/* Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Open Information Security Foundation
* You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
* Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
* \file
* \author Victor Julien <victor@inliniac.net>
#ifndef __DECODE_H__
#define __DECODE_H__
//#define DBG_THREADS
#define COUNTERS
Add per packet profiling.
Per packet profiling uses tick based accounting. It has 2 outputs, a summary
and a csv file that contains per packet stats.
Stats per packet include:
1) total ticks spent
2) ticks spent per individual thread module
3) "threading overhead" which is simply calculated by subtracting (2) of (1).
A number of changes were made to integrate the new code in a clean way:
a number of generic enums are now placed in tm-threads-common.h so we can
include them from any part of the engine.
Code depends on --enable-profiling just like the rule profiling code.
New yaml parameters:
# packet profiling
# Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: yes
filename: packet_stats.log
append: yes
# per packet csv output
# Output can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: no
filename: packet_stats.csv
Example output of summary stats:
IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
IPv4 6 19436 11448 5404365 32993
IPv4 256 4 11511 49968 30575
Per Thread module stats:
Thread Module IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------------------------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
TMM_DECODEPCAPFILE IPv4 6 19434 1242 47889 1770
TMM_DETECT IPv4 6 19436 1107 137241 1504
TMM_ALERTFASTLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1323 155
TMM_ALERTUNIFIED2ALERT IPv4 6 19436 108 1359 138
TMM_ALERTDEBUGLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1134 154
TMM_LOGHTTPLOG IPv4 6 19436 414 5392089 7944
TMM_STREAMTCP IPv4 6 19434 828 1299159 19438
The proto 256 is a counter for handling of pseudo/tunnel packets.
Example output of csv:
First line of the file contains labels.
2 example gnuplot scripts added to plot the data.
14 years ago
#include "suricata-common.h"
#include "threadvars.h"
#ifdef __SC_CUDA_SUPPORT__
#include "util-cuda-buffer.h"
#include "util-cuda-vars.h"
#endif /* __SC_CUDA_SUPPORT__ */
typedef enum {
} ChecksumValidationMode;
enum PktSrcEnum {
#include "source-nfq.h"
#include "source-ipfw.h"
#include "source-pcap.h"
#include "source-af-packet.h"
Add TILE-Gx mPIPE packet processing support.
The TILE-Gx processor includes a packet processing engine, called
mPIPE, that can deliver packets directly into user space memory. It
handles buffer allocation and load balancing (either static 5-tuple
hashing, or dynamic flow affinity hashing are used here). The new
packet source code is in source-mpipe.c and source-mpipe.h
A new Tile runmode is added that configures the Suricata pipelines in
worker mode, where each thread does the entire packet processing
pipeline. It scales across all the Gx chips sizes of 9, 16, 36 or 72
cores. The new runmode is in runmode-tile.c and runmode-tile.h
The configure script detects the TILE-Gx architecture and defines
HAVE_MPIPE, which is then used to conditionally enable the code to
support mPIPE packet processing. Suricata runs on TILE-Gx even without
mPIPE support enabled.
The Suricata Packet structures are allocated by the mPIPE hardware by
allocating the Suricata Packet structure immediatley before the mPIPE
packet buffer and then pushing the mPIPE packet buffer pointer onto
the mPIPE buffer stack. This way, mPIPE writes the packet data into
the buffer, returns the mPIPE packet buffer pointer, which is then
converted into a Suricata Packet pointer for processing inside
Suricata. When the Packet is freed, the buffer is returned to mPIPE's
buffer stack, by setting ReleasePacket to an mPIPE release specific
The code checks for the largest Huge page available in Linux when
Suricata is started. TILE-Gx supports Huge pages sizes of 16MB, 64MB,
256MB, 1GB and 4GB. Suricata then divides one of those page into
packet buffers for mPIPE.
The code is not yet optimized for high performance. Performance
improvements will follow shortly.
The code was originally written by Tom Decanio and then further
modified by Tilera.
This code has been tested with Tilera's Multicore Developement
Environment (MDE) version 4.1.5. The TILEncore-Gx36 (PCIe card) and
TILEmpower-Gx (1U Rack mount).
12 years ago
#include "source-mpipe.h"
#include "action-globals.h"
#include "decode-ethernet.h"
#include "decode-gre.h"
#include "decode-ppp.h"
#include "decode-pppoe.h"
#include "decode-sll.h"
#include "decode-ipv4.h"
#include "decode-ipv6.h"
#include "decode-icmpv4.h"
#include "decode-icmpv6.h"
#include "decode-tcp.h"
#include "decode-udp.h"
#include "decode-sctp.h"
#include "decode-raw.h"
#include "decode-vlan.h"
#include "detect-reference.h"
#include "app-layer-protos.h"
/* forward declaration */
struct DetectionEngineThreadCtx_;
/* Address */
typedef struct Address_ {
char family;
union {
uint32_t address_un_data32[4]; /* type-specific field */
uint16_t address_un_data16[8]; /* type-specific field */
uint8_t address_un_data8[16]; /* type-specific field */
} address;
} Address;
#define addr_data32 address.address_un_data32
#define addr_data16 address.address_un_data16
#define addr_data8 address.address_un_data8
#define COPY_ADDRESS(a, b) do { \
(b)->family = (a)->family; \
(b)->addr_data32[0] = (a)->addr_data32[0]; \
(b)->addr_data32[1] = (a)->addr_data32[1]; \
(b)->addr_data32[2] = (a)->addr_data32[2]; \
(b)->addr_data32[3] = (a)->addr_data32[3]; \
} while (0)
/* Set the IPv4 addressesinto the Addrs of the Packet.
* Make sure p->ip4h is initialized and validated.
