smtp/mime: configurable url scheme extraction

Parse extract-url-schemes from the mime config.
e.g. 'extract-urls-schemes: [http, https, ftp, mailto]'
Update MimeDecConfig struct to new url extraction fields.
Change app-layer-smtp.c & util-decode-mime.c to initialize new struct
fields for MimeDecConfig.
Sets the default value for extract-url-schemes if not found in the
config to 'extract-urls-schemes: [http]' for backwards compatibility.

Uses the schemes defined in the mime config value for
extract-urls-schemes to search for URLS starting with those scheme
names followed by "://".
Logs the URLS with the scheme + '://' at the start if the
log-url-scheme is set in the mime config, otherwise the old behaviour
is reverted to and the urls are logged with the schemes stripped.

Removed unused constant URL_STR now that URLS are being searched for
using extract-urls-schemes mime config values instead of just URL's
starting with 'http://'.

Added commented out new options for extract-urls-schemes and
log-url-scheme to

Update FindUrlStrings comments.
Remove old outdated comments/commented code from FindUrlStrings.
Update test case for mime which now needs schemes list to be set.
Add Test Cases for FindUrlStrings() method.

Feature: #2054
Aaron Bungay 5 years ago committed by Victor Julien
parent 6c240938b5
commit 272786908c

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2007-2020 Open Information Security Foundation
/* Copyright (C) 2007-2021 Open Information Security Foundation
* You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
@ -237,7 +237,8 @@ SCEnumCharMap smtp_reply_map[ ] = {
/* Create SMTP config structure */
SMTPConfig smtp_config = { 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, STREAMING_BUFFER_CONFIG_INITIALIZER};
SMTPConfig smtp_config = { 0, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, false, 0, 0 }, 0, 0, 0, 0,
static SMTPString *SMTPStringAlloc(void);
@ -258,6 +259,7 @@ static void SMTPConfigure(void) {
ConfNode *config = ConfGetNode("app-layer.protocols.smtp.mime");
if (config != NULL) {
ConfNode *extract_urls_schemes = NULL;
ret = ConfGetChildValueBool(config, "decode-mime", &val);
if (ret) {
@ -284,6 +286,66 @@ static void SMTPConfigure(void) {
smtp_config.mime_config.extract_urls = val;
/* Parse extract-urls-schemes from mime config, add '://' suffix to found schemes,
* and provide a default value of 'http' for the schemes to be extracted
* if no schemes are found in the config */
extract_urls_schemes = ConfNodeLookupChild(config, "extract-urls-schemes");
if (extract_urls_schemes) {
ConfNode *scheme = NULL;
TAILQ_FOREACH (scheme, &extract_urls_schemes->head, next) {
/* new_val_len: scheme value from config e.g. 'http' + '://' + null terminator */
size_t new_val_len = strlen(scheme->val) + 3 + 1;
char *new_val = SCMalloc(new_val_len);
if (unlikely(new_val == NULL)) {
FatalError(SC_ERR_FATAL, "SCMalloc failure.");
int r = snprintf(new_val, new_val_len, "%s://", scheme->val);
if (r < 0 || r >= (int)new_val_len) {
FatalError(SC_ERR_FATAL, "snprintf failure.");
/* replace existing scheme value stored on the linked list with new value including
* '://' suffix */
scheme->val = new_val;
smtp_config.mime_config.extract_urls_schemes = extract_urls_schemes;
} else {
/* Add default extract url scheme 'http' since
* extract-urls-schemes wasn't found in the config */
ConfNode *seq_node = ConfNodeNew();
if (unlikely(seq_node == NULL)) {
FatalError(SC_ERR_FATAL, "ConfNodeNew failure.");
ConfNode *scheme = ConfNodeNew();
if (unlikely(scheme == NULL)) {
FatalError(SC_ERR_FATAL, "ConfNodeNew failure.");
seq_node->name = SCStrdup("extract-urls-schemes");
if (unlikely(seq_node->name == NULL)) {
FatalError(SC_ERR_FATAL, "SCStrdup failure.");
scheme->val = SCStrdup("http");
if (unlikely(scheme->val == NULL)) {
FatalError(SC_ERR_FATAL, "SCStrdup failure.");
seq_node->is_seq = 1;
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&seq_node->head, scheme, next);
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&config->head, seq_node, next);
smtp_config.mime_config.extract_urls_schemes = seq_node;
ret = ConfGetChildValueBool(config, "log-url-scheme", &val);
if (ret) {
smtp_config.mime_config.log_url_scheme = val;
ret = ConfGetChildValueBool(config, "body-md5", &val);
if (ret) {
smtp_config.mime_config.body_md5 = val;

