@ -898,7 +898,6 @@ static DetectRunScratchpad DetectRunSetup(
if (p->proto == IPPROTO_TCP && pflow->protoctx &&
StreamReassembleRawHasDataReady(pflow->protoctx, p)) {
flow_flags |= STREAM_FLUSH;
SCLogDebug("alproto %u", alproto);
} else {
@ -1078,12 +1077,7 @@ static bool DetectRunTxInspectRule(ThreadVars *tv,
bool mpm_before_progress = false; // is mpm engine before progress?
bool mpm_in_progress = false; // is mpm engine in a buffer we will revisit?
/* see if we want to pass on the FLUSH flag */
if ((s->flags & SIG_FLAG_FLUSH) == 0)
flow_flags &=~ STREAM_FLUSH;
TRACE_SID_TXS(s->id, tx, "starting %s", direction ? "toclient" : "toserver");
TRACE_SID_TXS(s->id, tx, "FLUSH? %s", (flow_flags & STREAM_FLUSH)?"true":"false");
/* for a new inspection we inspect pkt header and packet matches */
if (likely(stored_flags == NULL)) {