@ -776,31 +776,31 @@ static void GetWorkUnitSizing(const uint32_t pass_in_sec, const uint32_t rows, c
static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
FlowManagerThreadData *ftd = thread_data;
struct timeval ts;
const uint32_t rows = ftd->max - ftd->min;
const uint32_t min_timeout = FlowTimeoutsMin();
const uint32_t pass_in_sec = min_timeout ? min_timeout * 8 : 60;
const bool time_is_live = TimeModeIsLive();
uint32_t emerg_over_cnt = 0;
uint64_t next_run_ms = 0;
uint32_t pos = 0;
uint32_t rows_per_wu = 0;
uint64_t sleep_per_wu = 0;
bool emerg = false;
bool prev_emerg = false;
uint32_t other_last_sec = 0; /**< last sec stamp when defrag etc ran */
struct timeval ts;
memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(ts));
const uint32_t min_timeout = FlowTimeoutsMin();
const uint32_t pass_in_sec = min_timeout ? min_timeout * 8 : 60;
/* don't start our activities until time is setup */
while (!TimeModeIsReady()) {
if (suricata_ctl_flags != 0)
return TM_ECODE_OK;
const bool time_is_live = TimeModeIsLive();
SCLogDebug("FM %s/%d starting. min_timeout %us. Full hash pass in %us", th_v->name,
ftd->instance, min_timeout, pass_in_sec);
uint32_t emerg_over_cnt = 0;
uint64_t next_run_ms = 0;
const uint32_t rows = ftd->max - ftd->min;
uint32_t pos = 0;
uint32_t rows_per_wu = 0;
uint64_t sleep_per_wu = 0;
uint32_t mp = MemcapsGetPressure() * 100;
if (ftd->instance == 0) {
StatsSetUI64(th_v, ftd->cnt.memcap_pressure, mp);
@ -860,6 +860,9 @@ static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
const uint32_t spare_pool_len = FlowSpareGetPoolSize();
StatsSetUI64(th_v, ftd->cnt.flow_mgr_spare, (uint64_t)spare_pool_len);
StatsAddUI64(th_v, ftd->cnt.flow_mgr_cnt_clo, (uint64_t)counters.clo);
StatsAddUI64(th_v, ftd->cnt.flow_mgr_cnt_new, (uint64_t)counters.new);
StatsAddUI64(th_v, ftd->cnt.flow_mgr_cnt_est, (uint64_t)counters.est);
@ -879,17 +882,15 @@ static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
StatsSetUI64(th_v, ftd->cnt.flow_mgr_rows_maxlen, (uint64_t)counters.rows_maxlen);
uint32_t len = FlowSpareGetPoolSize();
StatsSetUI64(th_v, ftd->cnt.flow_mgr_spare, (uint64_t)len);
if (emerg == true) {
SCLogDebug("flow_sparse_q.len = %"PRIu32" prealloc: %"PRIu32
"flow_spare_q status: %"PRIu32"%% flows at the queue",
len, flow_config.prealloc, len * 100 / flow_config.prealloc);
SCLogDebug("flow_sparse_q.len = %" PRIu32 " prealloc: %" PRIu32
"flow_spare_q status: %" PRIu32 "%% flows at the queue",
spare_pool_len, flow_config.prealloc,
spare_pool_len * 100 / flow_config.prealloc);
/* only if we have pruned this "emergency_recovery" percentage
* of flows, we will unset the emergency bit */
if (len * 100 / flow_config.prealloc > flow_config.emergency_recovery) {
if (spare_pool_len * 100 / flow_config.prealloc > flow_config.emergency_recovery) {
} else {
emerg_over_cnt = 0;
@ -907,7 +908,7 @@ static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)
"ts.tv_usec:%" PRIuMAX ") flow_spare_q status(): %" PRIu32
"%% flows at the queue",
(uintmax_t)ts.tv_sec, (uintmax_t)ts.tv_usec,
len * 100 / flow_config.prealloc);
spare_pool_len * 100 / flow_config.prealloc);
StatsIncr(th_v, ftd->cnt.flow_emerg_mode_over);