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2012 BAE Systems
* Copyright (C) 2020 Open Information Security Foundation
* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Open Information Security Foundation
* You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
#define QP_STR "quoted-printable"
#define TXT_STR "text/plain"
#define HTML_STR "text/html"
#define URL_STR "http://"
/* Memory Usage Constants */
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@
#define MAX_IP6_CHARS 39
/* Globally hold configuration data */
static MimeDecConfig mime_dec_config = { 1, 1, 1, 0, MAX_HEADER_VALUE };
static MimeDecConfig mime_dec_config = { 1, 1, 1, NULL, false, 0, MAX_HEADER_VALUE };
/* Mime Parser String translation */
static const char *StateFlags[] = { "NONE",
@ -1003,12 +1002,11 @@ static MimeDecUrl *FindExistingUrl(MimeDecEntity *entity, uint8_t *url, uint32_t
* \brief This function searches a text or html line for a URL string
* URLS are generally truncated to the 'host.domain' format because
* some email messages contain dozens or even hundreds of URLs with
* the same host, but with only small variations in path.
* The URL strings are searched for using the URL schemes defined in the global
* MIME config e.g. "http", "https".
* The exception is that URLs with executable file extensions are stored
* with the full path. They are stored in lowercase.
* The found URL strings are stored in lowercase and with their schemes
* stripped unless the MIME config flag for log_url_scheme is set.
* Numeric IPs, malformed numeric IPs, and URLs pointing to executables are
* also flagged as URLs of interest.
@ -1024,88 +1022,101 @@ static int FindUrlStrings(const uint8_t *line, uint32_t len,
int ret = MIME_DEC_OK;
MimeDecEntity *entity = (MimeDecEntity *) state->stack->top->data;
uint8_t *fptr, *remptr, *tok = NULL, *tempUrl;
uint32_t tokLen = 0, i, tempUrlLen;
uint8_t urlStrLen = 0, flags = 0;
MimeDecConfig *mdcfg = MimeDecGetConfig();
uint8_t *fptr, *remptr, *tok = NULL, *tempUrl, *urlHost;
uint32_t tokLen = 0, i, tempUrlLen, urlHostLen;
uint8_t schemeStrLen = 0, flags = 0;
ConfNode *scheme = NULL;
char *schemeStr = NULL;
if (mdcfg != NULL && mdcfg->extract_urls_schemes == NULL) {
SCLogDebug("Error: MIME config extract_urls_schemes was NULL.");
remptr = (uint8_t *)line;
do {
SCLogDebug("Looking for URL String starting with: %s", URL_STR);
/* Check for token definition */
fptr = FindBuffer(remptr, len - (remptr - line), (uint8_t *)URL_STR, strlen(URL_STR));
if (fptr != NULL) {
urlStrLen = strlen(URL_STR);
fptr += urlStrLen; /* Start at end of start string */
tok = GetToken(fptr, len - (fptr - line), " \"\'<>]\t", &remptr,
if (tok == fptr) {
SCLogDebug("Found url string");
/* First copy to temp URL string */
tempUrl = SCMalloc(urlStrLen + tokLen);
if (unlikely(tempUrl == NULL)) {
SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Memory allocation failed");
TAILQ_FOREACH (scheme, &mdcfg->extract_urls_schemes->head, next) {
schemeStr = scheme->val;
schemeStrLen = strlen(schemeStr);
PrintChars(SC_LOG_DEBUG, "RAW URL", tok, tokLen);
remptr = (uint8_t *)line;
do {
SCLogDebug("Looking for URL String starting with: %s", schemeStr);
/* Check for token definition */
fptr = FindBuffer(remptr, len - (remptr - line), (uint8_t *)schemeStr, schemeStrLen);
if (fptr != NULL) {
if (!mdcfg->log_url_scheme) {
fptr += schemeStrLen; /* Strip scheme from stored URL */
tok = GetToken(fptr, len - (fptr - line), " \"\'<>]\t", &remptr, &tokLen);
if (tok == fptr) {
SCLogDebug("Found url string");
/* First copy to temp URL string */
tempUrl = SCMalloc(tokLen);
if (unlikely(tempUrl == NULL)) {
SCLogError(SC_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, "Memory allocation failed");
/* Copy over to temp URL while decoding */