* We set the rest of the struct to 0 so we can
* prevent using memset. */
#define SET_IPV4_SRC_ADDR(p, a) do { \
(a)->family = AF_INET; \
(a)->addr_data32[0] = (uint32_t)(p)->ip4h->s_ip_src.s_addr; \
(a)->addr_data32[1] = 0; \
(a)->addr_data32[2] = 0; \
(a)->addr_data32[3] = 0; \
} while (0)
#define SET_IPV4_DST_ADDR(p, a) do { \
(a)->family = AF_INET; \
(a)->addr_data32[0] = (uint32_t)(p)->ip4h->s_ip_dst.s_addr; \
(a)->addr_data32[1] = 0; \
(a)->addr_data32[2] = 0; \
(a)->addr_data32[3] = 0; \
} while (0)
/* clear the address structure by setting all fields to 0 */
#define CLEAR_ADDR(a) do { \
(a)->family = 0; \
(a)->addr_data32[0] = 0; \
(a)->addr_data32[1] = 0; \
(a)->addr_data32[2] = 0; \
(a)->addr_data32[3] = 0; \
} while (0)
/* Set the IPv6 addressesinto the Addrs of the Packet.
* Make sure p->ip6h is initialized and validated. */
#define SET_IPV6_SRC_ADDR(p, a) do { \
(a)->family = AF_INET6; \
(a)->addr_data32[0] = (p)->ip6h->s_ip6_src[0]; \
(a)->addr_data32[1] = (p)->ip6h->s_ip6_src[1]; \
(a)->addr_data32[2] = (p)->ip6h->s_ip6_src[2]; \
(a)->addr_data32[3] = (p)->ip6h->s_ip6_src[3]; \
} while (0)
#define SET_IPV6_DST_ADDR(p, a) do { \
(a)->family = AF_INET6; \
(a)->addr_data32[0] = (p)->ip6h->s_ip6_dst[0]; \
(a)->addr_data32[1] = (p)->ip6h->s_ip6_dst[1]; \
(a)->addr_data32[2] = (p)->ip6h->s_ip6_dst[2]; \
(a)->addr_data32[3] = (p)->ip6h->s_ip6_dst[3]; \
} while (0)
/* Set the TCP ports into the Ports of the Packet.
* Make sure p->tcph is initialized and validated. */
#define SET_TCP_SRC_PORT(pkt, prt) do { \
SET_PORT(TCP_GET_SRC_PORT((pkt)), *(prt)); \
} while (0)
#define SET_TCP_DST_PORT(pkt, prt) do { \
SET_PORT(TCP_GET_DST_PORT((pkt)), *(prt)); \
} while (0)
/* Set the UDP ports into the Ports of the Packet.
* Make sure p->udph is initialized and validated. */
#define SET_UDP_SRC_PORT(pkt, prt) do { \
SET_PORT(UDP_GET_SRC_PORT((pkt)), *(prt)); \
} while (0)
#define SET_UDP_DST_PORT(pkt, prt) do { \
SET_PORT(UDP_GET_DST_PORT((pkt)), *(prt)); \
} while (0)
/* Set the SCTP ports into the Ports of the Packet.
* Make sure p->sctph is initialized and validated. */
#define SET_SCTP_SRC_PORT(pkt, prt) do { \
SET_PORT(SCTP_GET_SRC_PORT((pkt)), *(prt)); \
} while (0)
#define SET_SCTP_DST_PORT(pkt, prt) do { \
SET_PORT(SCTP_GET_DST_PORT((pkt)), *(prt)); \
} while (0)
#define GET_IPV4_SRC_ADDR_U32(p) ((p)->src.addr_data32[0])
#define GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_U32(p) ((p)->dst.addr_data32[0])
#define GET_IPV4_SRC_ADDR_PTR(p) ((p)->src.addr_data32)
#define GET_IPV4_DST_ADDR_PTR(p) ((p)->dst.addr_data32)
#define GET_IPV6_SRC_ADDR(p) ((p)->src.addr_data32)
#define GET_IPV6_DST_ADDR(p) ((p)->dst.addr_data32)
#define GET_TCP_SRC_PORT(p) ((p)->sp)
#define GET_TCP_DST_PORT(p) ((p)->dp)
#define GET_PKT_LEN(p) ((p)->pktlen)
#define GET_PKT_DATA(p) ((((p)->ext_pkt) == NULL ) ? (p)->pkt : (p)->ext_pkt)
#define GET_PKT_DIRECT_DATA(p) ((p)->pkt)
#define GET_PKT_DIRECT_MAX_SIZE(p) (default_packet_size)
#define SET_PKT_LEN(p, len) do { \
(p)->pktlen = (len); \
} while (0)
/* Port is just a uint16_t */
typedef uint16_t Port;
#define SET_PORT(v, p) ((p) = (v))
#define COPY_PORT(a,b) ((b) = (a))
#define CMP_ADDR(a1, a2) \
(((a1)->addr_data32[3] == (a2)->addr_data32[3] && \
(a1)->addr_data32[2] == (a2)->addr_data32[2] && \
(a1)->addr_data32[1] == (a2)->addr_data32[1] && \
(a1)->addr_data32[0] == (a2)->addr_data32[0]))
#define CMP_PORT(p1, p2) \
((p1) == (p2))
/*Given a packet pkt offset to the start of the ip header in a packet
*We determine the ip version. */
#define IP_GET_RAW_VER(pkt) ((((pkt)[0] & 0xf0) >> 4))
#define PKT_IS_IPV4(p) (((p)->ip4h != NULL))
#define PKT_IS_IPV6(p) (((p)->ip6h != NULL))
#define PKT_IS_TCP(p) (((p)->tcph != NULL))
#define PKT_IS_UDP(p) (((p)->udph != NULL))
#define PKT_IS_ICMPV4(p) (((p)->icmpv4h != NULL))
#define PKT_IS_ICMPV6(p) (((p)->icmpv6h != NULL))
#define PKT_IS_TOSERVER(p) (((p)->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER))
#define PKT_IS_TOCLIENT(p) (((p)->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT))
#define IPH_IS_VALID(p) (PKT_IS_IPV4((p)) || PKT_IS_IPV6((p)))
/* Retrieve proto regardless of IP version */
#define IP_GET_IPPROTO(p) \
(p->proto ? p->proto : \
(PKT_IS_IPV4((p))? IPV4_GET_IPPROTO((p)) : (PKT_IS_IPV6((p))? IPV6_GET_L4PROTO((p)) : 0)))
/* structure to store the sids/gids/etc the detection engine
* found in this packet */
typedef struct PacketAlert_ {
SigIntId num; /* Internal num, used for sorting */
SigIntId order_id; /* Internal num, used for sorting */
uint8_t action; /* Internal num, used for sorting */
uint8_t flags;
struct Signature_ *s;
} PacketAlert;
/** After processing an alert by the thresholding module, if at
* last it gets triggered, we might want to stick the drop action to
* the flow on IPS mode */
/** alert was generated based on state */
/** alert was generated based on stream */
typedef struct PacketAlerts_ {
uint16_t cnt;
PacketAlert alerts[PACKET_ALERT_MAX];
} PacketAlerts;
/** number of decoder events we support per packet. Power of 2 minus 1
* for memory layout */
/** data structure to store decoder, defrag and stream events */
typedef struct PacketEngineEvents_ {
uint8_t cnt; /**< number of events */
uint8_t events[PACKET_ENGINE_EVENT_MAX]; /**< array of events */
} PacketEngineEvents;
typedef struct PktVar_ {
char *name;
struct PktVar_ *next; /* right now just implement this as a list,
* in the long run we have thing of something
* faster. */
uint8_t *value;
uint16_t value_len;
} PktVar;
Add per packet profiling.
