/* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Open Information Security Foundation
* You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
* Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
* \file
* \author Victor Julien <victor@inliniac.net>
#ifndef __APP_LAYER_PARSER_H__
#define __APP_LAYER_PARSER_H__
#include "decode-events.h"
#include "util-file.h"
/** Mapping between local parser id's (e.g. HTTP_FIELD_REQUEST_URI) and
* the dynamically assigned (at registration) global parser id. */
typedef struct AppLayerLocalMap_ {
uint16_t parser_id;
} AppLayerLocalMap;
/** \brief Mapping between ALPROTO_* and L7Parsers
* Map the proto to the parsers for the to_client and to_server directions.
typedef struct AppLayerProto_ {
char *name; /**< name of the registered proto */
uint16_t to_server;
uint16_t to_client;
uint16_t map_size;
char logger; /**< does this proto have a logger enabled? */
AppLayerLocalMap **map;
void *(*StateAlloc)(void);
void (*StateFree)(void *);
void (*StateUpdateTransactionId)(void *, uint16_t *);
void (*StateTransactionFree)(void *, uint16_t);
void *(*LocalStorageAlloc)(void);
void (*LocalStorageFree)(void *);
/** truncate state after a gap/depth event */
void (*Truncate)(void *, uint8_t);
FileContainer *(*StateGetFiles)(void *, uint8_t);
int (*StateGetAlstateProgress)(void *alstate, uint8_t direction);
uint64_t (*StateGetTxCnt)(void *alstate);
void *(*StateGetTx)(void *alstate, uint64_t tx_id);
int (*StateGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus)(uint8_t direction);
} AppLayerProto;
/** flags for the result elmts */
/** \brief Result elements for the parser */
typedef struct AppLayerParserResultElmt_ {
uint16_t flags; /* flags. E.g. local alloc */
uint16_t name_idx; /* idx for names like "http.request_line.uri" */
uint32_t data_len; /* length of the data from the ptr */
uint8_t *data_ptr; /* point to the position in the "input" data
* or ptr to new mem if local alloc flag set */
struct AppLayerParserResultElmt_ *next;
} AppLayerParserResultElmt;
/** \brief List head for parser result elmts */
typedef struct AppLayerParserResult_ {
AppLayerParserResultElmt *head;
AppLayerParserResultElmt *tail;
uint32_t cnt;
} AppLayerParserResult;
#define APP_LAYER_PARSER_DONE 0x04 /**< parser is done, ignore more
msgs */
#define APP_LAYER_PARSER_NO_INSPECTION 0x08 /**< Flag to indicate no more
packets payload inspection */
#define APP_LAYER_PARSER_NO_REASSEMBLY 0x10 /**< Flag to indicate no more
packets reassembly for this
session */
#define APP_LAYER_TRANSACTION_EOF 0x01 /**< Session done, last transaction
as well */
#define APP_LAYER_TRANSACTION_TOSERVER 0x02 /**< transaction has been inspected
in to server direction. */
#define APP_LAYER_TRANSACTION_TOCLIENT 0x04 /**< transaction has been inspected
in to server direction. */
typedef struct AppLayerParserState_ {
uint8_t flags;
uint16_t cur_parser; /**< idx of currently active parser */
uint8_t *store;
uint32_t store_len;
uint16_t parse_field;
} AppLayerParserState;
typedef struct AppLayerParserStateStore_ {
AppLayerParserState to_client;
AppLayerParserState to_server;
/** flags related to the id's */
uint8_t id_flags;
/* Indicates the current transaction that is being indicated. We have
* a var per direction. */
uint64_t inspect_id[2];
/* Indicates the current transaction being logged. Unlike inspect_id,
* we don't need a var per direction since we don't log a transaction
* unless we have the entire transaction. */
uint64_t log_id;
uint16_t version; /**< state version, incremented for each update,
* can wrap around */
/* Used to store decoder events */
AppLayerDecoderEvents *decoder_events;
} AppLayerParserStateStore;
typedef struct AppLayerParserTableElement_ {
int (*AppLayerParser)(Flow *f, void *protocol_state, AppLayerParserState
*parser_state, uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len,
void *local_storage, AppLayerParserResult *output);
char *name;
uint16_t proto;
uint16_t parser_local_id; /**< local id of the parser in the parser itself. */
} AppLayerParserTableElement;
typedef struct AppLayerProbingParserElement_ {
const char *al_proto_name;
uint16_t al_proto;
uint16_t port;
uint16_t ip_proto;
uint8_t priority;
uint8_t top;
uint32_t al_proto_mask;
/* the min length of data that has to be supplied to invoke the parser */
uint32_t min_depth;