tempUrlLen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < tokLen && tok[i] != 0; i++) {
PrintChars(SC_LOG_DEBUG, "RAW URL", tok, tokLen);
// URL decoding would probably go here
/* Copy over to temp URL while decoding */
tempUrlLen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < tokLen && tok[i] != 0; i++) {
/* url is all lowercase */
tempUrl[tempUrlLen] = tolower(tok[i]);
/* url is all lowercase */
tempUrl[tempUrlLen] = tolower(tok[i]);
urlHost = tempUrl;
urlHostLen = tempUrlLen;
if (mdcfg->log_url_scheme) {
/* tempUrl contains the scheme in the string but
* IsIpv4Host & IsPv6Host methods below require
* an input URL string with scheme stripped. Get a
* reference sub-string urlHost which starts with
* the host instead of the scheme. */
urlHost += schemeStrLen;
urlHostLen -= schemeStrLen;
/* Determine if URL points to an EXE */
if (IsExeUrl(tempUrl, tempUrlLen)) {
flags |= URL_IS_EXE;
/* Determine if URL points to an EXE */
if (IsExeUrl(tempUrl, tempUrlLen)) {
flags |= URL_IS_EXE;
PrintChars(SC_LOG_DEBUG, "EXE URL", tempUrl, tempUrlLen);
} else {
/* Not an EXE URL */
/* Cut off length at first '/' */
/* If seems that BAESystems had done the following
in support of PEScan. We don't want it for logging.
Therefore its been removed.
tok = FindString(tempUrl, tempUrlLen, "/");
if (tok != NULL) {
tempUrlLen = tok - tempUrl;
PrintChars(SC_LOG_DEBUG, "EXE URL", tempUrl, tempUrlLen);
/* Make sure remaining URL exists */
if (tempUrlLen > 0) {
if (!(FindExistingUrl(entity, tempUrl, tempUrlLen))) {
/* Now look for numeric IP */
if (IsIpv4Host(tempUrl, tempUrlLen)) {
flags |= URL_IS_IP4;
/* Make sure remaining URL exists */
if (tempUrlLen > 0) {
if (!(FindExistingUrl(entity, tempUrl, tempUrlLen))) {
/* Now look for numeric IP */
if (IsIpv4Host(urlHost, urlHostLen)) {
flags |= URL_IS_IP4;
PrintChars(SC_LOG_DEBUG, "IP URL4", tempUrl, tempUrlLen);
} else if (IsIpv6Host(tempUrl, tempUrlLen)) {
flags |= URL_IS_IP6;
PrintChars(SC_LOG_DEBUG, "IP URL4", tempUrl, tempUrlLen);
} else if (IsIpv6Host(urlHost, urlHostLen)) {
flags |= URL_IS_IP6;
PrintChars(SC_LOG_DEBUG, "IP URL6", tempUrl, tempUrlLen);
PrintChars(SC_LOG_DEBUG, "IP URL6", tempUrl, tempUrlLen);
/* Add URL list item */
MimeDecAddUrl(entity, tempUrl, tempUrlLen, flags);
/* Add URL list item */
MimeDecAddUrl(entity, tempUrl, tempUrlLen, flags);
} else {
} else {
} else {
/* Reset flags for next URL */
flags = 0;
} while (fptr != NULL);
} while (fptr != NULL);
return ret;
@ -2737,9 +2748,20 @@ static int MimeDecParseLineTest02(void)
uint32_t expected_count = 2;
uint32_t line_count = 0;
ConfNode *url_schemes = ConfNodeNew();
ConfNode *scheme = ConfNodeNew();
url_schemes->is_seq = 1;
scheme->val = SCStrdup("http://");
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&url_schemes->head, scheme, next);
MimeDecGetConfig()->decode_base64 = 1;
MimeDecGetConfig()->decode_quoted_printable = 1;
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls = 1;
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls_schemes = url_schemes;
/* Init parser */
MimeDecParseState *state = MimeDecInitParser(&line_count,
@ -2785,6 +2807,9 @@ static int MimeDecParseLineTest02(void)
/* De Init parser */
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls_schemes = NULL;
SCLogInfo("LINE COUNT FINISHED: %d", line_count);
if (expected_count != line_count) {
@ -2796,6 +2821,272 @@ static int MimeDecParseLineTest02(void)
return 1;
/* Test error case where no url schemes set in config */
static int MimeFindUrlStringsTest01(void)
int ret = MIME_DEC_OK;
uint32_t line_count = 0;
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls = 1;
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls_schemes = NULL;
MimeDecGetConfig()->log_url_scheme = false;
/* Init parser */