Per packet profiling uses tick based accounting. It has 2 outputs, a summary
and a csv file that contains per packet stats.
Stats per packet include:
1) total ticks spent
2) ticks spent per individual thread module
3) "threading overhead" which is simply calculated by subtracting (2) of (1).
A number of changes were made to integrate the new code in a clean way:
a number of generic enums are now placed in tm-threads-common.h so we can
include them from any part of the engine.
Code depends on --enable-profiling just like the rule profiling code.
New yaml parameters:
# packet profiling
# Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: yes
filename: packet_stats.log
append: yes
# per packet csv output
# Output can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: no
filename: packet_stats.csv
Example output of summary stats:
IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
IPv4 6 19436 11448 5404365 32993
IPv4 256 4 11511 49968 30575
Per Thread module stats:
Thread Module IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------------------------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
TMM_DECODEPCAPFILE IPv4 6 19434 1242 47889 1770
TMM_DETECT IPv4 6 19436 1107 137241 1504
TMM_ALERTFASTLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1323 155
TMM_ALERTUNIFIED2ALERT IPv4 6 19436 108 1359 138
TMM_ALERTDEBUGLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1134 154
TMM_LOGHTTPLOG IPv4 6 19436 414 5392089 7944
TMM_STREAMTCP IPv4 6 19434 828 1299159 19438
The proto 256 is a counter for handling of pseudo/tunnel packets.
Example output of csv:
First line of the file contains labels.
2 example gnuplot scripts added to plot the data.
14 years ago
/** \brief Per TMM stats storage */
typedef struct PktProfilingTmmData_ {
uint64_t ticks_start;
uint64_t ticks_end;
uint64_t mutex_lock_cnt;
uint64_t mutex_lock_wait_ticks;
uint64_t mutex_lock_contention;
uint64_t spin_lock_cnt;
uint64_t spin_lock_wait_ticks;
uint64_t spin_lock_contention;
uint64_t rww_lock_cnt;
uint64_t rww_lock_wait_ticks;
uint64_t rww_lock_contention;
uint64_t rwr_lock_cnt;
uint64_t rwr_lock_wait_ticks;
uint64_t rwr_lock_contention;
Add per packet profiling.
Per packet profiling uses tick based accounting. It has 2 outputs, a summary
and a csv file that contains per packet stats.
Stats per packet include:
1) total ticks spent
2) ticks spent per individual thread module
3) "threading overhead" which is simply calculated by subtracting (2) of (1).
A number of changes were made to integrate the new code in a clean way:
a number of generic enums are now placed in tm-threads-common.h so we can
include them from any part of the engine.
Code depends on --enable-profiling just like the rule profiling code.
New yaml parameters:
# packet profiling
# Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: yes
filename: packet_stats.log
append: yes
# per packet csv output
# Output can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: no
filename: packet_stats.csv
Example output of summary stats:
IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
IPv4 6 19436 11448 5404365 32993
IPv4 256 4 11511 49968 30575
Per Thread module stats:
Thread Module IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------------------------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
TMM_DECODEPCAPFILE IPv4 6 19434 1242 47889 1770
TMM_DETECT IPv4 6 19436 1107 137241 1504
TMM_ALERTFASTLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1323 155
TMM_ALERTUNIFIED2ALERT IPv4 6 19436 108 1359 138
TMM_ALERTDEBUGLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1134 154
TMM_LOGHTTPLOG IPv4 6 19436 414 5392089 7944
TMM_STREAMTCP IPv4 6 19434 828 1299159 19438
The proto 256 is a counter for handling of pseudo/tunnel packets.
Example output of csv:
First line of the file contains labels.
2 example gnuplot scripts added to plot the data.
14 years ago
} PktProfilingTmmData;
typedef struct PktProfilingDetectData_ {
uint64_t ticks_start;
uint64_t ticks_end;
uint64_t ticks_spent;
} PktProfilingDetectData;
typedef struct PktProfilingAppData_ {
uint64_t ticks_spent;
} PktProfilingAppData;
Add per packet profiling.
Per packet profiling uses tick based accounting. It has 2 outputs, a summary
and a csv file that contains per packet stats.
Stats per packet include:
1) total ticks spent
2) ticks spent per individual thread module
3) "threading overhead" which is simply calculated by subtracting (2) of (1).