/* the max length of data after which this parser won't be invoked */
uint32_t max_depth;
/* the probing parser function */
uint16_t (*ProbingParser)(uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len);
struct AppLayerProbingParserElement_ *next;
} AppLayerProbingParserElement;
typedef struct AppLayerProbingParser_ {
/* the port no for which probing parser(s) are invoked */
uint16_t port;
uint32_t toserver_al_proto_mask;
uint32_t toclient_al_proto_mask;
/* the max depth for all the probing parsers registered for this port */
uint16_t toserver_max_depth;
uint16_t toclient_max_depth;
AppLayerProbingParserElement *toserver;
AppLayerProbingParserElement *toclient;
struct AppLayerProbingParser_ *next;
} AppLayerProbingParser;
typedef struct AppLayerProbingParserInfo_ {
const char *al_proto_name;
uint16_t ip_proto;
uint16_t al_proto;
uint16_t (*ProbingParser)(uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len);
struct AppLayerProbingParserInfo_ *next;
} AppLayerProbingParserInfo;
extern AppLayerProto al_proto_table[];
static inline
AppLayerProbingParser *AppLayerGetProbingParsers(AppLayerProbingParser *probing_parsers,
uint16_t ip_proto,
uint16_t port)
if (probing_parsers == NULL)
return NULL;
AppLayerProbingParser *pp = probing_parsers;
while (pp != NULL) {
if (pp->port == port || pp->port == 0) {
pp = pp->next;
return pp;
static inline
AppLayerProbingParserInfo *AppLayerGetProbingParserInfo(AppLayerProbingParserInfo *ppi,
const char *al_proto_name)
while (ppi != NULL) {
if (strcmp(ppi->al_proto_name, al_proto_name) == 0)
return ppi;
ppi = ppi->next;
return NULL;
struct AlpProtoDetectCtx_;
/* prototypes */
void AppLayerParsersInitPostProcess(void);
void RegisterAppLayerParsers(void);
void AppLayerParserRegisterTests(void);
/* registration */
int AppLayerRegisterProto(char *name, uint8_t proto, uint8_t flags,
int (*AppLayerParser)(Flow *f, void *protocol_state,
AppLayerParserState *parser_state,
uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len,
void *local_data,
AppLayerParserResult *output));
int AppLayerRegisterParser(char *name, uint16_t proto, uint16_t parser_id,
int (*AppLayerParser)(Flow *f, void *protocol_state,
AppLayerParserState *parser_state,
uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len,
void *local_data,
AppLayerParserResult *output),
char *dependency);
void AppLayerRegisterProbingParser(struct AlpProtoDetectCtx_ *, uint16_t, uint16_t,
const char *, uint16_t,
uint16_t, uint16_t, uint8_t, uint8_t,
uint16_t (*ProbingParser)(uint8_t *, uint32_t));
void AppLayerRegisterStateFuncs(uint16_t proto, void *(*StateAlloc)(void),
void (*StateFree)(void *));
void AppLayerRegisterTransactionIdFuncs(uint16_t proto,
void (*StateTransactionId)(void *, uint16_t *),
void (*StateTransactionFree)(void *, uint16_t id));
void AppLayerRegisterLocalStorageFunc(uint16_t proto,
void *(*LocalStorageAlloc)(void),
void (*LocalStorageFree)(void *));
void *AppLayerGetProtocolParserLocalStorage(uint16_t);
void AppLayerRegisterGetFilesFunc(uint16_t proto,
FileContainer *(*StateGetFile)(void *, uint8_t));
void AppLayerRegisterLogger(uint16_t proto);
uint16_t AppLayerGetProtoByName(const char *);
const char *AppLayerGetProtoString(int proto);
void AppLayerRegisterTruncateFunc(uint16_t proto, void (*Truncate)(void *, uint8_t));
void AppLayerRegisterGetAlstateProgressFunc(uint16_t alproto,
int (*StateGetAlstateProgress)(void *alstate, uint8_t direction));
void AppLayerRegisterGetTxCnt(uint16_t alproto,
uint64_t (*StateGetTxCnt)(void *alstate));
void AppLayerRegisterGetTx(uint16_t alproto,
void *(*StateGetTx)(void *alstate, uint64_t tx_id));
void AppLayerRegisterGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus(uint16_t alproto,
int (*StateProgressCompletionStatus)(uint8_t direction));
int AppLayerParse(void *, Flow *, uint8_t,
uint8_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t);
int AlpParseFieldBySize(AppLayerParserResult *, AppLayerParserState *, uint16_t,
uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t *);
int AlpParseFieldByEOF(AppLayerParserResult *, AppLayerParserState *, uint16_t,
uint8_t *, uint32_t);
int AlpParseFieldByDelimiter(AppLayerParserResult *, AppLayerParserState *,
uint16_t, const uint8_t *, uint8_t, uint8_t *,
uint32_t, uint32_t *);
/***** transaction handling *****/
* \brief Update the current log id. Does one step increments currently.
