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16 years ago
/* Copyright (c) 2009 Open Information Security Foundation */
* \file
* \author Brian Rectanus <>
* Implements the "sameip" keyword.
#include "eidps-common.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "decode.h"
#include "detect.h"
#include "detect-parse.h"
#include "detect-engine.h"
#include "detect-engine-mpm.h"
#include "detect-sameip.h"
#include "util-unittest.h"
static int DetectSameipMatch(ThreadVars *, DetectEngineThreadCtx *, Packet *,
Signature *, SigMatch *);
static int DetectSameipSetup(DetectEngineCtx *, Signature *, SigMatch *,
char *);
static void DetectSameipRegisterTests(void);
* \brief Registration function for sameip: keyword
* \todo add support for no_stream and stream_only
void DetectSameipRegister(void)
sigmatch_table[DETECT_SAMEIP].name = "sameip";
sigmatch_table[DETECT_SAMEIP].Match = DetectSameipMatch;
sigmatch_table[DETECT_SAMEIP].Setup = DetectSameipSetup;
sigmatch_table[DETECT_SAMEIP].Free = NULL;
sigmatch_table[DETECT_SAMEIP].RegisterTests = DetectSameipRegisterTests;
* \internal
* \brief This function is used to match packets with same src/dst IPs
* \param t pointer to thread vars
* \param det_ctx pointer to the pattern matcher thread
* \param p pointer to the current packet
* \param m pointer to the sigmatch that we will cast into DetectSameipData
* \retval 0 no match
* \retval 1 match
static int DetectSameipMatch(ThreadVars *t, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx,
Packet *p, Signature *s, SigMatch *m)
return CMP_ADDR(&p->src, &p->dst) ? 1 : 0;
* \internal
* \brief this function is used to add the sameip option into the signature
* \param de_ctx pointer to the Detection Engine Context
* \param s pointer to the Current Signature
* \param m pointer to the Current SigMatch
* \param optstr pointer to the user provided options
* \retval 0 on Success
* \retval -1 on Failure
static int DetectSameipSetup(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s,
SigMatch *m, char *optstr)
SigMatch *sm = NULL;
// printf("DetectSameipSetup: \'%s\'\n", optstr);
/* Get this into a SigMatch and put it in the Signature. */
sm = SigMatchAlloc();
if (sm == NULL)
goto error;
sm->type = DETECT_SAMEIP;
sm->ctx = NULL;
SigMatchAppend(s, m, sm);
return 0;
if (sm != NULL)
return -1;
/* NOTE: No parameters, so no parse tests */
* \internal
* \brief This test tests sameip success and failure.
static int DetectSameipSigTest01Real(int mpm_type)
uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)
"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n"
uint16_t buflen = strlen((char *)buf);
Packet p[2];
ThreadVars th_v;
DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx;
int result = 0;
memset(&th_v, 0, sizeof(th_v));
/* First packet has same IPs */
memset(&p[0], 0, sizeof(p[0]));
p[0] = AF_INET;
p[0] = AF_INET;
p[0].src.addr_data32[0] = 0x01020304;
p[0].dst.addr_data32[0] = 0x01020304;
p[0].payload = buf;
p[0].payload_len = buflen;
p[0].proto = IPPROTO_TCP;
/* Second packet does not have same IPs */
memset(&p[1], 0, sizeof(p[1]));
p[1] = AF_INET;
p[1] = AF_INET;
p[1].src.addr_data32[0] = 0x01020304;
p[1].dst.addr_data32[0] = 0x04030201;
p[1].payload = buf;
p[1].payload_len = buflen;
p[1].proto = IPPROTO_TCP;
DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit();
if (de_ctx == NULL) {
goto end;
de_ctx->mpm_matcher = mpm_type;
16 years ago
de_ctx->flags |= DE_QUIET;
de_ctx->sig_list = SigInit(de_ctx,
"alert tcp any any -> any any "
"(msg:\"Testing sameip\"; sameip; sid:1;)");
if (de_ctx->sig_list == NULL) {
16 years ago
goto end;
DetectEngineThreadCtxInit(&th_v, (void *)de_ctx, (void *)&det_ctx);
SigMatchSignatures(&th_v, de_ctx, det_ctx, &p[0]);
if (PacketAlertCheck(&p[0], 1) == 0) {
16 years ago
printf("sid 2 did not alert, but should have: ");
goto cleanup;
SigMatchSignatures(&th_v, de_ctx, det_ctx, &p[1]);
if (PacketAlertCheck(&p[1], 1) != 0) {
printf("sid 2 alerted, but should not have: ");
goto cleanup;
result = 1;
DetectEngineThreadCtxDeinit(&th_v, (void *)det_ctx);
return result;
* \test DetectSameipSigTest01B2g tests sameip under B2g MPM
static int DetectSameipSigTest01B2g(void)
return DetectSameipSigTest01Real(MPM_B2G);
* \test DetectSameipSigTest01B2g tests sameip under B3g MPM
static int DetectSameipSigTest01B3g(void)
return DetectSameipSigTest01Real(MPM_B3G);
* \test DetectSameipSigTest01B2g tests sameip under WuManber MPM
static int DetectSameipSigTest01Wm(void)
return DetectSameipSigTest01Real(MPM_WUMANBER);
#endif /* UNITTESTS */
* \internal
* \brief This function registers unit tests for DetectSameip
static void DetectSameipRegisterTests(void)
UtRegisterTest("DetectSameipSigTest01B2g", DetectSameipSigTest01B2g, 1);
UtRegisterTest("DetectSameipSigTest01B3g", DetectSameipSigTest01B3g, 1);
UtRegisterTest("DetectSameipSigTest01Wm", DetectSameipSigTest01Wm, 1);
#endif /* UNITTESTS */