A number of changes were made to integrate the new code in a clean way:
a number of generic enums are now placed in tm-threads-common.h so we can
include them from any part of the engine.
Code depends on --enable-profiling just like the rule profiling code.
New yaml parameters:
# packet profiling
# Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: yes
filename: packet_stats.log
append: yes
# per packet csv output
# Output can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: no
filename: packet_stats.csv
Example output of summary stats:
IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
IPv4 6 19436 11448 5404365 32993
IPv4 256 4 11511 49968 30575
Per Thread module stats:
Thread Module IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------------------------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
TMM_DECODEPCAPFILE IPv4 6 19434 1242 47889 1770
TMM_DETECT IPv4 6 19436 1107 137241 1504
TMM_ALERTFASTLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1323 155
TMM_ALERTUNIFIED2ALERT IPv4 6 19436 108 1359 138
TMM_ALERTDEBUGLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1134 154
TMM_LOGHTTPLOG IPv4 6 19436 414 5392089 7944
TMM_STREAMTCP IPv4 6 19434 828 1299159 19438
The proto 256 is a counter for handling of pseudo/tunnel packets.
Example output of csv:
First line of the file contains labels.
2 example gnuplot scripts added to plot the data.
14 years ago
/** \brief Per pkt stats storage */
typedef struct PktProfiling_ {
uint64_t ticks_start;
uint64_t ticks_end;
PktProfilingTmmData tmm[TMM_SIZE];
PktProfilingAppData app[ALPROTO_MAX];
PktProfilingDetectData detect[PROF_DETECT_SIZE];
uint64_t proto_detect;
Add per packet profiling.
Per packet profiling uses tick based accounting. It has 2 outputs, a summary
and a csv file that contains per packet stats.
Stats per packet include:
1) total ticks spent
2) ticks spent per individual thread module
3) "threading overhead" which is simply calculated by subtracting (2) of (1).
A number of changes were made to integrate the new code in a clean way:
a number of generic enums are now placed in tm-threads-common.h so we can
include them from any part of the engine.
Code depends on --enable-profiling just like the rule profiling code.
New yaml parameters:
# packet profiling
# Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: yes
filename: packet_stats.log
append: yes
# per packet csv output
# Output can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: no
filename: packet_stats.csv
Example output of summary stats:
IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
IPv4 6 19436 11448 5404365 32993
IPv4 256 4 11511 49968 30575
Per Thread module stats:
Thread Module IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------------------------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
TMM_DECODEPCAPFILE IPv4 6 19434 1242 47889 1770
TMM_DETECT IPv4 6 19436 1107 137241 1504
TMM_ALERTFASTLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1323 155
TMM_ALERTUNIFIED2ALERT IPv4 6 19436 108 1359 138
TMM_ALERTDEBUGLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1134 154
TMM_LOGHTTPLOG IPv4 6 19436 414 5392089 7944
TMM_STREAMTCP IPv4 6 19434 828 1299159 19438
The proto 256 is a counter for handling of pseudo/tunnel packets.
Example output of csv:
First line of the file contains labels.
2 example gnuplot scripts added to plot the data.
14 years ago
} PktProfiling;
#endif /* PROFILING */
/* forward declartion since Packet struct definition requires this */
struct PacketQueue_;
/* sizes of the members:
* src: 17 bytes
* dst: 17 bytes
* sp/type: 1 byte
* dp/code: 1 byte
* proto: 1 byte
* recurs: 1 byte
* sum of above: 38 bytes
* flow ptr: 4/8 bytes
* flags: 1 byte
* flowflags: 1 byte
* sum of above 44/48 bytes
typedef struct Packet_
/* Addresses, Ports and protocol
* these are on top so we can use
* the Packet as a hash key */
Address src;
Address dst;
union {
Port sp;
uint8_t type;
union {
Port dp;
uint8_t code;
uint8_t proto;
/* make sure we can't be attacked on when the tunneled packet
* has the exact same tuple as the lower levels */
uint8_t recursion_level;
uint16_t vlan_id[2];
uint8_t vlan_idx;
/* Pkt Flags */
uint32_t flags;
/* flow */
uint8_t flowflags;
/* coccinelle: Packet:flowflags:FLOW_PKT_ */
uint8_t pkt_src;
struct Flow_ *flow;
struct timeval ts;
union {
/* nfq stuff */
#ifdef NFQ
NFQPacketVars nfq_v;
#endif /* NFQ */
#ifdef IPFW
IPFWPacketVars ipfw_v;
#endif /* IPFW */
#ifdef AF_PACKET
AFPPacketVars afp_v;
Add TILE-Gx mPIPE packet processing support.
The TILE-Gx processor includes a packet processing engine, called
mPIPE, that can deliver packets directly into user space memory. It
handles buffer allocation and load balancing (either static 5-tuple
hashing, or dynamic flow affinity hashing are used here). The new
packet source code is in source-mpipe.c and source-mpipe.h
A new Tile runmode is added that configures the Suricata pipelines in
worker mode, where each thread does the entire packet processing
pipeline. It scales across all the Gx chips sizes of 9, 16, 36 or 72
cores. The new runmode is in runmode-tile.c and runmode-tile.h
The configure script detects the TILE-Gx architecture and defines
HAVE_MPIPE, which is then used to conditionally enable the code to
support mPIPE packet processing. Suricata runs on TILE-Gx even without
mPIPE support enabled.
The Suricata Packet structures are allocated by the mPIPE hardware by
allocating the Suricata Packet structure immediatley before the mPIPE
packet buffer and then pushing the mPIPE packet buffer pointer onto
the mPIPE buffer stack. This way, mPIPE writes the packet data into
the buffer, returns the mPIPE packet buffer pointer, which is then
converted into a Suricata Packet pointer for processing inside
Suricata. When the Packet is freed, the buffer is returned to mPIPE's
buffer stack, by setting ReleasePacket to an mPIPE release specific
The code checks for the largest Huge page available in Linux when
Suricata is started. TILE-Gx supports Huge pages sizes of 16MB, 64MB,
256MB, 1GB and 4GB. Suricata then divides one of those page into
packet buffers for mPIPE.
