# not a GNU package. You can remove this line, if
# have all needed files, that a GNU package needs
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4
EXTRA_DIST = ChangeLog COPYING LICENSE suricata.yaml.in \
classification.config threshold.config \
reference.config $( SURICATA_UPDATE_DIR) \
SUBDIRS = $( HTP_DIR) rust src qa rules doc contrib etc python ebpf \
CLEANFILES = stamp-h[ 0-9] *
install-data-am :
@echo "Run 'make install-conf' if you want to install initial configuration files. Or 'make install-full' to install configuration and rules" ;
install-full :
$( MAKE) install
$( MAKE) install-conf
$( MAKE) install-rules
install-conf :
install -d " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) /suricata.yaml " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /suricata.yaml " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) /classification.config " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /classification.config " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) /reference.config " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /reference.config " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) /threshold.config " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /threshold.config " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) "
install -d " $( DESTDIR) $( e_logfilesdir) "
install -d " $( DESTDIR) $( e_logcertsdir) "
install -d " $( DESTDIR) $( e_rundir) "
install -m 770 -d " $( DESTDIR) $( e_localstatedir) "
install-rules :
i f H A V E _ S U R I C A T A _ U P D A T E
$( DESTDIR) $( bindir) /suricata-update \
--suricata $( DESTDIR) $( bindir) /suricata \
--suricata-conf $( DESTDIR) $( sysconfdir) /suricata/suricata.yaml \
--no-test --no-reload
e l s e
install -d " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) "
i f H A V E _ F E T C H _ C O M M A N D
i f H A V E _ W G E T _ C O M M A N D
$( HAVE_WGET) -qO - https://rules.emergingthreats.net/open/suricata-4.0/emerging.rules.tar.gz | tar -x -z -C " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) " -f -
e l s e
$( HAVE_CURL) -s https://rules.emergingthreats.net/open/suricata-4.0/emerging.rules.tar.gz | tar -x -z -C " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) " -f -
e n d i f
e l s e
@echo "UNABLE to load ruleset wget or curl are not installed on system."
e n d i f
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) decoder-events.rules " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /rules/decoder-events.rules " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) stream-events.rules " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /rules/stream-events.rules " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) smtp-events.rules " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /rules/smtp-events.rules " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) http-events.rules " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /rules/http-events.rules " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) dns-events.rules " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /rules/dns-events.rules " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) tls-events.rules " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /rules/tls-events.rules " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) modbus-events.rules " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /rules/modbus-events.rules " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) app-layer-events.rules " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /rules/app-layer-events.rules " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) "
@test -e " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) dnp3-events.rules " || install -m 600 " $( top_srcdir) /rules/dnp3-events.rules " " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfrulesdir) "
@echo ""
@echo " You can now start suricata by running as root something like ' $( DESTDIR) $( bindir) /suricata -c $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) /suricata.yaml -i eth0'. "
@echo ""
@echo "If a library like libhtp.so is not found, you can run suricata with:"
@echo "'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" $( DESTDIR) $( prefix) /lib" " $( DESTDIR) $( bindir) /suricata" -c " $( DESTDIR) $( e_sysconfdir) /suricata.yaml" -i eth0'."
@echo ""
@echo "While rules are installed now, it's highly recommended to use a rule manager for maintaining rules."
@echo "The three most common are Suricata-Update, Oinkmaster and Pulledpork. For a guide see:"
@echo "https://suricata.readthedocs.io/en/latest/rule-management/index.html"
e n d i f