
alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (app-layer-protocol:http; ...
``urilen`` Keyword
- Ranges given in the ``urilen`` keyword are inclusive for Snort
but not inclusive for Suricata.
Example: ``urilen:2<>10``
- Snort interprets this as, "the URI length must be **greater than
or equal to** 2, and **less than or equal to** 10".
- Suricata interprets this as "the URI length must be **greater
than** 2 and **less than** 10".
- There is a request to have Suricata behave like Snort in future
` <>`_
- Currently on hold
- By default, with *Suricata*, ``urilen`` applies to the
**normalized** buffer
- Use ``,raw`` for raw buffer
- e.g. ``urilen:>20,raw;``
- By default, with *Snort*, ``urilen`` applies to the **raw**
- Use ``,norm`` for normalized buffer
- e.g. ``urilen:>20,norm;``
``http_uri`` Buffer
- In Snort, the ``http_uri`` buffer normalizes '+' characters
(0x2B) to spaces (0x20).
- Suricata can do this as well but you have to explicitly
set ``query-plusspace-decode: yes`` in the ``libhtp`` section of Suricata's yaml file.
- ` <>`_
- ` <>`_
``http_header`` Buffer
- In Snort, the ``http_header`` buffer includes the CRLF CRLF (0x0D
0x0A 0x0D 0x0A) that separates the end of the last HTTP header from
the beginning of the HTTP body. Suricata includes a CRLF after the
last header in the ``http_header`` buffer but not an extra one
like Snort does. If you want to match the end of the buffer, use
either the ``http_raw_header`` buffer, a relative
``isdataat`` (e.g. ``isdataat:!1,relative``) or a PCRE
(although PCRE will be worse on performance).
- Suricata *will* include CRLF CRLF at the end of the ``http_raw_header``
buffer like Snort does.
- Snort will include a *leading* CRLF in the ``http_header`` buffer of
*server responses* (but not client requests). Suricata does not have
the leading CRLF in the ``http_header`` buffer of the server response
or client request.
- In the ``http_header`` buffer, Suricata will normalize HTTP header lines
such that there is a single space (0x20) after the colon (':') that
separates the header name from the header value; this single space
replaces zero or more whitespace characters (including tabs) that may be
present in the raw HTTP header line immediately after the colon. If the
extra whitespace (or lack thereof) is important for matching, use
the ``http_raw_header`` buffer instead of the ``http_header`` buffer.
- Snort will also normalize superfluous whitespace between the header name
and header value like Suricata does but only if there is at least one space
character (0x20 only so not 0x90) immediately after the colon. This means
that, unlike Suricata, if there is no space (or if there is a tab)
immediately after the colon before the header value, the content of the
header line will remain unchanged in the ``http_header`` buffer.
- When there are duplicate HTTP headers (referring to the header name
only, not the value), the normalized buffer (``http_header``)
will concatenate the values in the order seen (from top to
bottom), with a comma and space (", ") between each of them. If this
hinders detection, use the ``http_raw_header`` buffer instead.
Example request::
GET /test.html HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 44
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 55
The Content-Length header line becomes this in the ``http_header`` buffer::
Content-Length: 44, 55
- The HTTP 'Cookie' and 'Set-Cookie' headers are **NOT** included in
the ``http_header`` buffer; instead they are extracted and put into
their own buffer ``http_cookie``. See the `http_cookie Buffer`_
- The HTTP 'Cookie' and 'Set-Cookie' headers **ARE** included in the
``http_raw_header`` buffer so if you are trying to match on
something like particular header ordering involving (or not
involving) the HTTP Cookie headers, use the ``http_raw_header``
- If 'enable\_cookie' is set for Snort, the HTTP Cookie header names
and trailing CRLF (i.e. "Cookie: \\r\\n" and "Set-Cooke \\r\\n") are
kept in the ``http_header`` buffer. This is not the case for
Suricata which removes the entire "Cookie" or "Set-Cookie" line from
the ``http_header`` buffer.