The code is not yet optimized for high performance. Performance
improvements will follow shortly.
The code was originally written by Tom Decanio and then further
modified by Tilera.
This code has been tested with Tilera's Multicore Developement
Environment (MDE) version 4.1.5. The TILEncore-Gx36 (PCIe card) and
TILEmpower-Gx (1U Rack mount).
12 years ago
/* tilegx mpipe stuff */
MpipePacketVars mpipe_v;
/** libpcap vars: shared by Pcap Live mode and Pcap File mode */
PcapPacketVars pcap_v;
/** data linktype in host order */
int datalink;
/* IPS action to take */
uint8_t action;
/* used to hold flowbits only if debuglog is enabled */
int debuglog_flowbits_names_len;
const char **debuglog_flowbits_names;
/** The release function for packet structure and data */
void (*ReleasePacket)(struct Packet_ *);
/* pkt vars */
PktVar *pktvar;
/* header pointers */
EthernetHdr *ethh;
IPV4Hdr *ip4h;
IPV4Vars ip4vars;
IPV6Hdr *ip6h;
IPV6Vars ip6vars;
IPV6ExtHdrs ip6eh;
TCPHdr *tcph;
TCPVars tcpvars;
UDPHdr *udph;
UDPVars udpvars;
SCTPHdr *sctph;
ICMPV4Hdr *icmpv4h;
ICMPV4Vars icmpv4vars;
ICMPV6Hdr *icmpv6h;
ICMPV6Vars icmpv6vars;
PPPHdr *ppph;
PPPOESessionHdr *pppoesh;
PPPOEDiscoveryHdr *pppoedh;
GREHdr *greh;
VLANHdr *vlanh[2];
/* ptr to the payload of the packet
* with it's length. */
uint8_t *payload;
uint16_t payload_len;
/* storage: set to pointer to heap and extended via allocation if necessary */
uint8_t *pkt;
uint8_t *ext_pkt;
uint32_t pktlen;
/* Incoming interface */
struct LiveDevice_ *livedev;
PacketAlerts alerts;
struct Host_ *host_src;
struct Host_ *host_dst;
/** packet number in the pcap file, matches wireshark */
uint64_t pcap_cnt;
/** mutex to protect access to:
* - tunnel_rtv_cnt
* - tunnel_tpr_cnt
SCMutex tunnel_mutex;
/* ready to set verdict counter, only set in root */
uint16_t tunnel_rtv_cnt;
/* tunnel packet ref count */
uint16_t tunnel_tpr_cnt;
/* engine events */
PacketEngineEvents events;
/* double linked list ptrs */
struct Packet_ *next;
struct Packet_ *prev;
/* tunnel/encapsulation handling */
struct Packet_ *root; /* in case of tunnel this is a ptr
* to the 'real' packet, the one we
* need to set the verdict on --
* It should always point to the lowest
* packet in a encapsulated packet */
Add per packet profiling.
Per packet profiling uses tick based accounting. It has 2 outputs, a summary
and a csv file that contains per packet stats.
Stats per packet include:
1) total ticks spent
2) ticks spent per individual thread module
3) "threading overhead" which is simply calculated by subtracting (2) of (1).
A number of changes were made to integrate the new code in a clean way:
a number of generic enums are now placed in tm-threads-common.h so we can
include them from any part of the engine.
Code depends on --enable-profiling just like the rule profiling code.
New yaml parameters:
# packet profiling
# Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: yes
filename: packet_stats.log
append: yes
# per packet csv output
# Output can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: no
filename: packet_stats.csv
Example output of summary stats:
IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
IPv4 6 19436 11448 5404365 32993
IPv4 256 4 11511 49968 30575
Per Thread module stats:
Thread Module IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------------------------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
TMM_DECODEPCAPFILE IPv4 6 19434 1242 47889 1770
TMM_DETECT IPv4 6 19436 1107 137241 1504
TMM_ALERTFASTLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1323 155
TMM_ALERTUNIFIED2ALERT IPv4 6 19436 108 1359 138
TMM_ALERTDEBUGLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1134 154
TMM_LOGHTTPLOG IPv4 6 19436 414 5392089 7944
TMM_STREAMTCP IPv4 6 19434 828 1299159 19438
The proto 256 is a counter for handling of pseudo/tunnel packets.
Example output of csv:
First line of the file contains labels.
2 example gnuplot scripts added to plot the data.
14 years ago
PktProfiling profile;
#ifdef __SC_CUDA_SUPPORT__
CudaPacketVars cuda_pkt_vars;
Add TILE-Gx mPIPE packet processing support.
The TILE-Gx processor includes a packet processing engine, called
mPIPE, that can deliver packets directly into user space memory. It
handles buffer allocation and load balancing (either static 5-tuple
hashing, or dynamic flow affinity hashing are used here). The new
packet source code is in source-mpipe.c and source-mpipe.h
A new Tile runmode is added that configures the Suricata pipelines in
worker mode, where each thread does the entire packet processing
pipeline. It scales across all the Gx chips sizes of 9, 16, 36 or 72
cores. The new runmode is in runmode-tile.c and runmode-tile.h
The configure script detects the TILE-Gx architecture and defines
HAVE_MPIPE, which is then used to conditionally enable the code to
support mPIPE packet processing. Suricata runs on TILE-Gx even without
mPIPE support enabled.