* \param f Flow.
void AppLayerTransactionUpdateLogId(Flow *f);
* \brief Get the current log id.
* \param f Flow.
uint64_t AppLayerTransactionGetLogId(Flow *f);
* \brief Updates the inspection id for the alstate.
* \param f Pointer to the flow(LOCKED).
* \param direction Direction. 0 - toserver, 1 - toclient.
void AppLayerTransactionUpdateInspectId(Flow *f, uint8_t direction);
* \brief Get the current tx id to be inspected.
* \param f Flow.
* \param flags Flags.
* \retval A positive integer value.
uint64_t AppLayerTransactionGetInspectId(Flow *f, uint8_t flags);
void AppLayerSetEOF(Flow *);
/***** cleanup *****/
void AppLayerParserCleanupState(Flow *);
void AppLayerFreeProbingParsers(AppLayerProbingParser *);
void AppLayerFreeProbingParsersInfo(AppLayerProbingParserInfo *);
void AppLayerPrintProbingParsers(AppLayerProbingParser *);
void AppLayerListSupportedProtocols(void);
AppLayerDecoderEvents *AppLayerGetDecoderEventsForFlow(Flow *);
/***** Alproto param retrieval ******/
* \brief get the version of the state in a direction
* \param f Flow(LOCKED).
uint16_t AppLayerGetStateVersion(Flow *f);
FileContainer *AppLayerGetFilesFromFlow(Flow *, uint8_t);
* \brief Get the state progress.
* This is a generic wrapper to each ALPROTO. The value returned
* needs to be interpreted by the caller, based on the ALPROTO_*
* the caller supplies.
* The state can be anything based on what the ALPROTO handler
* expects. We have given a return value of int, although a range
* of -128 to 127 (int8_t) should be more than sufficient.
* \param alproto The app protocol.
* \param state App state.
* \param dir Directin. 0 - ts, 1 - tc.
* \retval An integer value indicating the current progress of "state".
int AppLayerGetAlstateProgress(uint16_t alproto, void *state, uint8_t direction);
* \brief Get the no of txs.
* \param alproto The app protocol.
* \param alstate App state.
* \retval A positive integer value indicating the no of txs.
uint64_t AppLayerGetTxCnt(uint16_t alproto, void *alstate);
* \brief Get a tx referenced by the id.
* \param alproto The app protocol
* \param alstate App state.
* \param tx_id The transaction id.
* \retval Tx instance.
void *AppLayerGetTx(uint16_t alproto, void *alstate, uint64_t tx_id);
* \brief Get the state value for the following alproto, that corresponds to
* \param alproto The app protocol.
* \param direction The direction. 0 - ts, 1 - tc.
* \retval An integer value indicating the state value.
int AppLayerGetAlstateProgressCompletionStatus(uint16_t alproto, uint8_t direction);
* \brief Informs if the alproto supports transactions or not.
* \param alproto The app protocol.
* \param direction The direction. 0 - ts, 1 - tc.
* \retval 1 If true; 0 If false.
int AppLayerAlprotoSupportsTxs(uint16_t alproto);
void AppLayerTriggerRawStreamReassembly(Flow *);
#endif /* __APP_LAYER_PARSER_H__ */