- Other HTTP headers that have their own buffer
(``http_user_agent``, ``http_host``) are not removed from the
``http_header`` buffer like the Cookie headers are.
- When inspecting server responses and ``file_data`` is used,
content matches in ``http_*`` buffers should come before
``file_data`` unless you use ``pkt_data`` to reset the cursor
before matching in ``http_*`` buffers. Snort will not complain if
you use ``http_*`` buffers after ``file_data`` is set.
``http_cookie`` Buffer
- The ``http_cookie`` buffer will NOT include the header name,
colon, or leading whitespace. i.e. it will not include "Cookie: " or "Set-Cookie: ".
- The ``http_cookie`` buffer does not include a CRLF (0x0D 0x0A) at
the end. If you want to match the end of the buffer, use a relative
``isdataat`` or a PCRE (although PCRE will be worse on
- There is no ``http_raw_cookie`` buffer in Suricata. Use
``http_raw_header`` instead.
- You do not have to configure anything special to use the
'http\_cookie' buffer in Suricata. This is different from Snort
where you have to set ``enable_cookie`` in the
``http_inspect_server`` preprocessor config in order to have the
``http_cookie`` buffer treated separate from the
``http_header`` buffer.
- If Snort has 'enable\_cookie' set and multiple "Cookie" or
"Set-Cookie" headers are seen, it will concatenate them together
(with no separator between them) in the order seen from top to
- If a request contains multiple "Cookie" or "Set-Cookie" headers, the
values will be concatenated in the Suricata ``http_cookie``
buffer, in the order seen from top to bottom, with a comma and space
(", ") between each of them.
Example request::
GET /test.html HTTP/1.1
Cookie: monster
Accept: */*
Cookie: elmo
Suricata ``http_cookie`` buffer contents::
monster, elmo
Snort ``http_cookie`` buffer contents::
- Corresponding PCRE modifier: ``C`` (same as Snort)
``http_user_agent`` Buffer
- Suricata has a ``http_user_agent`` buffer, Snort does not.
- The ``http_user_agent`` buffer will NOT include the header name,
colon, or leading whitespace. i.e. it will not include
"User-Agent: ".
- The ``http_user_agent`` buffer does not include a CRLF (0x0D
0x0A) at the end. If you want to match the end of the buffer, use a
relative ``isdataat`` or a PCRE (although PCRE will be worse on
- If a request contains multiple "User-Agent" headers, the values will
be concatenated in the ``http_user_agent`` buffer, in the order
seen from top to bottom, with a comma and space (", ") between each
of them.
Example request::
GET /test.html HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: SuriTester/0.8
User-Agent: GGGG
``http_user_agent`` buffer contents::
SuriTester/0.8, GGGG
- Corresponding PCRE modifier: ``V``
- Using the ``http_user_agent`` buffer is more efficient when it
comes to performance than using the ``http_header`` buffer (~10%
- `\_user\_agent-vs-http\_header/ <>`_
``http_host`` and ``http_raw_host`` Buffers
- Suricata has ``http_host`` and ``http_raw_host`` buffers,
Snort does not.
- The ``http_host`` and ``http_raw_host`` buffers are populated
from either the URI (if the full URI is present in the request like
in a proxy request) or the HTTP Host header. If both are present, the
URI is used.
- The ``http_host`` and ``http_raw_host`` buffers will NOT
include the header name, colon, or leading whitespace if populated
from the Host header. i.e. they will not include "Host: ".
- The ``http_host`` and ``http_raw_host`` buffers do not
include a CRLF (0x0D 0x0A) at the end. If you want to match the end
of the buffer, use a relative 'isdataat' or a PCRE (although PCRE
will be worse on performance).
- The ``http_host`` buffer is normalized to be all lower case.
- The content match that ``http_host`` applies to must be all lower
case or have the ``nocase`` flag set.
- ``http_raw_host`` matches the unnormalized buffer so matching
will be case-sensitive (unless ``nocase`` is set).