The Suricata Packet structures are allocated by the mPIPE hardware by
allocating the Suricata Packet structure immediatley before the mPIPE
packet buffer and then pushing the mPIPE packet buffer pointer onto
the mPIPE buffer stack. This way, mPIPE writes the packet data into
the buffer, returns the mPIPE packet buffer pointer, which is then
converted into a Suricata Packet pointer for processing inside
Suricata. When the Packet is freed, the buffer is returned to mPIPE's
buffer stack, by setting ReleasePacket to an mPIPE release specific
The code checks for the largest Huge page available in Linux when
Suricata is started. TILE-Gx supports Huge pages sizes of 16MB, 64MB,
256MB, 1GB and 4GB. Suricata then divides one of those page into
packet buffers for mPIPE.
The code is not yet optimized for high performance. Performance
improvements will follow shortly.
The code was originally written by Tom Decanio and then further
modified by Tilera.
This code has been tested with Tilera's Multicore Developement
Environment (MDE) version 4.1.5. The TILEncore-Gx36 (PCIe card) and
TILEmpower-Gx (1U Rack mount).
12 years ago
/* mPIPE requires packet buffers to be aligned to 128 byte boundaries. */
/* storage: maximum ip packet size + link header */
#define MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE (IPV6_HEADER_LEN + 65536 + 28)
uint32_t default_packet_size;
#define SIZE_OF_PACKET (default_packet_size + sizeof(Packet))
typedef struct PacketQueue_ {
Packet *top;
Packet *bot;
uint32_t len;
#ifdef DBG_PERF
uint32_t dbg_maxlen;
#endif /* DBG_PERF */
SCMutex mutex_q;
SCCondT cond_q;
} PacketQueue;
/** \brief Specific ctx for AL proto detection */
typedef struct AlpProtoDetectDirectionThread_ {
MpmThreadCtx mpm_ctx;
PatternMatcherQueue pmq;
} AlpProtoDetectDirectionThread;
/** \brief Specific ctx for AL proto detection */
typedef struct AlpProtoDetectThreadCtx_ {
AlpProtoDetectDirectionThread toserver;
AlpProtoDetectDirectionThread toclient;
void *alproto_local_storage[ALPROTO_MAX];
uint64_t ticks_start;
uint64_t ticks_end;
uint64_t ticks_spent;
uint16_t alproto;
uint64_t proto_detect_ticks_start;
uint64_t proto_detect_ticks_end;
uint64_t proto_detect_ticks_spent;
} AlpProtoDetectThreadCtx;
/** \brief Structure to hold thread specific data for all decode modules */
typedef struct DecodeThreadVars_
/** Specific context for udp protocol detection (here atm) */
AlpProtoDetectThreadCtx udp_dp_ctx;
int vlan_disabled;
/** stats/counters */
uint16_t counter_pkts;
uint16_t counter_pkts_per_sec;
uint16_t counter_bytes;
uint16_t counter_bytes_per_sec;
uint16_t counter_mbit_per_sec;
uint16_t counter_ipv4;
uint16_t counter_ipv6;
uint16_t counter_eth;
uint16_t counter_sll;
uint16_t counter_raw;
uint16_t counter_tcp;
uint16_t counter_udp;
uint16_t counter_sctp;
uint16_t counter_icmpv4;
uint16_t counter_icmpv6;
uint16_t counter_ppp;
uint16_t counter_gre;
uint16_t counter_vlan;
uint16_t counter_pppoe;
uint16_t counter_teredo;
uint16_t counter_ipv4inipv6;
uint16_t counter_ipv6inipv6;
uint16_t counter_avg_pkt_size;
uint16_t counter_max_pkt_size;
/** frag stats - defrag runs in the context of the decoder. */
uint16_t counter_defrag_ipv4_fragments;
uint16_t counter_defrag_ipv4_reassembled;
uint16_t counter_defrag_ipv4_timeouts;
uint16_t counter_defrag_ipv6_fragments;
uint16_t counter_defrag_ipv6_reassembled;
uint16_t counter_defrag_ipv6_timeouts;
uint16_t counter_defrag_max_hit;
#ifdef __SC_CUDA_SUPPORT__
CudaThreadVars cuda_vars;
} DecodeThreadVars;
* \brief reset these to -1(indicates that the packet is fresh from the queue)
#define PACKET_RESET_CHECKSUMS(p) do { \
(p)->ip4vars.comp_csum = -1; \
(p)->tcpvars.comp_csum = -1; \
(p)->udpvars.comp_csum = -1; \
(p)->icmpv4vars.comp_csum = -1; \
(p)->icmpv6vars.comp_csum = -1; \
} while (0)
* \brief Initialize a packet structure for use.
#ifdef __SC_CUDA_SUPPORT__
#include "util-cuda-handlers.h"
#include "util-mpm.h"
#define PACKET_INITIALIZE(p) do { \
memset((p), 0x00, SIZE_OF_PACKET); \
SCMutexInit(&(p)->tunnel_mutex, NULL); \
(p)->pkt = ((uint8_t *)(p)) + sizeof(Packet); \
(p)->livedev = NULL; \
SCMutexInit(&(p)->cuda_pkt_vars.cuda_mutex, NULL); \
SCCondInit(&(p)->cuda_pkt_vars.cuda_cond, NULL); \
} while (0)
#define PACKET_INITIALIZE(p) { \
SCMutexInit(&(p)->tunnel_mutex, NULL); \
(p)->pkt = ((uint8_t *)(p)) + sizeof(Packet); \
(p)->livedev = NULL; \
* \brief Recycle a packet structure for reuse.