MimeDecParseState *state = MimeDecInitParser(&line_count, TestDataChunkCallback);
const char *str = "test";
ret = FindUrlStrings((uint8_t *)str, strlen(str), state);
/* Expected error since extract_url_schemes is NULL */
/* Completed */
ret = MimeDecParseComplete(state);
MimeDecEntity *msg = state->msg;
/* De Init parser */
/* Test simple case of URL extraction */
static int MimeFindUrlStringsTest02(void)
int ret = MIME_DEC_OK;
uint32_t line_count = 0;
ConfNode *url_schemes = ConfNodeNew();
ConfNode *scheme = ConfNodeNew();
url_schemes->is_seq = 1;
scheme->val = SCStrdup("http://");
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&url_schemes->head, scheme, next);
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls = 1;
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls_schemes = url_schemes;
MimeDecGetConfig()->log_url_scheme = false;
/* Init parser */
MimeDecParseState *state = MimeDecInitParser(&line_count, TestDataChunkCallback);
const char *str = "A simple message click on "
" "
"hahah hopefully you click this link";
ret = FindUrlStrings((uint8_t *)str, strlen(str), state);
/* Completed */
ret = MimeDecParseComplete(state);
MimeDecEntity *msg = state->msg;
FAIL_IF(msg->url_list == NULL);
FAIL_IF_NOT(msg->url_list->url_flags & URL_IS_EXE);
memcmp("", msg->url_list->url, msg->url_list->url_len) == 0);
/* De Init parser */
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls_schemes = NULL;
/* Test URL extraction with multiple schemes and URLs */
static int MimeFindUrlStringsTest03(void)
int ret = MIME_DEC_OK;
uint32_t line_count = 0;
ConfNode *url_schemes = ConfNodeNew();
ConfNode *scheme1 = ConfNodeNew();
ConfNode *scheme2 = ConfNodeNew();
url_schemes->is_seq = 1;
scheme1->val = SCStrdup("http://");
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&url_schemes->head, scheme1, next);
scheme2->val = SCStrdup("https://");
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&url_schemes->head, scheme2, next);
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls = 1;
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls_schemes = url_schemes;
MimeDecGetConfig()->log_url_scheme = false;
/* Init parser */
MimeDecParseState *state = MimeDecInitParser(&line_count, TestDataChunkCallback);
const char *str = "A simple message click on "
" "
"hahah hopefully you click this link, or "
"you can go to and "
ret = FindUrlStrings((uint8_t *)str, strlen(str), state);
/* Completed */
ret = MimeDecParseComplete(state);
MimeDecEntity *msg = state->msg;
FAIL_IF(msg->url_list == NULL);
MimeDecUrl *url = msg->url_list;
FAIL_IF_NOT(memcmp("", url->url, url->url_len) == 0);
url = url->next;
FAIL_IF_NOT(memcmp("", url->url, url->url_len) == 0);
url = url->next;
FAIL_IF_NOT(memcmp("", url->url, url->url_len) == 0);
/* De Init parser */
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls_schemes = NULL;
/* Test URL extraction with multiple schemes and URLs with
* log_url_scheme enabled in the MIME config */
static int MimeFindUrlStringsTest04(void)
int ret = MIME_DEC_OK;
uint32_t line_count = 0;
ConfNode *url_schemes = ConfNodeNew();
ConfNode *scheme1 = ConfNodeNew();
ConfNode *scheme2 = ConfNodeNew();
url_schemes->is_seq = 1;
scheme1->val = SCStrdup("http://");
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&url_schemes->head, scheme1, next);
scheme2->val = SCStrdup("https://");
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&url_schemes->head, scheme2, next);
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls = 1;
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls_schemes = url_schemes;
MimeDecGetConfig()->log_url_scheme = true;
/* Init parser */
MimeDecParseState *state = MimeDecInitParser(&line_count, TestDataChunkCallback);
const char *str = "A simple message click on "
" "
"hahah hopefully you click this link, or "