- If a request contains multiple "Host" headers, the values will be
concatenated in the ``http_host`` and ``http_raw_host``
buffers, in the order seen from top to bottom, with a comma and space
(", ") between each of them.
Example request::
GET /test.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
``http_host`` buffer contents::,
``http_raw_host`` buffer contents::,
- Corresponding PCRE modifier (``http_host``): ``W``
- Corresponding PCRE modifier (``http_raw_host``): ``Z``
``http_server_body`` Buffer
- Suricata has the ``http_server_body`` buffer, Snort does not.
- This tells Suricata to match in the HTTP server response body.
- Using ``http_server_body`` is similar to having content matches
that come after ``file_data`` except that it doesn't permanently
(unless reset) set the detection pointer to the beginning of the
server response body. i.e. it is not a sticky buffer.
- ``http_server_body`` will match on gzip decoded data just like
``file_data`` does.
- Since ``http_server_body`` matches on a server response, it
can't be used with the ``to_server`` or ``from_client`` flow
- Corresponding PCRE modifier: ``Q``
``byte_extract`` Keyword
- Suricata supports
``byte_extract`` from ``http_*`` buffers, including
``http_header`` which does not always work as expected in Snort.
- In Suricata, variables extracted using ``byte_extract`` must be used
in the same buffer, otherwise they will have the value "0" (zero). Snort
does allow cross-buffer byte extraction and usage.
- Be sure to always positively and negatively test Suricata rules that
use ``byte_extract`` and ``byte_test`` to verify that they
work as expected.
``isdataat`` Keyword
- The ``rawbytes`` keyword is supported in the Suricata syntax but
doesn't actually do anything.
- Absolute ``isdataat`` checks will succeed if the offset used is
**less than** the size of the inspection buffer. This is true for
Suricata and Snort.
- For *relative* ``isdataat`` checks, there is a **1 byte difference**
in the way Snort and Suricata do the comparisons.
- Suricata will succeed if the relative offset is **less than or
equal to** the size of the inspection buffer. This is different
from absolute ``isdataat`` checks.
- Snort will succeed if the relative offset is **less than** the
size of the inspection buffer, just like absolute ``isdataat``
- Example - to check that there is no data in the inspection buffer
after the last content match:
- Snort: ``isdataat:!0,relative;``
- Suricata: ``isdataat:!1,relative;``
- With Snort, the "inspection buffer" used when checking an
``isdataat`` keyword is generally the packet/segment with some
- With PAF enabled the PDU is examined instead of the
packet/segment. When ``file_data`` or ``base64_data`` has
been set, it is those buffers (unless ``rawbytes`` is set).
- With some preprocessors - modbus, gtp, sip, dce2, and dnp3 - the
buffer can be particular portions of those protocols (unless
``rawbytes`` is set).
- With some preprocessors - rpc\_decode, ftp\_telnet, smtp, and dnp3
- the buffer can be particular *decoded* portions of those
protocols (unless ``rawbytes`` is set).
- With Suricata, the "inspection buffer" used when checking an absolute
``isdataat`` keyword is the packet/segment if looking at a packet
(e.g. ``alert tcp-pkt...``) or the reassembled stream segments.
- In Suricata, a *relative* ``isdataat`` keyword **will apply to the
buffer of the previous content match**. So if the previous content
match is a ``http_*`` buffer, the relative ``isdataat``
applies to that buffer, starting from the end of the previous content
match in that buffer. *Snort does not behave like this!*
- For example, this Suricata rule looks for the string ".exe" at the
end of the URI; to do the same thing in the normalized URI buffer in
Snort you would have to use a PCRE ``pcre:"/\x2Eexe$/U";``
alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:".EXE File Download Request"; flow:established,to_server; content:"GET"; http_method; content:".exe"; http_uri; isdataat:!1,relative; priority:3; sid:18332111;)
- If you are unclear about behavior in a particular instance, you are
encouraged to positively and negatively test your rules that use an
``isdataat`` keyword.