* \todo the mutex destroy & init is necessary because of the memset, reconsider
#define PACKET_DO_RECYCLE(p) do { \
CLEAR_ADDR(&(p)->src); \
CLEAR_ADDR(&(p)->dst); \
(p)->sp = 0; \
(p)->dp = 0; \
(p)->proto = 0; \
(p)->recursion_level = 0; \
(p)->flags = (p)->flags & PKT_ALLOC; \
(p)->flowflags = 0; \
(p)->pkt_src = 0; \
(p)->vlan_id[0] = 0; \
(p)->vlan_id[1] = 0; \
(p)->vlan_idx = 0; \
FlowDeReference(&((p)->flow)); \
(p)->ts.tv_sec = 0; \
(p)->ts.tv_usec = 0; \
(p)->datalink = 0; \
(p)->action = 0; \
if ((p)->pktvar != NULL) { \
PktVarFree((p)->pktvar); \
(p)->pktvar = NULL; \
} \
(p)->ethh = NULL; \
if ((p)->ip4h != NULL) { \
} \
if ((p)->ip6h != NULL) { \
} \
if ((p)->tcph != NULL) { \
} \
if ((p)->udph != NULL) { \
} \
if ((p)->sctph != NULL) { \
} \
if ((p)->icmpv4h != NULL) { \
} \
if ((p)->icmpv6h != NULL) { \
} \
(p)->ppph = NULL; \
(p)->pppoesh = NULL; \
(p)->pppoedh = NULL; \
(p)->greh = NULL; \
(p)->vlanh[0] = NULL; \
(p)->vlanh[1] = NULL; \
(p)->payload = NULL; \
(p)->payload_len = 0; \
(p)->pktlen = 0; \
(p)->alerts.cnt = 0; \
HostDeReference(&((p)->host_src)); \
HostDeReference(&((p)->host_dst)); \
(p)->pcap_cnt = 0; \
(p)->tunnel_rtv_cnt = 0; \
(p)->tunnel_tpr_cnt = 0; \
SCMutexDestroy(&(p)->tunnel_mutex); \
SCMutexInit(&(p)->tunnel_mutex, NULL); \
(p)->events.cnt = 0; \
(p)->next = NULL; \
(p)->prev = NULL; \
(p)->root = NULL; \
(p)->livedev = NULL; \
Add per packet profiling.
Per packet profiling uses tick based accounting. It has 2 outputs, a summary
and a csv file that contains per packet stats.
Stats per packet include:
1) total ticks spent
2) ticks spent per individual thread module
3) "threading overhead" which is simply calculated by subtracting (2) of (1).
A number of changes were made to integrate the new code in a clean way:
a number of generic enums are now placed in tm-threads-common.h so we can
include them from any part of the engine.
Code depends on --enable-profiling just like the rule profiling code.
New yaml parameters:
# packet profiling
# Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: yes
filename: packet_stats.log
append: yes
# per packet csv output
# Output can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: no
filename: packet_stats.csv
Example output of summary stats:
IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
IPv4 6 19436 11448 5404365 32993
IPv4 256 4 11511 49968 30575
Per Thread module stats:
Thread Module IP ver Proto cnt min max avg
------------------------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ---------- -------
TMM_DECODEPCAPFILE IPv4 6 19434 1242 47889 1770
TMM_DETECT IPv4 6 19436 1107 137241 1504
TMM_ALERTFASTLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1323 155
TMM_ALERTUNIFIED2ALERT IPv4 6 19436 108 1359 138
TMM_ALERTDEBUGLOG IPv4 6 19436 90 1134 154
TMM_LOGHTTPLOG IPv4 6 19436 414 5392089 7944
TMM_STREAMTCP IPv4 6 19434 828 1299159 19438
The proto 256 is a counter for handling of pseudo/tunnel packets.
Example output of csv:
First line of the file contains labels.
2 example gnuplot scripts added to plot the data.
14 years ago
} while (0)
* \brief Cleanup a packet so that we can free it. No memset needed..
#define PACKET_CLEANUP(p) do { \
if ((p)->pktvar != NULL) { \
PktVarFree((p)->pktvar); \
} \
SCMutexDestroy(&(p)->tunnel_mutex); \
} while (0)
/* macro's for setting the action
* handle the case of a root packet
* for tunnels */
#define PACKET_SET_ACTION(p, a) do { \
((p)->root ? \
((p)->root->action = a) : \
((p)->action = a)); \
} while (0)
#define PACKET_TEST_ACTION(p, a) \
((p)->root ? \
((p)->root->action & a) : \
((p)->action & a))
#define PACKET_UPDATE_ACTION(p, a) do { \
((p)->root ? \
((p)->root->action |= a) : \
((p)->action |= a)); \
} while (0)
#define TUNNEL_INCR_PKT_RTV(p) do { \
SCMutexLock((p)->root ? &(p)->root->tunnel_mutex : &(p)->tunnel_mutex); \
((p)->root ? (p)->root->tunnel_rtv_cnt++ : (p)->tunnel_rtv_cnt++); \
SCMutexUnlock((p)->root ? &(p)->root->tunnel_mutex : &(p)->tunnel_mutex); \
} while (0)
#define TUNNEL_INCR_PKT_TPR(p) do { \
SCMutexLock((p)->root ? &(p)->root->tunnel_mutex : &(p)->tunnel_mutex); \
((p)->root ? (p)->root->tunnel_tpr_cnt++ : (p)->tunnel_tpr_cnt++); \
SCMutexUnlock((p)->root ? &(p)->root->tunnel_mutex : &(p)->tunnel_mutex); \
} while (0)
#define TUNNEL_DECR_PKT_TPR(p) do { \
SCMutexLock((p)->root ? &(p)->root->tunnel_mutex : &(p)->tunnel_mutex); \
((p)->root ? (p)->root->tunnel_tpr_cnt-- : (p)->tunnel_tpr_cnt--); \
SCMutexUnlock((p)->root ? &(p)->root->tunnel_mutex : &(p)->tunnel_mutex); \
} while (0)
#define TUNNEL_DECR_PKT_TPR_NOLOCK(p) do { \
((p)->root ? (p)->root->tunnel_tpr_cnt-- : (p)->tunnel_tpr_cnt--); \
} while (0)
#define TUNNEL_PKT_RTV(p) ((p)->root ? (p)->root->tunnel_rtv_cnt : (p)->tunnel_rtv_cnt)
#define TUNNEL_PKT_TPR(p) ((p)->root ? (p)->root->tunnel_tpr_cnt : (p)->tunnel_tpr_cnt)
#define IS_TUNNEL_PKT(p) (((p)->flags & PKT_TUNNEL))
#define SET_TUNNEL_PKT(p) ((p)->flags |= PKT_TUNNEL)
