@ -127,18 +127,22 @@ To use it::
In Debian 9 (Stretch) do::
In Debian 9 (stretch) and later do::
apt-get install suricata
sudo apt-get install suricata
In Debian Jessie Suricata is out of date, but an updated version is in Debian Backports.
In the "stable" version of Debian, Suricata is usually not available in the
latest version. A more recent version is often available from Debian backports,
if it can be built there.
As root do::
To use backports, the backports repository for the current stable
distribution needs to be added to the system-wide sources list.
For Debian 10 (buster), for instance, run the following as root::
echo "deb http://http.debian.net/debian jessie-backports main" > \
echo "deb http://http.debian.net/debian buster-backports main" > \
apt-get update
apt-get install suricata -t jessie-backports
apt-get install suricata -t buster-backports