Relative PCRE
- You can do relative PCRE matches in normalized/special buffers with Suricata. Example::
content:".php?sign="; http_uri; pcre:"/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}$/UR";
- With Snort you can't combine the “relative” PCRE option ('R') with other buffer options like normalized URI ('U') you get a syntax error.
``tls*`` Keywords
In addition to TLS protocol identification, Suricata supports the storing of
certificates to disk, verifying the validity dates on certificates, matching
against the calculated SHA1 fingerprint of certificates, and
matching on certain TLS/SSL certificate fields including the following:
- Negotiated TLS/SSL version.
- Certificate Subject field.
- Certificate Issuer field.
- Certificate SNI Field
For details see :doc:`tls-keywords`.
``dns_query`` Keyword
- Sets the detection pointer to the DNS query.
- Works like ``file_data`` does ("sticky buffer") but for a DNS
request query.
- Use ``pkt_data`` to reset the detection pointer to the beginning of
the packet payload.
- **Buffer is normalized!**
- Contains literal domain name
- <length> values (as seen in a raw DNS request)
are literal '.' characters
- no leading <length> value
- No terminating NULL (0x00) byte (use a negated relative ``isdataat``
to match the end)
Example DNS request for "" (for readability, hex
values are encoded between pipes):
DNS query on the wire (snippet)::
``dns_query`` buffer::
- :doc:`dns-keywords`
``geoip`` Keyword
- Suricata has the ``geoip`` keyword, Snort does not.
- Only supports IPv4
- Uses GeoIP API of Maxmind
- libgeoip
- Must be compiled in.
- See :doc:`header-keywords`, "Geoip" section
IP Reputation and ``iprep`` Keyword
- Snort has the "reputation" preprocessor that can be used to define
whitelist and blacklist files of IPs which are used generate GID 136
alerts as well as block/drop/pass traffic from listed IPs depending
on how it is configured.
- Suricata also has the concept of files with IPs in them but provides
the ability to assign them:
- Categories
- Reputation score
- Suricata rules can leverage these IP lists with the ``iprep``
keyword that can be configured to match on:
- Direction
- Category
- Value (reputation score)
- :doc:`../reputation/index`
- :doc:`../reputation/ipreputation/ip-reputation-config`
- :doc:`../reputation/ipreputation/ip-reputation-rules`
- :doc:`../reputation/ipreputation/ip-reputation-format`
- ` <>`_
- Suricata supports ``xbits`` which are like ``flowbits`` but
can apply to disparate streams "global flowbits"
- Can track by ``ip_src``, ``ip_dst``, or ``ip_pair``
- No difference between using ``hostbits`` and ``xbits``
with ``track ip_<src|dst>``
- If you ``set`` on a client request and use
``track ip_dst``, if you want to match on the server response,
you check it (``isset``) with ``track ip_src``.
- ``track ip_pair`` has to have the same src and dst IPs on the
setter and checker
- To not alert, use ``flowbits:noalert;`` -- there
is no such thing as ``xbits:noalert;``
- See also:
- ` <>`_
- ` <>`_
- Suricata fully supports the setting and checking of flowbits
(including the same flowbit) on the same packet/stream. Snort does
not always allow for this.
- In Suricata, ``flowbits:isset`` is checked after the fast pattern
match but before other ``content`` matches. In Snort,
``flowbits:isset`` is checked in the order it appears in the
rule, from left to right.
- If there is a chain of flowbits where multiple rules set flowbits and
they are dependent on each other, then the order of the rules or the
``sid`` values can make a
difference in the rules being evaluated in the proper order and
generating alerts as expected. See bug 1399 -
` <>`_.
- :doc:`flow-keywords`
Negated Content Match Special Case
- For Snort, a *negated* content match where the starting point for
searching is at or beyond the end of the inspection buffer will never
return true.
- For negated matches, you want it to return true if the content is
not found.
- This is believed to be a Snort bug rather than an engine difference
but it was reported to Sourcefire and acknowledged many years ago
indicating that perhaps it is by design.