#define IS_TUNNEL_ROOT_PKT(p) (IS_TUNNEL_PKT(p) && (p)->root == NULL)
void DecodeRegisterPerfCounters(DecodeThreadVars *, ThreadVars *);
Packet *PacketPseudoPktSetup(Packet *parent, uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t len, uint8_t proto);
Packet *PacketDefragPktSetup(Packet *parent, uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t len, uint8_t proto);
Packet *PacketGetFromQueueOrAlloc(void);
Packet *PacketGetFromAlloc(void);
void PacketFree(Packet *p);
void PacketFreeOrRelease(Packet *p);
int PacketCopyData(Packet *p, uint8_t *pktdata, int pktlen);
int PacketSetData(Packet *p, uint8_t *pktdata, int pktlen);
int PacketCopyDataOffset(Packet *p, int offset, uint8_t *data, int datalen);
const char *PktSrcToString(enum PktSrcEnum pkt_src);
DecodeThreadVars *DecodeThreadVarsAlloc();
/* decoder functions */
void DecodeEthernet(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodeSll(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodePPP(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodePPPOESession(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodePPPOEDiscovery(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodeTunnel(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *, uint8_t);
void DecodeRaw(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodeIPV4(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodeIPV6(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodeICMPV4(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodeICMPV6(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodeTCP(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodeUDP(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodeSCTP(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodeGRE(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void DecodeVLAN(ThreadVars *, DecodeThreadVars *, Packet *, uint8_t *, uint16_t, PacketQueue *);
void AddressDebugPrint(Address *);
/** \brief Set the No payload inspection Flag for the packet.
* \param p Packet to set the flag in
#define DecodeSetNoPayloadInspectionFlag(p) do { \
} while (0)
/** \brief Set the No packet inspection Flag for the packet.
* \param p Packet to set the flag in
#define DecodeSetNoPacketInspectionFlag(p) do { \
} while (0)
#define ENGINE_SET_EVENT(p, e) do { \
SCLogDebug("p %p event %d", (p), e); \
if ((p)->events.cnt < PACKET_ENGINE_EVENT_MAX) { \
(p)->events.events[(p)->events.cnt] = e; \
(p)->events.cnt++; \
} \
} while(0)
#define ENGINE_ISSET_EVENT(p, e) ({ \
int r = 0; \
uint8_t u; \
for (u = 0; u < (p)->events.cnt; u++) { \
if ((p)->events.events[u] == (e)) { \
r = 1; \
break; \
} \
} \
r; \
/* older libcs don't contain a def for IPPROTO_DCCP
* inside of <netinet/in.h>
* if it isn't defined let's define it here.
#define IPPROTO_DCCP 33
/* older libcs don't contain a def for IPPROTO_SCTP
* inside of <netinet/in.h>
* if it isn't defined let's define it here.
#define IPPROTO_SCTP 132
/* pcap provides this, but we don't want to depend on libpcap */
#ifndef DLT_EN10MB
#define DLT_EN10MB 1
/* taken from pcap's bpf.h */
#ifndef DLT_RAW
#ifdef __OpenBSD__
#define DLT_RAW 14 /* raw IP */
#define DLT_RAW 12 /* raw IP */
/** libpcap shows us the way to linktype codes
* \todo we need more & maybe put them in a separate file? */
#define LINKTYPE_PPP 9
#define PPP_OVER_GRE 11
#define VLAN_OVER_GRE 13
/*Packet Flags*/
#define PKT_NOPACKET_INSPECTION (1) /**< Flag to indicate that packet header or contents should not be inspected*/
#define PKT_NOPAYLOAD_INSPECTION (1<<2) /**< Flag to indicate that packet contents should not be inspected*/
#define PKT_ALLOC (1<<3) /**< Packet was alloc'd this run, needs to be freed */
#define PKT_HAS_TAG (1<<4) /**< Packet has matched a tag */
#define PKT_STREAM_ADD (1<<5) /**< Packet payload was added to reassembled stream */
#define PKT_STREAM_EST (1<<6) /**< Packet is part of establised stream */
#define PKT_STREAM_EOF (1<<7) /**< Stream is in eof state */
#define PKT_HAS_FLOW (1<<8)
#define PKT_PSEUDO_STREAM_END (1<<9) /**< Pseudo packet to end the stream */
#define PKT_STREAM_MODIFIED (1<<10) /**< Packet is modified by the stream engine, we need to recalc the csum and reinject/replace */
#define PKT_MARK_MODIFIED (1<<11) /**< Packet mark is modified */
#define PKT_STREAM_NOPCAPLOG (1<<12) /**< Exclude packet from pcap logging as it's part of a stream that has reassembly depth reached. */
#define PKT_TUNNEL (1<<13)
#define PKT_TUNNEL_VERDICTED (1<<14)
#define PKT_IGNORE_CHECKSUM (1<<15) /**< Packet checksum is not computed (TX packet for example) */
#define PKT_ZERO_COPY (1<<16) /**< Packet comes from zero copy (ext_pkt must not be freed) */
#define PKT_HOST_SRC_LOOKED_UP (1<<17)
#define PKT_HOST_DST_LOOKED_UP (1<<18)
#define PKT_IS_FRAGMENT (1<<19) /**< Packet is a fragment */
/** \brief return 1 if the packet is a pseudo packet */
#define PKT_IS_PSEUDOPKT(p) ((p)->flags & PKT_PSEUDO_STREAM_END)
#define PKT_SET_SRC(p, src_val) ((p)->pkt_src = src_val)
#endif /* __DECODE_H__ */