- EVE DNS v1 logging support has been removed. If still using EVE DNS v1 logging, see the manual section on DNS logging configuration for the current configuration options: :ref:`DNS EVE Configuration <output-eve-dns>`
- If installing Suricata without the bundled Suricata-Update, the ``default-rule-path`` has been changed from ``/etc/suricata/rules`` to ``/var/lib/suricata/rules`` to be consistent with Suricata when installed with Suricata-Update.
- FTP has been updated with a maximum command request and response line length of 4096 bytes. To change the default see :ref:`suricata-yaml-configure-ftp`.
- SWF decompression in http has been disabled by default. To change the default see :ref:`suricata-yaml-configure-libhtp`. Users with configurations from previous releases may want to modify their config to match the new default.
See https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/5632 for more information.
- Protocol values and their names are built-in to Suricata instead of using the system's ``/etc/protocols`` file. Some names and casing may have changed
in the values ``proto`` in ``eve.json`` log entries and other logs containing protocol names and values.
See https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/4267 for more information.