"you can go to and "
ret = FindUrlStrings((uint8_t *)str, strlen(str), state);
/* Completed */
ret = MimeDecParseComplete(state);
MimeDecEntity *msg = state->msg;
FAIL_IF(msg->url_list == NULL);
MimeDecUrl *url = msg->url_list;
FAIL_IF_NOT(memcmp("", url->url, url->url_len) == 0);
url = url->next;
FAIL_IF_NOT(memcmp("", url->url, url->url_len) == 0);
url = url->next;
FAIL_IF_NOT(memcmp("", url->url, url->url_len) == 0);
/* De Init parser */
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls_schemes = NULL;
/* Test URL extraction of IPV4 and IPV6 URLs with log_url_scheme
* enabled in the MIME config */
static int MimeFindUrlStringsTest05(void)
int ret = MIME_DEC_OK;
uint32_t line_count = 0;
ConfNode *url_schemes = ConfNodeNew();
ConfNode *scheme = ConfNodeNew();
url_schemes->is_seq = 1;
scheme->val = SCStrdup("http://");
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&url_schemes->head, scheme, next);
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls = 1;
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls_schemes = url_schemes;
MimeDecGetConfig()->log_url_scheme = true;
/* Init parser */
MimeDecParseState *state = MimeDecInitParser(&line_count, TestDataChunkCallback);
const char *str = "A simple message click on "
" "
"hahah hopefully you click this link or this one "
ret = FindUrlStrings((uint8_t *)str, strlen(str), state);
/* Completed */
ret = MimeDecParseComplete(state);
MimeDecEntity *msg = state->msg;
FAIL_IF(msg->url_list == NULL);
MimeDecUrl *url = msg->url_list;
FAIL_IF_NOT(url->url_flags & URL_IS_IP6);
FAIL_IF_NOT(memcmp("http://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/test/02.php", url->url, url->url_len) == 0);
url = url->next;
FAIL_IF_NOT(url->url_flags & URL_IS_IP4);
FAIL_IF_NOT(memcmp("", url->url, url->url_len) == 0);
/* De Init parser */
MimeDecGetConfig()->extract_urls_schemes = NULL;
/* Test full message with linebreaks */
static int MimeDecParseFullMsgTest01(void)
@ -3093,6 +3384,11 @@ void MimeDecRegisterTests(void)
UtRegisterTest("MimeDecParseLineTest01", MimeDecParseLineTest01);
UtRegisterTest("MimeDecParseLineTest02", MimeDecParseLineTest02);
UtRegisterTest("MimeFindUrlStringsTest01", MimeFindUrlStringsTest01);
UtRegisterTest("MimeFindUrlStringsTest02", MimeFindUrlStringsTest02);
UtRegisterTest("MimeFindUrlStringsTest03", MimeFindUrlStringsTest03);
UtRegisterTest("MimeFindUrlStringsTest04", MimeFindUrlStringsTest04);
UtRegisterTest("MimeFindUrlStringsTest05", MimeFindUrlStringsTest05);
UtRegisterTest("MimeDecParseFullMsgTest01", MimeDecParseFullMsgTest01);
UtRegisterTest("MimeDecParseFullMsgTest02", MimeDecParseFullMsgTest02);
UtRegisterTest("MimeBase64DecodeTest01", MimeBase64DecodeTest01);

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2012 BAE Systems
* Copyright (C) 2021 Open Information Security Foundation
* You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
@ -96,6 +97,9 @@ typedef struct MimeDecConfig {
int decode_base64; /**< Decode base64 bodies */
int decode_quoted_printable; /**< Decode quoted-printable bodies */
int extract_urls; /**< Extract and store URLs in data structure */
ConfNode *extract_urls_schemes; /**< List of schemes of which to
extract urls */
bool log_url_scheme; /**< Log the scheme of extracted URLs */
int body_md5; /**< Compute md5 sum of body */
uint32_t header_value_depth; /**< Depth of which to store header values
(Default is 2000) */

@ -854,6 +854,12 @@ app-layer:
# Extract URLs and save in state data structure
extract-urls: yes
# Scheme of URLs to extract
# (default is [http])
#extract-urls-schemes: [http, https, ftp, mailto]
# Log the scheme of URLs that are extracted
# (default is no)
#log-url-scheme: yes
# Set to yes to compute the md5 of the mail body. You will then
# be able to journalize it.
body-md5: no