- This is not the case for Suricata which behaves as
Example HTTP request::
POST /test.php HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 9
This rule snippet will never return true in Snort but will in
content:!"snort"; offset:10; http_client_body;
File Extraction
- Suricata has the ability to match on files from HTTP and SMTP streams and
log them to disk.
- Snort has the "file" preprocessor that can do something similar
but it is experimental, development of it
has been stagnant for years, and it is not something that should be used
in a production environment.
- Files can be matched on using a number of keywords including:
- ``filename``
- ``fileext``
- ``filemagic``
- ``filesize``
- ``filemd5``
- ``filesha1``
- ``filesha256``
- ``filesize``
- See :doc:`file-keywords` for a full list.
- The ``filestore`` keyword tells Suricata to save the file to
- Extracted files are logged to disk with meta data that includes
things like timestamp, src/dst IP, protocol, src/dst port, HTTP URI,
HTTP Host, HTTP Referer, filename, file magic, md5sum, size, etc.
- There are a number of configuration options and considerations (such
as stream reassembly depth and libhtp body-limit) that should be
understood if you want fully utilize file extraction in Suricata.
- :doc:`file-keywords`
- :doc:`../file-extraction/file-extraction`
- ` <>`_
- ` <>`_
Lua Scripting
- Suricata has the ``luajit`` keyword which allows for a rule to reference
a Lua script that can access the packet, payload, HTTP buffers, etc.
- Provides powerful flexibility and capabilities that Snort does
not have.
- :doc:`rule-lua-scripting`
Fast Pattern
- Snort's fast pattern matcher is always case insensitive; Suricata's
is case sensitive unless 'nocase' is set on the content match used by
the fast pattern matcher.
- Snort will truncate fast pattern matches based on the
``max-pattern-len`` config (default no limit) unless
``fast_pattern:only`` is used in the rule. Suricata does not do any
automatic fast pattern truncation cannot be configured to do so.
- Just like in Snort, in Suricata you can specify a substring of the
content string to be use as the fast pattern match. e.g.
- In Snort, leading NULL bytes (0x00) will be removed from content
matches when determining/using the longest content match unless
``fast_pattern`` is explicitly set. Suricata does not truncate
anything, including NULL bytes.
- Snort does not allow for all ``http_*`` buffers to be used for
the fast pattern match (e.g. ``http_raw_*``, ``http_method``,
``http_cookie``, etc.). Suricata lets you use any 'http\_\*'
buffer you want for the fast pattern match, including
``http_raw_*' and ``http_cookie`` buffers.
- Suricata supports the ``fast_pattern:only`` syntax but
technically it is not really implemented; the ``only`` is
silently ignored when encountered in a rule. It is still recommended
that you use ``fast_pattern:only`` where appropriate in case this
gets implemented in the future and/or if the rule will be used by
Snort as well.
- With Snort, unless ``fast_pattern`` is explicitly set, content
matches in normalized HTTP Inspect buffers (e.g. http content
modifiers such ``http_uri``, ``http_header``, etc.) take
precedence over non-HTTP Inspect content matches, even if they are
shorter. Suricata does the same thing and gives a higher 'priority'
(precedence) to ``http_*`` buffers (except for ``http_method``,
``http_stat_code``, and ``http_stat_msg``).
- See :doc:`fast-pattern-explained` for full details on how Suricata
automatically determines which content to use as the fast pattern match.
- When in doubt about what is going to be use as the fast pattern match
by Suricata, set ``fast_pattern`` explicitly in the rule and/or
run Suricata with the ``--engine-analysis`` switch and view the
generated file (``rules_fast_pattern.txt``).
- Like Snort, the fast pattern match is checked before ``flowbits``
in Suricata.
- Using Hyperscan as the MPM matcher (``mpm-algo`` setting) for Suricata
can greatly improve performance, especially when it comes to fast pattern
matching. Hyperscan will also take in to account depth and offset
when doing fast pattern matching, something the other algorithims and
Snort do not do.
