@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ static InspectionBuffer *GetData(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx,
const DetectEngineTransforms *transforms,
Flow *_f, const uint8_t _flow_flags,
void *txv, const int list_id);
static _Bool DetectTlsJa3HashValidateCallback(const Signature *s,
const char **sigerror);
static int g_tls_ja3_hash_buffer_id = 0;
@ -89,6 +91,9 @@ void DetectTlsJa3HashRegister(void)
DetectBufferTypeSetDescriptionByName("ja3_hash", "TLS JA3 hash");
g_tls_ja3_hash_buffer_id = DetectBufferTypeGetByName("ja3_hash");
@ -140,6 +145,30 @@ static InspectionBuffer *GetData(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx,
return buffer;
static _Bool DetectTlsJa3HashValidateCallback(const Signature *s,
const char **sigerror)
const SigMatch *sm = s->init_data->smlists[g_tls_ja3_hash_buffer_id];
for ( ; sm != NULL; sm = sm->next)
if (sm->type != DETECT_CONTENT)
DetectContentData *cd = (DetectContentData *)sm->ctx;
if (cd->content_len == 32)
return TRUE;
*sigerror = "Invalid length of the specified JA3 hash (should "
"be 32 characters long). This rule will therefore "
"never match.";
SCLogWarning(SC_WARN_POOR_RULE, "rule %u: %s", s->id, *sigerror);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
#ifndef HAVE_NSS
static void DetectTlsJa3HashRegisterTests(void)