@ -113,17 +113,80 @@ static int DetectLuajitMatch (ThreadVars *t, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx,
int ret = 0;
//DetectLuajitData *luajit = (DetectLuajitData *)m->ctx;
DetectLuajitData *luajit = (DetectLuajitData *)m->ctx;
if (luajit == NULL)
DetectLuajitThreadData *tluajit = (DetectLuajitThreadData *)DetectThreadCtxGetKeywordThreadCtx(det_ctx, luajit->thread_ctx_id);
if (tluajit == NULL)
lua_getglobal(tluajit->luastate, "match");
lua_newtable(tluajit->luastate); /* stack at -1 */
if (p->payload_len) {
lua_pushliteral(tluajit->luastate, "payload"); /* stack at -2 */
lua_pushlstring (tluajit->luastate, (const char *)p->payload, (size_t)p->payload_len); /* stack at -3 */
lua_settable(tluajit->luastate, -3);
if (GET_PKT_LEN(p)) {
lua_pushliteral(tluajit->luastate, "packet"); /* stack at -2 */
lua_pushlstring (tluajit->luastate, (const char *)GET_PKT_DATA(p), (size_t)GET_PKT_LEN(p)); /* stack at -3 */
lua_settable(tluajit->luastate, -3);
int retval = lua_pcall(tluajit->luastate, 1, 1, 0);
if (retval != 0) {
SCLogInfo("failed to run script: %s", lua_tostring(tluajit->luastate, -1));
/** \todo */
double script_ret = lua_tonumber(tluajit->luastate, 1);
SCLogDebug("script_ret %f", script_ret);
lua_pop(tluajit->luastate, 1);
if (script_ret == 1.0)
ret = 1;
static void *DetectLuajitThreadInit(void *data) {
DetectLuajitThreadData *t = SCMalloc(sizeof(DetectLuajitThreadData));
if (t != NULL) {
memset(t, 0x00, sizeof(DetectLuajitThreadData));
t->luastate = luaL_newstate();
BUG_ON(t->luastate == NULL);
int status = luaL_loadfile(t->luastate, (char *)data);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load file: %s\n", lua_tostring(t->luastate, -1));
/* prime the script (or something) */
if (lua_pcall(t->luastate, 0, 0, 0) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't prime file: %s\n", lua_tostring(t->luastate, -1));
return (void *)t;
static void DetectLuajitThreadFree(void *ctx) {
DetectLuajitThreadData *t = (DetectLuajitThreadData *)ctx;
/** \todo lua state cleanup */
* \brief Parse the luajit keyword
* \param idstr Pointer to the user provided option
* \param str Pointer to the user provided option
* \retval luajit pointer to DetectLuajitData on success
* \retval NULL on failure
@ -145,13 +208,11 @@ static DetectLuajitData *DetectLuajitParse (char *str)
/* get full filename */
char *filename = DetectLoadCompleteSigPath(str);
if (filename == NULL) {
luajit->filename = DetectLoadCompleteSigPath(str);
if (luajit->filename == NULL) {
goto error;
/** \todo open file, etc */
return luajit;
@ -180,6 +241,12 @@ static int DetectLuajitSetup (DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, char *str)
if (luajit == NULL)
goto error;
luajit->thread_ctx_id = DetectRegisterThreadCtxFuncs(de_ctx, "luajit",
DetectLuajitThreadInit, (void *)luajit->filename,
if (luajit->thread_ctx_id == -1)
goto error;
/* Okay so far so good, lets get this into a SigMatch
* and put it in the Signature. */
sm = SigMatchAlloc();
@ -189,7 +256,7 @@ static int DetectLuajitSetup (DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, char *str)
sm->type = DETECT_LUAJIT;
sm->ctx = (void *)luajit;
SigMatchAppendSMToList(s, sm, DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH);
SigMatchAppendSMToList(s, sm, DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH);
return 0;