- :doc:`fast-pattern`
Don't Cross The Streams
Suricata will examine network traffic as individual packets and, in the
case of TCP, as part of a (reassembled) stream. However, there are
certain rule keywords that only apply to packets only (``dsize``,
``flags``, ``ttl``) and certain ones that only apply to streams
only (``http_*``) and you can't mix packet and stream keywords. Rules
that use packet keywords will inspect individual packets only and
rules that use stream keywords will inspect streams only. Snort is a
little more forgiving when you mix these for example, in Snort you can
use ``dsize`` (a packet keyword) with ``http_*`` (stream
keywords) and Snort will allow it although, because of ``dsize``, it
will only apply detection to individual packets (unless PAF is enabled
then it will apply it to the PDU).
If ``dsize`` is in a rule that also looks for a stream-based
application layer protocol (e.g. ``http``), Suricata will not match on
the *first application layer packet* since ``dsize`` make Suricata
evaluate the packet and protocol detection doesn't happen until after
the protocol is checked for that packet; *subsequent* packets in that
flow should have the application protocol set appropriately and will
match rules using ``dsize`` and a stream-based application layer
If you need to check sizes on a stream in a rule that uses a stream
keyword, or in a rule looking for a stream-based application layer
protocol, consider using the ``stream_size`` keyword and/or
Suricata also supports these protocol values being used in rules and
Snort does not:
- ``tcp-pkt`` example:
- ``alert tcp-pkt ...``
- This tells Suricata to only apply the rule to TCP packets and not
the (reassembled) stream.
- ``tcp-stream`` example:
- ``alert tcp-stream ...``
- This tells Suricata to inspect the (reassembled) TCP stream only.
- In Snort, the number of alerts generated for a packet/stream can be
limited by the ``event_queue`` configuration.
- Suricata has an internal hard-coded limit of 15 alerts per packet/stream (and
this cannot be configured); all rules that match on the traffic being
analyzed will fire up to that limit.
- Sometimes Suricata will generate what appears to be two alerts for
the same TCP packet. This happens when Suricata evaluates the packet
by itself and as part of a (reassembled) stream.
Buffer Reference Chart
| Buffer | Snort 2.9.x | Suricata | PCRE | Can be used as | Suricata Fast |
| | Support? | Support? | flag | Fast Pattern? | Pattern Priority |
| | | | | | (lower number is |
| | | | | | higher priority) |
| content (no modifier) | YES | YES | <none> | YES | 3 |
| http_method | YES | YES | M | Suricata only | 3 |
| http_stat_code | YES | YES | S | Suricata only | 3 |
| http_stat_msg | YES | YES | Y | Suricata only | 3 |
| uricontent | YES but deprecated, use http_uri instead | YES but deprecated, use http_uri instead | U | YES | 2 |
| http_uri | YES | YES | U | YES | 2 |
| http_raw_uri | YES | YES | I | Suricata only | 2 |
| http_header | YES | YES | H | YES | 2 |
| http_raw_header | YES | YES | D | Suricata only | 2 |
| http_cookie | YES | YES | C | Suricata only | 2 |
| http_raw_cookie | YES | NO (use http_raw_header instead) | K | NO | n/a |
| http_host | NO | YES | W | Suricata only | 2 |
| http_raw_host | NO | YES | Z | Suricata only | 2 |
| http_client_body | YES | YES | P | YES | 2 |
| http_server_body | NO | YES | Q | Suricata only | 2 |
| http_user_agent | NO | YES | V | Suricata only | 2 |
| dns_query | NO | YES | n/a\* | Suricata only | 2 |
| tls_sni | NO | YES | n/a\* | Suricata only | 2 |
| tls_cert_issuer | NO | YES | n/a\* | Suricata only | 2 |
| tls_cert_subject | NO | YES | n/a\* | Suricata only | 2 |
| file_data | YES | YES | n/a\* | YES | 2 |
\* Sticky buffer