{"timestamp":"2009-11-24T21:27:09.534255","event_type":"TYPE", ...tuple... ,"TYPE":{ ... type specific content ... }}
Event types
The common part has a field "event_type" to indicate the log type.
Event type: Alert
Field action
Possible values: "allowed" and "blocked"
Action is set to "allowed" unless a rule used the "drop" action and Suricata is in IPS mode, or when the rule used the "reject" action.
Event type: HTTP
* "hostname": The hostname this HTTP event is attributed to
* "url": URL at the hostname that was accessed
* "http_user_agent": The user-agent of the software that was used
* "http_content_type": The type of data returned (ex: application/x-gzip)
* "cookie"
In addition to these fields, if the extended logging is enabled in the suricata.yaml file the following fields are (can) also included:
* "length": The content size of the HTTP body
* "status": HTTP statuscode
* "protocol": Protocol / Version of HTTP (ex: HTTP/1.1)
* "http_method": The HTTP method (ex: GET, POST, HEAD)
* "http_refer": The referer for this action
In addition to the extended logging fields one can also choose to enable/add from 47 additional custom logging HTTP fields enabled in the suricata.yaml file. The additional fields can be enabled as following:
- eve-log:
enabled: yes
type: file #file|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream
filename: eve.json
# the following are valid when type: syslog above
#identity: "suricata"
#facility: local5
#level: Info ## possible levels: Emergency, Alert, Critical,
## Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug
- alert
- http:
extended: yes # enable this for extended logging information
# custom allows additional http fields to be included in eve-log
# the example below adds three additional fields when uncommented
The benefits here of using the extended logging is to see if this action for example was a POST or perhaps if a download of an executable actually returned any bytes.
Event with non-extended logging:
"http": {
"hostname": "www.digip.org",
"url" :"\/jansson\/releases\/jansson-2.6.tar.gz",
"http_user_agent": "<User-Agent>",
"http_content_type": "application\/x-gzip"
Event with extended logging:
"http": {
"hostname": "direkte.vg.no",
"http_user_agent": "<User-Agent>",
"http_content_type": "application\/json",
"http_refer": "http:\/\/www.vg.no\/",
"http_method": "GET",
"protocol": "HTTP\/1.1",
Event type: DNS
Outline of fields seen in the different kinds of DNS events:
* "type": Indicating DNS message type, can be "answer" or "query".
* "id": <needs explanation>
* "rrname": Resource Record Name (ex: a domain name)
* "rrtype": Resource Record Type (ex: A, AAAA, NS, PTR)
* "rdata": Resource Data (ex. IP that domain name resolves to)
* "ttl": Time-To-Live for this resource record
Example of a DNS query for the IPv4 address of "twitter.com" (resource record type 'A'):
"dns": {
"type": "query",
"id": 16000,
"rrname": "twitter.com",
Example of a DNS answer with an IPv4 (resource record type 'A') return: